Life after the Lottery Ch. 59


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The two of us sat and sipped our beer for a minute.

"Joseph, I'm sure you understand the importance of how a group like ours has to keep this a secret."

"Sure, even though you all are having a lot of fun, other people wouldn't understand it," Joseph said.

"No, they wouldn't. Samantha and Amy are still working out what to tell people they know about our relationship."

"What do you tell people?"

"If they ask, we tell them the truth. We don't keep our relationship a secret because we don't think there is anything wrong with it."

"That's good. Do you get much push-back about it?"

"No. People that we tell just ask questions, or look like they are just thinking about it."

"I'm sure the guys do."

"The ladies do too. I think more women than will admit it would be okay with it."

"James, do all the women in your group of friends do each other?"

"They do. The first time it happened, I was a little surprised at how all of them were good with it."

"I hope Pamela gets more into, other than just with Susie."

"She seems to be getting into it," I said. "Are you okay with that?"

"Yes. I'm happy she is having fun."

"Joseph, after you two have time to talk about this weekend, let me know if everything is good."

"I'll let you know."

All of the girls came to the den carrying trays and plates full of snacks. We all sat and ate for a while. After we had finished eating all the women were talking for some time. I looked over at Joseph, and he had fallen asleep.

"I think we have worn my husband out," Pamela said.

"Oh, let him sleep. If anyone else wants to take a nap, that's fine," Dawn said.

Dawn and Samantha started gathering up the dishes and taking them to the kitchen. I picked up some empty beer bottles and followed her.

"Honey, I think Joseph has had a good time with your help, but I think you may have exhausted him," I said.

"I may have."

Susie and Amy came to the kitchen with the rest of the leftovers.

"Pamela has curled up next to Joseph, and I think she is falling asleep," Susie said.

"She may be worn out also," Samantha said.

All of us went outside and sat in the shade under the deck.

"Dawn, how did the four of you get started?" Susie asked.

"One weekend Amy and I got together while James watched. James and I discovered I liked being with a woman and it grew from there. A little after that, Amy needed a place to live, and we let her live her while she looked for a place. We finally decided that we wanted her to live with us. Shortly after that, Sam came for a visit, and we all hit off, now we are all together," Dawn told her.

"That's great. It sounds like all of you have everything worked out."

"We are getting there. Things have changed a lot for all of us, and now we all grow closer and closer every day."

"Samantha, do you get many questions about your relationship?" Susie asked.

"Not really, but I may once I start back to school."

"We don't hide anything, we tell people the truth if they ask," Amy said.

"Dawn, you said you were working at the university, have you run into any issues from them?"

"Not yet, but we give so much money to the school, I doubt they will say anything."

"I hope they don't. It really is none of their business."

"Susie, we are beyond worrying about what anyone may say. We all love each other, and that is all that matters to us," I told her.

Susie settled back into the recliner; a bit later, she had fallen to sleep. We all stayed outside for a while and just relaxed. By mid-afternoon It had gotten warm, even in the shade.

"We are going to have to get in the pool or go inside," Dawn said.

"Let's go inside," I replied.

Samantha and Amy got up and headed into the house. Dawn woke Susie up and got her heading inside. Once we were all inside and had grabbed something to drink we all went down the hall to the sunroom.

"Can I get in the hot tub? It's cooler in here?" Susie asked.

"Of course."

Susie got in the hot tub, and Amy and Samantha joined her. Dawn and I left and walked down the hall and went in the big bedroom and laid on the bed.

"You know, no one at the university really knows about us," Dawn said.

"Are you worried about that?"

"I'm not, I just hope the girls don't get any static about it."

"I think they can handle anything that comes up."

"But, what if someone asked them who they are married to?" Dawn asked.

"I'm sure they will tell them. Are you worried about them or yourself?"

"You know I don't care."

"I know you don't, but I think after our little ceremony we all should have a talk about exactly what we will tell people," I said.

"I guess we should."

Dawn laid her arm over me and placed her head on my chest.


"Hey," I heard someone say.

I turned and opened my eyes; I had dozed off. Samantha was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Our guests are awake. What are we doing for dinner?" Samantha asked.

"What time is it?"

"A little after 5:00."

I shook Dawn and woke her up.

"We fell asleep," I said.


"You want me to ask if pizza is okay?" Samantha asked.

"Sure," I told her, and she left.

"What time is it?"

"A little after 5:00."

Dawn and I got up and walked to the den. Pamela and Susie were sitting and talking to Joseph.

"I think we all had a nap," I said.

"Is pizza okay with everyone for dinner?" Dawn asked. Everyone said it was.


When the pizza guy buzzed the intercom, it was our regular guy. Dawn grabbed some money and went to the door naked. When she opened the door and had a conversation with him like it was nothing new Joseph and his wife couldn't believe it, but Susie was laughing.

"What you laughing at?" Dawn asked as she carried the pizzas to the kitchen.

"Nothing!" Susie snorted as she laughed.

"Dawn, I can't believe you did that!" Pamela said.

"He's used to it," Amy replied.

We all went to the kitchen and grabbed some pizza and wine and returned to the den to sit and eat while we talked.

"Do you tease all of your delivery people like that?" Pamela asked.

"Just the pizza guy. I have to give him something other than a tip to get him to drive all the way out here," Dawn said.

Amy and Samantha told everyone what they had done to the pizza guy and got everyone to laughing.

"I think all of you are a little crazy," Pamela added.

"We do have some fun," I said.


We all ate for a few minutes.

"You three, if you have had a good time so far, we hope you would like to come back sometime?" I asked.

"I think we could work that out," Joseph replied.

"We usually have a big New Year's Eve party every year that lasts two or three days, maybe you would like to join us this year," Dawn said.

"That sounds like fun," Pamela said.

"Oh, we had great time last year," Amy added.

"I'll be doing the party planning this year, Dawn and the girls will be in Hawaii during the Christmas break," I said.

"You're not going with them?" Pamela asked.

"No, they are going to be modeling some bathing suits for a company, and I have a house guest coming," I told them.

"How did you swing that?" Susie asked.

"When we were there this spring we met a couple that hires models for a world-wide manufacturer, and they asks us to come back and model," Samantha told her.

"That will be fun. I haven't been to Hawaii," Susie said.

"You should make Joseph take you and Pamela," Dawn said.

"I have wanted to go to Hawaii for years," Susie said.

"Sounds like a good idea, but it is so hard to get a week off," Joseph said.

"You need to stay at least two weeks," I told him.

"That would be hard," Joseph said.

"Yes. When we do get to go on vacation he is on the phone all the time," Pamela said.

"That sucks," I told him.

"Well, some of us have to work!" Joseph kidded me.

"Maybe you can retire in a few years if everything goes right," I said.

"What are you up to?" His wife asked.

He explained to everyone about what we had planned.

"How much are you going to risk, honey?" Pamela asked him.

"A lot. I'm am very confident we are doing the right thing."

"I hope you are right."

"I am."

"Joseph, may I ask how much you are putting into this deal and how much you plan on getting back?" Dawn wanted to know.

"I can come up with about 30 million. I plan on at least doubling it."

"Are you sure?" Pamela asked.

"Very sure. I hope to retire in two years. I think we can live on 60 million or so."

"I'm sure we can, but that is everything we have?"

"Joseph, that is way over 100 million once you add what I am putting into it, can you get all that into the market without it backfiring?" I asked.

"I'm sure I can. I have been thinking about it and what I am going to do is spread it around among some other brokerages. That way it will not look like someone at our company has some kind of inside information. That will spread all of it around to about 25 million chunks. That won't draw as much attention."

"Sounds like a good idea."

"I started working on it Friday. I have some accounts around the country under some shell companies I control. I use them for things like this."

"I'll keep my fingers crossed," Pamela said.

"I'm not worried," Joseph told her.

We all talked until we had finished eating. By then. It was after 7:00. Amy suggested we all watch some of the better porn DVD's we had, so we all went down to the theater.

"I like your movie room," Joseph said.

"When we have parties, everyone can come in here and watch movies," I said.

"Do all of you watch porn?" Pamela asked.

"Usually," Dawn said. "Sometimes we watch other things."

"Like what?"

'"We often have some more interesting things to watch," I said as everyone sat down. "It's usually better than any porn."

"Well, that must be something pretty good!" Joseph exclaimed. "I would like to see whatever that is."

"Okay," I replied.

I picked up the remote and looked over the files on the computer and the time stamps. I found what I wanted and started it playing.

"Where did that come from!" Pamela exclaimed as we watched her riding my cock just before Joseph slid his cock into her.

"Oh, wow!" Susie got out.

We all watched for a few minutes until Joseph walked up behind her and work his cock in his wife's ass while she had my cock inside of her.

"James, did you have a camera in that room?" Joseph asked as we watched.

"There are several in that room, and others all over the house."

"What?" Pamela asked.

"The entire house is covered by cameras. It is part of our security system, but they come in handy for other things," Dawn said,

We all watched as Pamela was fucked.

"I don't know about this," Pamela said.

"Don't worry, we are the only people that will see this," Dawn said as she leaned into me.

It was quiet for a long time as we watched Pamela being hammered for a long time. All of her screaming was entertaining. Once it was finished, I turned off the video.

"James, can I get a copy of that?" Joseph asked.

"Joseph!" His wife exclaimed.


I heard Susie laughed. I scrolled through the files again and started the video about the time Susie was riding my cock while we were on the Tantra Chair. We watched all of that for about 30 minutes.

"You do have cameras all over the house," Susie said.

"There are a few," I said.

"What do you do with the recordings?" Joseph asked.

"It all depends."

"On what?"

"Well, if my stockbroker loses all my money, they go on the internet."

"What!" Came from Joseph and Pamela.

"He's kidding," Dawn told them. "We keep them so we can watch them from time to time, like now."

"Does anyone else see them?" Pamela asked.

"That depends," Dawn replied.

"On what?"

"On if you are okay with others seeing them. You see, when we have parties and friends over, things can get very interesting sometimes. All our friends know about the cameras, so when they are over we will watch what happened at parties or other times," Dawn said.

"Don't they worry about the videos getting out?"

"No. Like you all, they are all people that would definitely have a problem if something like that a happened," I told them.

"So, they are all good with this?"

"They are now. We all have some good times watching recordings from visits and parties. The cameras are on all the time or are motion activated," I said.

"Did you surprise all of them like this?" Joseph asked.

"Sort of."

"Did any of them object?"

"We all discussed it, and everyone decided it was okay because it was just between all of us. It's a close group, but we all have a good time."

"Sounds like it," Susie said.

"Yes, James has a regular video production outfit now!" Dawn exclaimed and laughed.

"James, how big is this group?" Pamela asked.

"A dozen or so couples."

"A dozen!"

"More or less."

"And you have all of them here at one time things like we did this weekend?"

"That is the purpose of the group, but we all get together and just have a good time sometimes, without the sex and things."

"Sounds like a good group of people," Joseph added.

"It is. We are all pretty close."

"You must be."

"Now that you know, do you still want to come to our parties?" Dawn asked.

"I'm not sure," Pamela said.

"Think about it then."

I pulled up an hour long porn movie we all watched until after 10:00.

"You have a great theater," Susie told us.

"We like it," I said. "Is everyone ready for bed?"

"Sounds like a good idea," Susie said with a big smile.

We all went back up to the den and got some wine.

"What are the plans for tonight?" Pamela asked.

"I don't know, what would everyone like?" Dawn said.

Susie walked to Amy and wrapped an arm around her.

"I know what I would like to do," Susie said.

"You want some company?" Samantha asked.


"That will work, Joseph, come with me," Dawn said taking his hand and heading up the stairs.

Amy, Samantha, and Susie started up the stairs.

"I guess that leaves us," I said to Pamela.

"I guess so."

I led Pamela to the big bedroom downstairs because I knew Dawn was headed for ours.

"Why does your house have so many bedrooms and the pool house?"

"We have a lot of guests," I replied.

"You must."

I led Pamela to the bed, and she lay back. I got on the end and picked her foot up and spread her legs. Pamela was watching me closely as I lifted one of her legs and began to kiss my way down it toward her pussy. After a few minutes, I had my mouth over her pussy and was snaking my tongue into it.

"" came from Pamela.

I slid my hands under her knees and lifted them up and spread her legs far apart. While I was working my tongue into her I looked up; she was watching me and smiling. I took my time with her and worked her pussy over well. She was building to her third orgasm as I sucked her clit into my mouth and flicked it with the tip of my tongue.

"Oh, my god! That feels so good!"

Pamela began to push her pussy up into my mouth as I kept going. I sucked harder on her clit.

"Yes!! Oh, yes!!"

She wiggled around beneath me as I tortured her clit. She continued to moan and cry out as she neared her orgasm.

"Ohhhh, James!! Yes!!"

Pamela started thrusting her pussy up into my mouth. She let out a long, loud moan and I bit down on her clit just hard enough.

"Oh, fuck, yes!! Bite me!!" She screamed and started jerking as she came. "Ahhhhhhhh!!"

Pamela drove her hips up and held them as I bit and sucked on her clit then she started coming hard.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! Fuck!! Yes!!"

Pamela twitched and jerked for a minute then her hips fell back to the bed as I released her clit from between my teeth. I looked up at Pamela as she lay there panting hard. I hooked my hands under her knees again and lifted them back up and spread them. As Pamela lay there panting, I eased up and between her legs. Once I was in place, I grabbed my cock with my hand and used the tip to find her pussy lips. Once it was there, I began to push slowly.

"Ahhhhhhhhh..." came from her as I slowly slid into her.

I kept pushing my cock slowly into her as she continued to moan. Once I was all the way in I pushed hard.


Pamela looked up at me with her eyes wide open, and I lowered my head and placed my lips over hers.


I kissed Pamela for a few minutes as I held some pressure with my cock as I pushed into her. I removed my lips from hers and looked into her eyes.

"Emmmm, James, you are incredible."

"I aim to please."

"Yes, you do. I think you enjoy pleasing me."

"I enjoy pleasing all women."

"You do, don't you. What does your wife think of that?"

"If I didn't please all the women I am with, Dawn would be all over me."

"She is okay with you doing this?"

"Pamela, Dawn gets as much out of me pleasing you as I do?"


"We both enjoy it very much when the other pleases someone."

"I think you do, but I think you are right, Dawn gets as much out of it as you do," Pamela said. "That is so different."

"Don't you enjoy watching Joseph pleasing another woman?"

"Sure, but I don't think it is like you and your wife."

"I'm sure it isn't, but I hope you do enjoy it when he is with another woman. If you don't enjoy it, then why do it?" I asked. "Joseph told me he enjoys watching you being pleased."

"He gets horny watching me being fucked."

"Do you get horny watching him with another woman?"


"That is the difference between the two of you and Dawn, and I. Dawn feels pleased when she is watching me with another woman, and I feel pleased watching her with another man."

"What's the difference?"

"Joseph gets horny watching you being fucked. Dawn enjoys it physically when watching me please a woman. There is a difference."

"You mean she gets off watching you?"

"Sort of. She may choose to get off while watching, or she may just watch and enjoy the feeling."

"You sound like she is feeling what you are doing James," Pamela said and smiled.

"Now you are starting to understand," I told her and slid my cock almost all the way out then shoved it back in.


I looked into Pamela's eyes as I started working my cock in and out of her. Her mouth fell open as she looked up at me while I worked my cock. I placed my mouth over hers and slid my tongue into her mouth as I kept working my cock in and out of her repeatedly.


I kept doing what I was doing for a long time. Pamela got into working her tongue in my mouth as I kept going. Once she started moaning louder and harder, I sped up.


I sucked on her tongue as I drove my cock into her harder. I felt Pamela tense up then she came again.


I pushed my cock in hard and held it and took my mouth off of hers.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!! Fuck!! Yes!!"

She looked up into my eyes as I pressed my cock into her.

" was great."

"Yes, it was," I told her.

"Let me rest," Pamela said.

I slid my cock out of her and lay next to her. After a few minutes, she sat up and moved over and sucked my cock into her mouth. I watched her take her time working my cock in her mouth for a long time. She finally laid her head on my thighs and looked up at me as she ran her hand up and down my cock slowly.

"James, when you and Dawn are with another couple, do you always enjoy, as you say, watching her?"


"I wish I felt like Joseph enjoyed watching me all the time."

"Do you think he doesn't?"

"Sometimes I think he feels like we are just entertaining some of his clients."

"Is that what you are doing?"

Pamela was quiet for a minute.

"Sometimes...yes," she said as she looked at my cock while she ran her hand up and down.

"That needs to change."

"But, how?"