Lauren to Lozza Pt. 03

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Lozza and Becky have eventful nights.
8.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 04/17/2024
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Me and Dani walked through the crowded corridor of this shitty college before finally having enough space.

Then Jess and Aimes caught up with us. Dani told them the "great" news about my new job.

Jess and Aimes jumped in excitement and hugged me. Jess said, "Wow, perfect timing with Harry and Billy coming around."

Just then Becky caught up with us, and then Aimes told her the news. Becky beamed at me, then fiddled with her bag. "Congratulations babes, Here's my last milkshake, the only thing I've got as a gift. I can't have a shot with you to celebrate tonight. Sorry, I can't make it. I told Dani before."

Jess didn't seem to mind. "Don't worry girl, there's plenty of other nights", Jess then turned to me and said, "Hey Lozza, drink some on the way to mine, and then you can add some vodka to it once we're at my place."

I took the milkshake from Becky with a smile. "Thanks Becky," I said. I instantly took a mouthful. She really does make great milkshakes. I suppose I should be thankful she gave me all these milkshakes for nothing, and all she asked for was for me to return her the empty bottles. But I just think of how vulgar she is whenever I think of being thankful to her, vulgar, bossy, and skanky, probably the first words I think of with her. It will be a relief to be away from her tonight because she tries to boss me about like she does with the others.

The worst thing is that she's succeeding, I keep letting her; I'm acting all docile. When she tells me to jump, I do just that. Like this morning, I dropped my towel and let her see me naked!. I should have demanded that she leave. In fact, I should have taken my change of clothes into the bathroom like I always do.

Becky then asks if Aimes is heading home to get changed because of the "stupid pen" (the pen had leaked all over her in her last class and she hadn't noticed, so it covered her shirt quite badly).

Aimes nods and looks slightly annoyed. "Yeah, the absolute state of me, stupid fucking pen."

Becky jokes to Aimes that she better not come out wearing her whole wardrobe, and they all start laughing. I didn't understand the joke at all; it made no sense. It doesn't surprise me that they all laughed though, as Becky was their little leader, so they were just happy to laugh along like idiots.

Becky said her goodbyes as we headed the other way. I expected her to say what she was doing tonight, but she didn't. At least she wasn't around anyway. Aimes walked with us for a bit, but then she was ready to turn off to her home to change. Jess asked if she wanted anything particular from the shop. As they discussed what drinks to get, Jess asked me the same question, and with the amount I knew they were going to buy, which was practically every drink possible already, I didn't need any extra, I knew I was going to be starting with vodka after what Jess said earlier, so I just said no, not really.

Aimes jumped in with, "Try and stay with us tonight, Lozza; no passing out and snoring your head off again," she added with a laugh.

Only Becky had mentioned snoring earlier; it was the first time someone else had brought it up today. I thought Becky had just been teasing me. "I don't...I don't actually snore," I tried to claim, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up my cheeks.

Jess laughed. "Yeah, guessing your ex never slept over or didn't mention it to you, your snoring sounded like a bear with a cold!"

Aimes grinned, nodding in agreement. "You snore worse than my dad."

Dani looked puzzled. "You don't know your dad."

Aimes then delivered the punchline, "Exactly if he snored as loud as Lozza, I would have found him." They all burst out laughing, and even I had to bear a gritted grin. I was now getting mocked by a girl whose dad didn't think she was worth sticking around for.

My anger settled when Jess tried to be reassuring. "Don't worry about it, Lozza. Maybe it's only when you've been drinking, who knows."

We went to the store and brought back so many drinks. This time we brought a lot of red bull to keep me awake, which was Jess's idea.

Dani asked me my sizes so Harry knew what uniform to bring around, which made me cringe again at the image of me wearing it. Dani sent the details to Harry, and we made it back to Jess's flat, which was very cluttered and small--just a little living room with two couches squeezed in, a tiny kitchen that was in an open plan, which was part of the living room. It featured a table with six chairs, it looked oversized for this place; Jess said it was a gift from her mum, a small dingy bathroom that looked like it needed a good clean, and a very messy bedroom. Jess had given me a tour, like she was proud, and I pretended to be impressed.

Me and Dani went in the living room, and Jess poured some vodka into my milkshake--a large amount, as I had already drunk quite a bit of the milkshake on the walk and Jess had filled it right up. She passed a cider to Dani and then poured three tequila shots and said, "Right, we've got to have a shot for Lozza's new job."

We clinked the glasses and necked them, my throat burning. Jess walked off towards her bedroom, announcing, "Just going to throw on shorts and a top." 

Aimes rang the bell to be buzzed up and she walked in with two guys who turned out to be Billy who was skinny, ugly looking and ginger, wearing a tracksuit and turns out he was also in our college but I hadn't seen him yet, he was behind a year so I'm guessing an idiot aswell, with him was Harry he was better looking than Billy but that's not saying much, he had a little bit of a gut on him which you would think with a bit of working out or right diet, he could lose it, he was clad in his manager McDonald's uniform, he had my uniform with him, he placed it by the door, I thanked him for the job and uniform through gritted teeth, Harry was 21 and was friends with Billy from playing sports together as kids, Billy knew Becky's group from school days and Harry had met the girls after working with Dani.

Aimes had bumped into the guys on the way here and helped the guys carry some of their drinks (even more drinks) and what looked like mountains of McDonald's food. I'm not much of a junk food eater, and certainly it was very rare to get McDonald's. How were we going to eat all this food?

Jess came back out now wearing fluffy well worn slippers with grey socks, some grey wool gym shorts and a light blue t-shirt that had a message on it reading "5 out 4 people struggle with maths" why would you wear a t-shirt that basically said you are stupid.

Everyone was chatting on the well worn sofa, they went at the nuggets, burgers, chicken strips and fries like animals, food kept getting passed to me by Dani as it was shared around, I found myself eating a lot, very unlike me, I never stuffed my face, I was never the exercise type, getting all hot and sweaty was not for me, i was naturally fit but a proper diet with the best foods would of certainly helped me, suppose it couldn't hurt to indulge this one time.

Jess came over with even more shots because 'guys, half of you haven't had a shot to celebrate Lozza's job," so we had another one this time; it was something black. I don't even know what it was, but it was vile.

After a few drinks, Billy asked, "We getting that shitty roulette wheel out or what".

Dani laughed and said, "Why, can't you wait to get that little dicklette out?"

Billy fired back, "No, I want to see your tits again." 

I was completely baffled by what on earth they were talking about. I had to intervene "what are you talking about, roulette.

It was Dani who explained, "Oh, we have this little plastic roulette wheel; it's only small, and we are going to play strip roulette. We played it last time we were at Jess's. Becky wrote down the rules we came up with for next time, which is now, so we'll read them out to you."

Jess then jumped in and said I could be on her team. I was absolutely stunned. I was absolutely not playing a stripping game, especially with two guys like some cheap slut, and I made myself clear, "There is no way I'm playing that."

Aimes tried convincing me, "Come on, it will be fun; we're all friends." She then started explaining the rules, as if I had suddenly agreed.

I had to stop this "no, no, I said I'm not playing." They all then started trying to get me to change my mind; for some reason, my will was being broken down, like I had no fight in me to keep saying no as they argued their corner.

Jess urged me, "Come on, Lozza; without you, I'm more likely to lose all my clothes quicker. I need a partner or I'll have no chance." 

Jess pulled such a sad face, like she was desperate and I could save her. I wanted to say she has OnlyFans, so why is she so concerned? But I couldn't say that or they would be fuming, so I found myself muttering "fine."

What on earth was I playing at being so docile and just giving in? No, I had to say no again, so I tried to speak up and pull out, but Aimes was having none of it, almost like I was getting on her last nerve. She angrily, but not quite shouting, said, "No, you are not changing your mind again. Stop playing the prude. You are playing Lozza. End off. Jess will be at a disadvantage without you."

I looked at Jess's sad puppy face again. Peer pressure must be a stronger thing than I thought. I can't believe I'm agreeing to something like this, but maybe I should relax. I'll listen to the rules, and I'm smarter than all these, so maybe I could win this. bloody Becky's rules. She's already got me naked today, and now she might manage it again, and she's not even here. Maybe she was worried after seeing my body; she didn't want me to see hers because there would be no comparison. That's why she's probably sitting home right now, worried I'm going to become the leader of her little friend group.

Becky's point of view 

I smiled to myself I've got the house all to myself, I chuckled to myself as I imagined Lozza fuming when she found out about the strip roulette, Jess has a history of buying weird little nik naks but when last time at Jess's I spotted the box my mind just sprung with the fun little game, we was drunk and it was fun but I didn't know that the next time it was used would be even better and I weren't even going to be there.

Just thinking about that cheap little plastic wheel was going to get that little snob to drop her clothes, well I suppose not just that wheel, my little docile milkshakes and lots of booze too, and Infront of 5 people, one of them being that cheeky ugly little ginge, another being her new boss at McDonald's, at bet she couldn't believe she found herself agreeing to work there haha, 

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. My little plan came together, so I rushed over and opened the door.

"Hey, Benny! Thanks for coming over." I greeted him with a playful smile, gesturing for him to come in. He seemed a bit flustered; maybe it was my little vest top with no bra, or maybe my tiny shorts--who knows? 

"Um, hi, Becky. No problem, happy to help," Ben replied nervously, his eyes lingering on me before nervously turning away.

I led him to my bedroom, where my laptop was plugged into my monitor, in need of rescue. Well, I may have played with it a little. "So, Benny, how did you become such a tech wizard anyway?" I asked, flopping onto my bed, making sure to give him an inviting smile as he sat on the desk chair.

Ben blushed. "Oh, uh, I've just always been interested in computers and stuff. So keep learning more," he mumbled, focusing on the laptop's screen.

I couldn't resist teasing him a bit. "Hmm, maybe you could teach me a thing or two," I teased, watching as his cheeks turned even redder.

As Ben got to work on my laptop, he quickly found the problem: it couldn't connect to my monitor because the graphics driver needed installing. I wonder how that happened; maybe it missed out on an update, or maybe I had uninstalled it.

"So, Ben, what do you do for fun besides fixing computers?" I asked, inching closer to him, pretending to be interested in his response, my bare foot brushing his leg.

He hesitated for a moment before replying, "Well, I like gaming; it's a good escape too. With the family struggling with all the fallout from dad's business, Lauren took it particularly hard.

"Oh, don't worry about Lozza; she's settling in now. I know you won't have the money you had before, but trust me, you'll learn to love it here. People on this estate have more fun than posh snobs." I kept moving my foot against him as I talked. 

Benny looked more nervous as he looked down at my foot and back at my face. "Erm, what do you mean more fun?" He asked nervously.

I jumped up and stood over him, spinning the chair so he was directly facing me. "Sex, silly, what Lozza needs is a good fucking from some cute guys around here; we don't act all stuck up like rich people," I said.

He cut me off, shocked by my words. He nervously said, "Please, I don't want to think about my sister like that."

I smirked at him and said, "Oh Benny, its just sex; everyone needs it, especially Lozza, and you know who really needs it, this little guy." I placed my hand on his dick, and before climbing on top of him, I pressed my lips against his. To my delight, he responded eagerly, wrapping his arms around me. He returned the kiss, sloppily, perfect; he was putty in my hands now.

I pulled away with a satisfied smile. "It's time to get these clothes off, Benny; let's see you nakey", I said playfully, enjoying the sight of Ben's flushed face, I slid back onto the bed and smiled at him, he looked reluctant for a moment but then I slipped my hand into my shorts and started playing with myself, his face was priceless, I snapped him out of it "come on Benny, make it sexy everything off", so he sprung into a awkward strip tease as he tried his best at what he imagined he should be doing, kicking off his Nike sneakers, tossing his socks away before slowly pealing his top off revealing his little slightly hairy beer belly, although i imagine he wasn't much of a drinker, he then kicked off his black cargo pants and suddenly you could see he got a little shy,stood there in his little batman boxer shorts, how cute, the best thing is the little tent poking through.

I had to push him "come on Benny, pretend I'm the bat signal and throw them here", he quickly dropped his boxers and threw them to me before he could even have a second thought, I caught them, took my hand out my shorts, and wiped myself on them before giving Benny a stern order "Move them hands, Benny!" He quickly stopped covering, as I eyed him hungrily, eyeing up his hard dick, a small one probably just over 4 inches, not a problem; I could work with a small penis, in fact makes it easier to boss him around if he forgets his place, he didn't help himself because it looked even smaller by his huge bush of pubic hair, although I'm sure he was not expecting to be showing himself off today, just then I got a wicked idea.

I got off the bed and dropped my shorts, throwing them into the corner of the room, baring my bald pussy to Benny, I stood In front of Benny, I dipped my middle finger into my pussy before pulling it out and playfully pushing it into Benny's mouth.

I pulled him close and whispered into his ear, "get on the bed, I'm going to do something about this bush of yours. "As I said this I gave a couple of hairs a painful yank, He winced, and I carried on, "If you are a good boy and let me, then you'll get to eat this pussy and I'll play with little guy", giving his bare cock a playful tug, he was not hesitant and jumped into my bed, as I want to get my razor, scissors, shaving cream and a little soaking bucket.

I returned, finding Benny on the bed, his little dick still standing to attention, I got to work. I started with the scissors, cutting down them long hairs. Benny, of course, was looking nervous at my snips. I was being careful, I took the tip of Benny's dick and looked at Benny in the eye and said, "I need a little nickname for this little guy. I had a favourite little soft toy when I was a kid, and this is now my new toy, so I think it should share a name, so we are going to call it the same.

Benny gulped and asked what my toy was called, i beamed a smile and said "Binky", he looked surprised "that isn't the best name for a penis", he responded.

I pulled a sad face and pleaded, "But I like it, nobody but us will know, so who cares?, Please let it be Binky" he then agreed, great a pushover, I beamed at him, "That's settled. I'll make Binky very happy once his haircut is  finished." Then, I lathered up most of Benny's pubic region with shaving cream and gently glided the razor over his skin, leaving behind a neatly groomed landing strip, exactly the same as his sister's. The siblings now share the same haircut, isn't that lovely.

Benny looked surprised, so I quickly shot down any possible complaints: "It looks so cute, Benny; it leads directly to Binky, and Binky looks even bigger without all that yucky hair. Now, because I say this is technically our first date, I can't say I'm a good girl if we fuck on the first date. I think even sucking you off is too far, but how about this? I promise you the blowjob off your dreams for our next date, but first, I'm going to sit on your face; is this your first time eating pussy?", Benny nodded.

"Okay, I'll direct you on exactly what you should do, and I'll give Binky a nice little handjob while you work away. Now lie on your back while I climb aboard." Benny laid completely back. I jumped on him and crawled up his body, past his legs, over Binky, past his belly, As I settled on his chest, I smirked down before lifting my left knee and spinning around so he was facing my naked arse.

I teased Benny, "I'm going to leave my top on this time. But next time, I promise it will be off, but enjoy my naked fat ass for now". I then pushed my ass into his face before resting my whole body weight on his face, I'll rest on my feet occasionally so he doesn't die under there, but this will be fun. I lifted myself up a little, I then spread my cheeks slightly before sitting down again, Benny's nose resting directly on my asshole.

I began sliding back and forth on his face, giving him a few tips as he started his tongue work on my pussy, not that I made it easy for him under there, promising him I'll start that hand job soon, the sweat on his nervous face helped as i grinded away as well as the snail trail I left with my wet pussy.

I pushed myself off Benny, allowing him more room to please me properly with his mouth, he could now breath which also helped and I reached forward and start jerking Binky, my feet either side of his head as he got full view of my behind down there, I decided to tease him a little, "I love that talented tongue of yours Benny, very good for a beginner, with my direction you'll be a fantastic pussy eater, don't tell anyone about us just yet Benny, i dont want everyone gossiping about me", I then started increasing the speed of the tugs on Binky and I continued teasing Benny "even Lozza, ill tell her when the times right, maybe when she's getting some good dick herself, she won't then be too focused on us if she's getting regular sausage, do you know what I mean?, although I think she'll be happy for us either way but just incase".

Benny this time didn't say anything but just continued to eat my pussy, Good boy, he's learning, If I want to talk about his sister getting dicked then I will, I kept poor Binky on edge, soon as I thought he was close to pop I slowed right down, becoming painfully slow, whereas Benny kept listening and following my instructions perfectly my moans started and i let go off Binky completely as Benny worked away, I was very close, a minute later i roared and squirmed on Benny's face.