Lady Pixie Ch. 02: Pale Hands...

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Lady Pixie feels the pinch.
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Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/16/2021
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I have never quite understood how those ladies of my acquaintance who do it, do it, so to say. Of course I don't mean the mechanics. I understand the "birds and the bees" stuff, but how they, as Bella phrases it, "put out" on one night-stands and manage the morning after the night before.

I was so exhausted by the day and what followed it that I fell asleep cuddled up to her big heavy tits; so comforting. In fact it was only as I woke sucking on her nipple that I realised where I was. It felt so good that I carried on sucking, even grabbing her other breast so I could knead it; that also felt comforting. It was, in fact, only when she pushed my head into the warmth of her breasts that I realised it was not a rather yummy dream. By then it was rather late to stop the inevitable - even had I wanted to or been awake enough to do it. But I did have a moment of: "fuck, what, who, where, how?" Is that how it is if you slut about? I must ask Daisy Fellowes next time I see her.

But no sooner had the thought entered my sleep-befuddled mind than it was banished by more urgent things.

"Yeah, fuck yeah, suck those udders baby, suck 'em!"

At least that was what I thought I heard through the fog of lust and the breasts that surrounded me. Being an obliging sort of girl, I sucked harder.

Bella was clearly aroused, I could smell it. My hand slid down her tummy, cupping her hairless cunt, and I curled two fingers into her swollen wetness. She felt gooey and warm. My thumb played on her clit as she pressed into my hand.

"Bite them!"

I did.

"Fuck me!"

I did.

Driving my fingers deep into her squishiness, I could hear her cunt making the sort of lewd noises which always turned me on. I redoubled my efforts, and bit her nipples one after the other. Her body was warm and smelt of last night - and the new arousal of our morning's lust. Eagerly I pleasured her, rejoicing in her gorgeous tits and the wetness of her cunt. I wanted to stay there forever.

Then she came; like a flood she came. My hand was soaked, her cunt clenched my fingers and she shook as though a thousand volts were passing through her. I relaxed and helped her through the aftershocks. She eventually pulled away, then, pulling me up said:

"Lady Pixie, I presume?"

"Why thank you Miss American journalist for venturing deep into these northern fastnesses to find me."

Bella smiled at me.

"Do you do one-night stands?"

"If you'd asked me that last night, as you almost did", I replied, "I'd have given a different answer but, come to think of it, I'm hoping the answer is still what I would have given then."

"You English ladies sure have a long-winded way about you. Still, given that tongue of yours, I forgive you. Are you asking me out?"

I giggled.

"I think we are both 'out' Bella. The question is whether you want to see me again? In my book, two orgasms counts as being serious about dating."

"But you are married, Lady Pixie."

"I did notice. Are you?" I quizzed her.

"Footloose and fancy-free my lady", she replied to my delight.

"Look", I said, turning serious, "I have one more day left. The count is tonight. Can you stay?"

Stroking my hair she said:

"My, you are keen. But yes, natch, I am covering the campaign for the Times. Do I get an inside scoop?"

"Of what?" I giggled. "My finest hour?"

"Oh that", she said, more prophetically than she knew, "is still to come."

I kissed her.

"You have not had an orgasm, Lady Pixie, do you need one?"

From the look on her face and the set of her smile, that was not, I realised, the innocent question it sounded.

"And if I do?"

"If you do, you are going to have to ask nicely."

"Please Bella, can I have an orgasm. Pretty please?"

Bella laughed.

"Not bad for a first attempt, but the answer would have been no even if you had begged harder. Let's see what comes this evening."

"But", I quipped, "joy cometh in the morning and is unconfined!"

"Thanks for the reminder, hand me my corset, these udders aren't going to support themselves you know. It's okay for flatties like you, not that I have seen anyone quite as flat as you. You have no idea what we big girls have to put up with."

"I am all sympathy", I responded.

"Sure, all heart!"

Bella slapped my bum.

"That's me. You, on the other hand, are all tits!"

She slapped my bum again. I could, I thought, get to enjoy this.

We agreed to meet at breakfast.

As she went back to her room I drew myself a bath and reflected on what had just happened.

I had never in my life done what I had just done. I knew nothing about Bella and had known her hardly an hour before I was fucking her. Did that make me a slut? The idea sent a frisson through me. I'd never thought of myself as sexually adventurous - yes, yes, I know, I'd done a lot of stuff others might regard as pervy, but you know what I mean - sexually adventurous in terms of leaping into a sexual situation as I had had just done. I didn't even, I realise, know her surname. What if she did an exposé for the Times? I dismissed that at once, That was not Bella. But what was Bella? Who was she?

The next few months would provide an answer of sorts, but getting to know someone takes longer. But what remained true was that first impressions were correct. Bella was a kind, generous and courageous woman - with a kinky streak which only needed the right encouragement to reveal its full glory.

My agent, Mr Shufflebottom, and the team were due to meet me in hotel lobby at nine, and it was already eight by the time I had dressed. I should have brought my new maid, Sarah, but it seemed unfair to drag the poor thing away from the house in Mayfair and her burgeoning affair with the under-gardener, so I did for myself. It was, of course, easier to do for myself if I did not have my maid popping in and out every few minutes; rather spoiled a girl's concentration,

As I went into the breakfast room, Bella was already there and waved me over.

"Come join me Lady Pixie!"

It sounded more like an instruction than a request, which made me oblige even more quickly. Could it be, I pondered, that Bella's tastes and mine might coincide? As my relationship with Annie had developed, I had moved from being a passive recipient of her dominant tendencies to being something of an architect of our pleasure. I sensed Bella might appreciate it, and even be a beneficiary of it,

We breakfasted swiftly. Tea and a slice of toast with a dash of marmalade did me. Bella's appetite seemed more robust, and she asked how I managed to survive on such a diet? My answer, which was there was not a lot of me to feed, made her laugh. We talked through the day ahead, and she was delighted that she was being given access to the count itself. She asked how I thought it would go, which made me laugh.

"In 1929, the tide was flowing against the Conservatives and because of the work I had done here, I survived. My sense is that after the mess Labour has made, the tide would be going in favour of the Conservatives, but the fact I am now wrapped in the "National" banner is, I think, going to see me safe home."

Mr Shufflebottom, my Agent, was happy to have Bella accompany us. The day went well. it was more in the nature of a triumphal march. As we drove along the East Lancs road in the early afternoon there were actually cheering crowds. I had deliberately planned the last meeting of the election to be at Lees Mill with the mill girls gathered in strength.

Ever since winning the Charleston contest, and thanks to the work I had done during the General Strike, the mill girls had been among my greatest and most vocal supporters. Apparently, so I was told, they had photos of me up alongside those of film stars.

Bella and her photographer were delighted as they got some excellent shots of me surrounded by the girls. I loved the way they clustered around me, and they loved playing up for the photographer. Even as we were smiling I felt a hand on my bum. I thought it was simply the result of us shuffling about to get in position for the photos; but there was soon no doubt. I could just about see how someone might be accidentally goosing my bum, but not why and how their hand had found its way under my dress to my knickers. Hidden as I was, with the exception of my face and shoulders, by the crowd around me, no one could see what she was doing, but I could feel it, and tried hard not to show anything. The task, already difficult because of the deprivation `I was still feeling from not having had an orgasm, became all the more so as I felt the hand move to the front of my skirt and then find its way to my cunt.

The press of the crowd was so tight that I could not turn to see which of the girls was putting her hand where it should not have been. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped, the crowd thinned, and by the time I had recovered my breath, whoever it was had moved. Shaken, and not a little stirred, I joined my Agent, and we collected Bella, telling her it was time to go back to the hotel to dine and then change and go to the count. But only after a final speech.

Conscious of still feeling a little aroused, I struggled to regain my composure. Fortunately, as Bella later confirmed, anyone noticing assumed it was the result of nerves and exhaustion; if only it had been the latter!

The girls had brought me a soap box, and obliging, knowing what they wanted, I climbed on it, flashing my stockings as I did so. A huge cheer went up!

"Well, my most precious fellow workers, we all know that if you want a job doing properly you get advice from a man and action from a woman!"

The hurrahs were mingled with giggles.

"Where's Annie?"

Someone shouted, with a reference to my former lover, and that was greeted with ribald laughter. Perhaps "action from a woman" had touched a nerve with them. There had been, I knew, rumours about me, but quite clearly the mill girls didn't give a damn - except I presumed for the minx who'd felt me up.

"I heard that", I shot back, "and Annie and Alice have gone down under to see what they can find there."

"Wet undergrowth!" That quip brought another gale of laughter.

"Very good!" I giggled myself. "But why have they had to go, and what's to become of those who can't go? Labour mean well. They are proud to be the party, as my opponent has said, 'of the working man'. Well girls, we all know about men who mean well but fail to deliver. That's Labour!"

"You should be on the boards!" one wag cried out.

"Aye, doing the Charleston', another quipped.

"But, ladies, we, the women of this great country, it's we who pick up the pieces, we who get on with it, so trust me, and the National Government. I've never lied to you, and I am not going to pretend it isn't going to get worse before it gets better. I'm not even going to pretend that the Conservatives have all the answers, but I stand here today as a 'National Conservative' asking you to vote for a Government led by the former Labour Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald. We've a mammoth task ahead, and I can offer you nothing except that we'll work night and day for you."

The applause cheered to me to my peroration.

"It's easy for me, with my rich husband, my town house in Mayfair, indeed, so easy that some of my chums have asked why I am even bothering? Wouldn't my life be easier if I were not an MP. My answer is it would, but it would be emptier. I came here nearly six years ago as a stranger, and you welcomed me. I fell in love with you all and with Oldham, and standing here in Springhead, with Saddleworth Moor as the backdrop, there's nowhere else I'd rather be, and nowt else I'd rather be doing. It's time, my darlings, to wind the bobbin up!"

My lapse into the local patois and my reference to one of the old children's songs brought the house down. As Florence, one of the leaders of the mill girls put it to me a few weeks later: "not one of our lot didn't vote for you." I was honoured. I still regard their love and respect as the greatest of all the honours I ever received.

Bella hugged to me to her capacious bosom.

"Honey, you're a trooper! They loved you. I have the story written in my head and will file it back at the hotel."

Mr Shufflebottom beckoned me to the car.

As I made my way there, one of the mill girls came up to me:

"That was grand, Lady Pixie. Would thou sign my book?"

As she pulled out her autograph book, Bella's photographer snapped us. I signed with a flourish. Her friend, an attractive blonde, joined her and thanked me.

"You made her day - and mine - sniff!"

She put her finger under my nose - so that, I thought, looking into her pretty blue eyes, was who had her finger on my cunt. There was no mistaking that smell.

"If you ever want more, just tell Florence to get in touch with Sally for you, Lady P."

Damnit, I thought, there I was, deprived these last seven months of so much as the whisper of a non-self-induced orgasm, and then two appeared within twenty-four hours.

"I will, Sally, `I will." I smiled.

"I hope so milady", she smiled back, winking.

We snatched a scratch supper back at the hotel before changing and going to the count.

Bella was excited by the atmosphere, and for once I was relatively relaxed.

"Hope you win, hun", she hugged me as I went up for the count. From the piles of paper behind the scrutinisers I was pretty confident.

I stood on the platform as we waited for the declaration:

"Fortescue, Lady Cynthia, the National Conservative candidate, 40,007 votes"

At that there was a huge gasp. Last time I had won under half that number of votes.

"Smith, Frederick Edwin, Labour and Cooperative candidate, 15,471 votes."

"Spoilt ballot papers, 174. I declare Lady Cynthia Fortescue the duly elected member of Parliament for Oldham West."

Mr Shufflebottom was beaming. Never, even in our wildest dreams had we thought we'd double our vote. But of course, with no Liberal standing, much of that vote had come my way. I was not only in, but in for the next five years, and barring a total disaster, in for the five after that.

We adjourned to the Conservative Club for a thank-you party for our helpers. The atmosphere was euphoric and the champagne, courtesy of Archie's cellar, flowed like water.

I had only bloody well gone and done it! As I told Bella later as I snuggled up to her, the fight had only just begun, but suddenly, life had become more interesting.

"Now shut up darling and eat me out!"

So, I did, dear reader, I did.

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PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Reading xxxxx

Reading_is4funReading_is4funover 1 year ago

A "sniff" for your brilliance...that was so delicious...I am a great fan of your ability to melt a got story line with eloquent and sensual touch my romantic heart my dear Pixie....thank you so much

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much Olwen, your comments really encourage me xxxxx

HottieOlwenHottieOlwenalmost 2 years ago

As the daughter of a very militant south Wales miner, I find it almost heretical to think so highly of a tory! But I do bat for both sides, and Lady Pixie is such a delicious creation. The unseen hand scene was so erotic and well written, and as for the revelation later on: 'sniff!' - I thought that was brilliant.

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much my darling Evie, there is, as we both know, something quite delicious in finding oneself with so little choice and having to comply xxxxxxx

EvieUKNEEvieUKNEalmost 3 years ago

What a wonderful way to be ‘introduced’ surrounded by the press of a crowd of women, an unseen hand meets her unseen unmentionables in a unseeming fashion. Could Sally be her next lover and give her a deliciously unending? Another wonderful chapter from my favourite author. Thank you xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Oh Franziska, I love your appreciation, and thank you so much for it xxx

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyalmost 3 years ago

The lady is well raised and follows order prompted ....... Fighting for the one needing the power to progress they're lifes or fighting just for one to progress in bedtime ..... Great and 10 stars

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you Wiz - and you will soon see more of the gorgeous Bella x

Wiz1002Wiz1002about 3 years ago

Excellent chapter Pixiehoff

Great to see LP won the election and give her the chance to continue visiting the northern constituency and meet her constituents and maybe becoming much closer involved with several of them.

Will she continue to meet and liaise with Bella? How will that relationship develop?? Can’t wait to find out

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 3 years agoAuthor

*Giggles* I am glad you enjoyed it - I am having fun writing it, so I am pleased you are having fun reading it. There is another chapter awaiting publication.

OneAuthorOneAuthorabout 3 years ago

That was fabulous, dear Pixie, just fabulous. Bella was amazing, but of course so was the speech and the landslide victory for Lady Cynthia. Oh, and I loved how she found out whose hand was on her pussy.. and the ensuing offer. Pixie is quite the popular woman in many ways, as she indeed should be. :)

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Amadeus. I always love your thoughts, and we shall have to see whether Mistress Bella will allow her ladyship to orgasm xx

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 3 years agoAuthor

Oh Maonaigh, you made me laugh. I am glad you enjoyed it, and that my research paid off. Sally will make a future appearance, and I think I have to call her Sally Mellors in your honour xx

amadeuseroticamadeuseroticabout 3 years ago

I am glad that I read season 1 of this series and also informed myself a little bit on British politics between the WWs. Historical plausibility adds depth and meaning to this erotic saga.

Since the Labour party at the time was led by men who were just as interested in women's issues as their aristocratic counterparts (perhaps their interest level was slightly higher, but only as far as shagging was concerned), the better option for women was to stick together and subvert the conservative party by supporting their best candidate, Lady Pixie.

What better way for a working woman to show support than sticking her finger in Pixie's cunt and dangling the promise of an orgasm in front of her nose?

Bella's decision to deny Pixie her orgasm while using her extensively for her own pleasure is not as selfish as it seems. Bella knows that good things come to those who wait.

We wait and hope for Pixie to be soon released from her mental chastity, so we may enjoy reading about her much-needed pleasure.

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