Lewd Futanari Succubus Ch. 55

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Depraved sexual adventures of a futanari Succubus.
4.6k words

Part 55 of the 91 part series

Updated 04/18/2024
Created 08/27/2021
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Synopsis: An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has "near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation". He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, Lots of Depravity, etc.

Bob did not know what happened to the blonde girl while he wasn't paying attention. The girl that at first looked like just another among countless horny sluts that looked for a night with successful murderers before they perished in the next rounds. Now, she seemed like a completely different person. As if her body was possessed by some other soul. Her expressions, her posture, the tone of voice, her very aura—all were unrecognizable.

Bob could not even begin to imagine what other tricks the might Cock Gifter was capable of besides the obvious one. But if she told him that it was within her powers to transfer souls between bodies, he would have believed her. Bob had no doubt that the blonde's change was the doing of his goddess. The goddess that currently stood on her two feet, holding the blonde teen while fucking her with her cock and tail.

Bob's brain did not even process the fact that his goddess had a long, inhuman tail. Even though just half an hour ago—as far as Bob was concerned—Beatrice was nothing more than another young, foolish or desperate participant, doomed to die in these death games, Bob somehow failed to keep up with the compounding evidence that there was much more to Beatrice than met the eye. Perhaps it was willful blindness, brought on by the joys Beatrice bestowed to those loyal to her.

Though this world was full of all kinds of beastkin folk with all kinds of tails of different shapes and sizes, none of them had a tail quite like Beatrice's. If Bob ever set foot on the long-lost frontlines, he might have noticed a striking similarity to the appendages of certain demons that invaded this world. However, very few survived such intimate encounters with high-tier demons. Thus, Bob's ignorance could be forgiven. Especially when considering that all his attention was captured by the changed Brittany who lured Bob closer and closer, unleashing her charms on the horny man the same way a spider spun its web to capture its breakfast.

As Beatrice rhythmically penetrated Brittany's ass and pussy, Brittany's cum-drenched girl-cock throbbed, glistening with desires yet unfulfilled. Brittany bit her finger as she watched Bob, then lowered her gaze to her potent clit-clit, then back to Bob again, watching whether Bob followed her gaze. He did! Brittany smiled. How could Bob not look at Brittany's mighty girl-cock? The same cock that finally broke Natalie's mind! Such a wondrous sight to behold! Even if Bob wanted to avoid looking at it, he could not.

"Ever wondered what it feels like?" Brittany asked. "To please a cock? To feel it grow for you? To feel it respond to your every action? To be the one to bring it to climax? To be praised for your oral skills in a way that cannot be faked?"

"Wh... I..." Bob stuttered in confusion. He was a man! He made girls submit and they loved it! That's what he reminded himself of during his cockless years. Even if reality was less glamorous than what his rose-tinted glasses made him to believe. What was it that made girls go crazy? That giant pulsating thing... What did it feel like? In this little cell that seemed to exist outside space and time... Where new experiences were born. Where everyone was free to lose themselves to depravity.

Will he? Beatrice wondered. Unfortunately, unlike everyone else in this cell, Beatrice was still lucid enough to remember that they did not have enough time to endlessly explore their unfulfilled desires.

They could not spend the rest of their lives here, sucking and fucking, exploring themselves and each until the collapse of civilization because in the real world, they had mere minutes before Bob and Beatrice would have to return to the arena.

Beatrice pulled her tail out of Brittany's pussy, giving Bob another choice. A tempting choice. One that Brittany instantly realized and got a little wetter the very moment she envisioned it.

"What will it be?" Brittany asked with a smile and spread her pussy lips with her fingers, giving Bob the freedom to choose how he would spend his last minutes of joy.

Cock or pussy? Bob had already experienced what it felt like to fuck a single girl in both holes at once. A double penetration performed solo! An act that could make a B-rank slut submit unconditionally. But Brittany had already experienced such an act before Bob's very eyes without losing herself. And performed by the Cock Gifter herself! How could Bob hope to compare? Not to mention that Brittany's backdoor entrance was still firmly secured by a girth that Bob could not match. Then...

"Tick-tock," Beatrice said.

Though Bob did not know what Beatrice said, her words spurred him to action and he made his decision. The snap decision to squeeze his two cocks together and push them inside Brittany's spread-open, cum-covered pussy, performing a proper double penetration, one that could compete even with the girth of Bob's goddess.


"HUAAAHH!!" Brittany cried out with a wide smile on her face. Her old self would have been terrified of such an action. To feel two giant cocks press inside her tight entrance. But Brittany's new self welcomed any challenge. The old Brittany longed to be the center of attention of alpha fuck-mates. The new Brittany secured her place and pleasure. Her pussy was drenched with juices. Her body was covered in cum that further lubricated Bob's cocks that were coated in a thick layer of cum and Natalie's juices. Just like Natalie used Brittany before, now Brittany used Natalie's body to secure her own pleasure.

Brittany relaxed and welcomed the powerful, relentless invasion inside her flexible pussy. Brittany envisioned how she took that giant thing inside her throat. The feeling of it. The process of relaxing and contorting to the shape. Using her own will to take all of it. The high she got from overcoming the challenge. The sexual gratification of getting filled to the brim. The pleasure of having every inch of her insides tightly massaged by a hot, hard cock. The sweet pain that turned to pleasure. The pleasure that she gave back. The cycle of pleasure that fed itself. The feedback loop continuously increased the pleasure of both parties until they could not imagine living without it, without each other.

"YEEEEEEEES!" Brittany gasped as her body was rocked by Bob's hard thrust that stretched her pussy unlike anything she ever felt before. Brittany let that feeling take over. She wrapped her arms around Bob's giant shoulders, scratching Bob's back bloody while she bit Bob's ear, moaning loudly into it as he fucked her pussy like nobody ever had.

Within seconds the combined force of Bob's two cocks and Beatrice's giant girth became too much to manage calmly. Even as Brittany met their cocks with her hips her entire body trembled from the otherworldly stimulation. Brittany lifted her head toward the ceiling, crying out as her moans were fucked right out of her. The opportunity to plug one more hole was not missed and Beatrice's tail invaded Brittany's mouth at first opportunity, claiming Brittany's last fuckable hole.

During all this, barely lucid Natalie sat in the corner and watched with high eyes how her friend get spit-roast-double-penetrated by alpha specimens. Natalie whimpered watching this, imagining it was her that was railed in every hole she had, drooling and jerking herself off with a feverish speed and force. Natalie squeezed her already sore girl-cock so hard that the friction hurt. But she was desperate for a few more shots of pleasure into her brain. A few more tiny drops of cum. Even if it came through pain. As long as she got to cum one more time, that was all that mattered.

And while Natalie's need for pleasure turned from pathetic to desperate, Brittany was at an all-time high. She came over and over, moaning, crying, and orgasming through every fuckable hole in her body that unleashed intense pleasure, bombarding her mind and body from all sides. Fucked by four cocks at once, Brittany's old self crept back up and let tears of joy flow as her dreams were fulfilled. A casual side glance at her collapsed friend gave Brittany the final push to an ever greater orgasm. The old Brittany could have died happy at that moment. But the new Brittany was not satisfied with the role of a mere fuck toy. She wanted more. She would have more.

Brittany pushed Bob back and leapt off Beatrice's cocks onto Bob, pinning him on the ground. Brittany then took Bob's two cocks and sunk them into her pussy, proceeding to fuck the masked man mercilessly. Bob looked at the blonde with shock, but as the pleasure overwhelmed him, he simply let go and stared at the ceiling while the tingling pleasure built inside his pussy-squeezed cocks and the blonde scratched his chest.

Not nearly satisfied with just having one set of cocks to play with, Brittany spun around into a reverse cowgirl position and went to work to Beatrice's giant shaft. It took only a few more spirited moves of Brittany's hips to hear Bob's loud groans as his body tensed up and he unleashed a double-torrent of cum inside Brittany. Eager for another cock-orgasm of her own, Brittany jumped off Bob's cocks before he even finished cumming, letting his cum spurt into the air before landing on his chest and stomach, and Brittany's back who now went on to tackle Beatrice.

Moved by Brittany's passionate spirit, Beatrice let the blonde tackle her. This had only one possible, easily predictable outcome: Brittany spread Beatrice's legs and thrust inside the succubus's accepting, wet pussy.

"He, hehe! HaHAHAHUAAAH!" Brittany laughed and moaned and cried as she finally experienced the other side of sex. The primal, simple act of taking a bitch in heat and taking possession of her. Dominating her with a hard cock. Grabbing her soft thighs. Making her tits bounce with powerful thrusts. Hearing her ecstatic moans as she got plowed by a big, fat cock that made her remember her female nature. Feeling her pussy respond to the faster and harder thrusts. Feeling that squelching pussy suck the cock deeper inside, clamping around it, not letting go, encouraging it to finish the deed, to fulfill the purposes of cock and pussy as nature intended and spray potent seed all over the inner pussy walls, thrusting forward hard, ensuring that no cum could escape until the womb was reached and the female was marked.

As euphoric Brittany pumped the final drops of cum inside Beatrice's sweet, hot, clamping pussy, Brittany's overloaded mind finally gave out and the blonde fainted, collapsing powerlessly onto the busty succubus, face-first into the soft, malleable bosom.


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"Phew!" Beatrice breathed out as she slowly came to from a mind-blowing orgasm. By the time Brittany fainted and fell into Beatrice's tits, the succubus still spurted a few more shots of cum into her own giant tits. And Beatrice would've lied if she said it did not feel amazing to get fucked with such pure passion, to feel the futa female's cum splash across her pussy out of the throbbing cock that made her moan with pleasure, to cum onto her own body, to feel the warmth of her satisfied, resting mate as they smeared the cum across their sexy, sweaty bodies.

Holy hell! Beatrice certainly wasn't expecting things to turn out quite like this when she went to this place for a quick "half hour's rest". If it was up to her, Beatrice would've happily stayed here, holding Brittany in her arms, watching her sleep after a life-changing event, waiting for her to wake up, and helping her through the change that she underwent. But Beatrice could not stay here. Even with all the gains she made, she had obligations toward herself to continue her combat training. She looked past Brittany to see if her escort still remembered that they had places to be.

Of course not! Beatrice sighed. While Bob's two erections finally had subsided, the masked man lay on the ground and contemplated what he had experienced. How am I the one reminding my official guide-slash-guard that I'm supposed to be back on time? Beatrice gently moved the sleeping futa girl off of her body and placed her on the ground next to her.

If I'm the one to also the role of the responsible one here, I might as well make herself be more presentable first, Beatrice thought as she got up and adjusted her erotic fantasy schoolgirl outfit. Squeezing her tits back into the confinement of her crop top and adjusting her tiny skirt to cover her waning cock that was adequately satisfied, for now.

"Bob," Beatrice said the masked man's name only when she stood over him, looking down on her minion as if he was a fool for still lying on his back with his cum-smeared cocks exposed as if she wasn't in the exact same position a minute ago.

"Eh... Huh?" Bob moved his eyes in the direction of the voice while still reliving in his mind the pleasures he experienced. Only when his mind screamed at him repeatedly to get his shit together in front of the being that gave him that very pleasure he reminisced so blissfully did Bob finally move, suddenly and haphazardly, collecting himself into some semblance of anything that wasn't utterly pathetic.

"Y-yes!? I-I mean... T-thank you!" Bob got on his knees in front of Beatrice, with his forehead against the rocks. "I... Words fail me to express... What you have done for me... How can I even—"

"Don't we have to be somewhere?" Beatrice asked a question she already knew the answer to. However, maintaining authority was crucial in this situation.

"A... ah... AH!?" Bob raised his head and looked at Beatrice with an expression that rapidly changed from obliviousness, to worry, to realization, to pure horror.

Bob brought up the palm of his hand and conjured a small fire in his arm that formed three symbols. The burning, morphing numerical symbols appeared and were quenched in his clenched fist so fast that Beatrice did not even get a chance to grasp what they represented, besides the fact that they seemed to be numbers, akin to the ones that formed the half-hour countdown during the first round in the arena.

"We have to go now!" Bob declared clearly, with a tone that would suggest that their very lives depended on it.

"... Very well," Beatrice agreed, maintaining a tone that suggested she had a say in whether they did in fact return or not. "But make yourself presentable first! You can't possibly be thinking of walking out of here looking that that!"

"A-ah!?" Bob rose up and looked at his naked, sticky self as if waking up from a dream. "O-of course! A moment!"

Beatrice smiled while Bob scrambled through the cell to find some cloth to clean himself with. Beatrice had no intention of being even a second late to the next round of the Forge of Champions. If the previous events were anything to go by, lateness could indeed result in a swift or, worse, slow and painful death. And Beatrice was the one that had to keep track of the time, after all. But if she somehow allowed Bob to be the one to come to his senses and demand their return while Beatrice basked in erotic pleasure, most of her work would have been undone.

"H-how do I look?" Bob asked Beatrice nervously while adjusting his kilt to make sure it covered his flaccid cocks. The old, ragged cloth he used to wipe himself clean laid next to Bob, his muscles still glistening in a few places where he failed to properly wipe the cum, sweat, and female juices.

Like you're already mine, Beatrice thought, doing her best to hide her thoughts from Bob. She walked toward the man whose chest rose rapidly from nervous breathing. She adjusted his mask, lowering it to fully cover his face like it used to before they walked into this cell, and said, "Take a deep breath! It's fine! You're going to be fine as long as you remember who you're loyal to."

Bob adjusted his mask, fell to one knee, and announced clearly, "I'm loyal to you, my goddess!"

And don't you forget it! Beatrice thought but kept it to herself, so that she didn't sound too much like a villain. Something positive, positive... Ah! "Then let us move toward a brighter future!"

"Yes!" Bob shouted and slammed his fists into the rocks so fiercely that small pieces of rocks broke off and flew in all directions, away from the impact.


Bob rose to his feet before Beatrice and calmed his breathing, ready to go without delay. He turned toward the door and was already halfway out of the cell when he noticed Beatrice stay behind at Brittany's side.

"W-we don't have the time..." Bob said, trying to remind his goddess of how little time they had to reach the arena, but he also did not dare instruct her what to do, especially when his own actions that led to their delay were still so fresh in his mind and in the soreness of his two cocks.

"I know," Beatrice said and sighed while she adjusted Brittany's hair off her calm, sleeping face. She will have so many questions. Her cocks will be gone. I will be gone. Just leaving her after "the deed" is done... Even if they did sign up precisely for just that... Beatrice noticed how it became a trend for her to leave the women she fucked, sometimes without even a chance for so much as a word. Rafaelia back in the inn, that bunny girl, now this. The list could go on. But it was also how Beatrice managed to get so much leveling done in such a short span of time.

"They know where to find you," Bob said, showing awareness that Beatrice did not even expect out of her new minion.

"I know," Beatrice nodded and rose to her feet. The succubus threw but a glance at Natalie that slumped in the corner. The brunette had also passed out. Her head hung low, her hands and flaccid girl-cock lay in a puddle of cum between her thighs. The improved [Dick Growing (+2)] Skill might just be too intense for some, Beatrice theorized while wondering if the enhancement had anything to do with such potent reactions, or that—perhaps—Natalie simply had a much weaker will. Either way, more tests are required.

"We must hurry," Bob said as both he and Beatrice all but ran from the cell, back toward the noise of the entertainment areas. "M-my... They will be gone soon, right?"

"Yes, I did set the limit for thirty minutes," Beatrice confirmed. Perhaps it should have occurred to her sooner, but Beatrice realized how little physical of this level affected her. Fresh out of combat, after a brief but intense fucking, and now practically race walking, and yet Beatrice could still talk without missing a beat, nor even notice her pulse quicken. These incremental, consistent physical improvements really add up after a while.

"..." Bob stayed quiet for a moment.

Beatrice saw the masked man clench his fists. It did not take much brainpower to make a safe bet that Bob was rather glum about losing his manhood all over again in the upcoming minutes. Especially after just receiving such a wonderful reminder of the joys of owning a working cock and having a sexy girl to bring to orgasm with it. Wonderful then, painful now. Like an alcoholic that gave in and downed a bottle only to realize how hard it's going to be to get back to sobriety.

"When do you think... I mean... could you... You know?" words stuck in Bob's throat. He had no illusions about what his question meant.