Liana's Heavy Hanging Burden

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Her life with massive breasts.
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Some years ago I wrote some stories called "Liana's huge troubles" and I decided to pick that up again now, with a whole new start and hopefully better writing than back then :) I hope at least someone will like this one. You can always mail me at if you have any questions, liked my story, or just whatever reason you might think of!

WARNING: If you don't like really massive natural breasts, you probably don't approve of this story :) This story isn't really for everyone, and some people will probably not like it, or just find it plain funny (which would be ok)

This story is about Liana, an almost normal young girl. She is good looking, with big brown eyes, wide cheeks, and long, black hair. She smiles a lot, even though she is not very happy most of the time, for reasons you will find out. She is only 148 centimeters tall and is very thin. She has very wide hips, which usually makes her life just a little bit harder than average just trying to find proper pants for herself.

But the most noticeable thing about Liana is her boobies. They aren't just massive; they are so huge she has to carry them around, almost literally. They are so big that when she is standing up wearing a bra, her tit flesh still reaches her knees easily.

Those massive vein-covered udders of hers are not only very droopy, but massive in size and width as well. They have wide pink areolas covering most of the bottom ends, where her long thick nipples poke out. On a cold day, her nipples can poke out at least 10 centimeters. This makes it even harder for her to wear most clothes, which tend to be way too tight for obvious reasons. Her breasts also have a tendency to produce milk, in very high quantities, and if she doesn't frequently milk herself, they start to hurt a lot.

So these stories are about the everyday life of Liana trying to get by with her huge breasts.

It was another school morning, and I had to pick something to wear for sports class. It was actually the first sports class I ever went at my new school. Sports...a curse word for me and my huge burden.

I looked around my apartment, not wearing much besides my panties, and letting my boobies hang freely for a change. They randomly flapped around my legs as I looked around. I was used to hiding them inside tight bras and covering them up well, but this morning was no such case. This morning I just had to find anything to wear for class.

I scanned my cabinet over and over again, finding nothing good to wear. Only thing I was my only not-broken bra. I put it on backward, turning it around after, and tried to lift my massive tits into it. I knew that would be an impossible job unless I got clever about it. So I lifted my massive flesh to a table, squeezing them in cup by cup. I'd still left much of my tits outside of the bra, barely covering my nipples and areolas in the process. The excess flesh hung outside to my waist down from my bra.

Proud of myself, I smiled as I went to look for a shirt, sure I would survive my first sports class with dignity. I picked up a tank top from the drawer, unsure if it would fit me at all since it had been a while since I'd used one. The tank top was all pink, and made from very light material, which I tried to pull over myself. I could...until it came to my tits again. I used some force to press my tits against the table again to get the tank top on. I looked in the mirror and saw that it barely covered me, and left a massive portion of my cleavage showing. Its bottom was just an inch below my hanging tit flesh, but it would have to do.

I put on some tight but stretchy pink pants over my thong, but ran into trouble again as my huge butt got in the way. After a little while of pulling them up and just barely getting them on, they still didn't reach quite all the way up my butt to cover everything, so my tiny thong peeked out from the pants a little bit.

I finally "slipped" on a red sweater in top of all that, because I didn't like to be noticed that much, but my breasts were hanging so low I couldn't stretch it enough to actually pull it over them down at my knees. I didn't really have a lot of options—neither my closet nor any store had clothing for my physique--so I decided to wear it anyway. At least it covered most of my cleavage, even though there was still some of it visible.

I finally left for school, walking the corridor from my apartment with slow, careful steps. My back hunched slightly because pretty much half my total weight hung in front of me. I was always very careful not to take long strides because it hurts if you kick them around.

I took the elevator down, even though I live only one story up. The reason for this was not laziness (even though I am very lazy), but that I can't see the stairs as I walk up or down them thanks to my burden. Besides, it looks very silly climbing them sideways.

I headed for the bus stop and tried not to care about the stares that were mostly pointed at my knees, where most of the jiggling happened as they swung on every step screaming to get out.

One would think I would be used to those stares by now, but I am very shy. So as normal, I started blushing bright red and tried to cover my face, as I waited for the bus.

When the bus came, I carefully climbed in, pulling my sweater down because it kept lifting up as my chest bounced around. I found an empty double seat free, where I sat down next to the window, and managed to squeeze my breasts half on my lap and half to the bench next to me. It was always very uncomfortable but luckily, the bus trip to school went smoothly since no one tried to sit next to me. I guess they noticed the seat was already kind of taken. I squeezed myself out of the seat carefully and blushed as I avoided the stares again. School wasn't a long way from the bus stop, but for me it always took a while to walk from one place to another because I wanted to prevent any jiggling. This, of course, was impossible, but I tried to restrain it a little.

I made my way to the girls' locker room, where some of my classmates were changing. I didn't know them very well yet since the school has just started, and I was very shy in any case. I slowly walked to a relatively empty corner of the locker room, staring at my classmates jealously and even a bit rudely. They had nice normal breasts wrapped tightly in their sports bras. I looked down at my own tit flesh hanging low at my knees, and started blushing embarrassed. My classmates kept glancing at me--not sure if it was out of curiosity or something else--but they tried to be discreet about it and not stare too much. One the girls, Nina, who I kind of liked because she was always so nice, came over and glanced down at my knees a bit awkwardly.

"Hey, Liana! You aren't going to run in a sweater are you?" She smiled, "And if I were you, I'd wear a bra!"

My face went bright red with embarrassment. I replied, voice shaking, "I--I am". I pulled my sweater off and showed Nina my veiny cleavage.

Nina looked at me and said, "Oh. I'm sorry." Suddenly, I wasn't the only one in the locker room turning red anymore.

"Did you say run?" I asked after a long, awkward silence.

"Yeah! Not sure if there even is a sports class where you don't run," she giggled at me, glancing down at my breasts again. "I'm sure it will be a lot of fun!" She giggled again, now sounding a bit sarcastic. Perhaps my judgment of Nina being always nice might have been a bit hasty, I thought. As Nina turned around I looked at her thoroughly.

Nina was tall and thin with straight blond hair and was already getting very popular at the school. She had a very beautiful face and her chest was pretty flat, which I was very jealous of. She also had a nice, not too big butt, which made me even more jealous of her.

After a while, everyone started to move from the locker rooms to the gymnasium. I tried to adjust my tank top to cover more of my cleavage but as I lifted it, bare tit flesh showed from underneath. Its thin light straps strained against my shoulders and I was afraid they might snap if I moved too much. After I adjusted my tank top as well as I could, I tried to pull my pants up a bit more, but my wide big butt just got in the way. I didn't dare to pull them up any harder because they were pulled so tightly already I was afraid they might rip. They were covering 2/3 of my butt anyway, which was enough for me.

The boys had a separate sports class, which was pretty much the only good piece of news I had all day. But what I didn't know was that our teacher was going to be a guy. When I got to the gym, the teacher told us to stand in a row.

"My name is Mike, and I will be your teacher today," he started.

I stared at him. He seemed like a nice looking athletic man of 30+ years old. He then continued "Okay class, let's start warming up by doing 10 push-ups. And let your chest hit the ground, otherwise it won't count!" I looked everyone going down on the ground, and start doing the push-ups from all the way up to the ground. I then followed, going down leaning against my hands, my massive hanging chest nicely resting on the floor.

I started blushing embarrassed, looking others as they did the push-ups, not sure what do myself. I started pushing up and down with very small moves and thought to myself "Oh well, he did say chest hitting the ground. ". The teacher looked at me "hey that's not a real pus. " he stopped in middle-sentence as his stare ended up in my gushing cleavage. He then just cleared his throat awkwardly "Okay, that's enough, stand up" I stood up a bit too fast, and felt the part of my tits that I managed to squeeze inside my too small bra starting to slip out little by little, pulled down by the weight of the tit flesh hanging down at my knees, as I stood there waiting for the next order now terrified of the inevitable.

The teacher started talking about something, which I didn't listen since I was starting to panic. I quickly raised my hand "E. excuse me t. teacher c. could I u..use the bathroom?" but apparently I raised my hand a bit too quickly, as my giant tits fell to their unrestrained freedom, straight down from under my top, all the way down to my ankles, to their natural level. They flapped hard against my legs as they dropped down, with a very loud slapping sound, which made everyone look at my direction. There was a moment of silence, my mouth was wide open and face all red as I looked down, where my veiny very heavy tits still kept swinging lightly. I started to try and reach them down there but it was really hard trying to lift them even 1 by 1. After a little while of trying however, I managed to lift one with my both hands and tried to push it inside my pitiful top, but as soon as I managed my boobie dropped back down slapping against my leg again. Nina started laughing hard with some of the other girls in my class pointing a finger at me at the same time.

The teacher was just staring, and finally grinned and said "I think someone has a _slight_ wardrobe problem" chuckling. I started stammering. p..permission be e..excused?" Mike looked at me for a long while without saying anything, enjoying the view apparently. I didn't really know why, since I didn't think my breasts were sexy or even slightly good looking myself. My panic was growing as Mike didn't say anything but after a little while longer, he finally said: "Yes, but don't be long". I moved as quickly as I could without trying to take running steps back to the locker room, my breasts dangling at my ankles, my downwards pointing nipples almost sweeping the ground.

I was so panicked I almost went to the guys locker room, but turned towards the girls locker room just in time. That would've been a huge catastrophe I thought to myself, and felt a bit relieved as I had noticed that in time. As I got to the girls locker room I started quickly, still panicked, stuffing my enormous chest back into the way too small bra. I squeezed and pushed and tried to pull the cups to make more room, trying to stuff them in one by one again. I almost managed to do that after a long while of squeezing and forcing, but apparently I squeezed and forced a little bit too much as my big nipples started to leak milk. I had forgotten to milk myself yesterday evening as I usually did every day, and there was not really any way to stop the milk flow because my udders were so filled by now. "Oh great. " I thought to myself, and just barely managed to stuff my tits 1/3 in to those too small cups of mine like before, nipples first so at least the bra would hopefully keep the milk flow in control till I was out of the sports class for today. I pulled my pink top back on and headed back to the gymnasium, feeling a bit relieved now after all the embarrassment.

As I walked back in to the gymnasium, Mike looked at me "Well that took you long enough. I told you not to be too long" I shyly looked at mike blushing again and stammered "S. sorry I. I came back fast as I could". Mike stared at me a little while, and said "Okay then. 10 jumping jacks for being late" I swear I saw him evilly grinning as he said that. I looked at him my eyes and mouth wide open "B. but but.." I started to stammer, and he just said "You don't want to fail this class do you?" My face went even more red now, if that's possible in any way.

The whole class was staring at me, Nina smiling as they waited for me to start. I awkwardly started, just spreading my legs and hands not jumping at all a couple of times, my hanging excess tit flesh jiggling under my top even from those very small moves. Mike shook his head "Those are not jumping jacks. come one, you have to jump. And remember to jump as high as you can or I will not count them" I glanced at the class, they were waiting, and staring. Nina yelled "Oh come one Liana, they're just jumping jacks, do those 10 and be done with it!" she giggled.

I hesitated a little while longer, then just closed my eyes and jumped as high as I could, spreading my arms and legs, my jiggling heavy tits flying all the way up with me, and then finally down against my bra with their huge mass, breaking it as they continued falling down all the way to the ground slapping heavily against it, their weight making me bend over, almost making me fall to the ground in the process.

It hurt... a lot, but I kept going, straightening my back and going for it again keeping my eyes closed. The class seemed speechless, and Mike's mouth was fully open as he stared at me, staring my second jump of the ten I was ordered. There was a lot of milk on the floor, as my filled tits had squirted out a fair amount on the floor as they were smashed against it hard. But I continued even though it was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, because I didn't want to fail the class. On the second jumping jack, my tits flew high up again as I jumped, totally uncontrolled now since there was nothing restraining them, one of them slapping straight against my face as the other one was flying a bit on my side, them both now totally bare. Then they came back down with me again, with their heavy mass that was pretty much about half my weight, smashing against the ground hard left one a little bit after the right one, squirting more milk out with a even louder slapping sound, as they hit the ground one by one, then followed by a third SLAP sound as they hit each other as I went for the third jump right away, straightening my bent back again. I squealed in pain, but continued anyway jumping up, that jiggling massive amount of tits flying nicely in the air in front of me this time, and then heavily smashing down against the ground both at the same time, this time pulling me down on the pool of milk with them, face first.

Mike looked at me and said with a shaky voice "O..oh I ..I think that's enough for now miss Liana, I. I think 3 is enough for your umm..unique physical..ahem... attributes" he stammered. I stood up, my face covered with my own milk, as I thought to myself "at least they can't see me blushing now"

Mike looked at my broken bra at the ground, and then at me "I'm afraid I will have to fail you in this class since it looks like you can't attend the rest of this. " I quickly begged " please don't! I can still continue, p..please don't fail me" even though the thought of being topless in front of my class and Mike was terrifying, I really needed to get through this if I ever wanted to graduate. Mike looked at me a while and said "Very well then" clearly trying to hide a massive boner in his sweat pants. Nina and some other girls of my class were giggling and making "moo" sounds like a cow towards me, but I didn't mind that much since I loved cows, they were peaceful and nice animals and never harmed anyone. Mike coughed, and awkwardly said "A. alright I'm going to take break, you girls run 5 laps around the gymnasium meanwhile" and he quickly ran to the teachers locker room.

My classmates started running the laps, and I didn't see any choice but to do the same, starting out slowly trying not to kick my tits too much in the process as they were already hurting from the jumping jacks. I didn't get very far when Mike came back, and looked at us lazily jogging.

"Move it move it! This is no Sunday jog, RUN!" he yelled as he came back, and of course started watching me closely, making sure I would comply at the best of my abilities. I started running as fast as I could, my huge breasts dangling and jiggling, uncontrollably flying in the air all over as each running step I took, kicked hard against them with a loud slapping sound. After half a lap it started to hurt a lot already, and milk was squirting all over from my nipples each time my tits hit my legs. I kept running my face all red and in pain, squealing basically kicking my tits as hard as I could on each step, trying to keep up with the others. There was a constant "Slap, slap slap slap slap" sound as I ran, that echoed in the gymnasium followed by my suppressed squeals. I stopped after one lap, rubbing my breasts, but Mike ordered me to continue all of the 5 painful, loud, and messy laps.

When I was done, there was milk everywhere on the floor, as I stood there my nipples still dripping to the ground, my breasts so sore now that even a slight touch would make me scream in pain. Mike ordered us in a row again, and told us to hit the showers and that the class was over. As I was starting to walk towards the locker room, Mike's voice said from behind "Not you Liana, you stay a little bit". I walked towards Mike, with very small steps now, trying not to touch anything with my sore breasts in the process. I awkwardly asked "Y..yes teacher?" Mike looked at me and said "You're gonna clean this mess you made right now" pointing at the massive amounts of milk in the floor all over the gymnasium. "I'm going to check this place tomorrow morning, and if it's not as shiny as it was when we came here, I'm going to fail you in this class got it?" I nodded blushing all over, and managed to ask "w. wh. where can I find equipment?" Mike just shrugged "Beats me, you could go around asking in the fifth floor where the cleaners are located at" and he just walked away grinning. "b..but I. I" I tried to say something, but Mike didn't stop. I knew I couldn't go to the fifth floor, since I didn't even have anything to cover myself up with, and I was too shy to talk to the cleaning staff, so I had to figure out another way out of this. As I started pondering Mike turned for a second and said "If you can't get the cleaning supplies, I guess you'll just have to lick it clean" laughing, as he disappeared in the teachers locker room.

I stood there, half an hour trying to think of a way out, but then just went on all my fours on the ground, and started licking my own milk off from it spot by spot, wincing a bit at the taste of my own milk. My tits were dragged with me in between my legs as I crawled around the gymnasium, licking every milk spot from it clean. It took me most of the evening, especially since my tits kept leaking more milk to the floor as I dragged them with me. It was really hard for me to crawl on all my fours, I had to spread my legs a lot to make room for my tits in between them, and my boobies were still so sore I had to bite my lip trying not to cry. When I was finally done, I threw my very last bra that I owned, which I had not broken until now to the trash, and went for the girl's locker room.