Lady in Red Ch. 19


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Paula, Diane, Kate, and Stephanie had to catch a flight, so they said their goodbyes as soon as the promotion ended. "Take care of these girls, Steve. Keep an eye on that Jack Timberline. He invited Gwen to spend the night with him right in front of me. I thought he was engaged to that Tawny Katt actress, yet he's trying to get Gwen in his bed. Since he suggested it right in front of me, I answered for Gwen.

"I told him that Gwen wasn't some tramp and wasn't sleeping with anyone without her parents' permission, at least not until she's in medical school. I neglected to mention that you have the permission that I denied him. It's not something we want to be general knowledge.

"I know you and Gwen will do a great job taping those shows. You two are amazing and we're all so proud of you we can hardly stand it! You've worked wonders with Jordan. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but after that tantrum we saw when she first arrived, I was concerned that you and she would try to kill each other. Based on how she was sleeping in your arms last night, I'd say she's coming around. You have that affect on women. So, break a leg this week!" laughed Paula as she gave Steve a long hug.

After Kate, Stephanie, and Diane hugged everyone goodbye and left for the airport, Jordan found herself alone with Gwen briefly. "Lisa isn't the only woman in your family in love with Steve. I know Kate and Stephanie like him a lot, and Diane's very fond of him, but your mom is pretty much in love with him, too."

"Yeah, I've noticed that. But she's my mother and she loves me, and my father, even more. Mom's happy for me and she's happy to have Steve in the family. All my female relatives love the guy and that makes me love him even more. It reinforces my opinion of him.

"I've also noticed that you seem to be getting along better with him. Is it safe to say that you don't hate him anymore?" asked Gwen with a grin.

"I never really hated him. I was just pissed that he thought he could make me do what he wanted. You know what? It turns out that he can! I trust him completely. I put his arm over my tits last night after he fell asleep. Then I squirmed around until I was sure he was awake while I pretended to be sleeping. He never tried to move his hand a little to squeeze the twins. I never had a guy pass up that chance before. He's a good guy and you're a lucky girl. I think I might start behaving like Lisa does around him, if you don't mind."

"Within reason, it's fine. Keep in mind that he's my guy and he won't be making advances toward you, so don't let your ego get hurt. He will, however, let you tease and flirt all day long."

Gwen, Steve, and Jordan reported to the studio at six AM the next morning. Clyde was trying to cram as much taping into the three days as he could. He didn't tell Steve or Gwen, but he was hoping to record enough material to make all four TV shows in the three days. Normally, studios would spend a week or two on rehearsals and taping a single show, but they normally enjoyed bigger budgets than Clyde had.

Jordan approached Clyde with an idea she had for the show. Normally, the entertainers are the last people that producers and directors listen to, but Clyde knew a good idea when he heard it and called Steve and Gwen over.

"Jordan just gave a great suggestion that we'll follow. She and Steve will be on a dark stage with a spotlight on each of them as they sing that 'Just You and I" love song. I want you both to really bring it and look like you're very much in love while you're singing. When you finish the song, Jordan's light will go off and just as suddenly a spotlight will shine on Gwen, who's standing on the other side of Steve. You guys will sing "Endless Love" and I don't have to tell you to put some real feeling in it.

"When you finish the song, the spotlight on Steve will go out and the one over Jordan will come back on. Then Gwen and Jordan will duel with the duet 'Does He Love You'. It'll look to everyone watching that you two are ready to fight for the guy. I think the audience will love it, if you three do a great job delivering it."

Gwen was amazed at how much hard work was involved in doing a TV show. She and Steve were both quick studies and had rehearsed hard, but it still took quite a few tries before the director was satisfied with a production number. The show was following the format of the more successful variety shows of the past.

She and Steve would open the show with a short introduction as well as deliver a few jokes. Clyde decided that Steve would be the one to deliver the funny lines while Gwen played the 'straight man'. He based it on his belief that being the so-called 'straight man' required considerable timing and acting. He felt that Gwen was better at it. Steve had to agree and was very happy to be the one to deliver the humorous lines.

Gwen and Steve danced numerous dances, in an array of costumes. They performed dances from swing to modern and everything in between. The choreographer drove them to make every step, lift, and turn perfect. Sometimes they sang together, sometimes with guests like Jack Timberline and Jordan, and even solo on occasion. Wednesday afternoon, Steve and Jordan went to a different studio to tape a music video for Jordan's comeback recording.

"We always spent a week or more shooting these videos. Now Clyde's giving us four hours," lamented Jordan. "I've ruined my career bad enough that I have to take what I can get. The one thing I have going for me is you, Steve. Let's give them something to talk about! We'll make this so hot that viewers won't see any little glitches. With your chest and abs and my cleavage, we can't miss!" declared Jordan hopefully.

It was late Wednesday evening when the trio landed at the state capital. They got their car from the parking lot and drove back to Sparta. It was almost two in the morning when Steve pulled into Gwen's driveway. Paula was awake and welcomed them home.

"You kids must be exhausted. Steve, you can stay with Gwen tonight, but no screaming from Gwen. Can I get any of you anything before you go to bed?"

Gwen shook her head and grabbed Steve's hand. She hurriedly whispered her 'goodnights' and led Steve to her bedroom.

Jordan turned to Paula and smiled. "I watched those two tape those shows. I've got to tell you that they're incredibly talented. Those shows will be successes and it'll really help my career. I know Steve didn't want me around, but he seems to be warming up to me a little."

"My Dear, I may as well let you in on a secret. When Clyde first asked us to take you in, Ted and I refused. We have a lot of time and effort in our girls and we didn't want a 'wild child' like you to influence our daughters in a negative way. Then Steve called and spoke to Ted for about ten minutes.

"I've got to tell you that Ted really respects Steve. I guess that's obvious when you see that we allow Gwen to sleep with him. That's not a decision Ted took lightly, believe me. Anyway, Steve talked Ted into letting you stay with us. He promised to help keep you on the straight and narrow. He agreed with Clyde that you were a good person, but were allowed too much freedom at too early an age."

"Steve talked you guys into taking me in? I thought he hated me, or at least felt contempt. I never would have guessed it!" admitted Jordan.

"He's also been keeping tabs on you in school, once he learned that you were going to be attending it. He put the word out that anyone treating you less than favorably would be facing his ire. He has friends watch you and report to him if you're having a problem of any kind," concluded Paula.

"Gwen is so lucky," sighed Jordan. "I'm ashamed to say that I've probably slept with a dozen men, and I hardly remember any of them. But that night you and Gwen found me asleep in Steve's arms is a memory I'll keep forever. I'll never find a guy like him, but I don't deserve to either."

"Dear, you're not likely to find another Steve, but you deserve a fine young man of your own. Any mistakes you may have made in the past will make no difference to the lucky man that meets and falls in love with the new, clean, sober, and more mature, Jordan Quick."

"I told Gwen that you were in love with Steve, the same as her sisters are. She just smiled and said she knew that, but that you loved Ted and her even more. She said you were happy for her and glad to have Steve as part of your family. Do you have any idea how that affected me?

"My mother slept with my first boyfriend! She didn't love him, but she slept with him. You actually love Gwen's boyfriend, but you won't sleep with him! You love and respect your husband and your daughter. My mother competed with me for boys. I felt like I had to sleep with them to make them like me, or to keep them. Now I see how a mother should love her daughters. I see how a daughter should be able love and trust her mom, and her sisters. I want to feel that! I want respect and love, not sex and indifference. Thanks so much for taking me in and for showing me how families can love and support each other," sobbed Jordan gently. "I'll never forget what I've learned from your family."

The next morning, Steve and Gwen were dressed for school when Jordan banged on their door. "I'm coming in, so you guys had better be decent! Darn! You're dressed already. We didn't even hear any screams! Is Steve losing his magic?"

"Let's just say that we're getting a lot more careful about certain activities, and let it go at that," laughed Gwen. "You'll notice that we both have smiles on our faces, so don't feel bad for us."

"Some things are not meant to be shared with the entire world," complained Steve as he reached over, grabbed Jordan, and picked her up. "Come on, Gwen. I'm taking this little minx out so I can wash her mouth out with bacon and eggs!"

Steve emerged from Gwen's room carrying a squirming Jordan in his arms with Gwen behind him, laughing. Steve suddenly stopped in his tracks when he saw Ms. Summers seated at the breakfast table with Paula and Kate.

"My goodness, Steve! You seem to be doing quite well for yourself. A beautiful girl in your arms and another right behind you? Not many girls are secure enough to allow their boyfriends the pleasure of holding a young woman as lovely as Jordan like that."

"We were just kidding around, Ms. Summers. We didn't know you were here. I'll put her down right now if it makes you uncomfortable. Otherwise, I was going to eat breakfast with her on my lap," replied Steve with a straight face.

"Oh, I think I can stand it as long as Gwen can. The only possible problem is that I wanted to have a serious discussion with you and not many young men can think clearly with a girl like Jordan sitting in their lap," answered Ms. Summers.

"That sounds like the voice of experience to me," laughed Steve as he placed Jordan on her feet. "I guess you've made a few guys lose track of their thoughts before? I can see where you might cause that reaction."

"I'm here because you've missed a lot of school," replied Ashley Summers as she blushed lightly at Steve's remark. "Your marks are excellent, but you're pretty far behind in written assignments in about all of your classes. Several of us teachers have been gently questioned about you and your performance in school.

"We were discussing it yesterday. We put our observations together and came up with the theory that a news reporter is trying to get some dirt on you. We think it's none other than Bill Hardy."

"I'm not surprised," stated Gwen. "He was such an ass when Steve was lost in that blizzard. It's almost like he wanted Steve to die so it would make more interesting news. I was pretty brutal with him when the reporters interviewed me at the hospital. What does this all mean? Will Steve fail, or not be allowed to graduate?"

"Most of his absences were a result of the terrorists' actions. No school board will hold those against him. But he missed a full week when you went to LA to do those TV shows. It all adds up to a lot of undone assignments and missed tests. We're afraid that Hardy will wait until graduation time and then 'expose' Steve's lack of participation in his classes. He could make it more difficult for the Naval Academy to accept Steve, or possibly cause Steve to have to attend summer school to graduate," revealed Ms. Summers.

"I don't have to tell you that all of the teachers are on Steve's side. He probably saved our lives when he took out those terrorists. If Steve agrees to it, I've volunteered to monitor the lessons, assignments, and tests that he's missed. The teachers will supply me with the needed materials and I'll supervise Steve, so the school can guarantee that everything was on the up and up. I will not skip any assignments or misrepresent any results. I will be swearing to this, and I won't do that unless Steve has accomplished his tasks. I hate to seem like an ungrateful bitch, but it's better for Steve in the long run."

"Ms. Summers, I wouldn't consider this suggestion if I thought for one second that you'd give me special treatment. I can't thank you enough for the offer. I'm willing to work as hard as it takes to catch up on my school work and ruin Hardy's parade," promised Steve. "I know this isn't exactly the way you'd want to spend your spare time. Thanks for thinking of me and helping me out."

"It's going to require a few hours a day after school. Are you prepared to put that much time into this? Gwen, you may have to help him with some of the studying, not to mention give up some of your together time with Steve. Are you on board with this? I don't see how it could work without you."

"Absolutely!" replied Gwen. "I want Steve to do well even more than I want to screw up Hardy's plans. I appreciate how much time you'll be giving up, even though there are worse things that spending a couple hours a day with this guy. I'll help any way I can."

The phone rang as Gwen was speaking, so Kate answered it. "Yes, this is the Anderson residence. This is Kate. Yes, Gwen is here. I'll get her."

Kate gently placed the receiver down and burst into a huge grin. "Gwen! It's the White House calling! I don't know what it's about, but the lady sounds very official."

Gwen showed her surprise as she went to the phone. Those gathered caught parts of her short conversation. They easily heard Gwen when she took a number and promised to call right back. She returned to the group with a huge smile on her face.

"On February 28th, the President of France is visiting the U.S. His youngest daughter has asked if she could meet Steve and me! Our presence is requested at a state dinner! The government will supply us first class tickets, and for Mom, Dad, Kate and Lisa! Can you make it, Steve, or do you have plans?" asked Gwen with a big grin. "I told them that I'd have to speak with you and call back."

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WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Great stuff, like a Boys Own adventure


Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Absolutely nuts but I love it.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2almost 3 years ago

I continue to love this story. Truly Outstanding!! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I find it funny some comments so far are about the lack of sex, and this being over the top. Having read my share of stories on the website, i actually find this one refreshing.

As if all the stories about 8-9 inches cock guys surrounded by exclusively awesome looking girls ready to sell their kidneys to have sex with them, share them, including family members, were not over the top. This is a fun story.

It is flawed, dont get me wrong. The dialogues are sometimes a pain, and repetitive ( the love declarations and sisters love explanations every other page).

The constant reminder, even supported by plot elements, that they would't have sex to protect their honor and respect the parents wishes is annoying, we get it, this family believe sex is not to be treated lightly, its for mature adults blahblah. Its ok, its different, we get it (at least the ones still on board).

It is still entertaining, and I am quite happy to have found this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
The music is wonderful.

Great story, I’ve made a playlist of the songs so far and it’s a great listen!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

How can Paula and Ted be introduced to Jordan,when Paula was at Macy's with them.Steve is shot in school ,beaten by a terrorist,survives in the wild and is ok but Jared is still recovering.?Get real.

Forto02Forto02over 5 years ago
Third time read

This is the third time I have read this whole story.

Every time I like it more. And this is my favorite author.

These stories have gotten five stars from about 90% of people reading them. So, anyone NOT liking them, is a person with a special agenda or interest

If you don’t like it, please don’t read it, and go away

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 6 years ago
Just noticed

It was written so long ago, of course it is like a 50s tv show.

I enjoyed Mayberry, even though it didnt get here till the 60s.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 6 years ago
Love the shmaltz

It is a nice pleasant 1950s Mayberry. Just needs the whistling and for Beaver to appear.

Please be consistent. You had Steve's knowledge and thoughts when itvwas announced Jordan was staying with Gwen, then going to school with them as well. He was surprised and hated it. Then you switch 180 and he already knew of it and agreed it should happen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
WOW retarded story...

stopped reading at page 2.. couldn't they just have sex and just not cum in the pussy, or just simple oral sex.. fucking shit story.. don't bother to continue your story sucks

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