Learning to Let Go


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"What's that?"

"We want you to be godmother, not that we want the religious trappings, we just want to recognise how much we want you to be part of the family. You'd be more like the cool aunt."

"I'd love to, try keeping me away."

Simon continued, "That's settled then."


Instead of emailing Rebecca, Sarah phoned the flat, in the evening. With the time difference, she was relying on Rebecca being awake as it was early in the morning in the U.K. On the third ring Rebecca picked up, "Hello?"

"Hi Bex, its Sarah, did I wake you?"

"No, no, I've just been reading in bed. How are you? And your Dad?"

"He's doing really well thanks Bex, I think I can come back soon. Can I send you some options for my flight?"

"Of course, it will be nice to have you home."

"That's not really why I called though Bex. I wanted to thank you for your email, for your honesty and what I really want to do is ask you out - on a date. Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Oh Sarah, I really would."

"Amazing, so if I'm back in the UK next Thursday, can I pick you up at 7 pm on the Friday?"

"Pick me up? Won't you be here?"

"I think I should go to a hotel for a couple of days. I want the date to be special, I don't want to rush things the second I get back. Is that ok?"

"Of course, but don't take too long, I miss you."

"I miss you too. Bye Bex."

"Bye Sarah." Rebecca looked at the phone in disbelief when Sarah hung up. She felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of seeing her, touching her and kissing her again. She wasn't sure she could wait another 10 days.

Sarah sent her the flight options and Rebecca booked the ticket and ordered a car to collect her from the airport, emailing back the details, confirming that the ticket was once again first class.


Catching up with Jules the day before Sarah came back she tried to explain how she was feeling. "It's like I'm a teenager, I don't know what to do with myself. I have no idea what I am going to wear."

"Do you know where you are going?"

"No, could be anywhere which makes it even harder."

"I suggest your light blue jeans that look like they are spray painted on and your pink shirt. It's not too dressy but also very smart."

"Spray painted on huh, when were you looking so closely?"

Flushing red, Jules admitted, "I know it's early but my hormones are crazy. I'm so horny at the moment, I'd jump you in those clothes."

"I don't just want her to jump me."

"I know but it's been so long for you, I think you need to get past that step quickly to enable anything else to develop."

"Maybe you're right, I've not been this nervous in a long time."

"You need to try to relax, otherwise you won't enjoy it."

"Easier said than done. Still coming for dinner on Sunday night?"

"Of course, but feel free to cancel if you are going to be otherwise engaged..."

"You need to get your mind out of the gutter, hormones or no."


Since the phone call there had been little communication between Sarah and Rebecca. When Sarah was back in the U.K. she texted Rebecca again to confirm their date. All day Friday, Rebecca couldn't concentrate and ended up leaving the University early to get ready. She was fully dressed and pacing the flat by 6.15. The clock seemed to have stopped. Eventually she heard a knock on the door. Rebecca walked to the door and fumbled with the lock. When she finally got the door open she saw Rebecca standing in a summer dress that hung to every curve. She was smiling at Rebecca and holding flowers. "Hi Bex."

Rebecca just stood there, gazing at Sarah, not saying anything.

"Are you going to invite me in?"

"Sorry, of course, come in. Sorry for staring, you look beautiful."

Sarah walked past Rebecca into the living room, giving her a fleeting kiss on the cheek as she did so. "You look amazing as well, if a little like a startled deer. Do I scare you that much?"

"No, but the way you make me feel does." Rebecca said, surprised at the honesty in her words.

"Just remember that we don't have to do anything that you don't want to."

"It's the things I do want to do that are scaring me."

Sarah smiled at that but didn't want to push it any further. She handed the flowers to Rebecca and said, "These are for you, it's lovely to see you again."

Rebecca blinked and took the flowers from Sarah, taking them into the kitchen to find a vase. When she brought them back to put on the coffee table, Sarah took her hand. "We should get going, I've booked a table at Luigi's, I hope that's ok."

"That sounds lovely." Rebecca's hand tingled from Sarah's touch and she fought the urge to drag her to the bedroom. She had really missed her friend and wanted to reconnect before getting on to anything else.

Sarah was confident and charming throughout the meal. Rebecca soon relaxed into her company and told her what had been happening while Sarah was away, including the news of Jules' pregnancy. During the evening, Sarah took every opportunity to ease any tension that Rebecca might be feeling. She went out to spoil Rebecca, paying for the meal and walking her back to her door. She made no move to go into the flat but took Rebecca in her arms and pulled her into her embrace. She looked into Rebecca's eyes and said, "Thank you for a lovely evening."

Rebecca was confused, she searched Sarah's eyes for an indication of what she was thinking, "Aren't you coming in?"

"Do you want me to?"

To answer her, Rebecca tightened the embrace and lowered her lips onto Sarah's, "I want to finish what we started, what I started." At that, Sarah's resolve disappeared and she deepened the kiss, teasing Rebecca's lips with her tongue.

Finally breaking the kiss, Rebecca smiled and continued, "But I was thinking of continuing it inside, not in the hallway." She took Sarah's hand in hers and opened the flat. When the door closed, she surprised Sarah by picking her up and pinning her against the door, leaning in to continue the kiss. Sarah quickly recovered from the surprise and wrapped her legs around Rebecca's waist.

Rebecca released Sarah's lips and kissed down her neck, finding her pulse and trailing her tongue along Sarah's collarbone. Deciding she wanted more she pulled Sarah away from the wall and walked toward the sofa and gently lowered Sarah down onto her back and kneeled between her legs on the floor, barely breaking the kiss. When she finally looked into Sarah's eyes she could see desire and a little surprise. When Sarah had seen how nervous Rebecca had been, she had expected things to go slowly.

"We don't have to do this so fast you know." Sarah said.

"Do you want me to stop?" Rebecca said pausing tracing patterns she was making on Sarah's neck with her tongue.

To answer her Sarah kissed Rebecca deeply and ran her fingers over Rebecca's breasts, teasing the nipples that were straining against her shirt. She opened the buttons to reveal her bra and continued to run her fingers over her breasts. Rebecca took this as her answer and started to undo the buttons on Sarah's dress, gently kissing each bit of exposed skin. When the dress was loose enough she pushed it off Sarah's shoulders, revealing a delicate lace bra. Tracing the patterns with her fingers she reached round and undid the clasp, pulling the bra off. She started to repeat her actions of the other morning, teasing Sarah with her tongue, barely making contact with her nipples. As she did this her hand ran up the inside of Sarah's legs and lifted the dress around her hips. She brushed her hand across the dampness and gently pushed her fingers inside Sarah's hot centre. Wanting more, Rebecca removed her hand, drawing a whimper from Sarah, and pulled her panties down. She kissed her way down Sarah's abdomen, between her legs.

In no mood to tease this time, she gently pulled apart Sarah's swollen lips and breathed in deeply, her mind spinning from the overload to her senses. With a final look into Sarah's face she dipped her head to Sarah's sex and started kissing her, using her tongue expertly, drawing a million sensations dancing around her clit.

Sarah could feel her orgasm build, again surprised at how quickly Rebecca could push her buttons. When Rebecca flicked her clit with her tongue she nearly jumped out of her skin and started calling out her name, over and over as the waves of her orgasm crashed into her, "Oh Bex, Bex, Rebecca, don't stop, oh god, Rebecca."

Not wanting to disappoint, Rebecca didn't stop but changed her approach. She thrust two fingers inside Sarah and started to gently fuck her friend. At the same time, she sucked on Sarah's clit leaving Sarah reeling all over again. She came so hard she nearly passed out but Rebecca still didn't stop. Varying her approach again, Rebecca returned to teasing Sarah's clit with her tongue and inserted a third finger into her pussy. She removed her other hand from Sarah's breast and started caressing her bottom, squeezing and dragging her nails across her slit. Scoping some juice from her pussy she traced circles around Sarah's anus. Gently probing she slowly pushed her finger up to the knuckle. Sarah's body bucked again and she came hard, pinning Rebecca's head between her legs and screaming out her name once more. Rebecca could've stayed down there longer but didn't want to overdo it, so she gently pulled her fingers from Sarah's body and with a final kiss on her pussy, kissed her way back up to Sarah's breasts and then to her mouth. Sarah returned the kiss deeply but then lay back on the sofa, panting hard. "I think you've broken me," she said to Rebecca.

"Too much?" Rebecca asked, worried that she had gone over the top.

Sarah shook her head and said, "Definitely not I just need some time to recover before I repay the favour."

"Hush, there's no rush but we could get somewhere a little more comfortable." With that she carefully picked Sarah up in her arms and took her to the bedroom. She chuckled to herself as Sarah was already falling asleep. Laying Sarah down on the bed she removed Sarah's dress and got undressed herself. Pulling the duvet over the them she curled into Sarah and fell into a peaceful sleep.

When Sarah woke, she was lying on her back, Rebecca was lying next to her, with her head propped up on her hand, and the other hand was gently tracing patterns on Sarah's skin. Seeing that Sarah was awake, Rebecca leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, "Good morning gorgeous."

"Morning, what time is it?"

"Just after 7, did you sleep well?"

"Better than I have in ages, like I said I think you broke me. Sorry for falling asleep."

"It's ok, nice to know I had that kind of effect on you."

"I can't explain what you did to me, I've never felt that way before."

"Well, you're doing wonders for my ego but clearly we need some more research if you can't explain it." She leaned down to kiss Sarah once more, unable to hide the longing any more. She rolled on top of Sarah and pressed their bodies together, loving the feeling of their breasts pressing together.

This time Sarah was not content to let Rebecca do all the work, with surprising strength she rolled them over so that she was on top and sat up, straddling Rebecca's waist. "Ever since I woke up with you touching me, I've wanted to explore your body. When I saw you last night it took all my strength not to take you on the floor. I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, but..." she trailed off and looked worried.

"What's wrong, are you having second thoughts, do you want me to stop?"

"Not at all, but I'm not sure..." again trailing off.

"Not sure about what sweetheart?"

"Not sure I'll know what I'm doing, touching you fulfilled a desire in me that I thought was long gone, but I haven't been touched, not even by myself since David."

"Oh baby, come here", Sarah said while climbing off Rebecca. She sat up against the head board and pulled Rebecca backwards into her embrace, wrapping her arms and legs around her new lover and resting her chin on Rebecca's shoulder so she could whisper into her ear. "I should have realised, I'm so sorry, I definitely would've paid more attention to you first."

"Please don't be sorry, I've been wanting to do that to you since we spent the night together, it was amazing."

"Well today is all about you, we can do as much or as little as you want. How about we see where this is going and you can stop me anytime you want, no questions asked."

"Ok, but please don't let go, being in your arms is wonderful."

"Don't worry, I'm not planning on going anywhere for a long time." Sarah tightened the embrace and started running her fingertips up and down Rebecca's side, feather touches, that made Rebecca's skin tingle and her core fill with longing.

Feeling Rebecca relax a little more, Sarah released her arms and placed Rebecca's hands on the bed, giving her access to Rebecca's chest. Continuing the same feather touches, she covered Rebecca's chest and abdomen, going everywhere except her breasts. After what seemed like an age, she started to circle towards Rebecca's nipples which were hard and begging for attention. Moving Rebecca's hair to one side so that she could access her neck, Sarah returned her attention to Rebecca's breasts, simultaneously teasing her nipples while kissing her neck. Rebecca nearly came there and then, moaning deeply and gripping Sarah's legs.

Sarah continued massaging Rebecca's breasts and gently pulling her nipples while whispering in her ear, "You ok?", registering the nod of Rebecca's head, "More?", again a nod but a little more hesitant. Hooking her legs over Rebecca's so that she could pull them apart Sarah continued to pleasure Rebecca's breasts and kiss her neck. She eased one of her hands down Rebecca's stomach, repeating the feather touches of earlier, she circled closer and closer to Rebecca's centre, waiting to feel any hesitancy from Rebecca. When she finally touched her sex, Sarah merely let her hand cup Rebecca's mound while continuing to pay equal attention to her breasts. Again, she asked, "More?" And again, she felt Rebecca's nod. She dipped a finger inside Rebecca and could feel how wet she was, going as slowly as she could, Sarah found Rebecca's clit and started rubbing in small circles, getting harder but never rushed, letting Rebecca get used to the touch before increasing the pace. Sarah felt Rebecca's heart rate increase and felt her orgasm crash almost before Rebecca did. Rebecca cried out on release and sagged into Sarah's arms. Sarah continued to caress Rebecca, kissing her neck and whispering encouragement but maintaining the pressure on her clit and breasts. Once Rebecca had caught her breath, Sarah increased the tempo again and moved her other hand from Rebecca's breasts to join her other hand, easing a finger inside her friend. Rebecca raised her hips of the bed to allow more access and Sarah took this as encouragement. She added another finger and slowly fucked Rebecca while continue to whisper in her ear. Before long, Rebecca was crying out again. This time Sarah slowly withdrew her fingers and returned to hugging Rebecca, caressing her sides, letting Rebecca catch her breath.

After a few minutes, Sarah spoke again, "Are you alright?"

"So much better than alright, thank you."

"Anytime, sweetheart." Sarah replied, kissing Rebecca softly on the cheek. She continued to hug Rebecca and felt Rebecca fall asleep in her arms, something she didn't think she'd ever get tired of, after a while she went back to sleep herself.

She woke up alone and panicked that Rebecca had been having second thoughts. She got up to go and look for her, finding her dressed in t-shirt and knickers, dancing and singing along to a Missy Elliot song playing on her phone.

Sarah laughed and Rebecca spun round with embarrassment. That turned to shock when she realised Sarah was naked. She walked towards Sarah with desire etched on her face, "if you are going to walk around naked, I won't be responsible for my actions." She wrapped Sarah in her arms and kissed her so hard, Sarah's knees went weak.

"Is that meant to dissuade me? Because from where I'm standing that's a good thing. Where did you go, I was worried that you were regretting things."

"Never", kissing her deeply again. "I was just making us some tea. Did you want to get up or shall I bring it back to bed?"

"What would you prefer?"

"Well I was planning on coming back to bed, if that's OK with you?"

"Sweetheart, I will never turn that down." Kissing Rebecca again, she left to go to the bathroom, before returning to bed.

Rebecca came back into the room with some tea and toast. She put these on the bedside table and got back into bed. Sarah wasted no time in pulling Rebecca back into her arms. "Are you OK? A lot has happened in the past few hours."

"I couldn't be better, thank you for being so gentle with me."

"Anytime sweetheart. Any thoughts on what you want to do today?"

"Rushing to get up already?"

"Baby, I would stay here 'til the end of time if you'd let me."

"Well, I guess we should get your things from the hotel and then I'd like to have a date."

"Didn't we do that already?"

"Are you saying you don't want to go on a date with me?"

"Not at all, sorry, carry on."

"As I was saying, I would like to take you on a date of sorts. I was so tense yesterday, I could barely keep myself together. I want to spoil you, I'll cook."

"That sounds lovely."

Rebecca continued, "But that's later, for now, I need to show you what happens when you walk around without clothes on..." She rolled Sarah over onto her front and lay on top of her. Again, the power of Rebecca's body sent shoots of desire across Sarah, she realised how much she liked Rebecca being in control. She lifted her head and asked Rebecca, "Baby, will you try something for me?"

"Anything for you." Sensing Sarah wanted to move, Rebecca lifted her body. Confusion covered her face when Sarah got off the bed and started to leave the room. "Where are you going?"

"Just a second." Sarah came back with a velvet bag and gave it to Rebecca. "Could we use this?"

Rebecca opened the bag and saw a strap on dildo inside. She looked at Sarah and asked, "Have you used this before?"

"No, I got it back home, hoping that the situation would arise. When I watched you rowing, I knew that you would look amazing wearing something like this and I got so wet thinking about it I had to buy one before I lost my nerve."

Rebecca looked at Sarah with a desire that was almost frightening and asked, "Are you wet now?"

"Oh god yes."

"I think you should show me how turned on you are. Play with yourself while I get ready."

Feeling a thrill hearing Rebecca tell her what to do, Sarah lay back on the bed while Rebecca stood next to her. Sarah started on her breasts, pulling on hard on her nipples, she then moved a hand between her legs and started to pinch her clit, keeping her eyes on Rebecca at all times. With the harness secure, Rebecca sat across Sarah's stomach, trapping her arm between her legs. She leant over so that her breast was above Sarah's mouth and Sarah wasted no time in attacking it, keeping her hand moving between her legs. After a couple of minutes, Rebecca sat up and pulled Sarah's hand away, leaving her squirming, and begging for release.

Rebecca smiled and said, "I thought you wanted this", bringing Sarah's hands to the plastic cock as she moved between her legs. Sarah moaned with desire as Rebecca place the tip at the entrance to her pussy, barely giving her a chance to breathe, Rebecca pushed the length into Sarah, not hard but steady. Sarah moaned again as Rebecca's hips met hers. She wrapped her legs around Rebecca and tried to pull her closer. She whispered, "Please fuck me Rebecca, I need it, hard."