Life's a Beach Ch. 02


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We were all silent. It was like we were guilty students at the mercy of a teacher's inquisition of a class. "Calvin. Your board shorts were still in our room." Trish walked towards me. "What exactly were you wearing down on the beach?" She reached out and took hold of the towel, wrenching it from my body. I was left standing naked before the room of women. "Just what the hell has been going on here?" She was now yelling. The game was well and truly up. I wondered how long she'd been here. Had she seen the butt plug left in the bathroom by Mom? My boxer shorts from last night, covered in cum? Had she seen us on the beach? Watched us from the dunes as we kissed in the water, held each other naked? There was no point trying to hide what had happened, I wasn't going to take her for a fool. She was my wife, I loved her and she deserved the truth no matter what was going on with our relationship.

"Ah Trish, maybe we could have a word alone?" I pleaded.

"That's a pretty good idea Calvin. You've got a fuck of a lot of explaining to do, haven't you?" Trish again screamed, her temperature rising. This wouldn't be easy. I began to direct her into our room when Faye stopped us.

"Actually no Trish. Calvin doesn't have any explaining to do!" She approached us and walked straight past her steaming daughter. Grabbing my mother's arm in the process and pulling her towards me. When by my side she stopped. "You want to know what's been going on here?"

"Faye, I.." I started.

"No don't worry Cal. If my daughter wants to know what the hell has been going on here, I'll tell her." Faye interjected.

"We've been fucking!" Faye matter-of-factly stated. If Trish was expecting the news that she heard she didn't look like it. "All three of us! Calvin has been nothing but a perfect gentleman from the time he picked us up. He's romantic, caring, considerate. You could learn something from your husband." I thought she may have stopped there but she kept going. "What have you done for him lately? He organizes a weekend away and you ditch him for work. He offers you a gift, something Heather was more than happy to wear by the way, and you throw it back in his face! Who are you? You're not the daughter I raised. What are you even doing back here anyway? You showed no sign you wanted to be here with him, with us! Why are you here?"

It was harsh. Too harsh I thought. Trish had gone from standing self-righteously with her chin raised and arms folded to slumping and on the verge of tears under her mother's barrage. I wanted to comfort her but my mother stepped in before me, approaching my wife and taking her hand.

"Sweetheart, Calvin's spoken nothing but good about you all weekend. He loves you. We all do. We're just confused why you're putting your job ahead of family." I watched Mom's other hand begin to caress Trish's arm while still holding her hand. "Everything that occurred here happened out of love. Our love for your husband, my son. We wanted you here." Mom had moved closer to Trish and now had her arm around her shoulder. Trish had her neck tilted and was looking to the floor but now looked up into my mother's face. "We wanted you to be a part of it." At this a tear ran down my wife's cheek and Mom was quick to dab it away.

I wanted to go to her to tell her everything would be alright but Faye by my side held my arm.

"It's work." Trish confessed to my mother, choking back tears. "They push me so hard. I have to work twice as hard as everyone else. I tried to impress the client this weekend and they blew me off for a golf game with another colleague. I'm not appreciated there. It hurt so much when I was rejected, overlooked." She was now openly crying and my heart was breaking for her.

"See sweetheart," Mom soothed her, drying another tear and running her finger through her hair behind her ear. "You're right, it hurts to be rejected. A marriage can take a lot of work as well. Now how do you think Calvin felt when you abandoned him?"

Faye was now even closer to me, her towel against my naked body. Trish looked towards me, her eyes full of tears. "I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry I left. I should've been more open with you. I'm an idiot!" Trish agonized.

It was too much for me. I left Faye's side and went to her, holding her in my arms and kissing her wet cheeks, her mouth. "It's alright baby, I forgive you. You're here now, that's all that matters." I reassured her.

"I'll do what I can to make it up to you Cal. I promise. I'm so sorry I yelled." Trish cried into my shoulder.

Faye was quick to seize on her daughters promise to make it up to me. She broke into our embrace, taking Trish by the hand. "Come on Trish honey, let's get you cleaned up." I parted with my wife, our hands holding until she was led away into Mom and Faye's room with Mom following. It only dawned on me then how strange it felt being the only naked person in the room. Strange and also exciting. I went to my room and put on some shorts and a t-shirt then went back into the kitchen to get that beer I'd been hankering for. They were taking their time in the bedroom and nervously I drank most of my beer while waiting. Standing in the kitchen, sipping from the bottle I watched as the door to the second bedroom opened and Trish walked out naked followed by my Mom and Faye, now dressed.

"Oh baby, this is all I ever wanted!" I placed down my beer and began to approach her but Faye stopped me.

"Uh uh. Just a moment Calvin. Trish has something to show you."

My wife looked coy and I wondered what Faye was talking about, she wasn't holding anything, what could she possibly have to show me?

"Mom and Heather said you might like this Calvin." A little smile appeared at the corner of Trish's mouth and still I had no idea what they were talking about. My wife's body was as I knew it, her small breasts, her skin whiter than my mother's, her trimmed brown bush, the labia visible below. I began to harden as I admired her.

"Go on sweetie, turn around. Show him," Mom encouraged.

Trish did as she was told and began to turn on the spot and I immediately understood what they were on about. Poking out from between the cheeks of my wife's ass was a pink curly pig's tail. She lowered her hands and spread her ass for me and revealed the butt plug snugly inserted in her rear. My cock was now fully erect at the sight. My wife being so deviant, so out of character. She didn't even own a vibrator! For her to now be wearing a butt plug it showed a complete shift in her sexual willingness. It opened so many doors.

"Do you like it Cal?" Trish asked over her shoulder. "Mom said this one would suit me!"

"Oh it suits you baby." I now went to her and turned her to me. I kissed her on the mouth and ran my hands down her body. I couldn't help myself and touched the plug, curling the tail through my fingers and pulling out slightly. Trish let out a breath into my mouth and couldn't help smiling at the sensation. "And I like it a lot!" I confessed.

I was ready to pull my cock out and start fucking then and there but Faye again stopped us. "Not all's forgotten Calvin."

She separated us and held Trish's arm. "Trish wants to do whatever it takes for forgiveness. I think making us some lunch and pouring some drinks might be a good start. What do you think darling?"

"Yes Mommy." Trish replied and obediently sauntered off to the kitchen

I looked at Faye and then my mother and couldn't contain my happiness. They'd done it. My mother especially. They'd turned around what could have been a disastrous encounter into something fabulous. I seemingly had three women now, dare I say it, a harem. I could never repay them for this.

* * * * *

My mother and Faye lay naked, sunning themselves on towels on the lawn. I stood in front of my wife sitting on the swing in the yard, her legs spread wide. The piggy butt plug hung beneath her, she had never looked so good, so fuckable.

"Is this how it's been all weekend?" She gestured towards our mother's.

I looked back at them and then back to Trish. "For a day. It didn't happen straight away."

Trish nodded and swung back and forth. "Look about work, I'm..."

"I don't want to talk about work." I stopped her mid-sentence and stopped her swing, moving in between her legs. "I want to talk about us baby; them. How is it you could embrace this so quickly. What's changed?"

Trish looked at the two women behind me and then back at me. "When we were in the bedroom. When they put this thing inside me," she looked down at her groin, "it felt good!" Her eyes met mine again. "Being in there, when we were all naked Calvin, it was a turn on. The things they said to me, everything they told me. It was all so beautiful. My god, I am aware she's my mother, Heather's your mom but it felt so normal, so right. How can something that feels so right be wrong?"

I went down to my knees; my cock was hard and just out of reach of my wife's pussy. "I know Trish. I feel the same. It's incest but, I love it. I think I need it."

"You want to make it permanent? Is that what you're saying?"

I ran my hands along the top of my wife's legs and held her hips. "I've been thinking. Our house is big enough. We'd still have separate rooms, privacy when we want it. What do you think?"

Trish bit her bottom lip but she couldn't hide the enthusiasm in her eyes. "It would be exciting wouldn't it? Fuck it why not? Let's do it!"

I pulled her swing towards me and held her. The wet of her pussy against my stomach. "Thank you baby. Thank you so much for this."

* * * * *

Trish stood up in the hot tub, her glass of wine in hand. "Who wants to do the honors?" She proclaimed as she paraded her ass before us.

"Ooh can I?" Mom asked, placing her glass down on the edge of the tub. I was no longer surprised at anything my mother did now and her willingness to pull out Trish's butt plug now seemed second nature. I pulled on my cock under water but soon had Faye's hand replace my own. Mom moved in and with Trish bending forward pulled out on the butt plug. Her sphincter ballooned and Mom spat down on the bulbous surface to lubricate its exit. Pushing back in, Trish moaned in pleasure and leaned towards her mother. Faye took her face in her hand and their mouths came together. Mother and daughter kissing passionately like lovers. Faye quickened her hand on my cock and I focused my attention back on my Mom. She was now licking around Trish's asshole and I placed a hand on her own ass just below the surface of the water. I found her pussy, slick and welcoming to my finger as I slid inside. Mom sighed as I joined it with another and bent my fingers seeking the g-spot.

Faye I realized wasn't being attended to, so the humanitarian in me sought out her pussy from the front with my other hand. Her slit wet beneath the water, it amazed me how smooth her pubic mound was against the palm of my hand. Mom twisted a finger around the piggy tail and pulled again. This time the added lubricant aided its exit and slowly the plug slid fully out. The thing was more than double the size of the previous butt plug and I wondered how my wife had even carried it around inside her half the day, let alone have it inserted in the first place. I looked on fascinated as my mother licked around my wife's now open, gaping asshole. The dark hollow surrounded by the pink rim. She moved down to Trish's pussy and her mouth was on her clit, Mom's face firmly glued to my wife's cunt. The sight was too much. Faye could feel me cumming and broke her kiss smiling at me, looking down at the water to see my cum float up to the surface. "Oh shit!" I finally sighed as she drained the last of my sperm.

Trish looked down at the water. "Oh my god, Calvin did you just cum in the spa?"

I sheepishly looked at the white blobs floating around on the surface. "Ah yeah, sorry."

"Sorry about my husband ladies, I can't take him anywhere!" Trish apologized. "Maybe we should take our drinks inside while Calvin cleans up."

The women deserted the tub to leave me to collect my cum in a glass. It was humiliating but I didn't mind. I was on top of the world.

* * * * *

When I finally came inside the women had taken it upon themselves to dress. Mom was back in her white peasant dress, Trish in the denim skirt she'd arrived in and Faye, I guess you could say she was dressed. In a black body stocking, see-through and crotch-less, I found my cock hardening again at the sight.

"We'll need a top up Calvin." Mom mentioned, holding her empty glass out as I passed. I knew what was happening. Earlier it was Trish that was our servant to make up for her indiscretions, now with the balance of gender firmly in the female camp, I would be their help. I wasn't complaining. Naked, I walked to the kitchen and picked up the last bottle of wine, returning as Trish began to break the news about our offer to have our mom's move in with us. Moving to each woman as I filled their glasses my cock grew until I was again fully erect. It was simply from being naked amongst the women. It was thrilling. Finally I sat down next to my mother and her hand casually went to my cock and began to stroke me as though it was a natural thing. The way you would stroke a cat that sat on your lap.

"I can't speak for Heather but I would love to!" Faye responded, ecstatic. "That apartment of mine is awful; I've wanted to leave for years. Yes. Yes. Thank you both." She came over and sat beside me, first kissing me on the cheek and then joining my mother's hand on my cock.

"What about you Heather?" Trish asked, my wife continually looking down at my cock. "Will you join us?"

Trish allowed her legs to part and I could see her white panties. Mom's eyes I noticed were drawn to the sight as well. "I'd be delighted to Trish. Thank you my dear." Mom turned to me. "And you darling. You've made me so happy."

I leaned forward and kissed her mouth and pulled back before kissing her again, this time more passionately. My mother's tongue touched my lips, my own. I saw Trish rise and kneel down beside my mother, her hand took her face from mine and then Trish was kissing her, climbing onto her lap in the process.

I turned my attention to Faye as both hers and my mother's hands continued to pull on my cock, Faye's at the base, Mom's at the head becoming slick with my pre-cum. Faye's mouth was welcoming and her tongue eager to wrestle with mine. I placed a hand at her crotch and her legs spread. My finger sliding easily inside her. I needed to fuck someone and Faye was closest to hand.

Losing their grips on my cock I stood and went down between Faye's legs. She raised her pelvis to my face as it approached and I pressed my nose and mouth into her dripping slit. My lips wrapped around her labia on the left and I sucked along its length followed by the right, then burying my tongue deep into her vagina. Back up to her clit I rose and sucked on her little engorged button.

To my left, Trish and Mom had helped each other out of their clothes and the sight of my wife lowering her pussy down between my mother's spread legs had me feeling giddy. I raised my body up and Faye reached down to guide my cock inside her. Deep I plunged. My pubic bone grinding against her clit. Back out fully, my cock dripping with her wet and again inside. "Oh yes fuck me Daddy. Fuck me good!" It was the second time she'd called me 'Daddy' and I loved it. Mom had fallen back on the couch close enough to Faye for their heads to touch as Trish ground her pussy against my Mom's. I turned Faye's face as I fucked her and watched as my mother and mother-in-law made out like wanton whores.

Faster and faster I thrust inside Faye, moving two fingers to her clit and further stimulating her. It did the trick, with her breaking the kiss with Mom and arching her neck back as she came on my cock. "Fuck Daddy yes. I'm cumming Daddy. Oh god yesss." She hissed as her body twitched below me. I pulled out but kept my hand on her pussy to prolong her orgasm. I had to fuck my wife or my mother. I needed to cum inside one of them. It was decided for me when Trish climbed across Mom towards Faye. We kissed as she passed and Faye stretched out along the couch as her daughter lay down with her. It was a tender sight. Mother and daughter together, their hands finding each other's pussy, their breasts pressing, their mouths connected. I could have watched it all night but I had other things on my mind.

Mom was ready. Her pussy was dripping and too slick when I pressed my cock to her. I pulled back and lowered my face to her, licking up a mouthful of hers and Trish's juice. Back again with my erection and slowly slid inside my mother's vagina, to the hilt. I wrapped my arms around her and felt her legs encircle my hips, pulling me inside her further, trapping me in her. Her tits against my chest, I kissed her mouth and she opened, allowing my tongue to penetrate. The thrusting began and I knew I wouldn't last long. "I love you so much Mom." I confessed.

I saw a tear in the corner of her eye and I kissed it away as I continued to fuck her.

"Oh my baby boy I love you too. Fuck me baby. Fuck your Mommy. Cum in me baby. Cum inside Mommy!" She panted between thrusts and I was happy to do as told.

Clasping a hand behind her head and the other beneath her ass I began to cum. Our mouths opened against each other and I held my breath as each spurt of cum flowed forth inside her. Mom opened her mouth wider in a silent scream as I thrust one more time and she too began to cum. A shared incestuous orgasm between mother and son, the most beautiful, natural thing on earth.

I looked across to Faye and Trish smiling back at us, wrapped in each other's arms and legs. "Now that would've been a nice photo!" Faye declared and the three of us laughed.

"What are you laughing about?" Trish asked.

"Oh, I'll show you later." Faye replied.

I kissed Mom again and slid my still hard cock in and out of her saturated pussy.

"Oh I forgot to tell you all." Trish exclaimed. "I booked the house for another night. We don't have to leave until Tuesday!"

It was almost the best news I'd heard all day.

The End

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midatlstorymanmidatlstorymanabout 1 month ago

Um. Not buying Trish's story. Sounds more like she abandoned her husband for an afffair, and her lover(s) dumped her for a golf game (if that part was true). Then she tried to cover when she realized maybe Calvin wasn't the cuck she thought he was.

ThmfknloreThmfknloreabout 2 months ago

Ok so it didn't go the way it should have went but even after reading this chapter and hearing what the wife had say about it just proves the fact she was cheating on him she tried to get upset when she found out that he had sex with her mom and his mom cause she wanted to keep him for lack of better words unloved in fulfilled but she stopped that by realizing that she would give herself away if she actually made a showing of it the red flag that was thrown up in the first story that would have been a deal breaker for a man is still there so with that being said the husband isn't just a pussy but a willing cuck at the same time pretty soon all 3 girls will go and fuck another man and make him watch

muskyboymuskyboy10 months ago

Hmmmm - cheating wife story????

mammoetmammoet10 months ago

loved it , i hope another day = another chapter

mgp1mgp1almost 2 years ago

I like the mature ages of the people involved 😊

18 year olds with 40 year olds is overplayed for me.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 2 years ago

Sexcellent series!

11/10 'Piggy' Butt Plugs!!!!!

londonteadrinkerlondonteadrinkerabout 2 years ago

An awesome story. Thank you.

GeorgeGaleGeorgeGaleabout 2 years ago

Outfuckingstanding! This is one of the best written stories I have read, the love, the sex between the mother and mother in-law was fantastic. But how you brought back the wife back into the story was a work of art. As they say "I didn't see that one coming"...........():\


**5** STARS...only because of the whole Trish thing...she got just what she deserved, ...and her mother and mother-in-law to boot.

This story had me on pins and needles for some reason...the anticipation of what was going to happen with she would react to Heather and Faye being intimate with her husband Calvin...what kinda crazy crap she would pull...was she going to abandon Calvin for her "job" and some schmuck from "work"....just too many possible mutations to the ending...

Then, THEN, come the piggy-tail butt plug, on his naked wife, andTrish all-of-a-sudden realizes how SHIT she has been treated by her "work"...her new reality sets in, and "Vóila"-INSTANT SLUT-WIFE...

I LOVED IT, and the idea of the 4 of them living together...DYNAMITE...

Please write another to this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story 5 stars but he didn't fuck his wife yet

writeroticawriteroticaover 3 years ago
Well done again! dashboard is telling me I left 2 comments for ch 1 when one was meant for chapter 2. I blame old age. Let's try again...

Another home run by sunburycd. As a retired Lit author, I very much appreciate his realistic scenarios, choice of vernacular in dialogue and the hot sex. This chapter felt a bit rushed and, dare I say, predictable. The minute Trish came into the picture again, I knew she would be lapping at her mom's pussy moments later. Again, IMVHO, I would have liked to have seen this dilemma among the 4 of them stretch out. Maybe Trish showing up ends ch 2 with all of them returning home. But maybe ch 3 could have Trish and her mom, Faye, talking things over and Faye convincing her daughter with some pussy-eating. Ch 4 could have Trish visiting her MIL Heather to talk about her marriage to her son, leading to Trish rimming her MIL's asshole. And ch 5 could have ended with the 4 of them moving in together and christening their new living arrangements with an all-out family orgy. But that's just me. lol.

While ch 1 was solidly a 4 (4 1/2 really), this was barely cracks into a 4 rating. Still, both fantastic stroke stories deserving of recognition.

Keep on, keep on, Sun!


writeroticawriteroticaover 3 years ago
Well done again!

As with Chapter 1, the continued chapter had great writing, realism and dialog. As a former writer, I am a bit envious.

This chapter did feel a bit more rushed, and even predictable. The moment they encountered Trish, it was obvious she was going to be licking her mommy's pussy within moments. Again, in my VERY humble opinion as a former writer, I would have loved to have scene the conflict stretch out a bit. Maybe everyone returns home but in the next chapter, Faye and her daughter talk one night and Trish comes around with the help of mom's talented tongue. Then in a following chapter, Trish could visit MIL Heather's house, freaking Heather out that Trish is leaving Heather's son but Trish ends up tribbing and rimming her MIL. And the series could then end on an all-out orgy among the 4 family members as it did in this chapter. But again, only my opnion. SunburyCD did an outstanding job as always. I give this one four stars also. But where Ch. 1 was more 4 1/2; this one just breaks a 4.

But 4 out 5 is still excellent.

On to read more!

Ricky17Ricky17over 3 years ago


I agree with the comments of two previous readers. So glad I checked to see if there was a second chapter

before comenting on Chapter 1. The build up of the story and the individuals to the climax is perfect.

My first thoughts at the end of chapter 1 were I was lookong forward to Trish getting her deserved cumuppence

but your handling of the matter with sensitivity was better than my thoughts. I too look forward to the hoped for Chapter 3.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I have to work twice as hard as everyone else

Maybe that's simply because you're not good enough. Crazy thought, but maybe everyone else is just better than you at their job!

I have to work twice as hard as my brother at baseball. That's because he is good at it, and I'm not!

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984over 4 years ago

Very good read could do with a ch 3

HragsHragsover 4 years ago
Incestuous family affair

I did not comment on the first ection but I waited until end of chapter 2. I just want to say that this was a very good story and I enjoyed reading it thank you for writing.

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