Life after the Lottery Ch. 82


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After I picked up the nearly 4 X 6-foot high-contrast paper from the camera store, I made some experimental prints. They looked even better in the very harsh black and white. I made a couple of prints where she had one leg nearly flat and the other up that I made from a low angle that showed a lot of the narrow strip of dark hair running up from her pussy. I printed four that were each slightly different, and trimmed them to 3 1/2 feet X 3 1/2 feet, rolled them up, and put them in a mailing tube so no one would see them. I wanted to see if Crystal could do something with them.


After we all finished breakfast on Thursday morning, I told Dawn I needed to run into town for a while to do some shopping. At 10:00, I left with the prints to show Crystal. I drove into town to her studio and shop. I went in, and she was talking to a lady, so I waited.

"Hey, James."

"Hi, Crystal. I have a couple of things for you."

I handed her a thick envelope.

"That is for the work on the helicopter. Don't open it until I leave. I thought cash might be handy this time of year and...the IRS doesn't need to know about it."

"James, this envelope is way too thick!"

"Don't worry about it. Now, I have something I want to see if you can help me with."

I pulled the rolled-up prints out of the tube and unrolled one on her table. She looked for a moment.

"Oh! Now that is an abstract print!"

"Do you like them?"

"Yes! Did you take these and make them?"

"I did. I have been experimenting with some ideas."

"Are you going to sell them in the art store?"

"I plan on it, but I wanted to see if you can help with some of them. You are familiar with Andy Warhol's posters.?"

"Yes...oh! Yes!"

"I think you are getting the ideas, Crystal."

"I think I know what you want!"

"Could you have some fun with these?"

"I sure can! The abstract nature of the black and white print will be perfect for what you are thinking, James. Warhol made his from silk screens because he produced many. Can I color these and make a one-of-a-kind set? Think about the four of them in a square as a set."

"That would be great!"

We sat and looked and talked for a while.

"Who is the model? I know that is not Dawn, and it definitely is not the redheads!"

"It is not them."

Crystal looked at the prints for a minute.

"Do you have one of Amy? I know she has a red patch?"

"I won't have for a few months!"

"I have an idea...James. If you had some of Amy like would be hot if I colored in her red hair on her mound and the rest was high contrast black and white!"

"I like that idea!"

"I know her red hair is closer to orange, so the red hair would be lighter than this other one, and I could color it in better."

"I can make it come out even lighter without changing the rest."


"Since it is black and white film if I play with different color filters on the camera, it will lighten anything colored red. I think that would make her red hair appear nearly blonde and maybe lighten her skin."

"That would work great!"

We talked for a while about what she could do coloring the prints. I told her I would get her a few more sets, once she was done, sell them in the art store for her.

"I'll bring you more prints in a week or so. I need to go and pick up some Christmas presents."

"Okay, but am I going to be upset by how much money you gave me, James?"

"It's not going to upset me! Crystal, you earned it."


"Oh...where can I get a 42-inch X 72-inch black and white print mounted to a canvas?"

"One of your prints?"

"Yes. It is for Linda and Rachel."

"Bring it to me. I stretch my own canvases."


"You all have a good Christmas."

I left to go to the jewelry store. I knew Crystal would be calling me about the $75,000 I paid her.

I drove to our jewelry store to pick up their gifts then headed to the house.


My girls were spending more time with their feet up as we approached the week before Christmas week. It was all getting to them, and I had been driving them to the university because I didn't want them behind the wheel. Samantha and Amy both were spending a lot of time studying or typing. Dawn was trying to get as much of her work done as she could

We all made it to the weekend before Christmas. Everyone had settled down since they were out of school until January. I was looking forward to picking up Enolia on Sunday. Dawn was ready for her to come so she would have someone else to talk to other than the girls and me. The rain had stopped, and it had cooled off.


Sunday morning, I was up at 4:00. By 5:00, I was downstairs cooking myself some breakfast before the girls got up so I could have something other than pancakes before I took off for the reservation. I was sitting and eating a nice breakfast when Dawn came down at 5:30.

"When are you taking off?" Dawn asked.

"As soon as I finish eating. What time are your parents going to be here Monday?"

"About midday. Will you be back by dinner?" Dawn asked.

"I should be."

"If you don't visit long, you should be back by 4:30."

"I want to get back before dark."

Sylvia came to the kitchen as I finished eating.

"Good morning, Sylvia," I said.

"Good morning, you two. Dawn, can I make some pancakes for us?"

"Could you. He is about to head out," Dawn told her. "What are you doing today?"

"I don't have anything planned."

"You want to fly to the reservation with James? He is leaving in a bit to pick up my grandmother."

"If that is okay, sure, after I make some pancakes. I would like to see the reservation."

"Grab something to eat then. I am taking off in 30 minutes or so," I told her.

"Okay! Great!"

While Sylvia cooked, I went out to start the preflight. I could wait until they ate. Sylvia came down about 30 minutes later.

"Dawn gave us some coffee in thermoses to take. I didn't hold you up, did I?" Sylvia said as she walked up.

"No. Some company will be nice."

"How long does it take to fly there?"

"Less than three hours. It is a little further to fly than we are comfortable on one tank of fuel, so we stop and refuel. We can fly straight in less than two if needed. That gives us enough to return and refuel someplace other than the busy Knoxville airport. We'll be there by 10:00."

She watched as I finished the pre-flight and fueling.

"Ready to go?" I asked.


"Get in the front left co-pilot's seat."

I helped her buckle up and put on the headphones, then got in and started it up and checked everything. I lifted off and headed East. Enolia was going to meet me on the reservation. Dawn said that would be easier. We were enjoying flying as the sun came up. The sunrise was splendid as we climbed to three thousand feet after clearing BNA airspace. I was planning on taking a more direct route over the mountains and was flying at the maximum cruising speed, having some fun. Sylvia and I talked as we flew. She asked a lot of questions about flying.

We had found a nice little airport in Greeneville, Tennessee, where we refueled before going over the mountains. It allowed us to get past Knoxville air traffic and then nearly all the way back to the house when we returned. It wasn't really small, but it was friendly. We just had to radio ahead to make sure there were no skydivers in the area and couldn't land there if it was IFR conditions. I set us down at the Greeneville airport and shut down. We walked to the terminal. It was nearly 8:30.

"Dr. James Smith? Right?" The guy asked as we walked in.

"That's me."

He looked over my shoulder.

"Your ladies are not with you this time?"

"No, they are all home, ready to have babies soon. I am picking our grandmother up on the reservation. This is Sylvia, our new nanny-to-be."

"Hi, Sylvia. We sure enjoy all of you using this facility."

"It is easier to get in and out of than Knoxville. If we are not flying IFR, we stop here going in and back out for fuel."

"Your wife has been in and out a lot. I didn't realize she was their Medicine Woman."

"She recently was bestowed that title and will be taking over from her Great-grandparents one day. She goes to the reservation every few weeks, but she can't fly any more until after she has the baby."

"I'll fuel it up for you!"

"Okay. We'll grab some coffee."

"Help yourself!"

"I think he likes seeing Dawn and the girls," Sylvia said.

"They flirt with him to get free coffee and donuts!"

We took the thermoses and filled them with coffee. They always enjoyed it when we landed to refuel. We had some coffee and a donut while I double-checked the weather.

"Topped it of Dr. Smith. One hundred and twenty gallons."

"How much is that? $450?"

"$470 this week."

I pulled out my money clip and peeled off five $100 bills.

"Here you go."

"Dr. Smith, I keep telling your wife we can just send you a bill every month instead of you having to carry cash."

"Why don't we just do that. Can we pay it online?"

"Yes. I'll get your change."

"Put it in the coffee fund to cover my moochers!"

"Thanks. Will do, and I'll set up the monthly billing."

"Jerry? How low can I fly through the mountains to the reservation and not run into small planes?"

"Most of the small planes that do not fly over the mountains fly around 2,000 feet around the southern pass. You usually go the northern route and fly over the mountains."



"In the future, we will be flying with the babies onboard, and I need to stay as low as I can."

"You can. You can do that at 500 feet through the river pass. If you get above 2,000, you are going to be with the non-IFR weekend flyers."

"I was afraid of that. I wanted to stay around 1,000 feet."

"You can. You can refuel at McGee-Tyson, then fly South to the Tellico Reservoir instead of flying directly South over the mountains from here. From there, just fly east up the Little Tennessee River. You could fly that route at 1,000 feet or less. It is too much terrain and turns for the smaller aircraft. Once you cross Fontana Lake, it is East- Northeast to the reservation. I fly that route in my biplane. It is scenic and a lot of fun. There shouldn't be many small planes on that route."

"McGee-Tyson is so hard to get in and out of."

"Since you are instrument-rated, it's easy. But you do have to fly the pattern to stay out of the traffic. could still refuel here and then fly South down Highway 107 to the river! It is only about 30 miles difference. You miss MyGee-Tyson traffic. That is what I do in my biplane."

"Can you show me that route on the map?"

We got an FAA topographic map of the area, and he showed me the route up the river. It would be scenic along the river between the mountains but a little longer if we skipped McGee-Tyson. He convinced me to still refuel at Greenville. I got the map from him after we went over the route. I thought Sylvia and Enolia might like the scenic route.

"Thanks, Jerry. I think I will fly that route going back today."

"Keep an eye out for a few non-instrument small planes, but they don't usually go up the river that low. Don't forget about us. See you later."


Sylvia and I were walking back to the helicopter.

"Does it cost almost $500 to fill the tanks?"

"It costs about $1,000 in fuel each round trip, plus the hourly operating costs. Aviation gas costs a lot more than regular gas. But it is worth it so Dawn can get back and forth quickly when needed. We get about two and a half miles to the gallon!" I said and laughed.

"I can't believe Samantha can fly the helicopter."

"Sylvia, don't underestimate Samantha. She is supper smart, and so is Amy."

"But she is so young."

"Would you be afraid of flying with her as the pilot?"

"I guess not..."

We got in, and I folded the map up so I could put it on my clipboard. I fired it up and took off and climbed quickly, heading South to get over the mountains at about 6,000 feet so I could fly straight in. I explained everything to Sylvia as we flew over the mountains. She was enjoying the view from high up. We were over the reservation in about 30 minutes. I flew around so she could see all of it, then slowed and sat down. Some of the kids had run to the fence when they heard us coming. I was sure they thought it would be Dawn.

I shut everything down, and we got out and locked it up.

"Hey, kids!" I yelled as we walked to the gate to unlock it.

"Where is Miss Dawn?" Several asked. "Is she a new girlfriend?"

"She is home. She and Amy and Samantha will be having babies soon. This is Sylvia. She is our new nanny for the babies."

"Make them bring the babies so we can see!"

"It may be a few months before we can do that."


I locked the gate behind us and walked toward Great-grandfather's cabin as some of the kids followed, asking me to take them for a ride. When Dawn and Samantha flew in on the weekends, Samantha would take them for rides. I promised them I would when I came back in a month or so.

Of course, Great-grandfather was standing on the porch waiting as I walked up.

"Hello, Great-grandfather."

"Hello, James. Hello, Sylvia. I may need to rename you Tall Flying Warrior!"

"Is Enolia here yet?"

"Oh yes. She has been here. Come in."

We went into the cabin with him.

"Hello, Great-grandmother. Hello, Grandmother."

"Hello, James."

"This is Sylvia, our new nanny."

"We know. Hello, Sylvia. Did you two eat breakfast?"

"About sunrise. How are all of you doing?"

"We are doing fine."

"How are the girls?" Great-grandmother asked me.

"Driving me crazy."

"Oh, just wait. I hope you two are staying for lunch?"

"We will, but we need to take off by 1:30 to get back before it gets too late."

There was a knock on the door, and Running Bear came in.

"Hello, Running Bear," I said and shook his hand and introduced Sylvia.

"Just stopping by. I heard the helicopter land and wanted to say hi. James, I wanted to stop in and thank you for buying the new SUV for the patrol car."

"No problem. Do you need another one?"

"No, but I am going to get us a used pick-up."

"Just go buy a new one and get four-wheel drive and everything you need. I just bought a nice Chevy crew cab with lifts and lights."

"We can't do that, James."

"Just do it. Tell the dealer to call me before the end of the year."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Get what you need. We had good fortune this year."

"All right then. Thanks."

Great-grandmother and Enolia went to the kitchen, and Great-grandfather followed Running Bear outside.

"James? Did Dawn call and tell them about me?"

"No. Great-grandfather doesn't have a phone."

"How did he know my name then?"

"Ask Dawn!" I said and laughed.

Great-grandfather came back in and sat.

"Make sure he gets what he needs," I said.

"I will."

"Can they use another SUV for patrol?"


"I'll take care of it before the end of the year."

"Thank you, son."

"Now...why did Running Bear really come by?" I asked.

Grandfather looked at me and smiled.

"There is a meeting tonight with some of the members of the cabinet."

"Just some of the members?"

"It is about the new cultural center."

"I thought that was ready to go?"

"The Council Executives have signed off on it, but the cabinet has to sign off on the contract to build it."

"Are they holding out for something?"

"The original plans had a new building for teaching included. The Elders are wanting a dedicated place to teach the old ways. Once the Executives signed off on it, they now say there is not enough money for a separate building, and we will have to share a room in the new building."

"Are these the men that you work with to teach the kids? I thought you had all that worked out?"

"We did, too. We want a dedicated building so we can put things up and leave them. The youth are already losing interest in the old ways, and if they think the tribe is not supporting the teachings because we have to share a space in the new building, they will think the Elders are not behind it."

"Dawn was planning on using that building to teach also. She is not going to be happy about this either."

"That is why you get to tell her!"

"Geez! Thanks Great-grandfather!"

"Sorry, but that is politics."

"How big was this separate building going to be?"

"We had plans for a 50 X 25 foot building behind the cultural center on the public land. Everything built on the public land has to be approved by the Executives and the cabinet. We tried to get a smaller building, but the Executives won't approve it."

"Why not?"

"They don't want any small buildings that are not fancy since the public will see them. They don't want any more images of those modular trailer homes we already have."

"Those things are getting pretty run down. Great-grandfather? Does the cabinet have any say over what is built on the private lands by the land owners?"

"No...but they are trying to limit the mobile homes."

"I can understand that. How big is the piece of land Dawn owns that she wants to build her house on?"

"Her land is part of our family land. It is next to my land. My land combined with her land is a little over two acres."

"Let's look at the plans you have for her house that the Elders are going to build to teach the younger ones."

We got the plans and unrolled them. We looked and talked for a while about the plans for building a house for Dawn. She owned a piece of land since she was part of the tribe. Great-grandfather talked about getting the young men to harvest trees for logs from the local forest. I asked if they had enough equipment for all that and discussed getting more if they needed it. He and the Elders were looking forward to the project.

"Great-grandfather, once we expand the house so it will accommodate the seven of us, it is starting to get big. Since this is your family's land, why can't we build the education building on it?"

"This is my land, Ahyoka's land, and your land, Tall Warrior. You can do what you want on it."

"The house right now is about 50 feet by 40 feet. That will be 2,000 square feet for a house for the seven of us if we are all here at one time."

"That is probably too small for all of you."

"What if...we expanded the footprint to 60 X 70. Half of that would be a nice 35 X 60 foot area that could be dedicated to being an education center. It could be divided into two or three rooms if needed. The other half would be the house. That would give Dawn and you plenty of room to have a place to see people and do training. It can be set up any way you and the others want and left that way."

"I don't know if Ahyoka would want half her house to be dedicated to people coming and going."

"Great-grandfather, she would love it to be used for that purpose! That would give us 2,100 square feet for the education center. And I'll make sure it is nice enough for the Elders!"

"If Ahyoka would approve, that would be perfect."

"Can you still have the young men build the outside of the house with logs so it fits in?"

"It will be a lot more work, but I am sure we can."

We looked over the house plans for a few more minutes.

"Great-grandfather...since this house and your land is slopped a little...a full walk-in basement could be added beneath the house for later use if needed. It would also add room to the house if we needed it."

"That would be a huge building, Tall Warrior."

"To add a basement would not be a big deal. Put it in the side of the hill and build the house on top. That would give everyone plenty of room to expand when needed. If it is done right, it could be a 60 X 70 foot meeting hall too."

"That would be a lot of room!"

"I am liking the idea, and I am sure Dawn will. We can plan on this...I'll have the engineers come in and design the basement. They will work with contractors to dig it out and pour all the concrete. We'll use steel beams at the top of the basement and the floor of the house and raise the ceiling plenty in the basement. I'll get an architect to design the interior of the house and education center. We'll contract for the interior to be built and let the Elders and young men build the outer shell. What do you think about that?"
