Light Rays Coming Out of the Computer Ch. 02


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"This could be your future, Jeanne." She stood tall and proud, her cock drooling a thick mixture of saliva and cum onto the cream carpet below. "You've got the mind for it, and you've certainly got the drive." She stepped over Freya, addressing the depleted blonde directly. "The big question mark for you has always been whether or not you have the stomach for what needs to be done. ...You can go now, Freya," she added over her shoulder. Freya weakly slid herself into her coveralls and scooped up her lingerie while the older woman watched with a contemptuous smile. "The Law Firm of Biddle and Wainright thanks you." Jeanne and Freya shared a tired and confused look before Freya stumbled out the door.

"Me neither," Freya said absently, as she flopped into the back seat of the cab.


Freya's eyes nearly popped out of her skull as she walked through the sushi restaurant that was their normal Tuesday meeting place. "Me neither," she said. By the look on Jeanne's face, she really hadn't expected Freya to come either. It took everything she had to continue walking, lunch tray in hand. Jeanne's face was blank as the Freya sat down, and an awkward silence settled in.

Jeanne's mouth opened two minutes later, but she closed it again before making a sound. Freya nibbled at her sushi, but her appetite had fled her the moment she'd finished paying for her food and turned around. Jeanne frowned at her glass of tea. Any time either one of them attempted to make eye contact, the other looked away.

"Ok, this is ridiculous," Freya said, blushing intensely. "I'm... so sorry. I had no business showing up at your place like that."


"I don't know what came over me!"

"It was... really... like..."

"Awkward! I know! Fuck!"

"Frey, you know I'm your friend, but... like... Are you..." Jeanne bit her lip and furrowed her brow.

" I..."

"It's just sex, Frey."

"Oh! Oh, oh god. Good."


"Yeah! I thought you were going to say something else."

"What did you think I was gonna say?"

"That's... uh... not important."

"Are you... like... ok?" She winced as she continued. "My boss was a little rough on you."

"Yeah... yeah, I'm..." She looked away, blushing all over again. Awkward silence crept in for a moment. "Thank you... for coming."

"Did you go to Kettl yesterday?"

Freya shook her head. "You didn't either?"

"I didn't know what to say."

"Me neither..."

"...So... "

"..." Freya swallowed hard.

"That's what your orgasms are like, huh?"

"Fuck," she mumbled under her breath. "Yeah..."

"Why didn't you tell me that's what you like! Here I thought I was making it happen for both of us!"

"Sooooo... remember how I was suppooosed to meet that Kerr guy Sunday night?"

"Oh wow, I completely forgot! How did... did he not show? Is tha-" A small smile began to creep across Freya's lips. "... no. No, he did show, didn't he?" Freya's smile widened considerably, and Jeanne planted her jaw on her palm. "Oh whoa, oh my God. Spill! Spill!!"

Freya frowned and held up a finger with one hand, while with her other hand she touched her omni-present earpiece. Jeanne bubbled in her seat, taking bites she wasn't tasting and sips that were forgotten before she swallowed. "No. ... Handle it, Frannie. ... Just... tell him I'm unavailable. ... I can't right now, Frannie. ... Frannie... Frannie... Yes I know you're having two conversations at once. That was my design." Freya's shoulders slowly slumped as she went on. "Does he understand that this is really not a good time? ... alright. Tell him I'll be there in 20 minutes." She finally let her hand down from her earpiece and sighed. "Jeanne, I'm so sorry-"

"No! If you've gotta go, you've gotta go!"

Freya shoveled a few quick bites of sushi into her mouth, and washed it down with a big gulp of water. "Shit," she mumbled. "I didn't think he'd be one of the clingy ones."

"Ooooooh, that's never a good sign. There's nothing worse than a clingy guy. Does he have crazy eyes?"

"What? No? I don't think so..."

"Good. Crazy eyes are the worst."

"What do crazy eyes look like?" Jeanne bit her lip for a moment, and then made frighteningly direct contact with widened eyes. "Oh. Oh. No, nothing like that."

"Ok good. We've got a secretary at the office who does that. Nobody will fuck him unless they're really hard up, and never more than once."


"Hello Madam! Welcome to Midgard Custom Synthetics Boutique, a division of the Charot Corporation. How can I assist you?"

Freya sighed. "Where is he, Frannie?"

"Mr. Shaughnessey is waiting in the back!"

She rolled her eyes as she stalked across her storefront, and then widened them dramatically as she saw Kerr holding up the tipped-over Synth head. "Put that down," she cried.

"Friend of yours?" He scoffed and carefully replaced the half finished synthetic skull. Freya nervously laughed and scurried in behind him as he walked away to adjust the head slightly. "I didn't really get a chance to look around before, but this place is amazing."

"Frannie said this was important?"

"Right!" He fast-walked over to a garment bag hung over the string by the bed. "Here is your dress."

"My what?"

"The meeting is in 20 minutes."

"My what?"

"We don't have a lot of time," he said, lifting a red dress out of it's container.

"My what?"

"Your dress. For the meeting."

"What meeting?"

"The one in 20 minutes."

Freya pinched her face tightly and held up her index finger. "This is me pushing the reset button," she said, poking the air. Kerr tilted his head confusedly. "Hello Kerr. Welcome to the employees-only section of my store."

"You have employees?"

Freya snarled in frustration. "You said you were going to get in touch with me with details!"

"Yeah, sorry about that. The timeline is kind of out-of-my-hands." Freya rolled her eyes as she began to strip out of her unflattering work attire, and Kerr nodded appreciatively. "You're gonna need to do something with your hair and makeup too."

"What's wrong with my makeup?"

"Funny story. So... they're expecting a Synth."

"You want me to pretend to be one of my sexbots?"

"-Which shouldn't be too hard! Your units are infamous where I come from for being very lifelike." Freya nodded, but cut off when he added, "Yanno. To an extent."

"Thanks," she said with a wince.

"18 minutes."

"I'm going," she snapped, as she stared down at her lingerie and deemed it insufficient. She sighed as she stripped nude and snatched the dress from his hands. "Why am I pretending to be a Synth again?"

"We don't have time for a whole question and answer session here! We have 17 minutes to be someplace that's 15 minutes away!"

She came to a dead stop with the dress bunched around her waist. "You owe me. Big time." Kerr nodded and waved his hands hurriedly. He produced a matching pair of pumps, and Freya grabbed a few bits and pieces from the makeup set she normally used on her Synths.

"Where are we going," she asked as they settled into the back of the cab. She raised her eyebrows and watched him out of the corner of her eye while she deftly applied a colorful layer of war paint.

"The less you know, the better." He stared out the window over the vast expanse of Green Mountain City, but he was a thousand miles away.

"Are you gonna tell me anything? Seriously... like... anything?"

"Just... follow my lead when we get there."

"Fuck," she muttered, as she twisted the mirror this way and that to check her work. "So... where do you come from?"


"You said I was infamous where you come from."

"Oh. I meant... um... I'm a prostitute."

Freya looked down. "Yep, you sure did," she muttered.

Kerr turned to look at her. "What?"

"I said 'You must go for top bid'." She winced and looked away.

"Well it's not like they give out awards, but... I guess I do okay."

Freya looked around. She looked at the door handle, and then to Kerr, and then back to the handle shaking her head vigorously. Then she looked at the alcohol dispenser and nodded tightly. Then nodded again. Kerr saw none of it as he stared out the window, lost in thought.


Freya did her best impression of Frannie's bright-yet-slightly-vacant smile as she followed Kerr into the back room of a Bail Bondswoman's office. Two women waited with annoyed expressions, although the shorter one's began to warm instantly.

Kerr furrowed his brow. "Regina's not here?"

"I like your taste," the smaller, reddish haired one said, as she bit her knuckle and stared at Freya.

"Why are any of us here," the taller one droned. "We've been over this a hundred times."

"Oh, was I supposed to give a copy of our plans to commit theft to the builder so it could come pre-loaded? That would have been smart. Why didn't I think of that?"

The taller woman's face soured. "Still not sure why we need to be here."

"She... needed to know who you two are, and I didn't want to upload your whole lifes stories. No more details than she needs."

"Who cares what you tell her? We're gonna incinerate her afterwards."

"Damn shame," said the smaller one. "Does she have the clit?"

"Yes," Kerr said testily. "And don't worry. I'll take care of this thing afterwards."

"You're the boss," the taller one said with a smirk Kerr didn't see.

"Damn shame."

Kerr turned back to Freya, and said, "Pay attention, you piece of shit."

Freya smiled brightly. "I hang on your every word, master!"

He stared at her for a moment, and then bent over the table. A half dozen blueprints and photos were scattered across the holo-interface. Kerr pressed his finger down over one of the blueprints, and it expanded until it took up the entire table.

Freya entered the club and proceeded straight through to the bar. She engaged hunter mode while she waited for her order of vodka cranberry to be filled. The entire facility was packed, and she pinched her eyes shut for a moment and shook her head. "Not now. ... Not now. Not now! ... No!"

She politely turned away two girls, downed her drink with the little pink pill Kerr had given her, and moved out onto the far edge of the dance floor.

"This," Kerr said, pulling up a handful of surveillance photos shot from a full mile away, "is Marie Maldonado, better known as Marie the Clit." Marie had a small face framed by black hair, but her eyes burned. "She'll be in the VIP section in the back, surrounded by thugs and pretty buzzed by the time we get you in there. It won't take her long to find you with hunter mode on, looking like you do. Guaranteed."

"I'm not drunk," Freya shouted, drunkenly, at the muscle-bound woman in the tight-fighting suit. "I ain't hurtin' nobody!"

"Just come with me, Miss. The boss would like a word with you."

"Izz... izz the boss hot?"

"She's dangerous," Kerr said warily. The taller woman's light smile faded as well, and the shorter one looked like she was going to be sick. "Obviously, the alcohol won't affect you, but you'll need to pretend it is. I've never seen her go near the sober ones."

"Don't worry, Master," Freya said brightly. "I'll do whatever you say!"

"Sit," Marie said, gesturing.

"Whoooooa," Freya said woozily. "The dust is kicking in too! Alright!"

The Clit smiled lasciviously as Freya stumbled into the otherwise empty booth. "Sounds like you're having a really good time tonight," she said, her smile darkening to match her long pitch black hair. "That's good. Nicoletta!" A blond bodyguard turned toward the table. "Another bottle, and two of whatever she's having." The blonde nodded and stalked off. "My name is Marie, by the way."

"Your name is Candy," Kerr said.

"It's whatever you say it is, Master," Freya said brightly.

"Ugh, that thing is sickening," the taller woman said contemptuously, folding her arms across her petite chest.

"Are you sure we have to destroy it," the smaller woman asked, twirling her reddish hair in her fingers.

"Absolutely," Marie said, as she turned to waggle her eyebrows at one of the other guests in the VIP section. "Have as much as you want."

"Great," Freya slurred. "It was one of those kindsa weeks were a gurl rully needs to just.. let looooose. D'you wanna hear about it?"

"If I have to hear you tell the whole story again about how your amazing powers of whore-perception figured all this out, I'll kill you right now." Kerr rolled his eyes and looked back down at the table.

As soon as he did, the redhead gave the taller woman a meaningful glare, and the taller one mouthed back 'what.' Neither of them paid the slightest attention to Freya.

"Really not a good time," Freya said, to no one in particular. She watched the floor counter for the elevator shoot past 100.

"Awww," Marie said. "You're not gonna be sick, are you?"

"No, it's not that-"

"Good!" Marie grinned widely. "I hope you like it kinky," she said, as she pulled Freya into a passionate kiss. Freya had no trouble sinking into the submissive role as the shorter woman shoved her back into the corner of the elevator. Well manicured hands mauled her, roaming over and under her dress. She moaned as the raven haired woman coaxed out her clit.

"H-how kinky are we talking about?" Freya said, as Marie moved to lay a trail of kisses down the side of her neck.

"From what I can tell, what happens inside that apartment with women is very different from what happens with me or any other men. We leave bruised. Sober women, same thing. But the drunk ones? They leave just fine, if a bit confused. I have no idea what you're gonna walk into, but it's our best shot."

"Come on," the taller one said. "Let me kill him. Regina will understand."

"Mommies hoooooome," Marie shouted, as she ran through the open elevator doors with her arms spread out like wings. "Yaaaaaaaay!" Freya remained stock still inside the lift, quietly processing the full-grown woman running pell mell up and down the halls of her elegant penthouse suite. The living room alone doubled her own entire apartment.

"Yes," she said quietly. "Research would have been helpful."

"Come on, Mommy! It's dinnertime!!" came the newly-high pitched voice of Marie Maldonado from somewhere deep in her apartment.

"Whatever it is, you've gotta keep her occupied for about 15 minutes. There's a time-release lockout between the elevator door of her apartment and her outer vault door."

"I'm... coming... schweetie..."

"Mommy, are you drunk again?"

Freya tapped her earpiece and started the countdown as she staggered through the expansive apartment. "Just a... Just a... hic... little..." She couldn't stop herself from giggling. As she neared the end of the hall, her eyes widened dramatically. Each step brought more of the room at the end into her view; it was absolutely trashed. Paint, crayon, and marker all over the wall, tables tipped over. At least two broken lamps. "Whaaaat the..."

"You need to be ready for anything," Kerr said, "and you have to like it."

Freya's head fell slightly to the side. "What happened in here?!"

"I'm sorry," Marie whimpered. "I made a meeess." Freya was very proud of herself for managing to keep a straight face. The most dangerous woman she'd ever met, in her admittedly sheltered life, had... "...and you have to like it," Kerr said. "Am I going to get spanked?" Marie seemed to curl in on herself, wincing at the slightest reaction from Freya, whose eyes merely widened even further. The room, which was ostensibly a baby blue color underneath the layers of ruin inflicted upon it, technically contained everything to define it as a nursery. There was a crib, and an oversized changing station, and a playpen, although none of them were in usable condition.

"...and you have to like it," Kerr said.

"I... uh... I..."

"...and you have to like it," Kerr said.

"Yes," she said, slightly more forcefully. "Yes, you're going to get spanked."

"...and you have to like it," Kerr said.

She moved hesitantly over to a big arm chair in the corner of the room, the only piece of furniture not completely destroyed, and sat down. Marie still stood in the middle of the room, nibbling on the tip of her index finger, when Freya patted her knee. "C'mon." Marie, with her straight black hair framing her face, in her light suit jacket and turtleneck and pants with heels, looked every bit ready to step into a board room. In the club, she had been possessed of a self-confidence to make anyone think twice about even-slightly prolonged eye contact, and yet, as she slouched across the room, Freya saw none of it. She saw a little girl.

"Don't go as hard as you went last time, Mommy. That huuuuurt." As Marie stripped off the black pants and bent over her knee, Freya bit her lip and raised her arm. It hovered there, floating in the air. She stared down fearfully and you have to like it, he'd said. She pinched her eyes shut and shook her head as the girl looked back up at her. "Mommy?" And you have to like it, Kerr had said.

You have to like it.

How bad could it be, she thought. Yes, she'd recently come to the realization of how deeply she preferred to be the sub in a sexual setting, but it wasn't like she'd never topped before. Yes, her mothering years had yet to begin, but it wasn't like she didn't know how to spank someone; her own mother had done it plenty enough to her. Yes, it was a little weird that this full-grown woman liked to pretend to be 8 and was putting Freya in a position where she was going to... that thought process went nowhere good.

You have to like it, Kerr said.

Here goes nothing, she thought.

"What have I told you?!" she shouted, her hand landing again with a tremendous thunderclap. "How many times have I said not to leave your room a mess?!"

"No, Mommy! NO!"

"Shut up!" she roared. Another smack, as her hand crashed into the steadily-pinkening flesh. "You were a very, very bad gurl, and Mommy did not want to come home to this!" Heavy spanks punctuated each emphasized word as she shouted. The girl whimpered, her hands flailing indecisively between trying to cover herself and reaching for something to hold on to. Freya panted, having exerted herself unexpectedly, while the girl sobbed. Her hand throbbed in time with her heartbeat, and the girl's cheeks were inflamed. "I don't even know what to... to do with you, Marie," she said, nearly forgetting she still had to act drunk in addition to everything else.

Real tears streaked the girls face as she slid off of Freya's legs and onto her hands and knees. "I'm sorry, Mommy," she bleated, "I'm sorry!"

"Sorry isn't going to fix this room!" Freya fell back in the chair with a huff, and looked around. "You've got some ssssserious work to do, young lady."

"Can I have a binkie first?" the girl sniffled.

Freya blinked. "Umm... sure?"

Marie nodded and put her hands on Freya's knees. Freya's eyes widened in alarm as the gap between her legs were spread, and moments later the girl was pushing up on Freya's dress. Just that quickly, her head was buried in Freya's lap, teasing out Freya's clit. She opened her mouth to protest, and and you have to like it, Kerr said.