Liar, Liar


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"So busted." I slowly pulled out and we looked at each other. I bit my lip as I pulled up my pants. Toby smiled. "You wanna come over to mine? Both of you if you like?" Huh. Not a bad idea.


We did go around to his after I managed to drag Linds away from his friends.

"Come on dickwad, you can top him and I can top you, tell me your fake skater friends are somehow better..." I whined at him as he lit a cigarette. Linds rolled his eyes and held his hand out for my phone.

"George is straight." He muttered. "But flick us a text." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I don't think George is straight."

"George is working himself out." I laughed and returned to Toby.

The three of us tried almost everything that night and my dick was hard the whole time.

And the best part was, I had Lindsay's number.


Not that I texted him. Actually I texted Toby like, all the time, but I was too nervous to text Lindsay. Because he was insane. I mean, he got me harder than I'd been in my life but I knew he was insane. Toby was cute. Toby wanted to fuck Lindsay and me again, or just me if thats all that was on the table- although he told me he kind of liked when Lindsay was in charge. That made me hot but also worried. Because I was in charge. I was always in charge.


Toby and I hung out a few times. He was getting dangerously close to being my boyfriend- except he always held himself back.

"It's not fair to Lindsay." He would say, and I would roll my eyes.

"Please, Lindsay is probably out fucking anyone who paid attention to him in a wig."

"You know that for a fact?"


"Exactly. He came first. You guys are a couple first and then there's me. I'm not fucking with that." I grabbed his hair and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Dumbass, you're fucking with that twice a week."

But Toby was firm. He didn't let me stay the night, and if we went for a date he invited Lindsay- who wouldn't usually come, too busy being someone else I assumed. I started to lie for him- say his thesis was wearing him out, say there was another regular guy who Linds saw. I even said Linds and I were thinking of breaking up, to test the waters. Toby shrugged.

"You are such a fucking liar, Wiri. You'll never leave Lindsay. And if you do, I hope you know you'll never find anyone who matches your crazy. You two were made for each other." I grumbled. Great. I was in a relationship I couldn't get out of with a guy I barely knew and barely saw. And the guy I wanted to date unfortunately knew exactly how crazy I was and didn't want a bar of it. This is probably exactly why Red told me to stay away from Michael.

Part 2.

I was on the ticket line, which meant five hours of standing around flicking popcorn at stuff and twenty minutes of processing a giant line of people wanting wine and popcorn and a ticket to the latest Wes Anderson. There was a camera trained on the desk and I'd been caught reading on my shift before so I was trying to entertain myself in other ways. I was lining up some popcorn to bowl over with a ten cent piece when I noticed a hand tapping erratically on the counter.

I looked up. Linds was there, Diet Coke in his hands, hair slicked back. I felt my stomach flutter. Dammit. Why was I so into this?

"Hey Michael." I smiled. "Doing ok?"

"Ka pai." He said. "How are you Wir?" I shrugged and leant over the counter.

"Better for seeing you, Linds." He smirked and shook his head, warning me not to push it.

"So I thought you might be interested in meeting this friend of mine, Jasper."

"Jasper huh? What's he like?"

"Jasper is a nerd. He heard you play D&D and thought you might be interested in this home brew one off session he's playing. He kinda has a crush on you- he comes here a bit you know, but the thing is he's not out." I looked at Linds as he leant over the counter. He was slowly unwrapping a lollipop and he stuck it in his mouth, looking up at me over his glasses with a smile.

"I think I could be into Jasper." I said, smiling.

"Sweet. I'll tell him to pick you up after work on Friday. He'll meet you in the lobby downstairs." I frowned.

"Won't someone..." Linds grinned at me.

"Trust me." He said. "See ya, Wir." He waltzed off, stopping briefly to check out a man leaving the bathrooms. I looked away as Red approached me.

"You're not getting involved with Michael are you?" He said. "He's got some fucked up shit he's working through." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on man, you know me. I don't do drugged up space cadets. Even if they are sex on legs." Red laughed.

"Good. There's just something off about him. I never really believe a thing he says." I nodded.

"I hear you." I said. "Don't worry mate."


I was tapping my foot and fiddling with my hair. I was trying to watch my breathing. I couldn't be nervous. I was waiting for a fictional person, there was no need to be nervous. But I couldn't deny what my body was doing.

"Um. Hi, Wiremu." I heard a voice and I looked up.

He wasn't wearing sunglasses, just regular glasses. Woody Allen style. He had floppy brown hair that was too long to be well kempt but too short to be cool. He was wearing trousers that didn't quite fit him anywhere and a plaid shirt unbuttoned over his vest. He bit his lip. Oh god. Jasper was delectable.

"Hey. Jasper right?" He nodded and held out his hand awkwardly. He then half retracted it, maybe thinking twice and I grasped it before he could change his mind again and pulled him into a hug. He was blushing as he pulled away. Man. Linds deserved a fucking Oscar. I grinned at him and entwined my hand in his. He pulled away.

"Ah yeah." I said. "Got it."

"Sorry." He mumbled. I almost rolled my eyes. The same guy who pretended I was a hole for hire had the nerve to reject my hand in public? But I played along.

"Let's get outta here." I said. And we walked out, too close to be friends, our hands just brushing each other's as we swung our arms.


The door opened and a girl pulled Linds and I into a hug.

"Hey!" She grinned. "Chas and Rach are here already. You must be Wiremu? I'm Amanda. So nice to meet you." Her eyes flickered between us for a second before she led us into the living room. It was a nice place. Warm from the fireplace, smelling vaguely of incense. There was a great table set up. I was directed to a chair and settled in.

"Beer?" Amanda suggested. I shrugged.

"He um. He's more into wine. Red wine." Linds spoke up quietly. I smiled at him.

"But beer is good, thank you." I said. Amanda shook her head and disappeared to get the drinks.

I glanced at Linds. He was reading through our character sheets. I noticed him rolling his eyes as he got to mine.

"Hey Jas." His head jerked up as I whispered to him. "What's your problem with my barbarian?" He scoffed.

"Just your min/maxing." He shook his head at me. "You're fucking stupid, the way you play."

"Hey. I have fun."

"You say that now." He grinned. "I'm gonna have to save your sorry ass halfway through."

"Well. I'll hold you to that, Jas." He rolled his eyes.


We were stuck in a ravine filled with beautiful toxic plants and Linds was glaring at me.

"Told you I'd have to save you." He grumbled. "All that strength doesn't mean much when you're knocked out because you can't read." I shrugged.

"So are you gonna actually save me or just tell me off?" He sighed dramatically, but he didn't really have a choice.

"I waste everyone's time casting restoration to save that idiot over there." He grumbled. I squeezed his knee in thanks and he stiffened up immediately. He glanced around the room and cleared his throat as I lingered on his knee, slowly moving my hand up his thigh under the table. He glared at me and I smiled benignly back as I teased his cock through his jeans. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, but didn't attempt to move me away. I let my hand lie still in his lap for a second.

As I recovered and sat through a lecture as we searched for a key which we were hoping would open a secret passage my mind was at least as much occupied watching Linds, tucking his hair behind his ear nervously, biting on the end of his pen, and dropping his hand under the table to meet mine. Our fingers entwined. He glanced at me with a small smile.

The best part was the others watching us. As though we thought we were so subtle, smiling at each other and touching each other under the table. I was starting to get why Linds did this. It was so fun to pretend. And Jasper was so damn hot with his cute, innocent, in the closet act. I just wanted to wreck him. Open him up on the game table in front of his friends so they knew what a horny little slut he really was...

I was shaken out of my reverie by a smoke break and I went to pee. I bumped into Lindsay in the corridor and without thinking I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my face into his neck.

"Not here." He whispered.

"No ones around." He pushed me off him.

"Not right this second." He said. I sighed and dropped my arms and pouted at him.

"Fine. Bathroom then."

"You're beginning to make a habit of that."

"It's hot."

"Wir... no..." He whined as he pressed against me and I knew for sure someone was watching. He loved an audience.

"Yes." I growled. I turned him around roughly so he was pressed against the wall. I braced myself against him as I snaked my hand in his pants. "Tighty whities?" I guessed. He sobbed.

"Don't... tease..." He whimpered.

"Not teasing." I squeezed his dick. "Gonna make you cum."

"No, you can't."

"Yeah. You're gonna cream your little pants for me Jas. No control. Just a little boy. A little bottom who's gonna cum for a real man." I was grinding my hips into him as I spoke and he was grinding back as I fondled him.

"Fuck you."

"Never. Little boys don't get to fuck. They get to cum in their pants." He stiffened against me and went limp in his hands with a soft sigh. I moaned as I milked his cock into my hands.

"Oh that's hot Jas. Here." I offered him my hand covered in his cum and he made a face.

"Oh fuck no." He said. "You're the worst." I shrugged.

"Fine." I wiped it on his jeans and headed back to the lounge.


I returned to my seat and sipped on my wine. The girls were somewhere else, it would have been one of them who caught our little performance.

"So Jasper said you met at a movie theatre?" Chas asked. I looked up. Ha. Time to fuck with our -how we met- story

"A movie theatre huh?" I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah, sure, I work up in Brooklyn."

"Oh I love that cinema. So many weird-ass festival things playing."

"Probably why we make no money." I grinned. "How do you guys know Jas? He didn't say."

"We met online." Chas said. "Used to do a book club through reddit but the four of us broke off. Usually we do longer campaigns but we haven't sat down in a while. Jasper suggested this one actually."

"Oh?" I smiled.

"Think he was seeing if we got along. I was thinking of Call of Cthulhu but I really wanted four players." I glanced up as Lindsay appeared again and settled into his seat, avoiding my eye.

"Yeah I'd be keen." I said.

"So how does buying a ticket turn into inviting you to a campaign?" Amanda said as the girls returned to their seats. Linds turned red. I don't know how he could blush like that on command. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

"We got chatting." I said slowly. "Because I convinced him he was seeing the wrong types of film. Thought he would enjoy my recommendation better. And he did." Linds glared at me. "He was thanking me afterwards for... helping him choose the right film. I guess hobbies came up... my last group split up when our DM got pregnant so he invited me to this." Linds mumbled something and I grinned at him. "Still cant believe a headless torso was into D&D." I muttered under my breath. Linds had a coughing fit and by the time was finished we were ready to keep moving forward.


"It was so nice to meet you." Amanda squeezed me on the way out. "Keep coming, he can't live in the closet forever." She murmured, pressed against me. I glanced over to where Chas and Linds were exchanging cards of some description as we wrapped up. I shrugged.

"He'll get there." I said.

I wrapped my fingers in his as the door closed and he sighed. He curled his fingers back though, and squeezed my hand as we walked down the stairwell.

"You'll have to come out some time. They all know."

"I know they know."

"Be nice to hold your hand while you save me."

"I'm not saving you every game."

"So don't play a druid." He rolled his eyes and dropped my hand as we walked out the door. I grumbled but let him lead me down the street.

"Got a room." He said, and glanced at me with a small smile.


This wasn't the swanky hotel suite Carl had rented. This was a cheap room with a single bed. I glanced around. Man, Linds goes hard on his games. "I kind of wanna fuck Jas." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him. "He's so my type. So nervous. So cute." Linds pulled his wig off and frowned at me.

"Well maybe Jas doesn't feel like getting fucked. Maybe Lindsay does." I laughed.

"You jealous of yourself Linds?"

"You like him better than me and I can't stand that." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"You're insane Linds." I wrapped my arms around him. "Totally fucking insane." He softened a bit under my touch.

"Maybe you can fuck Jasper one day. But I really missed you. I don't want to have to play pretend."

"That's a first."

Lindsay rolled his eyes as he discarded the glasses and the plaid shirt. He shook his hair out and sat on the bed.

"How's Toby?" He asked.

"Jesus, you really are jealous." I rolled my eyes. "He's good. He wont fuck me without you again so you better make yourself free sometime soon." Lindsay shrugged but I could see in his eyes he was happy to hear that. Huh. Here I was thinking the guy was made of stone. I sat on the bed with him and lay down, pulling him into my chest.

"Lindsay Webster." I stroked his chest and traced his tattoos. "Tell me more about yourself." Linds sighed and burrowed into my chest.

"You know everything about me." He sighed.

"How many people do you fool around with?"

Lindsay glanced up at me, blinking his incredibly long lashes.

"Just you."

"Liar." Lindsay sighed and held me tight.

"Just you. Truly. Can you imagine how hard it would be to be fucking two different guys as six different guys?"

"Six huh?"

"I'll introduce you to Stefan one day." I held him tight. Just me. Call me crazy, but I believed him. Why would he lie?

"So why don't you text me Linds? If it's just me?" He blushed. A real, soft pink that reached his ears.

"I kinda thought... you and Toby... I didn't want to get in the way." I laughed.

"Toby doesn't want to get in the way of you and me." Lindsay frowned at me.

"But... we aren't..."

"We could be right?" Lindsay shrugged.

I looked down at him and stroked his cheek.

"Hey uh... Linds. As nice as this room is... you wouldn't want to... head back to mine would you? It's just your legs won't hang over the side of my bed and we could probably manage a few different positions..." Lindsay sat up. He nodded.

"Yeah ok." He said, pulling on his wig again.

He needed to use the bathroom so I snuck him in the back to go before I walked into the dulcet sounds of ABBA in the kitchen to say hi to mum. She put her glass down with a giggle as she saw me.

"Oh honey. Thought you'd be later. Or not at all." She turned down the music. "So, good night?" She glanced at me as we heard the toilet flush. I bit my lip as Mum raised her eyebrows and we made eye contact.

"Um." I said.

We both looked up as he entered the room in full regalía. He pulled his glasses off as he saw mum.

"Mum, this is..." I trailed off. Because who the fuck was he? He answered for me, pulling his wig off.

"Lindsay." He said, reaching for her hand. "Lovely to meet you."

"Hi." My mum took his hand and glanced at me. "Awhina." She introduced herself to him. I cleared my throat.

"Linds and I..." I started to say. But I stopped because really, Linds and I had fucked a few times. I didn't know what else we were. He caught my hand.

"Not how you imagined this huh?" He laughed. "We've been um. Seeing each other?"

"He's my um..."

"Boyfriend?" Linds suggested quietly.

"Yeah?" I matched his hesitancy. The problem with dating Linds is that I had no idea if he was playing or not.

My mum didn't know that's what was going on, of course, but she could make a graceful exit. She said how lovely it was to meet Linds and retired to bed. I looked at him across the table. He shrugged.

"You will be right?" He said. "My boyfriend." I bit my lip.

"Uh. Your's Linds? Because you won't go out in public with me." He rolled his eyes.

"You've never asked to go out in public with me."

"You've never offered." He flicked his eyes up at me. He smirked.

"Come to mine next week." He suggested. "You can meet mum and dad."

"Mum and Dad? So definitely not a tragic orphan?"

"One way to find out." He grinned.

He clasped my hand as we walked up the path. He was fumbling with his hair and his palms were warm. I touched his arm.

"You worried your parents will hate me?" He glanced at me. "Or do they not exist after all?" Linds shook his head.

"You know..." He swallowed. "No ones ever met my Mum and Dad."

"No way?" He punched me on the shoulder.

"No one. I could never bring friends home because I made up too many stories." I rolled my eyes.

"Only you, Linds."

He knocked on the door. He stared intensely at it.

"Ouch." I said. He released his grip a little.

"Sorry." He winced.

His mum opened the door. She looked normal. She grinned at us and pulled him into a hug.

"This is Wiremu." He pushed me into her and I felt myself embraced.

"Lovely to meet you, darling." She said. "Come on in." I glanced at Linds and he shoved me into a living room. I glanced at his father.

"Dad, This is Wiremu." His dad looked me over carefully. He glanced at Linds and he smiled, just a little.

"Nice to meet you." I shook his hand. We were ushered to a couch and his mother presented us with wine and cheese. I felt a tad overwhelmed. His family were fucking lovely.

We were knee deep in Prosecco when the doorbell rang. Linds glanced up.

"That'll be Rufus." His mother said. I looked at Linds. He squeezed my hand.

"My brother." He said. Huh. always assumed he was an only child. He definitely had that vibe about him. His mother answered the door and two boys, older versions of Linds bowled in.

"Couldn't miss this." One of them said. "Heard little Lindsay has a friend over." Lindsay rolled his eyes.

"Jeremy and Rufus." He said. "Just some dicks who Mum and Dad feel sorry for." He sighed. "This is Wiremu." He introduced me again. Jeremy and Rufus looked me over carefully as we shook hands.

"So you study Economics?" Jeremy said. "Me too. You have Dr Robertshawe?"

"Yeah I did."

"Fuck he was a cunt eh?" Jeremy leant back. "Kinda homophobic too if I remember. You must have had a shit year." I opened my mouth to respond but the doorbell rang again.

"Oh that might be Emily." Lindsay's Mum sang out as she went to answer it. I glanced at Lindsay.

"You said meet my parents." I said. "Not meet the whole fucking extended fanily." Lindsay shrugged.

"Can't contain them. I mean, you've met me, what did you think I came from?" I glanced up as his mum ushered Emily and two others into the room.

"Emily and Duncan." She gestured. "And Reid." She looked around the room. "And that's all of us." She beamed. I looked at Linds. He bit his lip and shrugged.

"Duncan's only through marriage."