Lightning Strikes Once


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Even though I went through several really nice orgasms this time Kent must have worked on me for a good twenty minutes before I felt him stiffen and groan as he unloaded another large wad of cum into my pussy while concurrently shoving two fingers into my sweat-lubricated pucker-hole. My orgasm that was simultaneous with his was just as powerful as the one I had against the kitchen wall, and wonderfully I again went in and out of awareness.

When I regained complete cognizance Kent had his arm around me while we both sat on the living room carpet, leaning against the couch.

"WOW - you didn't disappoint, Alisha. That was the best sexual experience of my life," Kent said with an enormous grin.

I pulled his face to mine and kissed him ardently. "I never knew I could cum so hard," I mumbled between kisses.

After more expressions of mutual pleasure and gratitude we massaged each other's bodies, occasionally emitting satisfying sounds, but not really talking. I finally got enough presence of mind to look at my watch. It was four o'clock - we had been at it for two hours.

"I have to leave, Kent; I'm not sure what the future holds, but I want to fuck again," I said, not even really realizing what was coming out of my mouth.

"Wild horses couldn't keep me away," he replied with a big smile. "I'll call your cell this week."

Kent smoothed out my dress after I put it on, and then told me "Go into the bathroom and wash off your face and straighten your hair a little. You have a just-engaged-in-incredible-sexual-activity look."

"I wonder why," I giggled - my first spontaneous giggle since my hospital stay.

Kent was still naked when I left. I kissed his horse cock goodbye, but evaded his grasp as my lips on his member caused it to twitch.

As I drove home, made dinner for Byron, showered, and snuggled up to Byron as we watched TV, I was euphoric. I honestly don't think that I had ever felt better in my life. It didn't last.

I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. I snapped my eyes open and I wondered how in the hell I could have gone against my core principles. I had never even come close to cheating before, and after betraying both my husband and my best friend I had been euphoric for hours. What in the fuck was wrong with me?

I didn't get any more sleep that night. Byron worried about my health because of my drag-ass demeanor the next morning. My guilt consumed me. I was close to worthless all day Sunday, and the entire morning at work on Monday. The only thing that snapped me out of it was a robot reminder call from my shrink's office. "You have an appointment... Wednesday... at... 8:30 a.m... with Dr. Patterson. Please arrive twenty minutes early to fill out forms" the voice said.

I had forgotten all about my appointment. Now it would be different than I had envisioned, but I had hope that I would be able to overcome my malaise without any further cheating. I was productive Monday afternoon, had a reasonable phone conversation with Vanessa, and was mostly affectionate to Byron that evening. Plus, I actually got some sleep Monday night.

My hopes for a clean break and no repeat with Kent took a real hit when he called me Tuesday morning and invited me to lunch. I couldn't believe the effect his voice had on me. I started slightly shaking, I got a knot in my stomach, and my pussy started leaking. I told myself to accept his invitation and just use that as an opportunity to break it off with Kent. Ha!

I met Kent at noon at a coffee shop in a condo building. After a few minutes of nervous chit-chat Kent said "My company has an apartment in this building. Why don't we grab a sandwich and go upstairs."

Warning bells were peeling in the logical part of my brain. Just like on Saturday, however, the emotional part of my brain overruled the logical part. Once we got into the apartment on the sixth floor I weakly protested for only about ninety seconds before I let Kent disrobe me and I stripped him.

We engaged in a frisky sixty-nine where I worshipped his cock and balls and he energized my pussy. With Kent actually laying on his back on the bed in the apartment I virtually jumped in the air and landed on his upright cock, and was fully impaled within seconds. I squeezed his nipples as he squeezed mine.

With a creativity that I didn't know that I had, after I recovered from a first orgasm I spun my body around without Kent's cock disengaging, then rode him reverse cowgirl. As I did that I fondled his balls and he fingered my asshole. When he drove his hips completely off the bed as his first spurt of cum started to fill my vagina I went over the top and almost blacked out again. I did remain cognizant enough to thoroughly enjoy the next four shots into my pussy.

As we kissed goodbye forty five minutes and a missionary fuck later Kent said "We can use this place two or three times a week."

In a rare moment of clarity I responded "I'm going to see a shrink tomorrow to try to get my life back to where it was before we got struck by lightning."

"You mean at the picnic or Saturday against my kitchen wall - which lightning strike," he grinned.

"The bad one," I giggled. "This isn't me, Kent; I have to get back to my old self."

"Let's meet for lunch on Friday and you can tell me about your appointment," he said before planting another passionate kiss on my face.

I left the apartment; as I exited Kent was cleaning up with the intention of leaving ten minutes later.

I again was in a state of euphoria, until just before bedtime that night. When the pleasure chemicals that the sex with Kent had given me wore off it was about ten that night. Again, wracked by guilt because of my dual betrayal, I barely slept at all, and had to look really bad when I showed up at the psychiatrist's office at 8:10 Wednesday morning.

I wasn't sure how much I was going to tell Dr. Patterson; I planned on holding back my four other-worldly fucks with Kent and just deal with my pre-Kent problems, but she was easy to talk to. I ended up telling all. She let me talk for fifty minutes with only a few interruptions. When I finally finished what I had to say she had some initial comments.

"Alisha, I've dealt with several other patients who have had problems after being hit by lightning or being shocked by high voltage lines. I'm also familiar with literature on the subject. I have heard of a fair percentage of victims having reduced libido - which would explain the situation with your husband. However, your sexual fixation and lack of control when it comes to your best friend's husband is beyond anything in my experience or that I have read about," she said.

"I'm a freak, huh?" I replied.

"Maybe," she smiled. "I'm going to do further research and talk to some of my colleagues about it. In the meantime, you need to use as much will power as you have to avoid one-on-one contact with your best friend's husband."

"I have plenty of will power," I cynically replied. "It's the lack of 'won't' power that I'm worried about."

I really did try to back out of my Friday "lunch" with Kent. I really did. He kept me talking on the phone too long, however, and my resolve diminished. "At lunch we'll talk about where we go from here, and if we break it off, so be it" was his last comment.

"OK," I sighed. "See you Friday at noon."

Shockingly, Friday we were naked in the condo apartment and trying to fuck each other's brains out within five minutes of meeting in the coffee house. I didn't even have a chance to remove all of my clothes before his cock was pulsating in my willing pussy.


The next several months were a roller coaster ride for me. For a day or two after talking to my shrink each time I thought that I could not only break it off with Kent but I had hope to return to my old self, faithful to Byron and Vanessa. However, I continued to fuck Kent two or three times a week at lunch. Each time I made the ridiculous assertion that "We have to stop this." His standard response was "I can't live without these sessions." I would feel ecstatic for eight to ten hours after every fuck session with Kent, and then be morose and feel guilty until my next appointment with Dr. Patterson.

In an attempt to shock us apart, Dr. Patterson suggested that I bring Kent with me to one of the sessions with her. It was surprisingly easy to talk him into doing that. The end result of that was hopelessness, however.

At the end of the joint session with Dr. Patterson we told her that we would do our best to stay away from each other, including not even calling each other for luncheon meetings. As we left her office, we walked to Kent's car - a big Mercedes - parked at a far corner of the parking lot of Dr. Patterson's building. As we hugged goodbye an overpowering feeling came over me.

I opened the front passenger's door and moved the seat up all the way. Then I opened up the back door.

"What are you doing Alisha?" Kent asked, truly perplexed.

"Sit in the back seat," I ordered. He did. I climbed on top of him, closed the door, fished out his horse cock, and got it hard with just a few strokes from my tiny hand. Then I moved my panties to the side, lowered my expectant pussy on top of his upright flagpole, and we proceeded to vigorously fuck to another simultaneous over-the-top orgasm.

After that, I knew that it was impossible to break away from Kent unless something drastic happened. We were addicted to each other. I have never taken drugs, but from what I know I assume that I had the same relationship with Kent than an addict has with heroin.

I stopped seeing Dr. Patterson because of my hopeless condition. In my addled brain I thought that the only way back to respectability was for me to get hit by lightning again. I took to walking with a metal umbrella and metal cane during thunderstorms. After the third time that I did that, Byron got me involuntarily committed to a mental hospital. However, within less than a day after my admission I was completely lucid and convinced the hospital that I wasn't nuts.

After my mental hospital stay I went through three more therapists of different types trying to figure a way out of my situation and to get back to the person that I had been before the lightning strike. None of them helped much. A holistic therapist was the only one who ventured an explanation for my situation. "Since you were holding hands with Kent when the lightning struck you, your libidos melded and there is nothing that will ever separate you," she said with a dreamy look on her face. I didn't want to believe that and chalked it up to psychobabble.

Within eleven months after the lightning strike I was convinced that I would never be the same as I was before it, although not for the reason that the holistic therapist espoused. I had to accept my new reality. It wasn't fair to Byron - who was trying hard to accommodate the new me although it was very difficult on him - or to Vanessa - who realized that I had significant problems, although she had no clue about what the main one was. I also knew from discussions with both Kent and Vanessa that they were almost in the same boat that Byron and I were in.

Fortuitously I had to travel to a city nine hundred miles away on business. I got Kent to "need" a business trip to the same city, overlapping mine. After we spent the first night we ever had together - and had four truly delicious, magnificent, fucks by eight the next morning - we had a heart-to-heart.

"Kent; I'm going to divorce Byron and leave town. I'm moving fifteen hundred miles away. Once the divorce goes through I'll change my name and try to start over. I can't betray Byron or Vanessa any further. I've contemplated suicide and I'm afraid that I'll eventually resort to that, or destroy Byron and Vanessa when they eventually find out about us," I was able to choke out with tears in my eyes.

"I can't live without you, Alisha," Kent said as he held my hands in one of his, and wiped my tears with the other. "Those aren't just words - it's the truth."

"What do we do, then? I can't go on betraying my husband and best friend," I cried.

We discussed options, including faking our deaths on a joint canoe trip with Byron and Vanessa; and many other hair-brained schemes. Finally we came up with something that we thought could work - it would be hard on us, but would likely result in the least pain for Vanessa and Byron.


Ten days after I got back from my business trip, a Friday, I made love to Byron the best that I could. I didn't have an orgasm, but I did a great job of faking it. Then I hit him with that part of my plan that I was willing to reveal; with genuine tears in my eyes!

"Byron. I've tried everything; Dr. Patterson, other therapists, the mental hospital; I'm not the same woman that you married. I never will be. The lightning strike has screwed up my libido; it's changed what's important to me and what isn't; and it's made me into someone that I don't like or respect. You're too loyal and too stand-up a guy to dump me, like you should. Therefore I'm filing for divorce - giving you everything - and getting out of your life."

Byron made a perfunctory attempt to talk me out of it. I appreciated that, but obviously he knew that I was finally doing the right thing. The next morning I gave him the no-fault divorce papers that I had already signed. It left everything to him except for my most personal possessions and enough money for me to live on for three months regardless of other circumstances. He asked me to take more - I refused.

That afternoon, when I knew that Kent wouldn't be there, I went to see Vanessa. I cried for fifteen minutes before I was able to pull it together and tell her what I needed to. When I did, she cried with me. "I'm so, so sorry that I'm not the friend that you deserve," I blabbered. Vanessa tried to assure me that I was - "if only she knew," I thought, then cried some more. We had been best friends for more than a decade, and now, after my betrayal, I was walking out of her life.

"Please tell Kent my decision to leave," were my last words to her.

"He'll be sad," Vanessa replied, "he has always liked you."

Again I thought, "if only she knew," then got in my car and left.

Monday I quit work in the morning (I had already lined up and prepped a qualified successor) and by the afternoon I was driving to my new home, fifteen hundred miles away. I had a line on a cheap apartment with a month-to-month lease, and by the next evening had rented it, purchased a cheap single bed, and moved my meager belongings in.

To make sure that my three months' supply of money would last much longer than that I needed a job. Despite my lack of experience, my thighs got me a job as a cocktail waitress at a high end bar. I worked seven nights a week to keep my mind off of my situation and quickly learned how to dissuade "interested" customers while remaining pleasant enough to ensure decent tips. To keep occupied during the day I went to a dance studio and regularly worked out. The proprietor quickly recognized my talent and after a week of first visiting there I started work as a part-time dance instructor.

I talked to Kent on the phone every other day. I was so hoping that he would stick to our plan, and based upon our conversations I was certain that he would.

Three months to the day that I had rented my apartment I excitedly answered a rapid knock on my door. It was Kent, fresh from quitting his job and having made a speech to Vanessa similar to the one that I made to Byron. The way that I felt when he held me in my arms that night, and when we made love twice in addition to rutting once, made me believe that everything would be OK for us in the future. I quit my jobs the next day and within a week we had moved to yet another city, five hundred miles further from our original home.


Kent's knock on my door was three years ago. Once both of our divorces were final we legally changed our names. I'm now Kathy Burns, and he's Justin Cleaver. I found a therapist that got me to accept the right outlook on life. He told me "Even though it may be psychobabble, there is no reason for you not to believe that when you and Justin were hit by lightning when holding hands that that bonded you two together forever. Alisha Allison is dead. Mourn her death for a month, and then let Kathy Burns live a rewarding life free from the past."

I've taken his advice and now I am happier than I ever have been given my unequivocal love for Justin. I have another reason to be happy. I just found out that I'm pregnant and Justin and I will be married in a simple civil ceremony next week. Vanessa and Byron never found out about us, and we intend to keep it that way.

Our suburban home has lightning rods on it, and I now run for cover at the slightest indication of an approaching thunderstorm. Now that I'm finally at peace I can't get hit by lightning again!

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shadrachtshadracht9 months ago

What an absolutely horrible person of a narrator. Not enough remorse to actually take her lumps and be honest. But hey, she got her happily ever after. Barf.

6King6King9 months ago

⭐⭐ That is the shitty half of a story. Also possible both halves were shitty so the author spared us the other bad half. Thanks I guess?

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

What became of Byron and Vanessa, the innocent victims in this shocking story. A real Amy type story for sure.

jimjam69jimjam69almost 4 years ago

You always write a good story it's just the subject matter I don't like. What is never told is the misery the other spouses have lived through.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 8 years ago

Actually to set the record straight asshole of LIT I only hate you. But then you're not really a man hiding behind that dear annony name. I love men how else could I be the whore you say I am dumbass? You really are a retarded asshole aren't you fat ass? Why not walk into traffic and die>.

BriteaseBriteaseabout 8 years ago
I got struck by lightening as well

It was several years ago on our golf course, and it poleaxed me, but I fairly quickly got over it.

Except .......

From that day my eye sight improved, and within a year I virtually no longer needed to wear glasses. Weird maybe, and perhaps there were other factors at play, but it does show that odd things can happen after being struck. Didn't affect my sex life though!

chytownchytownover 8 years ago
Very Enjoyable Read****

Now that's something different. Thanks for sharing.

rixelsrixelsabout 9 years ago

I think the "Horsecock" was a big distraction. Lightning becomes something that just lowers their inhibitions to cheat. This story could have been a thought provoking story if the cliches had been left out.

xtchrxtchrover 9 years ago
Original And Creative Excuse!

Although and interesting and imaginative story, it only gives two people an excuse for cheating. The lightning strike caused them to fall out of love with their mates, they should have divorced before starting to cheat. They would not have to scurry away and change names, etc. That is not a sign of an honest person. Thanks for an original and creative story.

m407m407over 9 years ago

@green117 re the 'horsecock"

That stuck out to me as well. It was like the author couldn't decide on trying to be poorly erotic or just telling a story. Like either go for full throated erotica, or full on non-porn, but amyyum you seem to be stuck in the middle. I'm not going to say which is better, but your writing needs to pick a side.



Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago

Thanks for the offering.

green117green117over 9 years ago
Oddly not entirely to my taste

I'm afraid I didn't like this one so much.

The contrast with "Simple Math", which I was thinking about a comment on, was not complimentary to this one - similar "I was taken over by lust" themes.

Anyway, I never like characters not taking responsibility for their actions and emotions - whatsa matter, you never made a point of staying away from someone you had a crush on? - seems deus ex machina.

Speaking of which - the lightning making for personality changes might not be too over the top. Electroshock treatment leaves the victim disoriented - if your protagonist was prone to making attachments, she could have imprinted on the first person she responded to after the shock. 'course, a stroke might do it too...

Does kind of make one think of stalkers dragging jumper cables behind them (Kids! Don't try this at home!)


("horse cock" five times in the piece... what would your mother think? What would your therapist think? neigh?)

cpetecpeteover 9 years ago
A different kind of story..

were the cheating couples try to strike a balance between their needs and the feelings of their soon-to-be ex-partners. An almost impossible task-but a good story.

Thanks for posting, always enjoy your tales.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 9 years ago
this story so pissed me off !

Because I have wanted to write a Loving Wives story about adultery possibly stemming from dynamic personality change wrought by lightning strike. There's an excellent book called ' A Match to the Heart ' about this syndrome . 'You snooze, you lose ' is the sadly, applicable saying.

Amy Yum has taken this idea and written a very crafty, concise (and carnal ) treatment with her usual verve and spicy 'forthwrongedness'. She deserves a very swift, nasty shock upon reaching for brass door handle upon exiting a shag carpeted room. She also deserves full marks for this story. *****

CharlieB4CharlieB4over 9 years ago
Struck by your story.

I liked this more than your last couple. As ID said you write a good sex scene and when there are a couple in the story it's even better. The premise of a lightning strike changing your love life was novel and will probably be the plot for a b grade romantic comedy on a screen near you in the future. And finally any story that has a character called Justin Cleaver deserves five stars!

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