Landlady Takes Control


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"Perhaps in some instances. But it seems that this foot phobia is wrapped up in deeper psychological issues: like your class consciousness and wounded pride. If these go untreated, I am afraid you may suffer a psychological breakdown and become homeless or institutionalized."

Natalie balked. It sounded like the doctor wanted her to slave away at womens' feet and be smiling moronically the entire time! As though her anger at being treated like a slave girl was some handicap to be overcome!

"I'm not sure I agree, doctor--" Natalie began.

The woman gave Natalie a baleful glance which startled the poor girl so much that she stopped her sentence mid-thought.

"This is exactly the problem. Your mind is attempting to protect its own neurosis by denying my professional help. You will need extensive help to overcome this illness, but with my program I think you will succeed."

Natalie asked what the doctor's program entailed.

"Well, it is a sort of prolonged exposure therapy, with a structure of rewards and disincentives. Basically, you will be exposed to womens' feet in various contexts, and if you react positively you will get something good and if you react negatively you will get a forfeit."

Natalie tried to articulate herself in a way that wouldn't anger this woman -- the 'therapy' already sounded sick and she wanted no part of it.

Dr. Sahi cut her off with a wave of her hand. Her fingernails were long and perfectly manicured in a bold red color.

"This is my treatment," the woman explained in an imperious tone, "you can accept it or not. But if you say no, I will alert Miss Charlotte. I imagine she would be quite unhappy for you to waste her money in this way."

Natalie thought of the things Charlotte could inflict upon her: homelessness, poverty, or even just worse treatment within her own home. She was powerless here, and her only hope was to agree with this madness until she had enough resources to get away.

So far she had only managed to save $100.

"Okay, Doctor Sahi," Natalie said, feeling a flash of anger at the woman's triumphant smile.

"What will this entail?"

The doctor wheeled her chair backwards a bit from her heavy wooden desk.

"Normally we would start with a smaller exposure and work our way up to this step, but I see that your illness is quite deep-seated. We will need to develop an accelerated plan for you."

The doctor went on.

"For the first session, I will need for you to crawl in the space beneath my desk. I will remove my shoes and place my feet on your face. We will remain this way for the rest of the session -- perhaps another thirty minutes or so. You are not to speak, and are to avoid all unnecessary movements."

Natalie's eyes shot wide open, and she felt a wave of total dread wash across her entire body. This wasn't a 'treatment' -- it was torture!

"Doctor, please--" Natalie said.

"Enough!" the woman roared, scowling at young Natalie.

"Follow my directions or leave my office! It's that simple."

Natalie bowed her head, closed her eyes and inhaled deeply through her nose to find the courage to continue. When she finished with that, she walked up to the doctors desk and got on her hands and knees, crawling into the dark little space down there. It was already claustrophobic and uncomfortable -- the stiff floor pained her butt and the air seemed stale. Then the doctor scooted her chair forward, trapping Natalie down there.

"Good!" the doctor said, sounding sweeter. "Now I will remove my shoes and place my feet on your face. During this time, you will sit with your head and shoulders against the modesty panel of my desk. You will have your back on the ground, and your legs outstretched on either side of my rolling chair. It's better if you close your eyes -- the reason you are beneath my desk is to eliminate any visual stimulation."

It took all of Natalie's determination to assume such a horrible pose. Before she shut her eyes, she noticed that the doctor had on opera-length black stockings and black pumps that seemed pretty worn. Time seemed to slow down as she heard leather shoes hit the floor, and then felt a damp, hot thing touch her face.

Her first instinct was to turn away -- the Pakistani woman's feet were positively ripe! Being trapped in leather stilettos all day, and supporting her considerable weight must have put a lot of stress on them, and Natalie almost gagged as some of the moisture from the woman's stocking-clad feet became stuck to her pretty young face. She was sure her face was green with how disgusted she felt right now.

"Do not turn away," the doctor said gravely. Natalie bit her lip in frustration, and returned her face to its original position facing the doctor.

Her 'reward' was another hot, sweaty foot coming down on her cheek -- the woman had the audacity to rest both of her soles against Natalie's face! Natalie had no choice but to keep her eyes shut -- Dr. Sahi had covered them with the balls of her feet. Prisha put both her plump feet against Natalie's face in such a way that the girl's nose peaked out between the woman's arches and spread her legs a little, for an unknown reason.

Natalie was truly in hell. Her face felt horribly warm and clammy -- her own perspiration mixed with the sweat from the woman's feet to create a substance fouler than foul, and it seemed to coat her entire face. Her nose was overwhelmed with the sour, acrid aroma of Prisha's feet. It seemed to bypass her thinking mind and trigger her revulsion instinct -- she could even notice such subtle things as the mingled blend of leather and foot sweat.

Dr. Sahi continued working at her desk, largely ignoring the girl. Occasionally, she would rub her soles up and down the length of Natalie's face, and one time she itched her sole against the girls' upturned nose! At one point, Natalie dared to open her eyes, and what she saw took her breath away.

Dr. Sahi had one finger on the outside of her panties, and she was teasing her meaty pussy lips through the cotton fabric while she rubbed her feet on Natalie's face! This was too much to stand -- Natalie had to speak up.

"D-doctor, are you... adjusting yourself?" Natalie asked. She wasn't sure how to address another woman masturbating, so she just erred on the side of caution.

"Yes, Natalie," was the doctor's response. "I have a compulsion, and sometimes it is too hard to ignore. Since we are pretending you aren't there, I am acting as I normally would. Please do not say anything more."

What a paper-thin excuse! There was no legitimate reason for a woman to be masturbating as she rubbed her sweaty feet in Natalie's face unless she somehow got off on treating another person this way. But soon Prisha's dominant foot covered Natalie's eyes, and she swore she could feel the doctor's fingers moving more urgently at her womanhood. Was it really worth all this just to keep a crappy room in a house she used to own??

By the end of the thirty minutes, Natalie was worried she would go insane, locked away in that little prison. When the session finally finished, Natalie practically jumped out from beneath the woman's desk, looking totally undignified as she escaped. Even though she didn't want to, Natalie ventured a glance towards the woman's white cotton panties and saw they were totally soaked through. She could see the clear outline of the woman's fat lips, and a great deal of hair poking out from beneath the fabric. Natalie got away as quickly as she could, feeling like she had lost some part of herself down beneath that desk.

Dr. Sahi frowned, but ignored Natalie in favor of making a phone call to her receptionist.

"Yes, Ethan? Please bring me a fresh pair of panties. The white ones again. Thank you."

Natalie remained silent, and soon a young man came into the doctor's office with a respectful knock. She had seen him in the waiting room beforehand: early 20s, blond hair, attractive but in a androgynous or even effeminate way. His outfit didn't help: he had on tight black pants that looked more like yoga pants, and a salmon pink shirt. Maybe another guy could have pulled it off, but on him it just seemed effete.

To Natalie's surprise, the young man knelt before Dr. Sahi and reached beneath her mauve dress, then started pulling her panties down her legs! The doctor noticed Natalie's horrified expression, and began to explain herself.

"Don't worry about Ethan -- this is part of his own treatment."

She rested one hand on the boy's head, mussing his hair a little.

"He came to me with erectile dysfunction issues, and couldn't quite afford my prices. I needed a receptionist, so we made a deal! It's part of his program to be open about his condition -- I have him send messages to women on dating sites to lessen the stigma within his mind."

The boy was blushing -- totally ashamed to have his issues broadcast like that as he eased the sodden panties down the doctor's thighs, and to her bare feet. In Natalie's imagination, the things were steaming hot, and she couldn't imagine any work relationship where a boy would handle his employer's dirty panties. When they were on the ground, Natalie saw they had a telltale wetness to them -- a considerable amount of cum had soaked into the things and discolored them. With deference, Ethan took away the doctor's used panties and helped her step into a new pair, then started raising them up her legs for her. The doctor kept talking:

"After a few sessions, we realized something: he was too attached to skinny white girls with tiny waists and no boobs."

Natalie twitched: it felt like the doctor was deliberately describing her body type, and in a rather coarse way.

"So I am trying to get him to accept the beauty in a variety of different body shapes, starting with my own. Functionally, this means he must masturbate while looking at photos of me and other women like me. He must not finish without my permission, or permission from whoever is in the photo. This is to help him understand that his future partner will have her own needs. But while he follows a strict abstinence program, I completely encourage him to use his mouth to provide relief to different women -- especially older ones whose husbands have lost interest in that specific duty."

Ethan had a pained expression on his face as he finally got the doctor's panties back on to her. He looked like he wanted to die, but instead scurried out of the room carrying the woman's undergarments as though they were a fragile artifact. Natalie had never seen anything so strange, and alarms were going off in her mind. The guy seemed totally cowed by this woman -- what sort of twisted power did she have over him??

Would Dr. Sahi do something like that to her too?

"Anyway, as for you: you have failed this first day," Dr. Sahi said, looking at Natalie as though she were a traffic jam, or a poorly-behaved daughter.

Natalie couldn't believe it! How dare this bitch say she 'failed' -- didn't she sit quietly while the woman rubbed her vile feet all across her face for half an hour?! And she didn't even call her out on playing with herself all the while, or comment on the woman's little sex-slave receptionist?!

"But how!?" Natalie demanded to know. Anger was rising within her, and anxiety about her fate beneath this woman's governance.

"You must be outwardly grateful for any exposure to womens' feet to help the treatment to take hold. You must smile, and appear thankful, and soon your mental attitude will shift to match your outward behavior. In fact, from now on it is better if you ask me for a session with my feet, and thank me afterwards. I can excuse it this time because you didn't know the rules, but we will need to repeat this specific program at least one more time... maybe more."

Natalie shook her head.

"I won't do it," she said, glaring at the hateful woman.

The thick Pakistani doctor was amazed at first, but collected herself. Her almond-shaped eyes narrowed and she gave Natalie a sadistic smile.

"Yes, I thought you might object. Just know that the stronger your objections are, the more extreme your treatment will be."

The threat was unmistakable, but Natalie wouldn't budge. When she realized Natalie wouldn't cave-on, the doctor continued lecturing.

"We have a correction for that. Go and tell Miss Charlotte that you had a critical failure today, and see what her response is. When you return, you will need to show me the proper humility."

The woman's tone told Natalie everything she needed to know -- she clearly got off on having power over people. But Natalie recoiled at the idea of bowing to such a horrid person. She stood defiant, summoning all her resolve to make a stand here and now.

Dr. Sahi went on.

"You will open that door, get on your hands and knees, and crawl over to me. Then you will kiss the hem of my skirt and kneel by my side, waiting for my acknowledgment. When I give it to you, you will assume your position for as long as I desire. There may be other things I add to your penance, as well."

"I know this seems extreme, but it is required for your level of... recalcitrance."

Natalie just stared at the woman.

"Never!" Natalie roared. "Never in a million years will I sit beneath your mank feet for one minute! You... you bitch!"

Natalie expected this to catch the woman by surprise, but the sadistic doctor only seemed to delight in her little outburst.

"Very well, Natalie," the woman responded in a condescending tone. "You won't ever be beneath my feet again. And you definitely won't be strapped down to make sure you cannot interfere with the treatment. And you definitely won't take my dirty stockings home with you to clean, as a homework assignment..."

Natalie stormed out of the doctor's office, past the receptionist who looked like he was cradling the panties he had just taken, and bounded out onto the sidewalk. She was beyond herself with anger, and still her face reeked of Prisha's feet. She walked like a madwoman up the street, looking for the closest public bathroom where she could freshen up. A hostess at a nearby restaurant gave her a frightened look as she darted past her and into the restroom, scouring her pretty face with cheap soap and tepid water from the sink.

But as much as she scrubbed, she couldn't seem to get the smell of dirty feet out of her face. It felt like the odor had seeped into her subcutaneous skin, like some awful tattoo. When she realized her defeat, she looked up into the mirror at her reddened face. Only then did the gravity of her situation strike: she was about to return to her landlady with a 'critical failure,' and she couldn't imagine the punishments Charlotte Lamberton would met out for that.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I would like to be under beautiful pakistani feet.

I will worship pakistani doctoer feet all day.

I am feet slave

DredionDredionover 6 years ago
Grade A

I love your work, you create familiar narratives while at the same time your imagery makes them feel fresh and new. Hitting on all cylinders for me, and its not the first time. Your stories are awesome and I wish I could get more

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great beginning

I am enjoying the beginning of your story. You're doing a good job of describing the feel and smell around the events as well as how Nat feels about things - embellish on that. In a humiliation story, dwelling on those feelings can't be overstated.

I look forward to more. If I may, don't push her too much too fast. You've already gone from proud and independent woman to willingly (albeit reluctantly) laying on the ground and having someone play with themselves while placing their rank feet on her face - in what appears to be less than a week. After only a single foot massage (at least that's all that's described), she's made to do so in front of someone else on the very next one? It feels like we're flying through and skipping some very juicy stages of humiliation.

I humbly ask that you slow it down. Let us enjoy each subtle level in her descent into submission and degradation. Chip away at her ego and pride with a small chisel, not a sledgehammer. Feel free to jump time if you wish, but give us a good insight into those gaps. Even if nothing really "new" has taken place, help us understand how that time has affected Nat's views, thoughts and emotions. Then walk us through the details of a scene which pushes her envelope ever so slightly more.

Again, I'm enjoying the premise and the potential of where you can take this. Looking forward to more.

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