Life Changing Events

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Jenni takes a young lover.
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I guess like so many I had to write a typical interracial story. This is that one, my first. Maybe not my only. We will see. There is also a bit of other stuff, including a bit of incest. If these themes don't interest you, don't read this, Oh, also a bit of the older woman and the younger man. At any rate, those who like this kind of story, enjoy it.

Life Changing Events

Chapter 1

Jenni sat back in the chair behind the small counter of the floating business that she and her husband owned on the Sacramento River. At twenty-seven she still had the figure she had when she was in High School. Five feet seven inches tall, a slim waist, and an ass most people would think would be found on a black woman. Her C-cup breasts were still firm and upright with only the slightest sag when she was not wearing a bra. Naked she has half dollar size areolas with tiny pointed nipples. Her legs are long and lithe, and her entire body is tanned from constantly being outside. Jenni is a beautiful young woman.

Her husband had been very successful as both a broker and with his many investments. She suspected, that he had used insider information to make his millions, but in truth, she did not care. If he had, he managed to get away with it, and as it had been five years since he retired, she did not worry that he would suddenly be carried off to jail on some charges related to his previous profession.

She was twenty-one when they married, he was ten years her senior. He was so successful that at the age of thirty-two, he retired from the firm he worked for, and then he bought this double-sized houseboat that had been converted into a small business. It barely broke even, but in truth, the couple loved living on the river and did not need to make money with the business.

The back area of the bottom floor had been converted into a small office with a storage area for fishing supplies and foodstuffs that they sold to customers on the river. The front area with a desk and a counter in front of it for customers On the other side of that counter are a couple of chairs for waiting customers. Not that they were ever that busy. A wall separated the front from the back, a cork board with various notes, another pegboard where paperwork for the fishing licenses hung, and a few signs advertising various products. There were also four hooks for sets of keys, only two of them currently holding those keys. Aside from the fishing supplies, Carla and her husband had purchased four fishing boats. Three were pontoon boats, easy to control and cheap to insure in case of accidents, but not meant for rough weather. The fourth was a jet boat that they only let the most experienced boat people use. It was rarely rented out. When the river was rough they generally did not rent out the boats at all, but they made most of their money with the business from fishing supplies anyway.

Ted, her husband was an avid outdoorsman. He was currently on vacation with some friends in Colorado, something to do with a hiking trail. He would be gone for two weeks, hiking and fishing this trail, but he had brought a satellite phone and would check in with her every evening. At least that was the plan. He had flown out the previous morning but had not phoned her as of yet. She was not worried, she knew he was easily distracted, and in truth, he was a pretty selfish guy who probably rarely thought of her.

A few months back she and her husband had hired a young man to help them with the shop and the boat rentals. He was seventeen at the time and a very likable guy. Always polite, conscientious, and very respectful. He was very courteous with both her, Ted, and the customers. Quentin worked very hard for the couple. It was also obvious that Quentin has a crush on her. Her husband thought it was funny and would make not-so-subtle remarks to try and embarrass the young man. Jenni did not find his jibes funny at all.

The entrance from the top of the levy was a long completely covered ramp that ended on the left, or northern side of the boat. The ramp was covered with iron fencing that curved from each side and met in the middle at the top. There was a screen door that opened into the area in front of the counter, a desk behind it to one side, and the door to the back area centered on the wall. The security to the place was that at the top of the ramp was a heavy metal gate. Each evening after the place closed down, generally about five or six, a heavy padlock was locked in place.

Opposite the door to the ramp was another screen door that lead out onto the ramp where the boats were kept. At the back, closest to the bank, was a set of stairs that lead up to the couples living quarters. Underneath those stairs, a gap led to an outdoor shower on the exact end of the boat dock. At the top of the stairs was a locked door. Behind the boathouse, is a huge tree that blocked anyone who might want to traverse the bank to get to the ramp. Theoretically, if a person wanted to burglar the place they could swim out and to the boat ramp. But the place was alarmed and it was highly unlikely anyone would attempt it. Aside from that they lived in the place and so there was generally someone there. On the levy was an outhouse that the couple rented and kept locked, occasionally they would let a customer use it. Jenni made sure each day that the outhouse was clean, and they had a service that emptied it each week.

Directly behind the door at the top of the stairs, was a small kitchenette with an opening to their bedroom. The room takes up most of the top half of the boathouse so it is surprisingly spacious. A king-size bed was centered from the left wall to about the middle of the room from left to right. A dresser on the right in the back corner and next to it an armoire that sat on the opposite wall as the place had no closet. There was also a desk directly to the right as one entered the room with a laptop upon it. Opposite the bed under a large window with blinds, was a standard-length couch.

Quentin was a quality young man. He had earned a scholarship to a charter school and during the week he would head straight to the boathouse, still in his uniform. He lived in a rough neighborhood in Sacramento, so it was amazing how well-adjusted he was. There was a key under the counter to the living quarters that Quentin would grab to go up the stairs and change into coveralls or jeans and a blue work shirt he wore each day. Jenni and her husband allowed him to keep a couple of sets of clothing in the apartment hanging on hooks on the opposite wall next to the window with the blinds, across from the kitchenette. They trusted him implicitly, and he had never given them any reason not to.

David had left that Monday morning. It was Tuesday and Carla expected Quentin sometime after four that afternoon. It was about two thirty and she had been in the back straightening up some, organizing supplies for sale. No one was in the place, so she decided to run upstairs and grab a novel off of the side table that she had been reading. Carla had her own set of keys, so she had no reason to check the desk for the extra key. She walked up to her living space and not even realizing that the door was already unlocked, she entered into the small kitchenette.

Quentin was on the near side of the bed. She could see him through the opening to the bedroom. He was pulling up a fresh pair of boxers as she entered. She did not mean to, but she saw his black cock and was shocked at the vision. She froze, and then quickly closed the door. She was not sure whether he had noticed her, but she quickly ran back downstairs and then sat at the desk behind the counter.

Carla was thoroughly embarrassed. Generally, Quentin was down very quickly, ready to work. But today he was slow to appear in the office. She thought to herself that maybe he was just relaxing a minute as he was early, but then she started to become nervous as he was up there a bit longer than she expected. Finally, she decided to head back up the stairs. She purposely made a lot of noise, pretending to try to open the door. "Oh, I must have left it unlocked." She said louder than was necessary and entered the apartment-like quarters.

As she entered the kitchenette, she did not see him in the bedroom. Worried, she walked into the bedroom acting as if nothing had happened. Quentin was sitting in the chair that sat in front of the desk to the right as she entered. He had turned it sideways and he had his head in his hands. Hearing her enter the room, he turned and said, "I..., I am so sorry, Mrs. G. I should have..., I should have told you I was here early. I am so embarrassed. So ashamed."

Jenni felt bad. It was not his fault and she had to make sure he knew that. Aside from that, it was not that big a deal. So she had seen a fleeting image of him naked. In truth, he had a very nice physique. Also, she did notice he had a nice cock. Bigger, if not gigantic, than her husband. He was completely dressed now as she walked over and knelt in the chair next to him. "Oh my God, Quentin. It's no big deal. It was just an accident, you have nothing to be ashamed about."

He quickly looked at her and replied, "Really? I mean..., I was naked, you know..."

"Quentin, you are not the first man I have seen naked. It's no big deal, I promise you." With a grin on her face she continued, "Aside from that, you are a very nice-looking young man. Let's forget this. Don't worry about it." She could see a weight was lifted from his shoulders and she could not help herself, she pulled him to his feet and hugged him. As she leaned in, she felt his hardness in his pants, but she was smart enough to not say anything. "Okay, now let's get to work. We have to clean the boats today, okay Quentin?" He smiled sheepishly, and she swore he blushed, but it was hard to tell on a young man who has such dark skin.

He immediately went downstairs and she felt flush. She realized that his hard-on was caused by her presence and for some reason that had affected her. Come on you dirty old hag, she thought to herself. But it was not the first time she had noticed that he is a very handsome young man.

Chapter 2

The next couple of days went pretty much as normal. Except, that late on both nights she awoke with thoughts of sex. Her pussy was wet, she was flushed, and she realized that somewhere in her dreams she had been looking at a black cock. It surprised her, as she had never had those kinds of thoughts before, and in fact, had never been attracted to black men. She also realized her husband had not been keeping her satisfied, and that was probably the reason she was having these dreams. She could not believe at her age that she'd had a wet dream.

Thursday morning she awoke and for some reason went downstairs and looked at the calendar behind the counter. "Damn!" She said out loud. Today was Quentin's birthday and she had planned on buying a small cake and some kind of gift for the young man. Thinking quickly, she called her younger sister Diane. "Hey, Diane. Can you come to the boat for a few hours? I have to run a couple of errands I forgot about."

"Sure sis, you know I love your boat. Give me about twenty minutes and I will be there."

"Thanks, Diane, you are a lifesaver."

Diane showed up as promised. Before Jenni could head out, Diane asked her how things were.

She hesitated for a moment and then finally answered, "Oh, ya know... Ted still has not called. The usual, he is a lousy husband..." They both laughed. "There was an incident the other day."

"Oh..., really? What happened?"

"You are going to laugh at me."

"Probably, but don't leave me hanging. What happened? I mean I need some excitement in my life." Diane responded.

"Okay, okay. Well, the other day Quentin arrived a bit early. I was in the back, ya know, straightening up a little. Anyway, Quentin had gone upstairs and I did not realize it. I even forgot for a second that I generally lock the door. Anyway...," Jennie was blushing at this point. "I walked in and Quentin was next to the bed changing and well..."

"Well what, sis? What happened?" She had an evil grin on her face as she suspected what had happened.

"Well..., he was just pulling up his undies and so I guess I saw him naked." Again she was blushing. "Yes, I saw his all together. I mean..."

Diane interrupted her, "You saw his dick?!"

"You are such a perv, Diane. Yes, I did. I saw his penis."

"Penis, shmeenus. You saw his cock. So how was it?"

"You are the one who has been fantasizing about Quentin, girl. You are so into the young man... Come on, you are twenty-three and he is just turning eighteen. Be a good girl..."

"Oh, come on Jenni. You can't tell me you have not noticed how hot Q is. I mean, we both know your heart goes all a twitter when you see him. Especially since that lousy husband of yours had not been fucking you."

"Boy, you are so full of it," Jenni said and punched her sister in the arm. "Yes, he is attractive. But he is just a kid, Diane."

"Yes, but how is his package? Come on, dish. How is his cock? I mean..., is it big?"

Jenni laughed out loud. "Well, it's bigger then, Teds honestly. But that's not saying much." Again the sisters laughed. Jenni continued, "Not that I have seen it recently. I think he has lost interest in me."

"His loss, Jenni. You are a hottie. Although, I am the hotter one." She grinned at her sister. "Anyway, have you been fantasizing about that big, black cock?" Jenni did not respond but gave her sister a big grin in response.

Their conversation ended, Jenni grabbed her purse and keys and went up the ramp, and climbed in their F-150 that she loved to drive. She headed to a local grocery store first. She ordered a cake from the bakery with a Happy Birthday on it for Quentin. They informed her it would just be an hour or so which was perfect for her needs.

Jenni first went to the bank. Quentin was saving his money to go to culinary school after he graduated from High School in just a few days. Jenni and her husband had agreed that, as a surprise, they would give him a five thousand dollar cashier's check for his school when he turned eighteen. She decided to double it. She left the bank with a check in his name for ten thousand dollars. He was such a good kid, he deserved the money. She then ran to a jewelry store where she had ordered him a gold necklace. As far as she knew he was not much into jewelry, but she thought maybe he would like it as a gift from her and her husband. Back to the grocery store to pick up the cake, then back to the boathouse.

She was back by eleven that morning. She set up a card table in the bedroom with the cake. She also bought a couple of quarts of ice cream and some sodas and put them in the frig in the kitchen. She was more excited than she should be, but she liked Quentin and hoped he would enjoy the surprise.

"Diane, why don't you stick around for a bit and have some cake and ice cream when Quentin gets here?" She had walked back downstairs. Her sister was at the desk, thumbing through her phone. "I am sure Quentin would love to have you there."

"Okay, but I can only stay to see him blow out the candles and have a piece of cake and some ice cream. I do have a life, you know?" The last she said with a grin on her face.

"Hot date, sister?"

"I wish..., no, I just have some mundane house cleaning to do. You know how dad gets since mom passed."

"Yes, yes I do. On that note, when are you going to move out? I mean, you have a good job for God's sake, Dad does not need you to take care of him."

"I know, I know. Dad keeps telling me to get a life. I will..., eventually."

Chapter 3

At quarter to four Quentin arrived at the boathouse. Before he could head upstairs she took his hand, "Happy Birthday, Quentin, let's go upstairs I have a surprise for you." She smiled at the young man as she led him up the stairs to her apartment. Diane had retrieved the ice cream and soda from the refrigerator and had set it on the card table with the cake, along with the gifts. As they walked through the kitchen and into the bedroom, Diane shouted out, "Happy birthday!"

He grinned and once again Jenni thought to herself that Quentin was blushing. "Oh..., thank you, guys." He said as Diane lit the eighteen candles on the cake. Jenni walked over to the table and looking at Quentin said, "There are a couple of gifts on the table for you." One was a small package with a card that had the necklace in it. The other was the envelope with the check. "Blow out the candles and let's sing happy birthday first, Quentin."

He quickly blew out the candles and then the sisters sang happy birthday, the three of them laughing threw the entire song. It was a fun moment and the trio had a very good time with the entire thing. It was Diane who said, "Why don't you open the gifts, Quentin?"

"The package with the card first," Jenni responded.

"Yeah..., hurry up Quentin, unfortunately, I have some stuff to do so I have to go."

Quentin opened the small package and read the card first. She grinned a genuine smile as Jenni said to him, "Here, let me put that on you." He handed her the necklace and she unclasped it and stepped behind him. "Lean down, Quentin, you are a bit taller than me." Quentin is just about six feet tall and has a strong muscular chest and a lithe body. He leaned down and she managed to get the necklace around his neck and clasped it. It was Diane who held up a small mirror for him to see what it looked like. He was all smiles, and Diane winked at Jenni remembering their earlier conversation. Jenni swore that her sister was trying to get a good look at Quentin's package. Such a slut, she thought to herself.

"Here," Jenni said as she reached onto the table and picked up the other envelope. "This is also for you, Quentin. This is from both myself and Ted. I hope this helps you. Open it before we cut the cake." he quickly opened it. For a few seconds, he just stared at it, apparently not comprehending what it was.

He finally spoke, "What the fuck..., I mean, what the heck is this? Is this for real?"

Jenni had a big smile on her face as she responded, "It's exactly what you think it is. We decided to help you with your tuition to the culinary school."

Before she could say more he pulled her to him, lifted her off her feet, and shouted, "You have got to be the best friend a teenage negro ever had!" Everyone laughed, not the least because of the word negro. It was a big laugh and took a minute for the trio to stop. As he pulled her to him she felt his hardness in his pants. It was at this moment, that she realized he was very attracted to her. In truth, she was also attracted to the young man.

"Well, cut that cake, I have to go," Diane said.

Finally, they cut the cake and Diane spooned out some ice cream for the trio. They ate quickly, and Jenni headed downstairs to make sure they had no customers. Generally, she could hear them from the living quarters, but she was just being careful. No one was on the dock or in the office, so she headed back upstairs. She ran into Diane, "Heading out sis. Now don't do anything I wouldn't do," she said with a grin. Jenni punched her sister in the arm who continued down the stairs laughing at her sister.

Jenni came back up to the apartment and Quentin was eating a piece of cake. He had not changed out of his school uniform yet, "So..., are you surprised, love?" She blushed..., she had never said love to him and did not understand of herself why she had said it.

"Yes, thank you. I mean..., really thank you. This is way above and beyond. I never expected you guys to help me out with my school." He hesitated for a moment, "It's really from you, isn't it? I mean, Mr. G. is okay, but this was your idea, right?"