Last Chance, Mr. Oblivious


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A knock at the door pulled him out of his thoughts. A look through the peephole showed the groom's handsome face, looking pissed. Grudgingly, he opened the door. "So... how's it going, there, Ted?" Topher asked, walking into the room without asking. "Have a nice time catching up with the girl who has done little but talk my ear off about you for the last ten years? She did it again last night, of course, crying herself to sleep in my room. Is that what you came running halfway around the world for?"

"No," Ted admitted, looking out the window rather than at Topher's face. Topher's face badly needed a fist in it, right then, and Ted was pretty sure Ashley wouldn't take kindly to him fixing that situation.

"Well, this is your last chance, Mr. Oblivious. The tango's out. Get her up the aisle any way you can without making her cry or otherwise ruining my wedding. Think you can do that?" Topher asked. Ted grunted his assent and Topher's face left the room unpunched.

The day passed quickly in a flurry of caterers, guests, florists and photographers. Arturo showed up in an embroidered pantsuit and talked up every female guest he could find. Still, there was no sign of Ashley. His Ashley... soon to be not his Ashley. Ashley... that he had last seen crying tears that he had put in her eyes. Ashley... yelling "well, at least someone does!" and storming out of the room. What did that even mean?

Ted went looking around in the rooms near the ballroom, hoping to find her. He needed to apologize. He only wanted her happiness... and he guessed that Topher made her happy. He had to accept that. That was when Ted opened the door to another room to see Topher standing in front of a full-length mirror, gasping with his eyes closed as he thrust into the mouth of a blonde man that was kneeling before him.

Holy shit. Ted tried telling himself that this was a bad thing. The perfect med-school groom was gay... getting a blowjob from another guy on the day of his wedding. This was a betrayal of the worst kind for Ashley and he should be very angry at that pissant Topher on her behalf, but... yeah, Ted only barely managed to back out of the room without screaming for joy.

Ted nearly tore the doors off the remaining rooms around the ballroom until, at last, he found her. She was coming out of a conference room, holding a small bouquet of flowers. Her hair trailed down her back in soft waves, her shoulders bare in the shimmering gold dress like the blue one she wore the previous night. He had never seen her more beautiful. "Ash...?" he breathed.

Her eyes lifted to his uncertainly, flickering and dropping down again, vulnerable and uncertain. Ted suddenly wasn't excited to tell her what he had seen. This kid... this sweet kid he loved more than anything was going to be crushed. She could barely meet his eyes after he screwed things up between them last night, and now he had to...

"You look so beautiful, Ash..." he said, stepping closer.

"Thanks... you look like James Bond..." she said with a small smile.

Ted laughed, "I wish... um, look... I need to tell you something."

"Ashley, have you seen Ted-- oh, there you are! Great! We need you two in position. Come on," a woman said, taking Ted by the arm and pulling him out of the room. Ashley followed, fussing with her dress and glancing curiously at him as they went to where they would walk into the room where the ceremony was held.

"You stand here, and Ash you take his arm like that... good, good," the woman said, adjusting the position of Ashley's hand on his arm before she went to fuss with something else.

"What did you need to tell me?" Ashley whispered out of the corner of her mouth.

"Um... first, I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me last night."

"I forgive you," she whispered.

"Thanks... ah, the other thing is... what if... what if we just didn't do this? What if we just ran back to the room and watched TV instead?"

"What? What are you talking about? What about Topher?"

Ted closed his eyes, "I just walked in on Topher getting sucked off by a blonde guy."

"Oh my god..." Ashley gasped.

"And you two start going in three... two..."

"Did you apologize to them?" Ashley asked, looking horrified.

"One -- and go," the woman prompted, nudging Ted forward down the aisle with Ashley on his arm.

"What?" Ted hissed through his teeth, trying to look pleasant as Ashley nearly dragged him forward down the aisle.

"Shh!" she said through her teeth. "We'll talk about it later."

"I think now is a good time to talk about it," Ted said through an awkward smile.

"Why, for god's sake?" she hissed back.

Time was not Ted's friend, though, because at that moment they ran out of aisle space and time to talk. In a last ditch effort, he turned toward her and took her chin in his hand. "Because I love you," he said, leaning down and kissing her, pouring out his heart onto her soft lips, and feeling them tremble under his. A surprised murmur went through the crowd in attendance.

When they separated, Ashley looked stunned and took a few breaths through her open mouth. Then, the wedding coordinator caught her eye by gesticulating wildly and pointing for her to go take her position. Almost in a daze, she wandered close to where the officiant was standing, stopping a bit too far to the left of center, her cheeks flaming. Ted took the chair that had been reserved for him and sat, never letting his eyes leave her, desperate for any sign that she felt the same way as he did.

A blonde man that Ted recognized as the cocksucker stood up from his chair next to Ted and walked up to a place near the officiant and then processional music started playing. Confused, Ted looked back down the aisle to see Topher walking up the aisle with a bouquet, beaming happily. He stopped in front of the officiant and handed Ashley the bouquet he held and then turned and joined hands with the blonde man. Stunned, Ted slowly came to realize that he was in love with the maid of honor at a gay wedding... and that maybe Topher wasn't a complete son of a bitch.

During the ceremony, Ashley's smiling eyes kept flickering to Ted, and her cheeks never stopped flaming. Quietly, Ted took his invitation out of his pocket and discreetly slipped it out of the envelope. Scanning it for the names, he confirmed that the invitation really did say that Ashley Sims was getting married to Christopher Grant... he never would have come all this way just for Topher's wedding... and yet no one else at the ceremony seemed confused by the sudden change in cast.

The ceremony ended and the newly married couple Topher and 'Drew' proceeded down the aisle to the applause of guests and Ted stood and offered Ashley his arm. She took it, and they proceeded back down to the end of the aisle where Topher and Drew waited to greet people.

To Ashley's surprise, Ted kept walking with her out of the ballroom and pulled her into the coatroom nearby. "Ted, what's--" she began, when he covered her lips with his, drinking in the sweetness of her. Her body softened against his, while her arms clutched him tighter. "I love you, too, Teddy," she said between gasping sobs.

"Yeah, I figured that out, kid. I love you, so much. I've always loved you," he choked, reaching up under her skirt and tugging the gusset of her panties aside to run his fingers through her slippery crease. She gasped, the intimacy between them, the sudden disappearance of the gulf that held them apart, shocking and perfect at the same time.

Emboldened, she reached down to his trousers and ran her hand over his cock, making him groan and lean in to her. "Are... are we going to do it in the coat room?" she asked, as his finger slipped inside her and began stroking them inside her, pulling and pushing against her silken walls.

In answer, Ted pushed her deeper into the coats and freed his cock from his trousers. Lifting her against him, he guided her down onto his cock, kissing her as he gently stroked further and further inside her. "Oh god, Ash... you feel so good. Tell me again, tell me you love me," he whispered, surging into her again and again, finally sheathed in her warm embrace.

"I love you... I love you... I love you... nnnnh... oh god... oh god, it's so good..." she whispered, feeling him moving inside her, his hunger for her in every relentless thrust. Desperate to feel him deeper, she lifted her leg over his hip as he pushed her up the wall and began pounding frantically into her, dragging her with him toward their frenzied release.

Ashley clung to him as he churned inside her, hot and hard, his hips rolling to plumb her depths as deeply as possible. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly as her peak came, a soft wail came out, muffled by his lips covering hers as her walls squeezed and squeezed and squeezed him again. Ted's breath hitched and he pushed deep, her eyes going wide as he surged and throbbed inside her, filling her with cum.

Gasping, still holding her against him, Ted leaned his forehead against hers, staring into her eyes. "Tell me you're mine..."

"I'm yours... I always have been... always will be. I just wish you didn't live halfway around the world," she said, smiling sadly as a large tear ran down her cheek.

"Yeah, well I probably don't need to anymore," Ted said, carefully extricating himself from her and putting his clothes back where they were expected to be. "They wouldn't let me have the time off to come to your wedding... so I quit."

"My wedding?" she asked, confused. "What are you talking about?" Playing along, Ted took the invitation out of his coat pocket and showed it to her, pointing out her name and Topher's. "That... that's not right. I would have heard about it. Topher made sure these were... aah!" she said, dashing toward a box of tissues and using several of them to clean between her legs as his cum began sliding down her thighs.

"Ah... sorry about that," Ted said, not looking remotely sorry until he saw streaks of blood on some of the tissues. "You're bleeding..." he said.

"Yeah," she said, blushing.

"Um... you, uh... you need me to find you some girl stuff for that?" he asked, looking concerned.

Her blush deepened and she avoided his eyes, "No. It's um... it's not my period," she said, smirking.

"Oh no... don't tell me you just lost your virginity in a coat room. We're in a fucking hotel, kid! We're adults! We have rooms! Beds!"

"Don't judge me. You're the one who did it. Anyway, where did you lose yours?" she asked.

"Ah, yeah... coat room. Guess I shouldn't judge."

"I never wanted anyone but you..." she said, shrugging. "It didn't matter to me where it happened, so long as it was with you."

Ted's face softened, looking away from her briefly while he tried to find words. Finally, he shook his head, "You're a piece of work, kid. Let's go eat some of Topher's wedding food, tango the night away, and then go have some bed sex. You're gonna love it," he said, bending down to kiss her again and leading her out of the coat room.

As they left, Ted's invitation fell forgotten to the floor, still partially sheathed in its envelope. By the end of the night, it had traveled the world and returned to the hands of the sender who found it as he was retrieving his and his new husband's coats.

"I thought you already kept one," Drew said, taking his coat from Topher who was smiling faintly at the invitation.

"I had this one made special," he said, turning the envelope and showing Drew the address of the exotic location.

"Hmm... funny, looks like you mailed it on April 1st," Drew commented, pointing out the postal stamp and giving Topher a sly look.

"Oh, did I? What are the chances of that?" Topher mused, smirking as he tucked the invitation into his suit.


Thanks for reading my April Fools Day Story Contest 2023 entry. I hope you have fun with it, and please don't forget to vote!

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crystal_fancrystal_fanabout 2 months ago

Thanks for the story! I'll admit, i had a blonde moment and totally didnt see the ending coming. Impressively, as an author you made me go from also wanting to punch Topher to giving hjm a laughing slap on the back. Signs of a good writer. Nicely done!

LingeringAfterthoughtLingeringAfterthoughtabout 1 year agoAuthor

Wow... thanks? It says something sad about the world that romantic love could produce such violent anxieties! April Fools is a troubling contest - not well suited to the vulnerabilities needed for gushy, sissy, girlie romantic love. I can see it messing with people.

We need to hear our good stories more, I think. Otherwise, we'll think everything inevitably ends in a brutal reddit AITA kick in the gut. Love happens. It's scary and awkward, sometimes - but with a bit of grace and kindness, we can get through it.

dougroundupdougroundupabout 1 year ago

Ohhhh Puke!!!

BUT I must admit it's all in a good way!!!!

Very excellently written and very creative.

Knowing the story was to somehow be based upon April Fool's subject matter. I felt hypervigilant, as I measured the logic of each event of the story as it would unfold. Looking for the hook. Analyzing and validating the subtle instances to find likelihood in the reasonability in the sequence of events. The author has done an excellent job of overcoming the challenges of such predictability to very efficiently guided the audience thru several twists and turns to provide for a creative reveal that entertains, the reader. All the subtle intricacies logically make a sensible conclusion. The story ends as others have put it ,,, in a feel good Hallmark moment... The kind of feeling described as butterflies in the stomach,,,,or as I often cynically would describe as that gushy, gut wrenching, kick you in the balls, make you want to throw up feeling of romantic LOVE!

A gushy, sissy, girlie romantic LOVE STORY!!!

BUT SERIOUSLY, the author did a great job of efficient storytelling that managed to hold the attention of the reading audience and yet provide an entertaining hook at the end.

LingeringAfterthoughtLingeringAfterthoughtabout 1 year agoAuthor

Veracity: Thank you! Coming from another writer, that means a lot! I'll have to take a look at your stuff when I take a break from writing for the Geek contest.

Monogamous Now: Your name is intriguing. There's a movie "Apocalypse Now" which (if you named yourself as a pun after the movie) could mean you find monogamy to be tanamount to the destruction of all. OR it could be that you are monogamous... now. As in, you weren't monogamous before, and you might not be again, but for now you are monogamous. I'm thinking way too much about this rather than just saying thank you... so, thank you!

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowabout 1 year ago

That was fucking fantastic!

LingeringAfterthoughtLingeringAfterthoughtabout 1 year agoAuthor

S&F: Thanks! Good luck in the contest!

Arrowglass: Thank you!

Bronco: Thanks! I probably should have put this in the Romantic category. Twists are tricky, but fun.

Boyd: Thanks much!

Bronco56Bronco56about 1 year ago

Actually a very fun romantic read. Nice twist in the story


arrowglassarrowglassabout 1 year ago
Decidedly delightful!!!


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