Lewd Futanari Succubus Ch. 48

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Depraved sexual adventures of a futanari Succubus.
4.2k words

Part 48 of the 91 part series

Updated 04/18/2024
Created 08/27/2021
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Synopsis: An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has "near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation". He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, Lots of Depravity, etc.

"GHEKH--" Beatrice gagged as blood spewed out of her mouth.

The sudden overwhelming pain was indescribable. The first numbing blast across her body from forced, violent acquaintance with the ground did not even compare to what felt like her inner organs getting squashed like tomatoes. Beatrice remembered the monster's war hammer and felt its flat head continue to press hard against her delicate back after a crushing blow.

Beatrice did not know what getting run over by a truck would feel like, but she could now imagine vividly how it could feel like. She could not think straight and felt as slow as a toddler, mentally and physically. To say that every inch of her body hurt as if she was used as a cheap punching back for a week straight would be an understatement.

Beatrice recalled system notifications flashing through her mind as she took major damage. And the second she thought of that, her system information brought up a small tab to confirm the current condition of her Health Points.

Health Points 155/500 (+0.88/sec)

And as Beatrice reeled from the aftershock, there was no doubt in her mind: had it not been for her strange system and the enhanced stats and powers that she got in this world, such a blow would have turned all her organs into much and killed her outright.

Meanwhile, the creature grabbed Beatrice by the leg and lifted her up for the second time, out of the small crater that was formed by the succubus's body.

"Good job Peter! That's the man I married!" the anglerfish-like Wendy-head cheered on the square-jawed, orcish Peter-head. "Now rip her puny little arms and legs out of her body, one by one!"

"Not just yet," a sinister grin formed on Peter's monstrous face, showing off even more of his long sharp teeth.

"Is it just me, or are you both getting uglier by the second?" Beatrice just said the first thing that came to her battered mind, stalling for time.


"Ghah!" more blood and spit escaped Beatrice's mouth after taking an unpleasant hit from the monster's elbow against her bruised, unprotected belly.

-30 HP

"Careful, Wendy! We don't want to kill just her yet!" Peter's head warned his wife, confirming that it was Wendy that was behind this small outburst.

"I know, babe! Not until she's suffered! But I just couldn't listen to her insult you!" Wendy explained. "Besides, I did not put even a tenth of my strength into it! Now, back to the limb ripping!"

"Wait! I resolved to rid the world of this evil abomination, and I intend to keep it," Peter said. "But first, this monstrous, panty-flashing bimbo must pay for all she has done!"

"I'm the monster?" Beatrice asked and lifted up her skirt to cover up her exposed panties before the crowds could take a closer look at her "goods" on the big screen up above, which currently was filled with the two-headed behemoth's giant body.

"You think I could forget your insults!? Your confessions!?" Peter ground his teeth. "Mutilating women by transforming their natural organs into mutated phallic objects!"

"What do you have against phallic objects?" Beatrice asked. Every second counted as her regeneration ticked her Health Points up.

"Oh! Nothing!" Peter said with a calmer voice, but far more menacingly, as his predatory grin returned. "In fact, how about I introduce you to one?"

The only piece of clothing the creature had was a torn fur coat, tied around its nether regions. Holding Beatrice with one hand, regenerating the tentacles in another, the creature moved its third hand to undo its clothing and reveal to the world what it had between its legs: a giant, thick, twenty-inch-long purple cock.

"Oh my, now that is a fine specimen!" Thelicia chuckled as the giant sphere zoomed in on the creature's meat and enhanced the image. "But let's not dwell on the image for too long, less we make our average male audience member too self-conscious!"

"Are these the types of cocks you gift to other women?" Peter asked. "Or is it still too small for a pervert like you? Do not worry! It's still flaccid from looking at your ugly face for so long. But don't you worry, it will regain proper form soon enough! My wife always makes me hard!"

"Aw, you always know what to say!" the anglerfish-like Wendy-head giggled, and the creature began to stroke its soft meat.

To Beatrice's horror, the creature's thing quickly grew in the hands of a loving wife, growing harder and girthier right in front of Beatrice's face.


You've got to be kidding me! Beatrice quickly came to her senses as her mind's fight or flight response activated from getting a monster's throbbing thirty-plus inch purple cock shoved in her face. And the cock continued to grow! The head of it swelled past the point of what any human could even attempt to let inside their body. It also developed black miniature spikes along the edge of the glans that were curved like hooks.

Now that the gargantuan cock no longer hung freely, Beatrice's eyes unwittingly ended up burning another unpleasant image into their retinas and memory. The swollen labia in deathly green colors, covered with lizard-like glistening green scales. A thread of glistening pus-colored liquid that hung from the monster's pussy confirmed that either the creature was getting aroused or that it was suffering from nasty diseases. Or both.

"Aahhhhhn~" Peter's head let out a deep, pleased moan from the wonderful stroking job that apparently Wendy performed by controlling one of the monster's hands.

Meanwhile the monster's cock grew past thirty-five inches in length. The darker than black hole of its urethra stared right into Beatrice's face, threatening the succubus with the different contents that it could unleash. To her horror, Beatrice saw the first drops of precum already forming and leaking out of that hole, but thankfully, they fell a good distance from her face and on the ground.

"Oh, baby! You're enjoying this that much?" Wendy asked with a smile when she saw the drops of precum and continued the loving caress. "But we're barely even warming up!"

"Oh, don't you worry--there's more where that came from!" Peter reassured his wife. "In this form, I can last for hours! Remember the bakery basement?"

"Do I?" Wendy replied with a lewd smile, indicating that she fondly remembered whatever happened in that basement.

"Well, well, well! It looks like Number Sixty-nine is about to get more than what she bargained for!" Thelicia commented on the transpiring event as soon as the screen of the giant sphere returned to Beatrice's fight, after briefly cycling through other fights in the arena.

The crowds once again broke into heartless laughter, despite the horrific danger that Beatrice was in.

"Now, which of this bimbo's holes shall we explore first?" Peter asked as she lifted Beatrice a little higher. "Wouldn't want to waste the first load!"

"You always start with a lady's mouth!" Wendy's head stated.

"You're calling this monstrous bimbo a 'lady'?" Peter's head turned to his wife's head.

"No, but that's not the point!" Wendy argued and looked back at Peter.

Coming to her senses after the brutal pounding, Beatrice did not waste the opportunity when her tormentors were momentarily distracted. The moment both heads looked away from her, Beatrice lifted her arm and pointed her index finger right at the throbbing, forty-inch cock, aiming her sharp claw for an unusual bullseye.

"Fuck off!" Beatrice shouted used her [Extend Claws] Skill to rapidly extend her claw and launch it straight inside the monster's urethra.

"UUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" both heads of the monster unleashed a deafening howl of agony that reverberated through the mines, for a moment halting all fighting in the arena.

Unfortunately, the F Rank of Beatrice's [Extend Claws] only extended her claw up to two feet, which was not nearly enough to penetrate deep enough through the monster's forty-inch cock to cause severe enough damage to neutralize it completely. Beatrice compensated this by turning sharply turning her finger, twisting her claw inside the monster's cock, inflicting more damage and hellish pain to the monster, which Beatrice was more than keen to do to return the favor for what the monster had not only done to her before but also planned to do in the imminent future.

The second dose of inhuman agony was enough to force the monster to lose its grip on Beatrice's leg and let the succubus go. Not a moment too soon as before the succubus even touched the ground, she saw a cloud of dark fumes rapidly envelop the monster. Beatrice was savvy enough to instantly close her mouth and eyes and stop breathing.

Keeping as low to the ground as possible, Beatrice rolled away from the monster as well as the smoke that now surrounded it. Only after Beatrice was well over a dozen yards away from the monster in some random direction, did the succubus open her eyes to confirm how far the smoke extended, as well as to not get herself killed in some other way by accident.

Seeing the cloud of smoke concentrated around the monster, and satisfied that she was well away from it to not inhale or ingest the unknown particles by accident, Beatrice allowed herself to breathe. She gasped for air from the sudden, self-inflicted forced oxygen deprivation that was followed by desperate flight.

The next thing that Beatrice scanned the surrounding area for was the other participant of her unorthodox fight, the one that Beatrice suspected was behind the sudden suspicious fumes, Number Sixty-six. Beatrice found the snake lady quickly, standing on the opposite side of her and the monster, staring right back at Beatrice with those golden eyes from under her hood.


The little bitch! Beatrice cursed her so-called teammate, Number Sixty-six. The look in the snake lady's eyes confirmed what Beatrice already suspected: the conniving snake had every intention to land her smoke attack on Beatrice as much as on the monster. Beatrice simply managed to free herself from the monster at the very last moment, long after such a slow-moving cloud was unleashed.

And while Beatrice did not know the full extent of the lethal ways in which those fumes could have affected her, she was glad that she took every precaution she could in that split-second decision. Because looking at the monster flailing and listening to its painful, labored coughs and gasps, it was clear that it did not have a fun time in those fumes, and not just because of Beatrice's sneak attack.

"BOOO!!!!" the crowds were not happy with how the monster was treated.


"That was below the belt!"

"Fight like a man, you pussy!"

"Disqualify her!"

"Fuck her!"

"The other one too! What a coward to unleash gas from behind like a little bitch!"

"Now, now!" Thelicia addressed the outraged spectators. "While I understand that you hoped for a different outcome to that situation, I feel like I have to remind you that there are no forbidden attacks or tactics in these games, unless stated otherwise!"


"I hope that dick-mutilator gets split in half!"

"The farter too!"

"She didn't fart."

"Who cares! Get up! Kill them!"

"Fuck them up!

"Both of them!"

"With the lovebirds' cock!"

"You think it still works after that?"

"I hope it does!"

"Yeah, get up! Twenty-five! Twenty-six!"

"Make her pay for what she did to your dick!"

"Rape her in the ass, Number Twenty-six!"

You fucking cocksuckers! Beatrice's blood boiled as she listened to the outraged complaints that she did not just get raped by a forty-inch cock for all of them to see. The loathsome gawkers kept finding ways to make themselves seem as irredeemably deplorable as possible.

With each passing minute of these games, Beatrice understood Olivia's contempt for this city more and more. Beatrice could only hope that the thousands that gathered here did not represent the entire population of Klapsus, else she feared that she would be unable to find a reason to save any of them from the fate that they desperately tried to prove they deserved.

But Beatrice could not worry about the spectators right now. She needed to finish off the Peter/Wendy mutated monstrosity while also keeping an eye for the snake lady. Did she forget that she's not allowed to kill anyone else? Does that mean that those fumes aren't lethal?

Beatrice looked at the monster that slowly crawled out of the smoke. It seemed like the perfect time to finish off the beast, but she also could not approach the debilitating smoke with which even such a beast struggled. She's not moving in for a killing blow either! Beatrice thought, looking at the snake lady that currently just stood like a statue observing the situation. Which probably means that the smoke has to be dangerous enough, even if not lethal.

Beatrice quickly examined her own limbs and skin, making sure that at the very least there wasn't any visible damage like burns or corrosion. She noticed a coat of putrid slime on the nail of her index finger. She brought the finger a little closer to her face, but the revolting stench was nearly enough to make her vomit right there.

"Oh, for the love of--!" Beatrice quickly tried to shake off the disgusting remains of her cock-penetrating attack.

With no indication of dangerous effects, Beatrice quickly confirmed her Health Point condition.

Health Points 363/500 (+0.88/sec)

Good, at least my regeneration seems is broken enough for this. Beatrice allowed herself a small sigh of relief that she was no longer at death's door.

"WRHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!" the monster bellowed on its knees, reminding everyone that it was still alive.

"YEAAAH!!!" The crowds once again erupted in cheers.

"Well, it certainly looks like the new crowd favorite lovebirds have not lost their fighting spirit yet!" Thelicia echoed the excitement of the spectators. "But is it all they have? Has if that dastardly smoke sapped them of their strength? And how long will their opponents stand around without doing anything like two boring sacks of potatoes?"

"Go get them! I've got a winning ticket with a Number Twenty-five on it!"

"Take care of the Number Sixty-six first!"

"Snap both their necks at once!"

"Not before they've been punished thoroughly!"

Ignore them! Ignore them! Beatrice reminded herself, concentrating her attention on the beast that slowly rose to its feet. Considering that the mutation was repulsive from the very start, it was difficult for Beatrice to tell what effect--if any--the snake lady's fumes actually had on it. Was it poison? Some kind of weakening debuff? It could not have been a simple smoke screen! Not like that backstabber will reveal such valuable information if I asked her. Though calling her a backstabber, when it's basically an "every man for himself" type of--

"PETER KIIILLLLLLLLLLLL!!!" Peter roared, announcing his intent to remedy the fact that his enemies were not yet at death's door.


"PETER KILL EVIL BIMBO!" Peter's head roared as the monster dashed at Beatrice.

"Looks like there's little doubt concerning which of the two participants our lovebirds hold a bigger grudge against," Thelicia commented. "Skewering a man's penis like a sausage at a campfire will do that."

The monster aimed to squash Beatrice with its war hammer, but Beatrice avoided the attack.

"Eh?" Beatrice noticed a difference in the monster's attacks. Just as the two engaged in combat again, Number Sixty-six took a deep breath, collecting air into her lungs, and breathed out through her mouth the same smog that she unleashed before, handing out a second dose of her fumes to Beatrice and the monster.

Peter saw this, but--rather than get out of the way of the obvious trajectory well in advance--he raised his tentacle arm, aimed his tentacles at the snake lady, and shouted, "PETER PULL!"

Before Number Sixty-six was even done unleashing the fumes, three fleshy tentacles flew through the air, extended from the monster's tentacle hand, grabbed the snake lady's waist, and pulled her through her own fumes, toward the vengeance-seeking monster.

For a split second, Beatrice considered helping the snake lady, but considering that the snake tried to take her out rather than help her, Beatrice preferred using the opportunity to instead strike at the monster.

"Peter!" Wendy's head screamed for her husband's attention and swung the war hammer through the air, where the attacking succubus was a second ago.

"You've really gotten a lot slower," Beatrice said after easily dodging the monster's hammer attacks one after another. "Whether it was poison or whatever, your absurd power means nothing if you can no longer reach me."

Beatrice then moved in closer, past the hammer's range, and--using her [Sharp Claws] --swung at the upper arm that wielded the overgrown, mutated hammer. Beatrice struck closer to the shoulder of the beast, far away from the calcified forearm, allowing her to tear through the muscle and hack off the arm entirely.

"WRAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" both heads of the monster screamed in pain and wailed their two other, functioning arms aimlessly at the succubus.

The benefit of such a low-level passive is that my Stamina literally regenerates faster than I spend it on [Sharp Claws], Beatrice grinned, enjoying getting the situation back under control.

Meanwhile, the tentacles pulled the snake lady closer to the wounded monster, but--rather than try to escape--the snake lady stuck two fingers down her throat and caused herself to hurl, unleashing sickly-green vomit right on the monster. She probably hoped to get some on Beatrice too, but the succubus was having no difficulty avoiding the Peter/Wendy's attacks and was thus not entangled enough with the monster to allow even a single drop of the vomit to reach her.

The monster was not so lucky. The vomit splashed across tentacles, tentacle arm, left shoulder, and one leg. The moment that the poisonous liquid touched the monster's skin, smoke in the colors of rotting meat began to rise from every area that the liquid touched. The sizzling sounds that accompanied the smoke, confirmed the obvious--the acidic vomit burned the monster alive.

"UUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH!!!" both Wendy and Peter howled in agony, falling back to their knees and letting the snake lady go involuntarily. Not like it matter though, as their tentacles melted off their arm, while the vomit burned deeper holes in their combined body.

"Well, looks like that's all she wrote, folks!" Thelicia said somberly, though her voice was still heard clear over the crowds that once again complained and spouted offensive crap.

"Peter!" the Wendy-head screamed and turned to Peter.

"Wendy!" the Peter-head screamed and turned to Wendy.

They nodded at each other and shouted in unison, "Lover's dark union! Demon Regeneration!"

Dark energies again radiated from their body and grew to surround them.

More buffs!? Regeneration? Beatrice had enough of letting her opponents power up over and over again. It was only fun to let her opponent power up when they still ended up crushed by her regardless of buffs. Otherwise, I'm the fool! Beatrice had to end this before it got really out of hand.