Let's Put The 'X' in Sex

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Sis gets inspired by KISS song after seeing bro with panties.
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A/N: This story got away from me a bit. It's still hot and steamy, but I apologize if people think it takes a swerve into a different direction. Hope you enjoy it though for what it is. Check out my profile to see upcoming stories; commenting which one(s) you want to see will have them released first.

Jean walked home from visiting her friend's place two doors down after having studied for their upcoming chemistry test next week. She was hungry and just wanted to sit in her room for the next hour and veg with some pizza bagels and Netflix. Since only her twin brother Paul was home, she knew she could get away with this plan. Her dad and stepmom had left for the weekend on a short vacation for their anniversary. Popping the frozen delights into the microwave, she went to the basement to sneak one of her stepmom's Whiteclaws (she wouldn't mind all that much, so long as Jean was being safe).

Grabbing the steaming bagels from the microwave, Jean ripped off a paper towel and headed up to her room. As she walked past Paul's room, she thought she heard him calling her name. Quickly setting her food down, she returned to his room and opened the door. Her brother's voice calling out her name again in a tone she'd never heard before.

And once she opened the door, she knew why it was so strange. Standing in the middle of his room, was her twin brother Paul, completely naked with a hand around his dick, with what she was horrified to realize was her sexy lace purple thong wrapped around it. His computer screen had a risqué photo of her from this past summer of her in a bikini as she was tanning. Considering that her friend Amy had taken that picture, Jean was both annoyed and concerned that her brother of all people had it. She wanted to scream and rage at her brother for clearly jerking off to her, but despite her anger and humiliation, no words came to her mouth.

But that clearly wasn't an issue for Paul. "Fuck Jean! You're so fucking hot! God, I'd do anything to fuck you sis!" He let out another moan as he was obviously getting closer to blowing his load. "Fuck yes! I'll cover your sexy ass in my cum!" he moaned before throwing his head back as his hips bucked and cum fired from his cock. Jean was both disgusted and impressed with how much cum he shot as four blasts covered his computer screen before he used her thong to absorb what remained (at least another three spurts if his continued bucking was any indication).

"Ffffffuuuuucccckkkk!" Paul moaned as he collapsed to the floor, still somehow not noticing that his jerk off material was in his doorway. But as he lay on the ground, Jean got her first good look at his cock. Surprisingly still hard, her brother's dick was weirdly appealing (at least, based off the criteria that the other girls in school said). Jean had to admit, based off her own limited experience, Paul was big: at least 7" if not 8, and looked like it was just shy of a small can of red bull in the thickness department. Jean knew that if either of her friends found this out, she would have to stop them from jumping his bones, regardless of his nerd status and how he was her twin brother.

Not wanting to make this encounter even more awkward, Jean silently closed the door and headed back to her own room. Her plans for the night were long gone as her mind could only focus on one thing: the sight of her own twin brother jerking off to thoughts and images of her, while also using her one piece of sexy lingerie to rub his admittedly big cock. As soon as she got that thong back, she'd throw it out. There was no way she could ever think about wearing it now that she knew what had been done to it.

But as soon as she'd thought about wearing those panties again, she felt a pleasurable shiver of excitement course through her, ending in her pussy. Having felt that particular feeling before, Jean cautiously slid her hand into her pants, fearful of what she would find. As her fingers slipped further down, the wetter they became, confirming her fears. She was horny, and had gotten that way from watching her brother spank it to her.

Not wanting to deal with all the implications of this, or what she was about to do, Jean made sure her door was locked before she stripped herself naked and laid down on the bed. Pulling out the bullet vibrator that Amy and Taylor had secretly gotten her for her last birthday, she tried not to think about how much smaller it was from her brother's dick as she turned it on to medium high and shoved it into herself. Turning over onto her hands and knees, Jean shoved her head into her pillow as she moaned out her pleasure as the vibrator took her to heights men only dreamt they could take her to.

But it wasn't really her vibrator that took her there, it was the thought of letting her brother fuck her like he clearly wanted to.

As both her mind and body recovered from what had to be the most intense orgasm of her life to that point, Jean turned onto her back. The more her mind cleared from having cummed so hard (to the point of squirting if the wetness along the backs of her heels and calves were any indication), Jean had to grapple with the reality that she'd just gotten off to the thought of her brother. Not only that, but those thoughts of her twin and his big cock plundering her virgin pussy had given her her best orgasm. She didn't want to think too hard about what this meant, but she knew that stewing alone with these thoughts would result in her getting no sleep. Picking the lesser of the two evils, she pulled her cellphone from her pants pocket and began typing.

'Ok, I really need your guys' opinion on something. No judgement, no jokes, this is serious.'

'You just left here 10 min ago. What's so urgent?' Taylor typed back instantly. 'A's just leaving, btw'

'It's really awkward, but I just had the best cum of my life.'

'That quickly?' Amy asked, Jean could hear the sarcasm from her room. 'Congrats girl, I think'

'Can it Ames! It's clearly about what got her motor running so hot'


'Thanks Tay! But Amy does have a point in that it was so quick; I'd barely pumped that vibe you guys got me like 5x before squirting.'

'OMFG! Squirted?!'


'That's all sincere! I've never squirted, so the fact that J did says something. What got you so horny girl?'

Jean hesitated. Taylor and Amy were her best friends, they shared everything; but she didn't know if they could share this, if she should share this. But before she could make up her mind, both of them questioned her silence by emphasizing Amy's last question. 'Paul' she sent.



'You SQUIRTED to thoughts of YOUR BROTHER?!'

'What I think Amy means to say is that we are going to need a bit more than just "Paul"'

'A shit ton more'

'I'm trying really hard to not judge you Jean, but we're def gonna need context for all this. Do you...do you have a crush on your brother that you've never told us about?'

'I think that's more disturbing than just him popping into her head as she was trying to get off and having the mental mix-up send her over.'

This was both why she did and didn't want to tell them. But now that she had, Jean figured that it was only fair for all of them if she explained herself. 'No, I don't have a crush on my brother, Taylor. But it was him that got me all hot and bothered and made me cum harder than ever'

'Fucking hell!'

Taylor sent an eye rolling emoji followed by 'Details'

'All of the deets!'

'Ok, just let me get it all typed out'

'Take all the time you need'

'Take your time but hurry up'

'I'd just made myself some pizza bagels and was bringing them to my room to eat while I watched Netflix, when I heard Paul call my name. Setting my food down, I went back to his room and opened the door to find him naked and jerking off to thoughts and pics of me. With my lace thong'

'That cute purple one that you brought to wear to prom?'

'What pics?'

'Yes, and that one you took of me over the summer that was supposed to stay between us!' Jean gritted her teeth in anger as she remembered this detail.


'Oh! How did Paul get that pic, Amy?'

'Hey! Don't blame me! I only sent it to you and Tay, I swear!'

'Focus! We can figure out who to blame later. Did Paul see you? Before you went to jill yourself what did you do?'

'Yes, what happened next?'

'I'm still mad about the photo! But... he said I was sexy and that he wants to fuck me! He came, collapsed to the floor and I saw his dick. No he didn't see me. And then I just left and ran back to my room, locked the door, stripped naked and you know the rest'

'Was he big?'

'For fuck's sake Amy!'

'I'm sorry, but do you have an explanation as to why she just left without making a fuss to go fuck herself like never before after catching her twin brother using her panties and racy pics to get off? I didn't think so!'

'Ok, point taken. Jean?'

'...Yes, he's 7-8" and fairly thick. And seemed to spew a fairly large load; 4 shots onto his screen with the pic and another 3 into my thong'

'Damn!' Taylor sent with a thirsty and fanning emoji.

'You slut! But agreed'

'Not helping. And I forbid you to do anything but think of Paul-we have to treat him the same as always or he'll know something's up'

'Yeah, hopefully him'



'Ok fine, spoil my fun. But don't be surprised if I'm slightly more slutty next time I'm over. It's been ages since we teased him like we did during freshman year. That was so fun, remember?'

'Not helping!'

'Yes can we plz focus on my emotional crisis? What do I do with all this knowledge? I can't just go to sleep and forget about it'

'Are you sure you want to?'


'Even I didn't say anything that stupid'

'Jean, I get it. You're confused, and disturbed and you want us to make it go away. But telling us like this is only gonna have the opposite effect. We're not gonna just let this go after tonight, and you knew that before you even texted us. Look at this logically'


'Objectively speaking, Paul isn't bad looking. He's no Gosling, but he isn't old man Jeffries either'


'Also objectively, voyeurism has a certain appeal. As do other taboos like incest'

'Kinda creepy and twisted, but yeah'

'Shot in the dark, but you probably haven't gotten off recently before today'

'Not sure how that's relevant, Ames, but yeah'

'It's relevant because you were backed up! Masturbating isn't something that's only healthy for guys to do, women have twice as much stress as guys'

'Amy's right. Idk about you 2, but I'm petting my kitty at least twice a week'

'You really are the secret slut every guy dreams you as; I'm only once a week'

'So I'm guessing that me saying that I haven't cum since before Christmas is a big deal?'

'Before Christmas?!'


'It's the middle of MARCH!'

'As Amy so eloquently says, that much time since your last orgasm is a large factor into your body's reaction to all this. I guarantee that if you were to go again, and still be thinking of Paul, you wouldn't cum so quickly or hard. The fact that it was Paul, and his admittedly nice cock, might just be an accident. The straw that broke the camel's back, if you will'

Jean felt hopeful for the first time since starting this conversation as she read Taylor's analogous analysis. She didn't have a thing for Paul, she had just been severely backed up sexually. 'Thanks Tay, that makes me feel better!'

'Just how much before Christmas? A week, Thanksgiving, Halloween?'

'Drop it, Amy. And you're welcome girl. What are besties for?'

'Thx guys! This really helped. Night! Kisses!'


'Kisses-to Paul too!'


'I'm just teasing, relax. Night bitches, I'm going to rename Capt. Daddy and hope that Paul can give me the same workout he gave Jean' There was a water drop, biting lip and laughing emoji at the end of Amy's last text. Jean wanted to be perturbed but couldn't help but laugh at her bestie.

'Ignore her, she's just jealous that you were able to squirt, unlike her slutty ass. Cya tomorrow!'

'Hahahahahahaha' Plugging her phone in, Jean picked up her now cold food and made to go reheat it before remembering that she was still naked. Slipping on some pajama pants and an oversized hoody (she didn't want to give Paul anything more to ogle), she made her way back downstairs to the kitchen. Throwing the pizza bagels back into the microwave, Jean opened the Whiteclaw that she'd stolen and took a long sip. Pulling her reheated food out of the microwave, she headed back upstairs to enjoy the rest of her night like she'd originally intended.

The next day, Jean was sitting in Taylor's room, painting her friend's nails, when Amy burst through the door. The petite blonde had a look of annoyance on her face as she forcefully shut the door with her foot and made her way over to the bed and flopping down on it. Turning to them she simply said, "I hate you two."

Both Jean and Taylor just giggled as they returned to their nail painting. "Hello to you, too," Taylor said. "What's got your panties in a twist?"

'"What's got your panties in a twist'," Amy mouthed back like a fourteen-year-old. "Little miss brother lover here and her squirting pussy, that's what."

Taylor cackled while Jean hid her head in shame. "Oh my gawd, Ames! Shut up!" Jean moaned into the blankets in a mortified tone. Taylor brushed her hair sympathetically.

Jean just wanted to forget about the whole thing, but clearly her friends weren't going to let her. "Don't blame your perceived shortcomings on Jean, Amy. We don't even know if she actually squirted or not."

"I say we find out," Amy said, sitting up.

Bolting upright herself, Jean said, "I say we don't!"

"How do you suggest we do that?"


"With this," Amy said, as both girls seemed to be ignoring Jean and her protests. She pulled a dildo from her bag and tossed it at Jean.

Instinctively, she caught the dildo, before realizing what she was holding and dropping it like a hot potato. Jean looked on with fascinated horror as her mind instantly compared the dildo to her brother's dick. She felt an involuntary contraction in her vagina as she realized that the dildo looked to be about the same size as Paul.

"Ooohhhh, good choice, Ames. She just compared this to Paul and looks like the dildo measures up," Taylor said matter-of-factly.

"TAYLOR?!" Jean cried, feeling completely called out. "What the actually hell? Why are you playing along with this?"

"I'm a woman of science, and Amy's purposing a fun experiment."


"Besides, I'd love to see you naked and cumming."

"WHAT?!" both Jean and Amy asked. "What the actual fuck?" Jean asked, completely scandalized.

"I'm bi, and you're hot. We all are. Why do you think I insisted we take those photos in bikinis and that we all have a copy of them?" Both Jean and Amy looked to their friend in a shocked manner. Jean almost wanted to cover herself with her hands and the blanket. "Did you guys never figure out that I wanted the pics to jill off to, every so often?"

"And you're always yelling at me to stop thinking with my pussy," Amy accused, with a look of impressed surprise on her face.

"You two are crazy!" Jean said, trying to get up. But Amy blocked her path, while Taylor wrapped her arms around her to hold her down. "Let me go!"

"Only if you promise not to run out screaming."

"I'm not masturbating for you sluts, especially not with Amy's dildo." Taylor let her go, but Amy still stood in front of her, blocking her would be exit. "Now, can we please just forget all about everything that was said last night. It's bad enough that all I could think about last night was Paul's cock, I don't need this from my best friends."

"And how did you try to get those thoughts out of your head?" Taylor asked.

"I didn't!" Jean complained through clenched teeth.

"And why do you think that is?"

"How the fuck should I know? It's not like I was teasing my clit all night long as I thought of him, unlike some of us," Jean said with exasperation as she looked to Amy.

"It wasn't just Amy," Taylor said simply. "Although, I think I was much happier with the results than she was."


"Show off."

"Why are you cringing, Jean? Like I said last night, Paul is cute in his own regard. And besides, thinking about your bff's sibling sexually is such a cliché at this point that I'm actually surprised that PornHub hasn't put out more videos about it." Taylor had pulled a strand of Jean's red hair and was gently braiding it as she said all this, very much confusing Jean as she'd always found her friends playing with her hair to be very comforting.

"You two are making this so much weirder than it already was," Jean huffed, flopping onto her back. "And we're talking about me getting off to my brother!"

"Ok, yeah it's super weird," Amy said as she laid down on the bed beside her, resting her head on a raised hand. "But think of it as like a bonding experience that we all got to have. That's more fun, isn't it?"

"Amy's right Jean. We're your besties. And we're happy that you confided in us this secret. Speaking for myself, I'm not judging you for having your kinks. Hell, I'm just as perverted, if not more so. And we both know that Amy's just waiting for graduation before letting her true slutty self out into the open."


"Don't hate the truth, Ames," Taylor said with the same matter-of-fact tone that she'd been saying everything else. "Besides, I think it would be so hot and fun to catfish and tease him."

"What?" both Jean and Amy asked as they looked to their Asian friend for clarification.

Pulling out her phone, she simply said, "Listen, and imagine the possibilities." Without further explanation, she pushed play as some 80s rock tune that Jean recognized as KISS blared from the tinny phone speaker.

'I got a letter just the other day, she sent a picture but she didn't sign her name'

'I got a call in the middle of the night, heavy breathing never sounded quite so nice'

'She wore a hat, shades, and a trench coat, wasn't wearing that much more'

'Then I saw those black lace panties and I knew that it was you'

As the song came to an end, Jean could see the matching gleams of mischievousness in her best friends' eyes. "No," was all she said.


"Not helping Amy!" Taylor hissed. "What are you saying no to, Jean?"