Life after the Lottery Ch. 57


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"He got killed in the fun house."

"I guess you didn't?"

"Nope. He asked if we could help him with a self-defense class the first weekend in October."

"We haven't done that in a few years," Dawn said.

"I know. He asked me to help then asked if you would help so he could have more people. I told him I would check with you."

"I will be busy with school, but it I guess I could help."

"Put it on your calendar, and I will tell him we will both be there," I said.

I turned to leave.

"Where are you going? Help us clean the house up," Dawn said.

"I need to go downstairs and clean my weapon."

"Don't take forever; we can use your help."

I went down to the basement to clean my pistol.


About 7:00 we were finishing dinner. Dawn wanted to make sure everything was cleaned up before we left tomorrow. After that, we were sitting in the den with the girls.

"What would you two like for your birthday party next weekend," Dawn asked.

"No big party, just us," Sam said.

"What do you want for your birthday you two?" I asked.

"Can it just be the four of us?"

"Sure, but we need to get both of you something."

"No, you don't."

"What time did you tell your parents you would be there tomorrow?" I asked.

"Whenever," Sam mumbled.

"You did tell them you were coming, didn't you Sam?" Dawn asked.

"My mom knows."

"It's about a four-hour drive so that we will be leaving by 8:00 in the morning," I said. "We will get your things and stay the night and come back Thursday morning."

"Sam, how are you feeling?" Dawn asked.

"Honestly, a little scared."


"Before we left to come here for the father got real mad," Sam told me.

"About what?" I asked.

"He said I should be working during the summer."

"Why?" Dawn asked.

" give my parents money."

"Okay, you two, out with it," I told them.

Sam started to cry softly.

"When I was trying to get through school, I tried to work during the summer so I wouldn't have to borrow so much money...but our father ended up taking most of my money," Amy said.

"Amy, you didn't tell us this," Dawn said.

Now Amy was starting to cry along with Sam. Dawn and I waited.

"We have to tell you something," Amy said.

"Amy, you two can tell us anything you know that," Dawn told her.

"I have never told anyone here this, please don't tell anyone else."

"You know we wouldn't."

"You have never met our parents, and you don't know that much about where we come from. I told you I put myself through school so I could get away from home. We don't come from much, I worked hard in high school and made sure Sam did too so we could get out from where we live."

"You told us that, you did well. You and Sam are very smart."

"We haven't told you everything. Sam and I have only had ourselves growing up...our parents are nothing. They have been living off welfare and disability as long as we can remember...we really do come from nothing. We didn't want you coming with us because we didn't want you to see where we lived."

"Amy, why didn't you tell us?" Dawn asked.

Sam leaned over to Amy and wrapped her arms around her, and the two of them started crying.

"You two...we don't care," Dawn told them.

The two of them kept crying.

"Okay, you two settle down, you are not telling us everything are you?" Dawn said.

We waited until the two of them calmed down.

"I want you to tell us what you are not saying," I told them.

"I felt like if you knew, you two would think I was just living with you because you had a lot of money," Amy said.

"You think we would think you were some kind of gold-digger?" I asked.

"Or worse. Then when you asked to help us out and let Sam move in, I just couldn't tell you."

"You two sit up and stop crying!" Dawn told them. "Are the two of you living here just to mooch off us and get money from us!?"

"Oh god no!!" Amy cried out.

"No, we love you two!!" Came from Sam.

"Then that is settled!" Dawn told them.

Amy and Sam started laughing and crying at the same time as they looked at us.

"I would hope that both of you think better of yourself than the way you feel. I think you two are very good and have achieved a lot. We are proud of what you each have done. Now you have the opportunity to be even more; we expect you two to work hard and prove how smart you are!" Dawn told them.

"You know we can never thank you two," Sam said.

"We have been over that," Dawn said.

"I didn't say pay you back!"

"Finally," I told Sam.

"I have a suggestion, let's clean up, and you two join us in bed, and we will watch a movie."

"Thanks, James," Amy said.

"We need to get up early so we can take our time and get there and get everything loaded. We will stay at a hotel and come back Thursday, if that is okay with you two," I asked.

"You still don't have to go, we can take the van and get everything from the house and Judy's apartment," Amy said.

"We are not going over this again Amy," I told her. "We will go to Sam's apartment first then your house."

"We need one more thing please," Amy asked.


"When we go tomorrow, can we take the van to our house and get Sam's stuff while you two wait?"

"If that is what you want," I told her.


"I need one more thing too," Sam said. "I want all of us to sleep together tonight."

"We can't be up all night," Dawn said.

"I just want all of us to be together."

"Okay sweetie," I told her. "Why don't we go to bed and watch a movie."

We all went up to our bedroom. Sam and Amy took a shower then crawled in bed with us. We found a movie and laid back and watched it. Dawn was holding Sam, and Amy had turned and wrapped an arm around me while we watched the movie.

About 9:00 when the movie went off, Dawn whispered to me.

"Sam is asleep."

"Amy is too."

I turned out the light, and we held our girls and went to sleep.


When the alarm went off Wednesday morning, I woke Amy and Sam up.

"It's about 6:00, we need to get up soon so we can leave early enough we don't get there too late," Dawn told Sam.

"We are not getting up until I please you!" Sam said to Dawn.

"You too," Amy said.

I watched Sam pull the sheet off Dawn and move down and spread Dawn's legs apart. Sam pulled Dawn's legs up then moved down and began working on her pussy. Amy moved down and sucked my cock into her mouth. I was watching Sam eat Dawn and Dawn was watching Amy suck my cock. The two of them both took about 30 minutes to finish. I came hard in Amy's mouth, and Sam drove Dawn to a huge screaming orgasm. When they finished, they each moved up and kissed us then they got up and ran out of the bedroom to their rooms.

"I think that was planned!" Dawn said.

"Probably, it was hot watching the other though," I told Dawn.

"Yes, it was. I hope they are in a good mood tonight at the hotel so we can make it up to them," Dawn said.

We got up and showered. When we got out, we could smell breakfast cooking. We got dressed for the day and grabbed the overnight bag we had packed and went downstairs.

"Good morning you two vixens!" I said.

They turned and looked at us and giggled, they were both still naked.

"After we eat, you two go pack an overnight bag, and we will clean up, I want to get on the road so we can take our time," I said.

"Okay!" Sam said.

When we finished, they went upstairs.

"Why don't you let Amy ride with me in the van, and you take Sam, I want to talk to her," I told Dawn.

"Okay, but they may want to switch when we stop for lunch."

We waited, and they finally came down.

"You two ready?" I asked.

"I guess so," Sam said.

We locked the house up, and I took Amy by the hand and led her to the van.

"I want you to ride with me, okay?"



We had been on the road about an hour and had crossed town and were on our way. I was following Dawn and Sam in the Escalade.

"Why did you want me to ride with you?" Amy asked.

"I just thought you might want to talk."

"Not right now."


Amy turned on the radio and found some music to listen to. We rode for another hour before Amy said anything.

"You do trust us, don't you?" Amy said.

"Amy, you have never given me any reason to doubt you. Don't forget; we asked you to live with us."

"I know, but I don't ever want you to think I manipulated you with sex."

"Amy, you know Dawn, and I love you and Sam."

"And we love you too, but I shouldn't have told you everything."

"Amy, what have you learned about Dawn and me?"

"You two are crazy!"


"You two love each other very much."


"What do you mean?"

"Why do we love each other so much?"

"You just do."

"Amy, you know why. Why do we love each other so much and get so much pleasure from each other?"

"Because you two talk."

"We don't just talk, what else?"

"You two tell each other everything, that's why."


"You don't keep secrets from each other."

"Right, and what have we told you?"

"Never keep anything from you, and you will never keep anything from me."

"Or Sam. Could you have kept up our trust if you kept anything from us?"

"No. That is why we told you. It was hard to tell you all that."

"We know."

Amy sat quietly for a minute.

"Amy, is there something else you want to tell me?"

Amy sat quietly for a few minutes.

"I need to tell you and Dawn something else, but can it wait until tonight so I don't have to tell it twice?"


"I have to pee."

"Call Sam and tell them to stop some place."

Amy called Sam and told them to stop soon. A few miles later we stopped, and I filled the trucks up with gas while the girls went inside the market. I was waiting when they came out with sodas and junk food.

"Are we ready?" I asked.

"We are ready!" Sam said.

We got back on the road; we still had about 2 hours to go. We made plans to eat lunch once we got to the town where the girls lived. Sam was going to show Dawn where we would eat and then to her apartment. Amy and I were sharing a bag of chips as I drove.

"Amy, since we talked about not keeping secrets you need to talk to me about the money you send to your mom."

"What? How do you know about that?"

"I just do. How much do you send her each month?

"I try and send her $500. I will send her money from my savings."

"No, you won't. I'll give you the money to send your mother."

"You don't have to do that, James."

"I'm going to, and that is settled. What does she use the money for?"

"Getting by. She hides it from my dad."

"Okay. Let me know if you need more."

Amy sat quietly for a few minutes.

"Amy, are you going to be okay?"

"Yes. When we get near the house, Sam and I will take the van and get her stuff. It shouldn't take but a few hours tops. It won't take but about 45 minutes to get the stuff from her apartment and tell her roommate goodbye."


"I need you to do something though."


"I need you and Dawn to stay close by when we go to the house."

"Do you think there is going to be a problem?"

"I don't know. We had a big problem when I picked Sam up."

"Like what?"

Amy was quiet as she sipped on her soda.


"When I finished college and moved out, it was a big scene. My father thought I was going to stay with them and give them money. When I told them I was moving father told me never to come back."

Amy started sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Amy."

We rode in silence awhile.

"I told him I didn't care and hoped I never saw him again. After I got a job at the hospital, I would go and visit Sam as often as I could. I would pick her up at the house with my father yelling at me, and we would stay in a small hotel for the weekend so I could get Sam out of the house some."

"Amy, I am sorry that happened."

Amy was still crying a little.

"Amy, how much did your father beat on you two?"

Amy looked up at me sharply.

"How did you know?"

"Just answer me."

"Tonight, okay?"

"Okay. We will be nearby, if you need us, call us immediately you understand?"


By the time we got to town, Amy and I were ready to eat lunch, it was well past noon. We followed Dawn and Sam as they went into town to a small café. We got out and stretched before we went in.

"This looks nice," I told Amy.

"It's a nice little place."

We all went in and got a table and looked the menu over for a few minutes then ordered.

"How far are we from your apartment?" Dawn asked.

"About 7 miles," Sam told her. "We can take the van from there to the house."

"Okay. You two can go ahead from there, we will follow you," Dawn told them.

"You are not coming to the house, are you?" Sam asked.

"Not if you don't want us to; you stop when we are where you want us to wait, and we will wait for you," I told them.

"I don't want you two sitting in the SUV for several hours while I get my stuff," Sam replied.

"I'm sure we can find some way to amuse ourselves while we wait," Dawn said.

"I am going to stop about a mile up the road from the house, it is a small two-lane country road so I will have to find a place you can get off the road," Amy told me. "I hate to say it, but keep an eye out, it is not the best area."

"Don't worry, we'll be okay."

Dawn looked at me a little worried. The food came, and we ate and talked, I could tell Amy and Sam were nervous. They stalled for about an hour before they decided it was time to go. Amy and Sam got in the van, and we followed them to Sam's apartment near the school. Sam had already called her roommate about moving out, and she was supposed to have most of Sam's stuff ready.

Once we left for the apartment, it only took a few minutes to get there. Judy was happy to see us, and she sat down with Dawn to talk while we loaded all of Sam's things up. When we finished, we went in to visit with Judy.

"Sam, I am going to miss you," Judy said.

"Where is your boyfriend?" Sam asked her.


"How have things been going with you two, is he learning anything?"

"A little...but he really doesn't like me telling him what I like to do," Judy said.

"What did he think about the DVD's I sent you?" I asked.

"He thinks I am weird for wanting to watch them."

"Judy, unless you are really in love with this guy and think you want to have a future with him, I think it is time you dumped him," Dawn told her.

"I think you are right. I am going to have fun with him this summer since he is living here, then move on when school starts."

"Judy, you are doing the right thing," Sam told her.

"Judy, you are young, have some fun while you are in school and then find the right man," Dawn said.

"You seem to have found the right man," Judy said.

"Actually, we found each other."

"But with Sam leaving, I won't have anyone left to talk to about these things. I think I still have a lot to learn."

"I can come visit, can't I?" Sam said as she turned and looked at me.

"Of course, you can. Judy, you can always call and email Sam." I told her.

"Sam, I am so happy for you," Judy said as she hugged Sam. "Do you all have time for some fun?"

"Maybe when you come visit next summer," I told Judy.


"Sure, we will fly you in," I told her.

Judy jumped up and hugged me.

"We have to go, we have to go to Sam's house and get her things," I said.

Judy released me and looked up.

"Oh. Sam, is everything going to be okay?"

"I hope so," Sam said.

"Will you call me and let me know you are okay?" Judy asked her.

"You know I will."

Sam walked to Judy and kissed her.

"Everything will be okay," Sam said.

"You call me."

Sam kissed her again, and we left.

We left the apartment and followed them toward their house.

"James, are they going to be safe?"


"Did Amy tell you something that you are not telling me?"

"They will be okay; I am going to make sure of it."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Wait until we stop."

We drove for about 15 minutes before Amy turned down a two-lane country road. The houses we were passing were not much more than shacks. I hoped Amy's house wasn't as bad. Dawn asked if I thought her house was that bad, I told her probably. Amy stopped in front of an abandoned and boarded-up house, she got out of the van and walked back to us.

"Back in the drive here and we will go on, the house is about half a mile down the road."

"Okay, if you need us..."


Amy got back in the van and drove off, and I backed the SUV into the driveway.

"Are we going to be okay here?" Dawn asked.


I got out of the SUV and grabbed my overnight bag from the back and got back in.

"What do you need that for?"


"You didn't?"

"Yes, I did."

I opened the bag and retrieved my 9mm and a magazine and put it in.

"James, you don't think you will need that do you?"

Dawn hated it when I carried my pistol, but it had become something we were advised to do after we won all the money. I didn't think we would need it, but we were out on a lonely road. I put my pistol in the console and tossed my bag into the back seat.

"Just in case."

"James, what were you going to tell me?"

"Do not say anything about this to either of them. I think Amy is going to tell us some more tonight."


"I am pretty sure their father physically abused them."

"Oh my god, you don't mean it!"

"I hate to say it, but yes."

"Oh god James, do you think he sexually abuse them?"

"I don't know?"

Dawn was quiet for a minute.

"Yes, you do."

Dawn knew that I probably knew, I had been trained to recognize it and she knew it.


" some degree. We will have to wait."

"Oh, god James, what do we do?"

"We do nothing for now."

Dawn sat quietly for about an hour.

"James, can you help them?"

"We can help them, we already are."

"I mean emotionally," Dawn said.

"We already are, but yes when they ask."

We had been sitting for over an hour, and no other cars had gone by. I had also told Amy to text us when they left so we could be waiting. I had looked over at Dawn when she got quiet, and I saw tears running down her face. I let her sit quietly; I knew this was an emotion she had never had to deal with. Unfortunately, I had had to deal with this on too many occasions at the university as a counselor.

We had been sitting for about 30 more minutes when the phone rang. I grabbed it and answered it.

"James, I need you now!!" Amy screamed.

"I'm coming!" and Amy hung up.

I started the Escalade and took off out of the driveway and floored it.

"What is going on?!"

"Amy needs us!"

I saw the van sitting in a driveway and pulled in quickly. I got out and heard Amy banging on the front door screaming.

"Open the door!!" She was screaming.

I ran to her on the half-dilapidated porch.

"What is wrong?!"

"He won't let Sam out of the house! We got her stuff, and then he locked the door and won't let her out!"

"Mr. Jones, open the door!!"

"Who the fuck are you?!!" Came from inside the house.

"Open the door please and let Samantha out of the house!!"

"Fuck you!! She is my daughter she will do what I say!!"

"James, what is up?!" Dawn yelled.

I turned to look at Dawn standing about 10 feet away with her hands behind her back.

"You stay right there, Dawn."

I knew she had my gun.

"Mr. Jones, Samantha is over 18, she can do as she pleases!!"

"That other slut left us; she is staying!!"

"Mr. Jones, your daughter is going to college now!!"

"She has been living her eating my food, she will do as I say!!"

"James, he is drunk, he has been giving us shit since we got here," Amy said.

"Mr. Jones, I am going to ask you one last time to let Samantha out!!"
