Life Under the Sea Ch. 04


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"What? You want to down there too?" responds Nikos in feigned disbelief.

"No. Not really. My aunt and uncle are on the verge of giving up their search for Jesse. When they leave, I'll have to go with them... Greece is incredibly far from California. After this, I may never be able to come back in the near future. I just want to make the most of the next few days."

"Awww... that's so sweet, Damien," says Nikos, batting his eyelashes.

"Shut it. You know I don't mean it in that way."

"I know, but it seems like you're reverting back to childhood now that you have your best friend back. Ah, it seems I have to leave you for now. Bye."

"What do you mean?"

"Look over there, Damien," says Nikos, pointing at the water.

Damien didn't know what to expect to find when he turned around, but he had an idea anyway. As it turns out, he was half-right; he sees a mermaid, but it's not Jesse. He recalls Jesse having a green tail. This mermaid's tail was a soft shade of pink, which could not make her any more lovely than she already was. Nikos quickly dives in to join her. Swayed purely by curiosity, Damien follows behind but falls short of getting into the water. In the surf, he can see the two of them locked in a kiss. As soon as they finish, Nikos brings his mermaid friend into the shallows.

"Sorry. I got a little excited when I saw her. This is my girlfriend, Victoria," says Nikos, "Victoria, this is Damien. He is Jesse's cousin."

Victoria reaches out her hand to shake his. Damien hesitates for a second before taking her hand. As they shake, he cannot bring himself to look at her. Of course, none of his friends ever introduced their girlfriends to him while they were brazenly exposed.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you, Damien," says Victoria sweetly, her long brown hair not even trying to hide the rest of her body.

"Hello, Victoria. It's nice to meet you, too," replies Damien.

"Hmmm... I don't get many chances to come this close to humans. You're actually cute now that I think about it. I think I can see a bit of Jesse in you as well," says Victoria.

"Oh... umm... thanks...," replies Damien sheepishly.

"He's shy just like her," adds Nikos, "Well then, see you later, Damien. I take it you'll be back here tomorrow morning waiting?"

"Huh? Ah. Yeah. Of course, I will. See you then," says Damien.

He watches Nikos and Victoria swim along the shoreline before disappearing around the island. Damien thinks quietly to himself before turning back and returning to town. Back at the hotel, his aunt and uncle are just sitting around. Damien feels the tremendous temptation to tell them what happened, but he holds the feelings and emotions back. Making any hint towards Jesse being a mermaid would make them angry for not taking the search seriously. He just goes back to his hotel room to think about what he should do.

Damien wakes up a few hours later, face-down on the bed. Judging from the amount of light coming in through the window, the sun is setting. He tries staying put, but he can't fall asleep again. He was hoping that if he sleeps sooner, tomorrow would come faster. Damien gets up and walks over to his aunt and uncle's room. From his point of view, it is surprising that they are still here. They have been out on the other days.

"Aunt Sara, Uncle David, what's wrong?" asks Damien.

"There haven't been many clues about Jesse since we got here," says Uncle David, "From what the Greek authorities have told us, all her belongings are intact. Her hotel room show no signs of an intrusion."

"The troubling part is that we don't know the fate of her," explains Aunt Sara, "We don't even know if she's still in the country! I can't stand this! I'm starting to lose hope for her. I don't want to, but... I just have a feeling that she is out there somewhere."

"I feel there isn't much we can do ourselves," continues Uncle David, "Jesse disappeared on us before, but we knew she was alive. That was enough for your aunt and me. Jesse can stand up for herself. I've always believed in that about her. She's strong despite how meek she makes herself seem. And yet, I don't know what to believe anymore. There's no explanation for any of this."

Damien does not respond, actually, he cannot. He feels guilt welling up within his body at the words of his aunt and uncle. It hurts to see them like this. Cursing his cowardice, he just stares at the floor. Aunt Sara and Uncle David excuse themselves for dinner after a bit of awkward silence, leaving Damien to do as he wishes. Damien doesn't really feel like going anywhere until sunrise so he just goes out for some fresh air.

The air outside is still warm from the sun, feeling pleasant to the skin. Damien looks at the people around him. They are mostly tourists. Seeking to avoid any unnecessary conversations, he ducks into the nearest building. Inside, he finds a bookstore. However, it is not like any other gathering of books he has ever seen. Dust also seems to have been collected in this place as it neatly covers aged literature. In contrast with the outside, the air in here is stale and depressing. Damien walks around just to pass time while the crowds in the street disperse. He couldn't have chosen a worse time to go out. The outside of the store is conceals the size of what it contains. Rows and rows of shelves line the walls. The lettering on the spines is all in Greek except for a few in what is probably Arabic. At the far end of the shop, the shopkeeper calls out to him.

"Hello, sir. Is there anything you are looking for?" she asks.

Damien looks up, startled at the voice ringing out towards him. He sees two ladies behind a desk. One of them is relatively youthful in appearance while the other one is much older.

"Oh, um, I'm just looking around. I just stumbled in here. It's all interesting, but I'm afraid I can't read Greek," says Damien.

"That's no problem," says the woman, "We also do storytelling in this store. The children that can't afford to go to school come here to learn how to read. My grandmother here used to be a teacher so she loves offering her help. Unfortunately, she can't speak English like I can, but I would be happy to read a tale or two for you. We rarely get foreigners, let alone people interested in culture."

"I wouldn't want to bother you, Miss... uh... Miss..."

"It's Hebe. Nice to meet you..."


"Ah. It's nice to meet you, too. So, what would you like to hear about? There are many books here about history as well as great literature."

Damien pauses. He didn't mean for this conversation to go for so long. He was planning to walk out after a minute to catch his breath. Now it would be far too rude for him to just leave. Damien paces around the tall shelves and cases of books. Based on just the covers, none of the books look appealing. Some of the books look like they would fall apart if you were to take a second glance at them. Damien really would not like to be stuck here listening to stories or ancient texts, but he realizes that this woman could be a vital source of information.

"Hebe, do you have any books on mythological creatures? Like stories?" asks Damien.

"Hmm? Of course! Greece is famous for its ancient past, both mythological and historical. Exactly what would you like to hear about? There are whole sections devoted to such tales."

"Well, I've recently become fascinated with mermaids. I know it's crazy that someone my age would think of such things, but I just want to know more about them."

"There are a few books on mermaids here. Let me go get a one for you. It's one I have been reading myself."

The woman walks up and down the aisles for a bit before finding what she needs. She pulls out a large volume. On its worn and dirty cover, Damien can make out the image of a trident and what might be dolphins. Damien then follows Hebe to a back room. They sit next to one another while she flips through the book before ending up on a page with a highly-detailed illustration of a mermaid on it. He stares at the picture for a second. It is as if, he had seen this exact creature before. If he isn't mistaken, this mermaid is Nikos' friend, Victoria. Remembering the last time that he saw her, she looked stunning. This illustration is worn and weathered as if it had survived a fair amount of stormy seasons. When Hebe opens the book, she reveals pages with damp marks while a bit of dust floats from the edges.

"That book looks like it has been through a lot," comments Damien.

"It sure has," says Hebe, "It is the oldest book ever written on this island. The rest of the books as old as this are from other parts of Greece. This is a written collection of the oral history of the fishermen. Many of the stories and poems focus on mermaids and sea mythology. Where would you like me to start translating for you?"

"Hmmm... I would like to hear about what they knew about mermaids in general. You know, just to get a feel for what they believed. Then, if you have the time, we can look into a few stories."

"Has anyone told you that you're quite curious?" asks Hebe.

"Not really. I've just had a sudden interest in mermaids."

Hebe pauses for a second to get a good look at Damien. She almost suspects some sort of underlying plot, but the conviction is clear. She turns the pages to a section that Damien would be interested in learning about.

"Here's the passage," she says, "It's quite a long one, so get comfortable."

"Okay. I'm ready."

Out on the beach of a neighboring island, the six merpeople are on the rocks watching the waves crashing.

"You know, it's much more interesting to watch the water from up here," notes Miek.

"True, but I think the sun is the true attraction. Normally, we only see the moon since it's more difficult to be spotted at night," says Brynn, "The warmth always feels so good, almost like a lover touching every part of you."

Jesse smiles to herself and takes a peek at Riley. Not even the midday sun can compare to the heat she feels pressed against her during the nights they spend together. She is surprised she can fall asleep while so excited, but she manages. The whole casual nudity situation was quite a huge hurdle for her but everyone else's nonchalance about it helped her ease into the whole thing. In fact, it gave her a big self-esteem boost when no one had any criticisms about the way she looked.

Jesse's thoughts quickly float towards Riley who is currently talking to Lily and Varon about their mysterious return to the surface. It seems that now that it is the eve of the supposedly big day, Lily has found it necessary to hush up about any details. Jesse drags herself closer to Riley, careful not to get sand in any embarrassingly uncomfortable places. She gives him a hug and kisses him on the cheek. Riley puts his arm around her and gently pulls her the rest of the way.

"Lily, why won't you tell us anymore about tomorrow?" asks Varon.

"Yeah," adds Riley, "You seemed to be full of information a few days ago. This was your whole idea in the first place.

"I think she's hiding something from us," adds Jesse.

Jesse half-expected Lily's grin to fade from that remark, but the mermaid just keeps on smiling at them.

"I won't tell you guys. The only thing I can do is show you," says Lily, "And I'll show you tomorrow."

Lily was quite determined not to let anything slip so the three gave up on any further questioning. Instead, they moved on to talking about what to wear to the surface tomorrow while avoiding anything else regarding that day.

"I don't see why Riley, Miek, and I have to put on flowers and coral too," says Varon, "I thought that part of the whole thing was not to get seen while up here. Even now, we're on the watch for any humans."

"I think Lily's point is that she wants us to get seen," says Riley.

Everyone's eyes drift to Riley and then towards his sister.

"It would be fun because it's dangerous," muses Jesse, "But aren't we endangering the village?"

"Lily wouldn't do that," says Miek, "She is still hiding something... It's too strange to look pretty when hiding. We would draw enough attention without petals woven into our hair."

Lily just looks back at them with a smile. Her silence is as strong as before. The five of them continue prodding her verbally again but soon give up. The mermaids and mermen bathe in the warm sun until it disappears beyond the horizon. With the moon now in clear view, they drag themselves into the water. Jesse knows she should follow them, but she is enjoying the feel of the dry sand too much to make any effort. Riley was about to dive into the surf when he notices Jesse still lying on the sand, staring up at the darkening sky. He drags himself back up the beach and lies down right next to her.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"I'm just thinking about something, that's all."

"Anything you can share with me?"

"I'll tell you later. It's not something I want to talk about right now." Jesse shivers as she ends her sentence.

"You know it's hard for us to stay warm up here. Let's get in the water before you start shivering the rest of the night."

"I want to stay up here a bit longer."

"Alright. Let me keep you company then."

Riley puts his arm under Jesse's head and pulls her closer towards him. He then curls his tail around hers. Jesse remains silent through all this. At first, the issues with Damien were on her mind and now Riley has taken over. Unfortunately, she is getting no romantic vibes from the merman. His arms wrap around her stomach with his hands holding her sides. Jesse thinks to herself that Riley makes for an excellent best friend but a subpar lover. She herself was inexperienced, but she still toyed with the idea of coaxing him into a romantic mood. Maybe he doesn't realize how he feels yet and needs a little push.

Jesse takes Riley by the wrist and guides his hand further up her body. He turns his head towards her the moment he feels his hand cup her soft flesh. Thinking he did it on accident, her tries to move his arm back to where it was, but Jesse keeps his hand there. Jesse then casually rests her free arm on his stomach with her fingers precariously close to his soft spot. Even as a mermaid, Jesse feels at ease in the air, but the dryness is taking its toll on her. She starts coughing badly.

"Okay." says Riley. "Time's up. You need to get back in the water fast."

Jesse tries to say something, but all she can do is cough. She must have been out of the water for six hours and spent five of that in direct sunlight. Riley gets her onto his back and drags himself into the waves. Jesse stops coughing the moment water enters her. Her tail is too sore to swim and she sinks. Riley grabs her arm before she goes down too far.

"I take it I'm doing all the swimming." he says with a smile. Even though she feels sick, Jesse smiles back.

Riley turns around. "Grab on and don't let go."

Jesse hugs Riley from behind with her arms tightly around his chest. Riley then sets off with an amazing burst of speed. His body undulates so rapidly under Jesse that she feels a certain warmth returning to her body. She wonders to herself if she could somehow tap into his wild-as-a-storm energy for her own use. Then again, she also worries that she won't be able to keep up.

It did not take long at all for Riley to reach the village. As soon as he does, Jesse finds herself in the hammock. Riley peeks in every now and then to make sure she's all right. The rest of the gang are still out somewhere, leaving Riley and Jesse to do as they please. The third time that Riley pokes his head in to check on her, she asks him to stay.

"Are you sure you don't want to be alone? Your lungs might still be burning." asks Riley with a thoughtful look on his face.

"I don't like being alone. At least not anymore. Come in here with me."

"If you're fine with it, then okay."

Riley swims into the closed hammock and moves to be right next to her, but Jesse shakes her head.

"Just lie on top for now. You're really warm and I'm still a bit cold from earlier."

Riley obeys without saying a word. His tail is the first thing to rest on her. She almost lets out a gasp when his loins rest against hers. Nothing happens as Jesse had hoped. Riley continues lowering himself onto her until his shoulder collide into hers. Jesse really was telling the truth; Riley's body is overflowing with heat that forces the chills straight out of her. His chin rests on her shoulder.

"Is that better?" he asks.

"A lot. Thanks, but I have a bit of a problem on my mind."

"And that would be?"

"Why are you so cold to me? You're just so distant. I admit I'm a bit jealous of how close you are to everyone else."

Riley is silent. Jesse almost wants to prod him into saying something, or anything for that matter.

"Jesse, I don't know about you but I think you're not telling me something. I've gotten that feeling ever since I met you."

Jesse gulps.

"I... I guess I have to admit I do keep secrets, but I'm not ready to face them just yet. There's just so much to fix, really. That's all I can tell you for now."

"Does that mean you'll tell me eventually?"

"Yes. Of course I will."

Riley lifts himself up and looks over Jesse's face. He remains silent. Jesse wonders what's going through his mind.

"I think you just need time. Don't worry. I'll wait."

Riley then takes her in an embrace that she hopes will never end. In turn, she wraps her arms around him. Her mind drifts until snores call her back to reality. At least for a night, she can spend more time in a merman's sweet embrace. His body feels so firm against her soft form. His heart beats gently to blend with her thumping melody. Jesse brings her lips to his cheek, but Riley doesn't even stir under her touch.

In his sleep, Riley flips around in Jesse's embrace. His move throws Jesse out of a possibly wet dream involving the merman above her. A nice chest and flat stomach distracts her from pursuing mere dreams. She teases his nipples until they are as pointy as her own. A more adventurous side of her directs skillful fingers down to his tender flesh. The first thing she feels is his shaft limp and off to the side. Even at this point, it can be barely contained in Jesse's grip. Her other hand glides up along his tail to clutch at the underside of his loins. The heat going into her hands is intense. Just imagining what he feels like awake and aroused is driving her crazy.

Since she is this far along, Jesse starts pumping with the hand gripping his length. He feels hotter and hotter in her hold. Jesse tilts her head down to see what kind of effect she is having. At least eight inches of Riley is staring back. Jesse swears if he were any longer, she'd be in danger of eye damage. Without any warning, Riley turns over again, his length presses hard against her belly and her nether lips getting intimate with his balls. Riley's body warms her even more than ever.

"Jesse? Did I wake you?"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
If I was Damien

If I was Damien I would arrange for Jesse's parents to see her so that they will believe she's alive and a mermaid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

when are you going to continue??

QueenCottonCandyQueenCottonCandyover 13 years ago
More More More

Just finished reading the story. It stopped at the ood part. When are you going to post the next story. Can't wait to read it. So far this is an outstanding read. I just love it.

cristina0123cristina0123over 13 years ago
more please!!!

i would luv to know what happens next! please post the next chapter soon! i can't wait!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

What a tease you stopping at a most crucial point please hurry and write more I'm dying to find out what happens

MaxillinaMaxillinaalmost 14 years ago

Oh my you stopped a teeth grinding situation. I can't wait to read what happens next!!!! PLEASE WRITE MORE!!!!

hotkittie33hotkittie33almost 14 years ago
Aww man

Aww man why'd you stop. I was really getting into this story. When will you post more. I am waiting for the rest of the story. By the way, you are an excellent writer and I love this story.

katgoddesskatgoddessalmost 14 years ago
More please!

What a place to stop! Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

i absolutely love the story, i cant wait for more

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

i'm not even reading this to be horny anymore....

this story is really good but it stops at a cliff hanger!!!

Please please please continue!!!!

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