Lady in Red Pt. 03 Ch. 04


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"Madam President! Can you tell us what you hope to accomplish here?" shouted the first reporter to catch her breath.

"I have no time, so listen closely," snapped Gwen impatiently. "My friends and I are going to be extremely busy rescuing and treating injured people. I shall allow no questions and no interference from the media for any reason. The Secret Service will enforce that. If any of you would care to put down your cameras and microphones and actually help us, it will be greatly appreciated. Anyone getting in the way will be removed as quickly as possible with whatever force is required. Now, please excuse me."

Gwen had seen another tractor trailer pull into the field with Lady in Red logos prominently displayed. The driver pulled to a stop not far from Gwen. A passenger climbed down from the driver's side and approached her cautiously as armed Secret Service agents moved to intercept him.

"Madam President! I speak English. We have several large medical tents to erect," managed the man in a loud voice as he was patted down by the agents. The driver and I will need help setting them up, once you show us where you want them."

"We'll set them up over there," pointed Gwen as she turned back to the media representatives that had been filming the truck's arrival. "I'm asking you people for help. There are many badly injured people that will require medical attention. We need to get these tents up as quickly as possible. Will you help us?"

Without hesitation, the large media following began placing their equipment off to the side, removing jackets, and rolling up sleeves. With their assistance, as well as any of the Secret Service agents not required for security, three large tents were quickly erected. By the time they had finished, Gwen, Laura, and Charlotte, assisted by several local doctors and nurses, were treating the injured as they were being brought to them.

Even with six doctors and three nurses, they were unable to keep up with the flow of patients. Within the first hour, Gwen had dispatched all six helicopters to carry the most severely injured to hospitals better able to care for them.

Within three hours of Gwen's landing, two large RV's rolled up alongside the tents. Gwen quickly determined that they were the units to be used for surgery. She had a young girl carried inside one of them as soon as it was ready and was soon operating on a badly broken leg. Laura was inside the second unit, operating on a man with two broken arms. Between the two vehicles, there were facilities to accommodate four operations or other medical procedures, and they were sorely needed.

Both women were pleased that there were very capable nurses and an anesthesiologist on site to assist. A few members of the press corps served as interpreters within the bi-national medical teams. The day wore on with no break for the medical staff as they worked to save lives and prevent permanent maiming and disabilities.

Steve and the other men had quickly climbed aboard the various pieces of heavy equipment and headed into the rubble that had recently been a prosperous town. Jason and several local men went to look for obvious opportunities to rescue people buried by landslides, as well as many that were pinned or partially covered by large pieces of building material.

All of the men felt tremendous pride when they were able to help pull a survivor from the rubble. They also felt tears streak their faces when they found mangled bodies beyond any earthly help. Each of the men stopped for a sandwich and bottle of water after they had been working for several hours. The volunteers that had carried the refreshments were obviously extremely grateful for the efforts of the Americans, as well as the other volunteers, as they worked tirelessly to move debris and uncover victims.

Since the helicopters were in constant demand to carry the injured to hospitals, the children in Gwen's group were being kept away from the hospital tents, as well as the tragedy of the destroyed town. They were provided blankets and food in a small tent under the watchful eyes of Paula and her mother Caroline. The tent had been set up late in the afternoon.

Saint was sitting by himself, just outside the tent, thinking about ways he might be able to help people, when he saw a blonde girl approach from the direction of the town. Her clothes were torn and she had blood on her left hand. When she noticed Saint watching her, she nodded to herself and headed directly for him.

"You are President's son?" asked the stunningly pretty girl. Saint had never seen a girl with hair so white and eyes so blue. She was a little shorter than Saint and a fair amount lighter.

"Yes, my mother is President Hammer," responded Saint once he found his voice. "She's real busy right now, so you can't meet her."

"I need your father, not your mother," replied the platinum beauty. "Many people need help. I need a man with the strength of ten and the courage of a lion. Your father is the only man like that."

"I don't know about that," responded Saint, "but if you need Dad, I can help you find him. He's running heavy equipment someplace in town. We can go right now."

Saint knew he was disobeying his grandmother and would be serious trouble for it, but he found the blonde girl's request impossible to refuse. He wanted to be the one to help her with anything she may need. For her part, the diminutive girl looked up at him, nodded and grabbed his hand. Soon the two were trotting off in search of Steve.

Ruth had seen the strange girl approach Saint and pointed her out to Theresa. The two girls watched the two engage in a short conversation before they joined hands and headed toward the destroyed town.

"We'd better see where Saint goes," reasoned Ruth. "He could get into a lot of trouble."

When Saint and the strange girl reached the outskirts of the town, Saint asked the girl her name. "Lena Kiss," replied the girl simply as she pulled Saint toward a half destroyed building.

"They are in there," stated Lena as she pointed to the building.

Saint felt the hairs on his neck stand up as he surveyed the shaky building. It was obvious even to his young eyes that what was left of the building would not remain standing much longer.

"It is worse now than before!" cried the girl as she let go of Saint's hand and rushed to the rubble that was once a large building. She scampered over some wooden flooring that was twisted on edge and climbed to what was left of a second floor window. Without a backward glance she went through the opening and was lost from sight.

Saint stood transfixed for a few seconds, debating whether to search for his father or go help the girl. Suddenly, he spotted Ruth and Theresa and he knew what he had to do.

"Girls! Go find Dad and tell him I went into that building to help that girl. She said there are a lot of people in that building," shouted Saint as he began running toward the large, dangerous structure.

Ruth and Theresa watched in horror as Saint nimbly scampered up over the rubble covering much of the front of the building and disappeared inside!

The two girls wasted no time as they turned and headed toward the sounds of large machinery. It was very important that Uncle Steve knew where Saint had gone and why!

Steve was driving a backhoe and pulling rubble from a business when he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. He was stunned when he saw Theresa and Ruth waving frantically. He urgently stopped the machine and leapt off to send the two girls to safety. They began speaking rapidly before had the opportunity to reproach them for being in such a dangerous area.

"Uncle Steve!" cried Theresa. "Saint followed some girl into a building that looks like it's falling down! She told him there were people there that needed help! He told us to get you."

"Ruth! Your dad's down the street running a dozer. Go get him and bring him back to the building that Saint's in. Theresa will be there waiting for you. Theresa, let's run back to that building. You need to show me where Saint went."

It only took Steve a few minutes to reach the building. Even as he looked it over, the structure swayed visibly!

"They went in that window over on the side," pointed Theresa to her uncle. It looks smaller now! I think it's going to fall down!"

"I want you to wait here, away from the building. When the others get here, show them the window. I'm going in to get Saint. It'll be okay. Just wait for your dad and the others," urged Steve as he raced towards the doomed building.

Getting through the window was the easiest part of the ordeal for Steve. He had to squeeze through several openings before he found a broken set of stairs. Glad he was wearing gloves and had a flashlight in his pocket, Steve climbed downward, calling Saint's name as he moved. Steve estimated that he had gone down at least three stories and was well below ground level when the stairs ended on a stone floor.

"Over here, Dad!" came a yell from around a corner of the stone foundation. Steve felt relief surge through his system as he hurried around the corner only to stop suddenly. In front of him were at least thirty people, mostly women and children. Many of them were obviously injured and barely able to move.

"Dad, I found a hole in the foundation. It looks like a tunnel. I think we need to get into it really quick. The building is starting to collapse!"

Realizing that Saint was correct about the building, he immediately made his decision. "Okay, everyone follow Saint! Help those that can't walk, but get moving!"

To emphasize his point, Steve leaned over and easily lifted an obviously pregnant woman gently into his arms. That was when the light from his flashlight illuminated a beautiful platinum blonde girl as she helped a small boy to his feet and half dragged him to the hole in the wall that Saint had just entered.

Above ground, reporters had increased in number as the afternoon had progressed. They managed to video a few structures crashing to earth as aftershocks rippled through the small town, seeking to destroy what few buildings were left standing.

Thus, a network reporter was on hand to video Steve as he climbed over the debris to disappear through a twisted window frame. He then turned his camera to the men that were rushing up the street. They were led by a young girl while another girl stood waiting. The reporter recognized the children as belonging to Lisa and Jason Hunter and Charlie and Jordan Burns. He kept his camera trained on the men as they reached the Hunter girl.

"Uncle Steve went through that window!" pointed the girl that had been waiting for her father and his friends. The men turned as one and hurried toward the structure just as the earth shook again and the entire building collapsed upon itself. Everyone was knocked to the ground, including the reporter. He quickly righted himself and resumed filming.

"Girls, stand back by that old car!" ordered Jason as he climbed back to his feet. Men, get every piece of equipment we have up here as fast as possible! We've got a damn slim chance to find Steve and Saint and time is wasting!"

Gwen had spent the day in an operating room of the mobile hospital. She had managed one bathroom break and silently thanked Jason for thinking of having portable toilets brought to the scene. She hadn't realized that the sun had set until Charlotte came into her RV.

"Gwen, you need to rest for a while. More doctors have just arrived. They can handle things for a bit. Let's go check on our kids and get something to eat."

"Sounds good," agreed an exhausted Gwen. "I just want to visit a few of my patients and I'll join you."

Gwen walked through the large tents that had been erected earlier, speaking to the injured, offering encouragement and consolation. Her Secret Service contingent, as well as a reporter that had been serving as her interpreter followed, but not too closely as she made her way through what she considered her ward.

She stopped to check on a small figure in a cot in a dark corner. She could barely make out the old woman lying there. Her face was covered in bandages and her body appeared bent and gnarled. As Gwen touched the woman's forehead, she felt her wrist gripped tightly.

"My Queen! You have come home to save your people!" croaked the woman as Gwen suddenly trembled in recognition.

"It's you! The fortune teller! How is it possible?"

"You need to listen, My Queen. Your warrior and his son are in grave danger. Your son has met his future queen, but you need to pray for her as well. Only you can save them. Listen closely. Pray to Saint Stephen, the patron saint of Hungary. Pray that your warrior and your son and his future bride will be spared and will be returned to you, their Queen, to your daughter, and to the unborn child that you conceived as this day began. Your warrior will have another son, but you must act quickly if he is to ever see his child!"

"That can't be!" argued Gwen. "Saint's with my mother and grandmother. He's safe!"

Even as she outwardly discounted the old woman's words, Gwen somehow knew that the woman was speaking the truth. Giving the old crone's hand a grateful squeeze, Gwen turned, fled the tent, and ran across the field to temporary quarters of the children.

Charlotte had arrived just before Gwen burst inside, tears flowing down her cheeks. The change in Gwen from a few minutes prior was incredible. She was ashen faced, trembling, and sobbing as huge tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Saint?"cried Gwen. "Is Saint here?"

"The kids saw him leave a while ago with a little blonde girl. Vicki is here and she's fine. Theresa and Ruth followed Saint and the girl. Kate and Lisa went looking for them half an hour ago," explained Paula. "I'm so sorry they got away from me, but it's no reason to panic. We'll find them."

"No, Mom, we won't! Saint and Steve are in tremendous danger even as we're speaking. I've got to get to them!" exclaimed Gwen as she fled the tent and ran toward the destroyed town.

"Madam President!" called a Secret Service agent. "We have an ATV here. Please let me give you a ride. I don't think our men can keep up with you."

Reporters were lined up along the perimeter of the dig site as Jason, Chip, Charlie, Jared, Ted, and the others dug with machines and bare hands in hopes of freeing Steve, Saint, and the others.

Cameras were rolling as Gwen stepped from the ATV and approached Jason, who had immediately silenced his dozer when he saw Gwen. He jumped down and rushed to stop her from going any further.

"Gwen, it's real bad. Saint and some girl climbed into the building. Theresa and Ruth saw them and fetched Steve. He rushed over and went inside as soon as he got here. There was another aftershock and the building went down before we could even begin to get to them. We've been digging as hard and fast as we can to get to them out. We'll keep it up as long as necessary. We won't stop until we bring them out!"

By this time, Kate and Lisa had joined Gwen and reached out to support her as she began to collapse. "Thanks, Jason. I know you men will do everything you can. I need to find a quiet place. Let me know when you find them.

"Kate, Lisa, would you walk with me?" asked Gwen quietly. "I need your support."

Cameras rolled as news crews sent live broadcasts back to the United States. The situation was grave as people around the world tuned in to learn the fate of Steve Hammer and his son.

Americans had actually watched on live television as President Hammer received the news that Steve and Saint were buried in the building. While it was approaching midnight in Hungary, it was just four PM in the United States and men and women coming home from work and school watched in fear and overwhelming grief as President Hammer trembled at the news, needing the assistance of her sisters to remain standing.

Work lights from generators lit the main street of the demolished town as Gwen walked slowly up the street. "Is there a church nearby? I need to find a church," insisted Gwen.

Lisa and Kate exchanged worried glances as they walked with Gwen. Was she thinking rationally at the moment?

"I'll ask," responded Kate as she turned to examine the many people watching them, looking for something that would help her identify someone that could be of help. Then Kate's eyes fell on a couple that stood to the side, watching Gwen intently.

"Excuse me, do you speak English?" asked Kate politely as the couple quickly nodded and came closer.

"I am Hanna Kiss and this is my husband, Adam. We speak English very well. I am an astrophysicist while Adam is a seismologist, as well as a geologist. We have both studied in the United States and Great Britain."

"Wow!" responded Kate. "My question will seem pretty simple to you. Can you tell us where there is a church?"

"Just ahead is the only church close by and it's been badly damaged by the earthquake. We would be proud to lead you there, but I'm afraid you cannot get inside. The front half of the building has given way," answered the very blonde Hanna Kiss gently.

"Please walk with us," requested Gwen as she studied the couple more closely. "Have we ever met? I feel like I know you."

"I am afraid not," replied the blonde woman. "I fear that you may hate me for what I am about to tell you. My daughter, Lena, was the girl that led your son into that building. She's always been a very good girl. I don't know why she did it, and I'm so very sorry about your husband and son. They are very brave."

"It was your daughter?" exclaimed Gwen as she moved to embrace the bewildered woman. "I'd forgotten about Saint meeting his queen! How old is your daughter?"

"She is seven, but she is not a queen of any kind, certainly not like the Lady in Red, President of the United States, and Queen of the World!" said Adam, speaking for the first time. "Still, we love her dearly and fear for her survival."

"Your daughter is with my son and my husband. They'll protect her and bring her out safely," insisted Gwen to the concerned couple. "That's why I need to find a church. Prayer is needed to save those people trapped under the debris."

"Well, that is all that is left of St. Stephen's church, Madam President. As you can see, no one will be entering that church for a very long time. The entire front half has crumbled into itself. I fear..."

"Wait!" cried Gwen. "Did you say St. Stephen's? That's the name of the church?"

"Yes, it has been for hundreds of years. Is the name of the saint so important?" asked the surprised Hanna. "St. Stephen is the patron saint of Hungary. He is regarded as the protector of kings, masons, stonecutters, and bricklayers, as well as children suffering from severe diseases."

"We need to get back to Jason right now! Please come with me; you're family!" insisted Gwen as she turned and began the trek back through the ravaged town. Every step Gwen had taken had been viewed my millions of Americans. It was obvious to those watching President Hammer hurry back down the street that she was very determined, even as her sisters appeared totally mystified.

Once again Jason turned off his dozer to listen to Gwen. Cameras caught every word and gesture exchanged between the two.

"I want you to stop digging here and move everything up the street to the old church on the corner. You need to clear away the debris so people can get in and out of the section still standing," ordered Gwen clearly.

"Gwen, ah, Madam President, we're making headway here. All we need is a few more hours. Then we can start work on the old church," reasoned an obviously perplexed Jason.

"Jason, the only hope we have to save Saint, Steve, and the rest is to gain access to that church! Please move the equipment immediately," demanded Gwen forcefully.