Lesbian 101


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"So?!" Tyler started to speak, but silenced herself as their order was delivered to the table. Once they we alone again she resumed in a quieter tone, "So?"

Brooke pulled her fork out of a rolled-up napkin, "So, doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Of course it does," Tyler slid her water closer, "But it's also really confusing. I don't know what I am."

Brooke sliced the fork through her pie, "What do you mean you don't know what you are?"

Tyler's eyes started to redden from emotion and she grew embarrassed that she was about to cry.

Brooke's tone immediately softened, "Tyler, what is it?"

Tyler sniffed and a tear fell down her cheek, "Brooke... I think I might be gay."

Brooke blinked at the admission, "Okay. But... why are you crying? There's nothing wrong with that."

Tyler used a napkin to wipe her eyes, "I'm crying because I'm scared that you're not."

Brooke's brow furrowed in thought. "You're right," she said, "This is really confusing."

Tyler sniffled and took up a fork, "Your ice cream is melting."

Brooke poked her fork into the soft vanilla, "Tonight at the game I was trying to think up an excuse to get out of dinner with Rob. All my life I've just... did what I felt was expected of me, you know? Like find the perfect boy to marry and squirt out a couple kids - live happily ever after."

Tyler seemed to reluctantly eat her dessert as she listened to Brooke.

"I've dated boys. I've kissed boys. I find some boys attractive. But yesterday, when we were together... I've never felt like that, Tyler. Not with a boy. It felt so... right. I don't know what I am either, but I know I don't want to stop being with you."

Tyler made a teary smile and slid her hand across the table. Brooke moved her hand across as well, splaying her fingers to mingle with Tyler's. They held each other and quietly ate more of their food. After a few moments Tyler whispered, "I really want to kiss you right now."

Brooke smiled, "Yeah, me too. But don't. Our waiter looks like kind of a perv. He'd probably take a picture to jerk-off to later."

Tyler snorted out a laugh and squeezed Brooke's hand. Brooke always knew how to make Tyler laugh when she was upset. It was one of the things Tyler loved about her. "So what are you going to do about Rob?"

"I dunno," Brooke shrugged, "Tell him I'm seeing somebody, I guess."

Tyler bit her lip around a smile.


When the girls later arrived at Tyler's house, her parents were in the living room watching television. Tyler and Brooke greeted them and exchanged some small talk - Tyler assuring her parents she and Brooke wouldn't stay up too late - before retreating to Tyler's cavernous bedroom.

"Can I borrow something to sleep in?" Brooke wandered towards a wide dresser. Several picture frames rested on the top, including one of Tyler and Brooke together.

"Help yourself," Tyler assumed Brooke knew where to find everything, "I'm gonna take a shower. I'm still all stinky from volleyball."

Brooke nodded and opened a drawer where Tyler kept some shorts and old tees for sleeping. Brooke found a shoebox she didn't recognize in the drawer. It was decorated with wrapping paper and stickers, like the old Valentine's boxes they used to bring to grade school on Valentine's Day as children.

Curious, Brooke slipped the lid off.

"Oh my god," she smiled brightly, immediately recognizing many of the items inside. She lifted a charm necklace with a cheap, beaded chain. The charm was a half-heart shape; Brooke recognized it because she owned the other half of the heart. She and Tyler had won the charms playing bottle-toss at their city's summer carnival when they were eleven years old. Brooke remembered the vow she and Tyler made that day - if either of them ever got married the other one would give their half of the charm to the respective husband.

Brooke placed the necklace back in the box and picked-up some battered Polaroid pictures. One year for her birthday, Tyler's mom had bought Tyler one of those old-style cameras which spit out the picture instantly. Brooke laughed as she looked through the photos, remembering the way they had to shake the pictures in the air for the film to process. One picture in particular featured Brooke and Tyler arm-in-arm with crooked paper birthday hats on their heads. Brooke laughed at the image even as a tear fell from her eye, remembering the party as though it had just happened. Turning the picture over, Brooke saw where someone had written 'Tyler & Brooke - age 8' on the back.

The box was full of memories and the objects that inspired them. Every memory in the box involved Brooke.

Brooke sniffled and wiped the back of her hand across a cheek, clearing away happy tears. Hearing the shower running, Brooke replaced the box's lid and closed the dresser drawer. On her way towards the bathroom, she left a trail of clothing on the floor. Once inside the spacious bathroom, Tyler's silhouette could be seen through the shower's blurry glass door, her arms raised while rinsing her hair.

Tyler looked over her shoulder when the shower door opened. "Brooke...?" she looked concerned, seeing her best friend standing naked with smeared mascara beneath her eyes, "What are you... are you crying?"

Brooke stepped into the shower and reached for Tyler, "I love you so much."

Their bodies collided, bent arms tangling between them as they cupped each other's faces and pulled themselves into a kiss. Brooke led with her tongue and Tyler eagerly sucked it into her mouth. Several long moments passed before their lips parted, hot water cascading over both of their bodies.

"I love you too," Tyler murmured, her voice scratchy with desire and Brooke's red lipstick smeared across her mouth.

The water was matting Brooke's coiled ringlets into damp curls, which Tyler pushed away from Brooke's forehead. A neatly manicured thumb ran across Tyler's lips as Brooke wiped some of the lipstick off her companion's face. Each of them knew at that moment their relationship had become entwined far beyond friendship. They were lovers and that fact would change everything.

"I don't know if I'm gay and I don't care," Brooke said, "I just want to be with you. I don't want to be with anyone else, just you."

Tyler started crying her own tears of joy and smiled, "I'm yours, Brooke. I'm all yours."

"Not to be weird," Brooke spoke with a happy sob catching in her throat, "But does this mean we're lesbians now?"

Tyler made her own tearful laugh and nodded, "Something like that, yeah. I think so."

Brooke's laugh mirrored Tyler's, "I don't know how to be a lesbian."

Tyler kissed her, "We'll figure it out together, okay?"

Brooke kissed her back with more heat behind her lips. "Make love to me," she murmured, "Please make love to me, Tyler."

As Tyler kissed her, she pressed Brooke back against the shower wall. Tyler's lips dragged down Brooke's mouth and she kissed Brooke's chin, neck, and collarbone. Brooke arched her back when Tyler reached Brooke's breasts, Tyler kneading her fingers into the soft flesh and sucking on one of Brooke's nipples.

Tyler loved Brooke's big, C-cup breasts. They were so much bigger than her own, which were little more than small mounds on her chest. Tyler sucked on one, drawing as much tit-flesh into her mouth as she could and swathing her tongue against Brooke's areola.

Brooke reached above her head with both arms to grab the top edge of the shower wall, feeling her knees go weak as Tyler fed on her breast. The shower was spraying just below Brooke's neck, the warm water running down her body and slickening Tyler's attentions.

Tyler dropped to one knee as she continued kissing her way down Brooke's trim, baby-fat tummy. She paused at Brooke's mound, pressing several kisses against Brooke's bumpy, shaved mons.

"Oh my god," Brooke breathed as she realized what Tyler was about to do.

Tyler stuck her tongue out as far as she could and lapped between Brooke's labia, her tongue swathing over Brooke's clitoris at the apex of her licking motion. Tyler flicked the tip of her tongue against the quickly-stiffening button, causing Brooke to gasp, and then repeated with another lick. Over and over, Tyler licked at Brooke's pussy, each time delving her tongue deeper between Brooke's labia lips and finishing across Brooke's clit.

Brooke had to bite her lower lip and breathe through her nose to avoid screaming out and alerting Tyler's parents upstairs. She lifted a knee and draped her shapely leg over Tyler's shoulder, curling her ankle between Tyler's shoulder blades.

Tyler shoved her tongue into Brooke's pussy, licking deeply and tasting of the sweet juices that had begun flowing out. Her hands were at Brooke's hips and smoothed around to grab at Brooke's plush bottom. She pulled Brooke's pelvis against her mouth and started sucking on Brooke's clit.

"Oh shit!" Brooke squeaked and her curled leg pulled at Tyler encouragingly. She was still clinging to the top of the shower, afraid to let go.

Tyler's mouth was clamped onto Brooke's clitoris, sucking on it and teasing it with rapid flicks of her tongue. Brooke started to gently rock her hips, bucking her pelvis against Tyler's face. One hand let go of the shower wall as Brooke slapped it across her own mouth, muffling the gasps of an orgasm. Tyler's fingers dug into the flesh of Brooke's ass, holding her mouth in place and teasing Brooke's clit relentlessly.

Brooke's entire body shook at the intense pleasure she was experiencing. She slapped her arm sideways against the shower wall to keep from sliding downwards and humped her pussy against Tyler's face. It took every ounce of will she could muster not to cry out, her mouth wide in a silent scream of bliss.

When it was over, Brooke's leg limply slid off Tyler's shoulder as Tyler stood. Brooke threw her arms around Tyler's neck to keep from falling, weak from the ordeal of her orgasm. Tyler kissed her and Brooke sensed a sweet flavor on Tyler's lips. Realizing she was tasting her own fluids, Brooke licked and sucked on Tyler's lips with a carnal hunger.

As they kissed, Tyler blindly reached to her side to turn the shower handle off. The water stopped, leaving their dripping bodies pressed together.

"How did you do that," Brooke hugged her lover, whispering at Tyler's ear, "How did you know how to do that?"

Tyler wiped the matted curls off Brooke's forehead and pressed her lips against Brooke's cheek, "I don't know. I just wanted to kiss you there... your body told me when I was doing something right."

"I had no idea," Brooke clung to Tyler tightly and unwilling to let go, "I didn't know I could feel that good."

They kissed some more, both of them addicted to the feeling of their lips pressed together. Minutes passed before they finally started shivering and laughed at each other's goose bumps.

After drying themselves off with big, fluffy towels they put some clothes on. Brooke wore some of Tyler's things - a pair of shorts and a baggy, grey tee shirt with a Nike logo on it. Brooke liked being in the shirt as it smelled of Tyler's body spray and the well-worn material was soft against her skin. Tyler had on a pair of sporty white briefs and one of her bigger brother's old tee-shirts, which hung down to her thighs.

They were on Tyler's bed and Brooke was painting Tyler's toenails from a rose-colored bottle she had found in her purse, something Tyler never did herself. Tyler never wore polish on her fingers, either, while Brooke often had hers painted.

"That's a pretty color," Tyler watched, gathering her hair up and tying it into a ponytail.

Brooke's hair was still damp and her golden curls hung limply, pushed off her face. She blew at Tyler's toes briefly.

"Brooke," Tyler asked, "Why were you crying, before you got into the shower?"

Brooke started dabbing more polish onto a new toe, "Because I had just realized how much I love you... how important you are to me."

Tyler smiled, She liked hearing those words; they felt right.

"I found a box," Brooke said, "The shoebox, in your dresser. How long have you had that?"

"The one with all our memories?"

Brooke looked at her, "Yeah. I mean, there's stuff in there that goes all the way back to grade school."

Tyler lifted a lazy shoulder, "I don't know. I've had it forever."

"And it's just stuff that reminds you of us?" Brooke wondered.

Tyler nodded, "Uh-huh."

Brooke smiled fondly, "It's really sweet. I just... I can't believe you've kept all that stuff."

"Brooke," Tyler told her, "You're the most important person in my life. Every important or memorable thing I've ever done, you were there. You come to all my games, even though you hate sports. Whenever I'm upset, you're there trying to make me laugh. God, I remember when I got my first period - we were in gym class and you held my hand all the way to the nurse's office." Tyler laughed, "Do you remember? Mrs. Olson, our gym teacher, told you that you couldn't come with. But you told her you weren't scared of detention and refused to let go of me."

"Stop it," Brooke laughed, "You're going to make me cry again."

Tyler giggled, "You grabbed like, a dozen extra tampons from the nurse's office and told her you'd take good care of me."

"Those came in handy," Brooke reminded her, "I got my first period like a week later."

"And now we get them at the exact same time, every month," Tyler said.

"Remember when we went camping with my parents two years ago?" Brooke grinned, "We both got our periods and turned super bitchy because we didn't have anywhere to charge our phones."

Tyler laughed and nodded, "And your dad was like: 'can't you two brats unplug for even three days'."

Brooke snorted with laughter at Tyler's impression, "Oh my god - that was the worst vacation ever."

"Absolutely," Tyler agreed, "But I'll never forget it, because at least we were together."

Brooke pushed a curl away that had fallen over her forehead. She suddenly got shy, "Are we together, now? Like, together-together?"

Tyler bit her lip, "You mean, like... going steady?"

Brooke's eyes rolled as she smiled, "Yeah."

"We better be going steady," Tyler spread her hands expectantly, "I just got done eating your pussy."

Brooke laughed and blushed, "Oh my god." She finished Tyler's last toe and capped her bottle of nail polish, "We can't tell our parents. I mean, at least not until the end of the school year. My dad will probably disown me."

"I know, right?" Tyler wiggled her toes and looked at them, "Besides, if they knew about us our parents probably wouldn't let us sleep over all the time."

"There's no way," Brooke giggled.

"What about at school?" Tyler suddenly wondered.

Brooke sobered. She was far more concerned about her reputation among the popular crowd than Tyler was, and Brooke knew it. To Brooke's thinking, Tyler was naturally gorgeous and a star athlete; she didn't have to try - popularity simply came to Tyler. But Brooke had made a lot of effort cultivating her reputation and was afraid she'd loose it under the label of 'lesbian'. But she didn't want Tyler to think she was afraid, so Brooke made up an excuse.

"What if someone told one of our parents?" Brooke worried, "Like a teacher, or one of our friends. Your parents go to a lot of your games..."

"You're probably right," Tyler deflated.

"I don't want to keep it a secret, either. But until we go to college we still live under our parent's roofs."

"It just sucks," Tyler pouted, "We're both eighteen, we should be able to do what we want."

"Yeah," Brooke let out an unamused breath, "Tell that to my dad."

"But we're gonna go to the same college," Tyler wanted to confirm, "Right?"

"Are you kidding?" Brooke slid closer on the bed to give Tyler a sideways hug, "We've stuck together this long."

Tyler seemed reassured, "Good, because I don't want to be apart, Brooke. We can't."

"Aw," Brooke leaned to kiss Tyler's cheek, "College is going to be great. Lesbians are a dime a dozen there, no one will give us a second glance."

Tyler laughed, "What happens if we break-up?"

Brooke squeezed Tyler, "Not gonna happen, baby."

Tyler gave her a questioning glance.

"We've been together for fifteen years," Brooke reasoned, "If we were going to break-up, we would have done it by now."

Tyler's smile lit up her eyes.

Brooke suddenly blurted, "Can I try licking your pussy before we go to bed?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not really my thing, but so well done I had to give 5 stars. Now if they were boys I would’ve stopped reading near the beginning.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love it. The best intro to lesbianism I’ve ever read. Well done! It’s been decades since I’ve read about synchronous periods so there should be no controversy about that.

I was more interested in sex than worried about a period. Engaging in oral sex during her period I was careful to stay up at her clit after a good wash.

Actual intercourse only meant it felt to me that she sat in sand & some got in there. Not the most pleasant feeling but if I were horny enough it still beat masturbation.

Bill S.

alexwatson62alexwatson62over 2 years ago

HEY, "ANONYMOUS" WHO SENT ME A DIRECT EMAIL .............. at least I have the courage to put my name to comments.

Firstly, any female who has not had a period by the age of 18 (typical University age) has a probable SERIOUS medical condition!!

Secondly, I have had THREE females living at home, and all of their periods were at different times.

Yip, 3 weeks out of 4 could be "unpleasant" at times in my house on occassion.

Using Literotica to send me direct and abusive emails is cowardly and childish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
just one of the best... period

But the comment of 3/4/19 made me see red! Never mind this ignorant male's misinterpretation, "Anonymous" did not state in an earlier comment praising "Lesbian 101" that she and her university roommate only started having periods after they began rooming together. Her point, which it may take another woman to understand, was that once they commenced living together their periods synchronized. Her boyfriend at the time was so turned off by menstruation that he couldn't bring himself to have any physical contact with her. However, the roommates bloody-well figured out how to honour their sex and sexuality during the week they had to themselves.

gnome_mangnome_manalmost 4 years ago
Like Chinese Mustard

Sweet, Hot, Delicious. I loved it. Lovely girls and a lovely story.

And there are sequels, too? Excellent!

Hurricane007Hurricane007almost 4 years ago
Phenomenal story

I love how it started too

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

At first I wasn't really feeling the story but then I got to half the first page and I literally couldn't stop reading. This story is my FAVORITE. I love it so much and can't wait to read the next part and see where there story goes .

Thank you for sharing this with us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Hot and wet

This was awesome!! Me and my friend have flirted with each other all of our lives. This has inspired me to take some action!!

Ps. This made me so wet I came twice!!

liz33ndliz33ndabout 5 years ago
iloved it, erotic and well told

I found this by accident, and loved the way it started, and the way it ended. well told and sounds like it could really happen.

R4vingM4dnessR4vingM4dnessabout 5 years ago
wrong place still needed to say it

after reading this the first time i gave this three stars i regret that now -.- it deserves more!

also as someone who has expirience with drugs i feel the need to say that ecstasy doesnt lead to harder drugs because nobody takes ecstasyand thinks „this is nice i am trying heroin next!“

if light drugs lead to hard drugs how do you explain all the people who drink alcohol and never do other drugs?

everybody who takes harder drugs drinks water does this mean water lead to harder drugs too?

i know this is the wrong place for discussions like this but this site is full of stories which feature getting drunk and i am fed up by the double standard in this comment section and in society in general

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very realistic story

I don’t think it was a story promoting ecstasy, just a realistic situation.

Coming of age in the 70’s I had a similar experience with a close friend from childhood. It wasn’t ecstasy that lowered our inhibitions it was methaqualone.

Just two pals from childhood that began jerking each other off and then going to oral.

lingual_arousallingual_arousalabout 5 years agoAuthor
re: ecstasy

This story was not intended to be a moral judgment for, or against drug use. It was a plot point. I am fully aware that ecstasy is not harmless. The two teenage girls in this story do not share my wisdom, however.

alexwatson62alexwatson62about 5 years ago
GREAT START BUT ...........

..... I have to side with Maonaigh regarding the "ecstasy is harmless" line in your story!

Apart from killing teenagers and young adults and sometimes turning them into vegetables, they also do in fact lead to "harder" drugs which destroy families.

Having said that, the basic tale was erotic, funny and genuinely believable.

Certainly more believable than "anonymous" who said their periods started in University!! Talk about a late bloomer!!

Anyway, on the whole I did enjoy your story and I`m now off to read chapter 2 :)

MaonaighMaonaighabout 5 years ago
Overall? Shows promise

First comment: Ecstasy? Harmless? Depends on how you construe 'harmless'. A lot of teenagers here in the UK have died or become near vegetables after taking ecstasy. Still, you can't tell teens anything because they usually know the lot! That apart, a good start. For a new writer you're showing a lot of promise and I'll read Chapter Two with interest.

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