Life is but a Dream


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Once showered and shaved, I took the elevator down to the main floor and entered the breakfast nook where the cook was just putting my plate down in front of what was apparently my place.

The food was delicious as of course it would be. I was famished for some reason. I just couldn't shake that dream.

I asked about Christy's whereabouts and was told that she was getting ready for the first leg of her signing tour. She had already eaten and would be down in a half-hour or so to join me, if I wished to take coffee on the rear patio.

As I sat looking at the rippling blue water of the outdoor pool, listening to the birds and tree frogs in the old-growth forest surrounding the estate, my mind kept returning to that dream...that indescribable dream. It just seemed too real to have been a dream, but it had to be, right?

That was a question I may never be able to answer, but at least I was blessed to have had it at all, even if it were only a dream. No man would ever deserve something so fine to actually happen to them in this lifetime. I would have to be content with that overly-generous consolation.

Then I remembered! I had been at least somewhat awake when the dream began! It WAS real, it did happen; or something did. It's just that I couldn't figure out exactly what it was. I had been at least somewhat awake and then I was fully inside a dream, living a dream...a dream of something, someone, some other place, a vision.

I was a grown man and not at all given to fantasy. I had, up to that moment, lived my life exclusively within the realms of reality. To me, dreams had always merely been a method the mind used to sort through life's events and organize them in memory for later use. Of what use was this, as a memory? What was its source and what possible purpose could it serve? Still, I had no good answers.

My ruminations ceased the moment that Christy came out to join me on the patio. With a mutual exchange of smiles and "good mornings", we sat alongside each other and shared in looking and listening as the day unfolded itself. It was quite comforting when I realized that one could have perfect companionship even in silence.

That was suddenly and forcibly terminated when something rocketed out of the French doors and launched itself into Christy's lap, where I finally got a look at the beast attacking Christy. It was a child, a boy actually; and he appeared to be mauling her. I sat up, only to see her smile. "Good morning, little brother. You are early. Here, I have someone I would like you to finally meet. John, meet David; David, John."

"You're the man who saved us aren't you? I know. Grandma and Grandpa said nobody else could help us, but you did. They said we're all alive because of you. They also said you were hurt real bad and had to go to the hospital for a long time. I'm grown up now and can't hug you like I can with my sister but can I at least shake your hand and thank you?"

"Yes, David. I would very much like to shake your hand, young man; and you are quite welcome. I just did what I thought was right."

"Grandma, Grandpa, look who's here. It's John. He saved us...remember?"

From over my shoulder, I heard a baritone voice. "Yes, David, we know. That's one reason we came here today, to finally meet John in person. John, I'm Raeph and this is my wife of fifty some odd years, Liza."

I turned around as far as I could to see them coming around and into view. They joined us in adjacent chairs and we talked for some time about family things and particularly about Christy's success as a writer and the overwhelming (to me) success of my movie. Then, thank heavens, we moved on to more mundane subjects like what the future might hold for Christy and me.

Danger, Will Robinson!

Grandma Liza didn't hold back any punches. She went straight to the heart of the matter.

"So, Christy, when are you going to rope this fella in and convince him to marry you? Dad and I aren't getting any younger you know, and we want some great-grandkids to spoil rotten. John, have you given any thought to the matter?" That opened up a whole new universe of its own.

'Stuck in the middle with you' was the song phrase that immediately came to mind. And it was obvious that there would be nowhere to hide for Christy or me. I suspected there were more than one set of eyes and ears at the doors and windows overlooking the patio at this very moment, anxiously awaiting my answer with bated breath. Tread softly, young man, very softly.


"Liza, please."

"Liza, we're just now getting to know anything about each other. We will need time to decide what our feelings for each other are. I think I can say that Christy and I will always be friends and you three as well; but beyond that, I can't say right now. Give us time, and perhaps your dreams, and mine, will come true. Only time will tell." Whew, I evaded that landmine, or so I thought. Sadly, that was not to be.

"Young man, you only have so many years on this earth and you can't afford to waste a minute of the beauty it can bring into your life. You must go after what you want, or risk losing it forever."

Then the baritone rejoined the fray. "John, there was a saying back in my day, 'Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead'. I believe that applies very well to the situation at hand. All indications are that Christy has fallen head-over-heels for you; and I can't believe that you have missed her charms either. If you have any feelings for her, tell her, tell her soon. Come on Granny, let's go get unpacked; you too, David. Let's leave these two lovebirds alone."

Christy and I were left with our mouths open and gathering flies as the three left us alone once again. I looked at her as we closed our maws. She looked somehow different now. Whereas before, she'd always been outgoing and gregarious, she now seemed shy and withdrawn, almost as if she wanted to hide but wanted to stay as well. It was very curious indeed.

I looked back out across the pool and the estate as I sorted out my own inner feelings. Was she beautiful...yes, most definitely. Was she fun to be with...yes, again without a doubt. Was she warm, caring, nurturing, motherly (as evidenced with David)...again, yes, no question. Was she intelligent, curious, and're kidding me, right?

What was it that was holding me back? Suddenly, I knew why. The answer was starkly clear. It was because I wasn't good enough for her. I wasn't worthy to hold a candle in the choir box, or the bag of rice on the sidewalk for everybody else outside after her wedding. Who would ever think I would ever qualify to be the groom at such an event? That was simply above and beyond all reason.

"John, what my grandparents said was right. I am in love with you. I have been ever since those long days and nights I sat beside you in the hospital. I decided then that if you would have me, I would marry you, should you ever do me the honor of asking for my hand. Where we go from here is entirely up to you. I can only continue adding little things to my 'hope chest' as I have been."

There was no easy way out of this situation. I'd been cornered better than if I'd been fighting Mohammed Ali. Between Christy's 'float like a butterfly' and her grandparents' 'sting like a bee' (more like a hive of them), I could see only one way out of this with my honor and general personage still intact.

"Christy, I'm not at all ready for this, but..." "Would you do me the greatest honor and marry me, to be my wife and the mother of my children?"


Well, that was simple enough.


"Y-E-S, yes! I would love to marry you, be your wife and have all your babies."

"You do realize, don't you, that this is insane. We were brought together by chance. We are only now just beginning to really get to know one another, and..."

"Yes, and we will continue to do so for many years to come, I hope. Now, will you please use those sweet lips for something other than talking and kiss your fiancée before she changes her mind? We women are allowed to do that, you know."

"Yes, dear."

"That's better, I like that. You come already trained. Grandma will be so pleased. Now get ready because I'm going to wreck your day, your night, and probably most of tomorrow."

With that, she jumped into my lap, wrapped her arms around my neck, and proceeded to bend my pecker into a pretzel around the firm cheeks of her ass.

From somewhere above us, there was a chorus of hoots, hollers, whistles, and clapping from multiple windows that didn't stop until Christy finally came up for air. It seems that I wasn't the only one getting what they wanted. I couldn't be sure, but I thought either James or Raeph was leading the pack, or was it Grandma Liza?

The weeks passed swiftly and we were all so busy that I'd forgotten all about that strange dream.

Christy and I were learning a lot about each other. For example, she didn't know I'd been in the military, and I didn't know she owned her own Gulfstream jet and had two pilots standing by at all times; not to mention the little Hummingbird two-person helicopter she was licensed to fly and used to get from home to her hanger at the local jetport.

Let me tell you, that first trip out to begin our honeymoon was a real eye-opener. It's little more than a glass bubble dangling under a big spinning blade. And here I'd always thought dropping out of a Huey into a fire zone in 'nam was scary. HA! That wasn't shit! Christy could do everything in that little bird but loops and barrel rolls. Of course, maybe she was just taking it easy on me.

And the first time I saw her jet, I thought I was hallucinating. It couldn't be real. That thing is positively huge, and the inside...the inside is like a hotel suite, just long and narrow...and oh so comfortable. The flight to Hawaii seemed to be over before it started.

I even got to sit in the cockpit jump seat while Christy took the controls for a couple of hours just after we refueled and took off from Orange county airport. That was another experience. Did you know there is a gauge that shows how fast you're going in terms of "mach"? She was flying a twin-engine jet at a little over 0.90 of the speed of sound. Damn!

The copilot told me that she only needed about another thirty hours or so before she would be certified to fly this type of plane on her own. Of course, she'd need a copilot along to relieve her, since this baby just wasn't made for short 'hamburger' hops. This little rocket could cross the Atlantic a whole lot faster than Lindberg ever thought of, but it was still a long way without a 'potty stop'.

Me...once I got used to the idea that Christy knew what she was doing, I simply enjoyed the ride. I was used to small planes and altitudes topping off at about 12,000 feet; but on the CA to HI run, I watched as Christy took us up to 45,000 feet and eased the throttles back to a barely subsonic cruising speed. Even an ocean liner looked like a tiny toy boat in a fish tank.

Christy handled the pre-approach descent but thank heavens the pilot took over for the approach and landing. I'm still a young man, but I think I would have had a heart attack if it had been my new wife taking us in. Until today, I didn't even know she had a pilot's license. What else about her don't I know?

Once down, Christy told the pilots to have a good time for the next week, but be ready for a return trip seven to ten days from now. We caught the waiting limo to a secluded little "shack" at the edge of a cliff overlooking the azure blue ocean. Not that we got to see much of it. It seems that Christy was quite serious about having my babies, and she meant to start right now, today, this minute in fact. Who was I to argue?

She told me to shower, open the folding doors to the veranda, or lanai as they call it here; and wait for her in the bedroom. About ten minutes after I got back and was letting the champagne air out, she reappeared. Now I remembered the dream...and the flowing diaphanous folds that now billowed in the sea breeze.

That afternoon, she confirmed that dream I could never forget. It had been her first time with a man. I didn't know because she'd lost her hymen from hours on horseback, not from another man. I was her first. It was my intention to also be her last and only.

Geezal Petes, how much of this can a man take in one lifetime? I had no idea, but immediately volunteered to push the envelope as far as this one man possibly could. And so I did; it was two days before we even got up long enough to eat, and then we were right back at it.

In the entire eight days we were there, I doubt if I went limp for more than about twenty minutes total. I got used to peeing outside where it could shoot straight up in the air. All I had to do, all I could do, was to face downwind and press down on it so as not to get any splashback in the breeze. It's the same thing as spitting into the wind, and no more pleasant when it happens.

I don't know why God gave me this woman, but I'll never dishonor her love or ever let her get away from me. She is mine, just as I am hers for whatever she asks of me, even if it hurts.

On the return trip, Christy actually did the takeoff herself in the left chair and the captain in the copilot's seat. She managed the radio communications with the tower and navigated without any assistance through the various course changes required upon departure, and took the first three hours of the flight home on her own.

The pilot kept an eye on the gauges, but mostly just kept up a light-hearted banter with Christy, the copilot and myself. I must admit, I was proud of her as she boogied right along at just under the speed of sound. That's my wife, author and jet pilot. I recall thinking that I had to get a better job.

This time, Christy actually took over the controls just before the approach; and, using the ILS, actually brought us in on what is referred to as a three-pointer that was as smooth as a baby's behind. It was so good that I barely noticed the Hummingbird flight back to the house.

We were welcomed home by the whole staff, the grandfolks and David, as well as her publisher and primary editor. It had been a long trip and quite a party, but finally Christy and I were near dead on our feet, jet lag and all. We retired for the night, leaving the others to carry on without us. Oh, did that bed feel good. Even better was how it felt to spoon up against my wife for the night, too tired for anything else. Not that it would have mattered; I figured it would be another month before I would be able to muster up another 'stiffie'.

Two weeks later, I was waiting breakfast until Christy came downstairs, when she suddenly burst out onto the patio and launched herself at me from almost ten feet away. What the...? Wham; me, the chair and Christy all landed in a heap; and she was waving something in front of my face, too closely for me to focus on it. I grabbed her hand to see it was some kind of plastic stick.

"We did it! We did it!" We did what?

"You're gonna be a're gonna be a daddy..." is what I heard in a singsong voice.

I'm gonna be...........a daddy?

As beautiful as Christy had been in my eyes before, as her pregnancy blossomed so did she. I believe the ancient goddesses who would run from her before would now sing lullabies to both her and the baby she was carrying for us.

It was an easy go for Christy, with few mood swings and and increased desire for what had put her in that condition, not that I was about to complain. I also think the cocoa butter rubs and the massages helped a lot to improve her state of mind. She knows who loves her and how much.

Well folks, that's not the whole story, but it's where I'm going to stop. To conclude this little tale, I will tell you that we ended up having five children in all. All of us, grandparents included, are doing well. And, Christy and I, well...let's just say we would never have had it any other way. I got that better job, negotiating the deals for Christy's books, movie deals, deadlines, scheduling, tours, and most importantly -- enforced downtime. She's even had a cameo appearance in a movie based on one of her books. Me? My life is naught but a continuation of that same old wonderful dream. Life is but a dream. But, oh, what a dream it is.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This story came to the author in a dream, huh? Yeah, I used to have weird dreams too, then I stopped smoking that shit before I went to bed.

It’s not really a bad story though, just a bit melodramatic in places. Thanks River Rat.

Subject117Subject117over 3 years ago

His dad, no mention of his dad, did he get back at his dad?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Hello is anybody home? Fogive me I've always wanted to say that! Why 2012 is a long time ago 2016 now no new stories for4 years? I have a few questions but I doubt I will have an answer? Great story thanks! Love you all GREG! BYE! OH 100 % OF READING ENJOYMENT BYE.

Senior819Senior819over 8 years ago
love your story.

I love the way you described making love to a dream. The devastation of the divorce from my first wife left me empty until I was standing behind the girl who was to become my second wife in line at roller skating rink. We started talking in half .sentences, still do much to the confusion of our two kids. 45 yrs later she said something to me that shocked me. She finally called me her man. Love sometimes sneaks up on you. And yes I love that woman more today then when I married her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Hope you are sterile

Really you have problems, i gave you 1 because you are dellusional

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 9 years ago

Absolute perfection at that! One of the best romances I've ever read.

auhunter04auhunter04about 10 years ago

What would those details add to the story line?

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
A real nice read -

A couple of details

You spoke about the movie being scripted and completed and money coming in between the day he arrived at Christy;s house and the net morning after his erotic "dream sequence" - there was no 4 months in there -

You also had him leave hid Dad's house to go to the barn and sleep in the tack room? then he had a condo he could go to from the hospital with no explanation where it came from -

Not a big deal but - as has been pointed out - where did Dad go? He did not even visit him in the hospital.

The veteran stuff COULD have happened at 20 but had ho ground work.

Lastly - she lives in a mansion but the brother and grandparents live in a 2 story house in a simple (seeming) neighborhood - she seems much more dedicated to her family (and privacy) fir them to be so humbly housed??

Ignoring those issues (which was easy to do) this was a very nice tale with a lot of fairly tale sections that went so nicely -

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Great story, but one "minor" bug.

High voltage powerlines are usually NOT insulated-meaning they are bare conductors. Touch one, or even go near one, and, well-it wouldn't make for much of a story.

OleguyOleguyover 11 years ago
Did so like that.

To read that rare thing on 'Lit' , a sensual but soggy love story with a delightful turn of phrase.


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