Lady in Red Pt. 03 Ch. 03


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Ethan came from a very successful and influential Australian family. They had interests in mining and agriculture. He and Jen met in Sydney when her grandfather's business began buying material from Ethan's. The couple was married within a year and Jen now made her home in Australia with her husband.

They lived on a 'station', usually referred to as a ranch in the United States. It consisted of several thousand acres, making it relatively small by Australian standards. Jen and Ethan had built a huge new home not far from the original homestead, where his family still lived.

As was her custom, Gwen approached the pool of press reporters to answer a few questions before leaving the tarmac. "We need to keep this brief since the kids are once again waiting."

"Madam President, you must be aware that former President Rosen has been linked romantically with Cyndi Quick, Jordan Burns' mother. Will this affect your decision to support him for Vice President of the United States?"

"Not in the least," replied Gwen with a huge smile. "We think the world of Cyndi Quick and we wish her much happiness. If she should find that happiness with another of our very close friends, so much the better."

"Do you think Cyndi Quick's past will adversely affect Vince Rosen's chances for approval by Congress?" asked another reporter.

"Honestly? Yes, I do think it will. That's mostly because of the way politics are played in Washington. There are those that will use any excuse they can find to harm Vince's chances simply because I want him as my vice president. I urge the press to listen carefully to the positions taken by various members of Congress. Will any of them dispute Vince's qualifications? I truly doubt it. They won't approach this head-on. They'll snipe and use innuendo and rumor to plant doubts in the minds of the public. My support for Vince, and for Cyndi, will not waver."

"Congressman Parker of Mississippi stated that you should be ashamed of your soon to be released movie. In his words, you've corrupted and forever tainted your office. How do you respond to that?" asked another reporter.

"I don't respond to such insipid comments, regardless of their source," stated Gwen matter-of-factly. "Steve's cousin Jen and her husband are hosting a big barbecue for us at their station tomorrow and the press is invited. Buses will be available to transport you from your hotel out to the station and then back later in the evening. Dress casually and bring swim suits if you'd like to use their huge pool. I'll answer more questions then. Thanks, and good night."

By the time the three buses crammed with reporters arrived at Jen and Ethan's the next afternoon, Gwen's group was already out enjoying the warm weather, the over-sized pool, and the excellent cuisine. The reporters were very surprised at the total and very informal access they had to President Hammer and her advisors. Steve and Gwen mingled with the reporters as well as those Australians invited by Jen and Ethan. Gwen would respond thoughtfully to a question from a reporter before moving on to chat with other guests.

Secret Service agents were scattered throughout the crowd to maintain a watchful eye, but no one attempted to limit access to President Hammer and her group.

"Madam President, I've been covering Washington politics for over thirty-five years and I've never seen anything like this," began Martha Raster. "You're allowing complete access in a very casual atmosphere. You, as well as many of the reporters and guests, are in swim suits. Children are playing in the pool and on the huge yard. It's like a family picnic or something."

"We're showing our appreciation to the press for being so patient with us on this long trip," replied Gwen with a smile. "This way, reporters can spend some time with me in a relaxed setting and ask better questions, allowing me to give more detailed answers."

"You're obviously aware of the storm brewing in Congress over your movie role, your choices for cabinet posts, your great wealth and the possible conflicts it creates, and President Rosen's romance with a friend of yours that some have called a fallen woman. How do you expect to resolve these issues?"

"These are issues only to those that choose to make them issues," replied Gwen. "I've nominated very capable people for my cabinet. As President, I'm exempt from conflicts of interest concerns, but that isn't really relevant. What I'm striving for, what my friends and family are all striving for, is a better world. Lady in Red Productions has spent many billions building and supporting hospitals around the world. We've spent well over fifteen billion dollars on disaster relief at home and abroad. We plan to increase these amounts quite significantly in the near future. Unfortunately, disasters never stop and we try to be as prepared as possible.

"We make money honestly, and we pay the required taxes. We'll continue to do so. We expect no favors and ask for no special considerations. Lady in Red is an extremely well run business. We have income streams from all kinds of ventures. Our company expects to grow by around ten percent per year, over the next three years. That forecast was made before I became president. It's very possible that my position will influence some people to buy my music, see my movies, or purchase clothing from our line. I have no control over that. I do, however, have control over my decisions. I will never make one as President based on how it will affect the company. My sisters, my other Cabinet nominees, and my family all think the same way."

"You met the press in North Korea wearing a bikini on the beach. You're wearing one again today," observed Martha. "You have an incredible figure. Are you making some sort of statement by wearing these small swimsuits?"

"I'm actually being modest," replied Gwen with a straight face. "Steve insisted that I leave my thong bikinis home. I was allowed to bring only the ones that offered sufficient coverage for modesty."

Martha Raster broke into laughter at Gwen's humorous comment. Several reporters had been listening and recording the exchange. "Is it alright if we air your remarks?" asked a young woman reporter in a conservative one piece swim suit.

"I don't expect to censor anything this afternoon," laughed Gwen. "As long as you don't deliberately edit videos to misrepresent something, everything is fair game."

"Do you still believe that the Senate will approve your cabinet choices, and that Vince Rosen will become your vice president?" asked a network reporter.

"I see no good reason why any of my nominees should not be approved. Of course, Congress is not always known for doing the logical thing, or taking the best course of action. My nominees are all very capable, but for the most part, not very political. You'll see very few arguments made that are critical of the knowledge and skill level of my nominees. Objections will be made about their careers, financial status, relatives, friends, and all sorts of picayune distractions.

"I'm asking the American people to participate in the political process and to let their elected representatives know how they feel. I need to have my team in place if I'm going to be able to bring peace and prosperity back to America. I need everyone's help and cooperation. I'm not in this alone. Every citizen needs to step forward and take some initiative in making the United States and the world a better place. The people will make the difference. If they support my efforts, we'll do fine. Without that support, my hands will be tied."

"Madam President, will you be appearing nude in your upcoming movie? If so, do you think it will affect your popularity and ability to govern?" asked an Australian reporter.

"Yes, I have filmed a nude scene. It's extremely powerful and appropriate to the story. I can't predict how viewers will react, but I was approved for the vice presidency long after I had appeared in movies topless, and even nude. What's changed, besides perhaps a few extra pounds?"

"Back to your financial situation, Madam President. Isn't it likely that many of the actions you take as President will increase your personal wealth?" questioned a newspaper reporter.

"Yes, it's extremely likely," admitted Gwen. "I fully expect to take steps that will improve the economy, which in turn will benefit Lady in Red Productions, as well as most other businesses in the United States, and probably the world.

"We will not be placing our company in a blind trust during my term. I never so much as hinted that I would do so when I accepted the vice presidency. As you know, we began Lady in Red when Steve, Jordan, and I were in high school. We've worked very hard, hired some great people, and made some very sound business decisions. We will not put our company at risk for any reason. We spend billions in disaster relief and medical assistance to help suffering and less fortunate people around the globe. That's far too important to ignore.

"Compare Lady in Red's efforts to those of any nation in the world. Not a single government has matched our contributions to world health in the past four years. Our efforts won't be compromised just to appease a few political hacks that care more about the next election than they do about the millions of people suffering from poverty, famine, disease, or disaster."

"Mom, can we have chicken fight?" broke in Saint as he tugged on his mother's hand. "Aunt Jordan has Ruth, and Aunt Lisa has Theresa. They said that they could beat us, but Dad was too big and strong, so it has to be you or Aunt Kate carrying me, and Aunt Kate is too busy."

"Sorry folks, but I have to help my son defend our honor," chuckled Gwen. "He's very competitive and Ruth and Theresa have thrown down the gauntlet."

With that, Gwen turned and dove into the pool to surface near Jordan and Lisa, who were both carrying their daughters on their shoulders. As Saint swam to Gwen, she dropped below the surface to emerge with Saint perched on her shoulders. Before he was fully settled, Jordan moved close and Ruth pushed Saint backward into the water. That was the beginning of a twenty minute battle for pool supremacy.

Saint was big for his age and it was obvious to everyone except the two young girls that he was not trying his hardest to unseat them. The next newscast in the United States would feature a lengthy clip of the bikini clad President of the United States playing 'chicken' in the pool with her family, followed with a segment on her comments concerning the issues confronting her administration.

The next evening was the social event of the year in Sydney. Prime Minister King hosted a state dinner in the Sydney Opera House. The affair was held on the stage of the concert hall. An orchestra provided music while guests enjoyed a lavishly catered dinner. Gwen and Steve insisted that Jen and Ethan, along with Stephanie and James, sit at their table. They wanted to make it very clear to the press that President Hammer and her husband held both couples in very high regard.

Steve and Gwen had discussed the situation and Gwen explained it to their close friends. "Steve feels that it'll be very beneficial if Ethan and James gain some leverage in the political arena in their respective nations. It'll strengthen my personal ties with Australia and Great Britain. That could be important in possible future situations where America needs strong allies. I agree with Steve, so we're going to do our best to promote Ethan and James when possible, without being too obvious or pushy.

"When Hans and Nadiya, as well as Claude and Michelle D'Anjou, join us in Italy, we'll do the same for them. Nadiya is very influential in Ukraine politics, and Hans is doing very well in Berlin. Claude told Steve that his daughter, Michelle is strongly considering running for the office of Mayor of Paris. That could lead to a national role for her and we're going to do our best to let the public know that we hold them in very high regard. Steve is thinking ahead, as usual."

The Australian press was quick to notice how much attention, even deference, Gwen and Steve gave to Jen and Ethan. His bid for the senate became a topic on Australian TV and radio. With his beautiful American wife and her close ties to President Hammer, it became a foregone conclusion that his bid for office would succeed.

Back in the United States, the American public was once again treated to videos of President Hammer and her handsome husband holding court with world leaders, this time in Australia. Her smile dazzled as she chatted, danced, and confided with the powers in Australian business, finance, and government.

The next evening saw Lady in Red in front of the Sydney Opera House as thousands of Australians jammed into every available space surrounding it. As was now the custom, Gwen moved to the front to speak to the huge crowd. Numerous huge screens had been arranged so the large audience, inside and outside the hall, would have a great view of the concert. As Gwen thanked the government and the people of Australia, she suddenly hesitated when those standing nearest the stage began dropping to one knee. Within seconds, the entire audience had followed suit.

Realizing that she was again receiving a tremendous, unsolicited display of respect, Gwen moved across the stage, stopping frequently to bow or genuflect to the cheering crowd. Once again, tears ran down her cheeks as she gestured for the crowd to stand, and stand they did, but the cheering and loud ovation continued. Gwen waved and bowed as the tears flowed freely down her face. The huge screens caught her beautiful face as she wiped her eyes, causing many in the crowd to tear up as well. Unable to speak, Gwen waved a final time to the crowd and moved back to take her place with the group. The lights went dark and remained off longer than usual so Gwen would have time to recover emotionally. Eventually the lights came back on and Gwen moved to the front, giving her best rendition ever of Queen's 'We Will Rock You' and 'We Are the Champions'.

The concert was a huge hit, but the surprise in the last set made it an evening never to be forgotten in Sydney. In that set, the musicians abandoned their usual music. They played songs made famous by Australian musicians and groups. The fans loved every song.

Jordan was brilliant as she covered Olivia Newton John's hits. Charlie joined his wife in performing 'You're the One That I Want' from 'Grease', complete with the dance routine from the movie. The crowd roared its approval and the musicians had to wait a minute before moving into their cover of the BeeGees' hits. Gwen owned the crowd when she sang 'If I Can't Have You'. Kathy Perrine and Jordan, along with Jack Timberline and Tom McGregor handled the other vocals for the group's hits. Those listening were amazed at how well Timberline and McGregor handled the falsetto portions of the songs.

Their fellow musicians supplied the music, as Steve and Gwen delighted the crowd by dancing to the disco songs from Saturday Night Fever. Many of those watching were soon dancing along with the music as they watched the big screens to see Gwen and Steve perform. Popular music from other Australian musicians and groups followed as the fans yelled, whistled, and cheered their approval.

The next morning saw Steve and Gwen hugging Jen and Ethan as they bid farewell. It was an emotional time for both couples. Jen and Ethan were effusive in their praise.

"Have you seen the coverage on the internet, television, or in our newspapers?" asked Jen as soon as Steve and Gwen appeared for breakfast. "Your concert has been called the best Sydney's ever seen. Your dances are being played over and over. The scene where thousands of people knelt before you, Gwen, has almost a million hits on YouTube already! Australia absolutely loves you guys!"

"The coverage back home has been pretty positive, to put it mildly," added Ashley. "Clips of your concerts, state dinners, and even your playing with Saint in the pool have been playing constantly. You're doing a great job of offsetting the negative jibes coming from Congress."

"Ashley's right," affirmed Lisa. "You're getting some great press, but the usual suspects are relentless in their criticisms. Vince and Cindy seem to be drawing the brunt of the complaints today. Talk shows and cable news stations are really pounding Cindy over her past indiscretions."

"I talked to Mom a little while ago and she's not doing too well," stated Jordan. "She's being hounded everywhere she goes and she has no experience handling that sort of pressure. Reporters are calling every person she's ever known trying to get some dirt, and they're finding it. She knows it's her own fault, but it isn't making things any easier for her and Vince."

"Jordan, why don't you arrange for your mother to fly to Rome tomorrow? That's our next stop. Maybe we can bring this matter to a close," suggested Steve.

"What are you thinking?" asked Gwen. "You have something in mind."

"I think Cindy needs to do a sit-down interview with Amber. I want Amber to have some prep time to read Cindy's outline of things that she's done that may be considered ill-advised, or inappropriate, and then ask her questions. We need to get everything out so the public can better understand the woman she's become and forgive her past."

"Good idea," agreed Gwen. "But I think we need Vince there as well. He's part of this, and he's got to show his support for Cindy when everything comes out. It'll give me another opportunity to demonstrate my unwavering support for them both. We need to get my appointments moving through Congress!"

After numerous hugs and promises of future visits, Jen and Ethan stood waving to Gwen and Steve and their friends as they left the station. They had to travel a hundred miles by automobile to reach the airport. They had only been traveling a few minutes when Kate pointed out the signs residents of a small town were holding as they drove past.

"Look at the handmade signs! I bet almost all of the people in this little town are standing here waving to Sis. Look! That sign says 'Long Live the Queen'. Another one says 'Peace and Love'. There are too many to even read. Even the children are holding signs and waving. It looks like they really love you here, Gwen."

As the motorcade drew closer to the Sydney airport, the streets became more crowded as large numbers of Australians lined the route, cheering and waving signs and placards proclaiming their love for their 'queen'.

"What a wonderful, generous country," managed Gwen as she wiped her moist eyes. "These people are so unpretentious and down to earth. They work hard and demand to be treated fairly. I can see why Jen fell in love with Ethan, and with Australia.

The motorcade had to reduce its speed as it passed through the streets of Sydney on the trip to the airport. People lined the streets three and four deep to catch a glimpse of Gwen and to wave good-bye. It was reported on the internet that large numbers of workers had taken time off to give President Hammer a proper send-off.

The flight to Rome was going to take almost two days so they were going to lay-over in Dubai for an afternoon. Lisa had scheduled several meetings between Gwen and her advisors over the duration of the flight. They would rest when possible and plan as opportunities permitted. Except for the unfortunate reaction of the South Korean government, the tour was going quite well. Still, Lisa was more concerned about the political problems facing Gwen back in Washington than she cared to admit. The flight would give the group time to consider the forces and personalities at play and determine what actions could be taken to counter the toxic atmosphere that permeated Washington during President Hammer's prolonged absence. Lisa managed a smile as she considered the military experience of those advising her sister. Gwen couldn't ask for better support as she prepared for the looming battle.

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BlueEyd2BlueEyd2almost 3 years ago

A couple of thoughts. A president is entitled to bring who she/he wants on Air Force One. Others that travel with her should fly on other Air Force jets, including other 747s. They have defensive capabilities that The Red Lady would not have, as well as the capability for in-flight refueling.

Your comment that "The flight to Rome was going to take almost two days", with a stop over in Dubai wouldn't make sense for Air Force One since it would be refueled in the air and could/should fly non-stop to Rome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Hey gobby fighting yard ,the Bee Gees are British,they ended up in Australia to avoid juvenile prisons,much like the founders of Australia who were sent to Botany Bay over a hundred years ago.

FightingTardFightingTardalmost 5 years ago

Hey Nonny Moose thems fighting words mate.

The BeeGees are very much Australian and don’t you fken forget it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

The Bee Gees aren't Australian theyre British.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
repeat of ch02

A large portion of ch 03 is the same as ch 02. How did that happen?

"Because of the short...." is the start of 03 and also in the middle of ch 02.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 6 years ago

Getting intontotal fantasy now. I'm afraid that being married to an American would more likely be a negative with Australian voting public. No way would they kneel to someone unless she was about to knight them.

I feel Japanese would be the same. They consider themselves far superior race to all others, just a great social confidence.

Cheers to the South Koreans. No need to stage the protests, they too are a very proud country.

I think the prisons will be overflowing in North Korea after that concert.

On a lighter note what is PPDA?

Apart from the total fantasy, I am loving it. I can fully escape into lala land for a while.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Every time I read about the people of each country she visited paying homage to Gwen by going down on one knee and muttering "my queen!" I feel my hackles rise and don't feel like going on reading. That is, I think, too over the top for even the real Queen of England to receive! Ever since HDN came out with this scenario with Gwen's admirers I lost a little more respect for his writing skills.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

HDK, your foresight is uncanny. You have to get Gwen, Steve, and Kate back to Washington. The trash is piling up and really needs to be carried out and dumped. At least I look forward to it happening in your story. Too bad, not much hope in actuality.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
An Inspirational President ... and then there's reality.

Not surprising HDK has gone quiet since Nov. This story has been about an ideal, one that all of us that have read/re-read this to this point have enjoyed and found inspiring. Good things being done by good people.

Our reality is that the newly elected POTUS doesn't share those values, and is everything that the Lady in Red is not (would love to be proven wrong).

HDK must be sickened (as is most of the world). Commiserations to us all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Love this story and series. Please continue! It's a joy to read. Thanks.

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