Like Mother, Like Daughter

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A Mother's inebriated revelation leads to a threesome.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/28/2023
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Yes, I know that everyone calls for a 'back story' but in this instance there simply isn't one; I was just as surprised by Tuesday night's turn of events as anyone.

Beth and I met at university and began dating during our final year; we've been together for six years now and married for four of those. We both hold down well paid jobs in the financial sector, which allows us to meet the payments on our ridiculously expensive city apartment. Beyond work, we socialise with friends, enjoy two weeks annual holiday somewhere sunny and the odd weekend away besides. Our sex life is regular, fulfilling and inventive, but in no way outrageous; we're just 'normal', no different from a million other couples in their late twenties.

Last week's visit by Beth's mother Sarah was equally normal. It was the last week in November, so as in previous years Sarah stayed with us while spending three days Christmas shopping in the city. Beth -- also as usual - was taking time off work to join her around the shops on Wednesday. The one hiccough to Sarah's visit was that Beth had been invited to an Ann Summers Party on that Tuesday evening; in the normal course of events Beth would've declined the invitation, but as the party was being hosted by one of her closest friends, Beth wanted to support her.

For those who've not heard of them, Ann Summers Parties are women only affairs hosted in someone's home where she invites friends around to enjoy an evening of girly chat, risqué games and the opportunity to buy from a range of bedroom toys and sexy lingerie; all lubricated by a steady flow of prosecco and white wine. Beth had been to several in the past and even hosted one herself, but we hadn't expected it to be to Sarah's taste; so, had agreed that Beth would attend Claire's party, while I took Sarah out for dinner.

As a courtesy, Beth did of course extend a party invitation to her mother and I'm not sure which of us was the more surprised when she'd replied 'Yes, please.' It would be unfair to brand Sarah prudish or strait-laced, but she is somewhat... staid and at forty-eight, likely to be a good few years older than the rest of the attendees at Claire's party.

That said, Sarah was equally likely to be more attractive than many of those younger girls; she and Beth are like two peas in a pod: Tall, slim, redheads and while Sarah's hair is no longer quite as bright as Beth's, she instead benefits from somewhat fuller and rounder boobs and hips, both of which I put down to age and motherhood. I've often appraised Sarah while thinking 'Beth will look like that in another twenty years?' and invariably been very happy at that prospect.

With Beth & Sarah out for the evening I put in a few extra hours at my desk then picked up a takeaway on my way home; at ten o'clock I was sat in front of the TV in jogging pants and tee shirt, with a beer in my hand, awaiting their return. My guess had been that they'd be home around ten-thirty, but it was almost midnight before they got back and then I nearly missed their arrival: I was by then half-asleep and didn't hear them until they stumbled into the lounge, each clutching a black and pink carrier bag.

Their unstable gaits, laughter and slurred speech vouched for the amount that they'd both had to drink, so I was relieved to hear that they'd left the car at Claire's and returned by taxi; no problem, I'd take my morning run in that direction and collect it then. I offered them a drink, meaning tea or coffee, but their reply was a demand of 'More Chardonnay!' Again, not a problem, they were safely home and already prime candidates for morning hang-overs, so another glass was unlikely to do them further harm.

Beth and Sarah were both sprawled on the couch and still laughing at inside/you needed to have been there, jokes when I returned with their drinks. After handing those out I reached towards Beth's carrier bag, enquiring: "So, what have you been buying?"

Beth snatched it from my hand squawking "No! You can't look; it'll spoil the surprise for the weekend..." Disappointing, but things sounded promising for the weekend at least. Beth concluded: "You can look in Mum's bag instead; that'll make your eyes pop out."

That garnered and equally loud squawk, only this time from Sarah: "Don't you dare touch that Paul! Nobody's looking in there, not even George... In fact, especially not George!"

This was the catalyst for a further round of raucous laughter, concluding when Beth regained her voice. "Oh go on, show him Mum; it'll probably give him a complex of some sort..." Turning toward me Beth continued "It's a dildo, but not just any dildo, it's a black one and the size of a billy club! I suppose in that size they maybe only make them in black? I've no idea what Mum intends doing with it... she's going to need a set of tyre levers to squeeze it inside her pussy."

This drew yet another peal of inebriated laughter from the girls, while I stood open mouthed and staring; the idea of Sarah buying a dildo -- of any size! - was startling but to see her drunkenly laughing about it simply blew my mind. Regrettably, Sarah remained adamant that it was staying under wraps, whereupon Beth chimed in once again: "Well you could at least show Paul your stockings... Mum got them as a prize for the game that she won."

My gaze followed the direction of Beth's gesture; to be honest I'd not until then noticed Sarah's stockings, but now saw that rather than plain black, the insides of them were a garish gold and red; though contrary to Sarah's reply that "Paul can see them from there." I couldn't discern anything more.

"Don't be daft Mum, the hem of that skirt's down past your knees; you'll need to hoist it up and part your legs to give him the full effect."

Sarah sprang to her feet, planted a hand firmly upon each hip and sternly retorted "Elizabeth Cooper! What are you like? Suggesting to your own mother that she lifts her skirt AND spreads her legs for a man! Where did I go wrong in raising you?"

Sarah's burst of mock severity didn't last long: A combination of the wine that she'd consumed, the speed of her ascent and the fact that she'd begun laughing once more, saw her lose her balance and stumble. Darting forward I managed to catch Sarah by a wrist and while I couldn't arrest her fall completely, I did at least slow her descent. So, rather than her landing on the floor, Sarah ended up spread-eagled on the couch again and it was instead me who crashed to the floor, landing heavily on my knees at Sarah's feet.

Our shared fall did at least resolve the stocking-viewing issue, with Sarah sprawled across the couch, legs akimbo and her skirt up around her hips, from my position on the floor I was afforded an amazing view of those new stockings:

The gold and purple that I'd glimpsed earlier resolved into depictions of a snake slithering along the inside of each leg, their tails where by Sarah's ankles, the heads half-way up her inner thigh while the protruding tongues ventured higher still. I say 'tongues' but rather than the forked tongues one might have expected, these were bright purple, shaped like erect and very large human cocks, pointing directly towards the exposed crotch of Sarah's panties!

My reaction was instinctive and a hand lunged forward without conscious thought. Thought arrived a millisecond later: 'No! It's Sarah... your mother-in-law... and Beth's sat right next to her, watching you! STOP!' I almost made it, but in the instant before my hand pulled back, the knuckles tapped against the gusset of Sarah's panties; it was only a gentle touch, but sufficient for me to feel how damp those pants were and also draw a whispered mewl from Sarah's lips.

The second directive arrived inside my skull even as my hand was screeching to a halt: 'Yes... finger her... that's exactly what she needs!' With my whole body tensed and that extended hand visibly trembling, realisation dawned and I turned my eyes toward Beth; the intonation of that second voice had been Beth's, rather than my own! What I found was my wife grinning playfully with a wicked gleam in her eye; Sarah slowly and very distinctly nodded as she mouthed the words 'Go on... Do it!'

It's often said that a picture is worth a thousand words and the foregoing proves just that; I doubt those last three paragraphs covered more than three seconds of real time. My hand was reaching forward for a second time, even before I'd broken eye contact with Beth and this time there was to be no remission. A further three seconds and Sarah's panties had been pushed aside by my index finger and my middle one had plunged deep into her receptive gash, a penetration which Sarah accommodated with a soft purr and hips lifting to meet the intrusion.

I wasn't the only one to note Sarah's subtle but positive response and Beth's voice one again invaded my thoughts: "I told you... now give Mum two; walk them around inside her... like you do with me." After six years together, that statement was clear enough to me, if not to you: A second assault saw my index finger slip inside Sarah too, that probed and pulled at the top of her pussy, searching for the G-spot, while my middle finger 'stirred the pot' so to speak.

In tandem, I stroked the pad of my thumb back and forth across Sarah's clitoris, its first pass parting the curtains, thereafter brushing across the pleasure-bud itself. This time there was no subtlety to Sarah's response, her pelvis bucked savagely, her back arched and locked rigid, suspending her bum a few inches above the couch, while Sarah's initial moan escalated into a bestial growl before culminating in a full blown scream in announcement of her orgasm. It was explosive and quick, not having taken Sarah much beyond ten seconds to reach that climax.

Beth had moved in those few seconds, she was now beside me so her next edict was whispered directly into my ear, as Beth grabbed the waistband of my joggers and jerked them to my knees: "Now shag her, that's what Mum really wants; not some piece of inanimate plastic, she needs a stiff flesh and blood cock inside of her. Fuck her!" I don't think that my wife's ever issued an order which I've been happier to comply.

Sarah was still descending from her climax and in no state to resist when I grabbed her by the hips and jerked her forward. With Sarah's feet now flat on the floor, bent knees and her arse hanging off the edge of the couch, I cupped one hand beneath Sarah's buttocks to support her, while the other guided the tip of my cock between the soft, damp petals of her labia. Once through I lunged forward and my cock slid into Sarah's slick channel with the same ease that my fingers had; she responded with another of those welcoming groans, Sarah was up for this!

I should record that once I began pistoning into Sarah's pussy she voiced nothing but dissent: "No -- Stop -- You mustn't -- No - I'm married - Stop -- Please - No Paul -- It's wrong". But Sarah's words were delivered with little conviction; certainly nothing comparable to her contrary physical response: Sarah's pelvis gyrated, pitched and jerked, forcing my cock deep into her pussy, grinding her clit against the intruding shaft. Sarah's dissenting appeals didn't stop, but they were soon interspersed by ever more frequent moans of pleasure.

My spare left hand gravitated to Sarah's boobs, initially to grope them through her blouse and then scrabbling to unfasten the buttons; I've long been enamoured of Sarah's tits and was eager to finally see them. It proved a frustrating few moments, the buttons were tiny and my hand was still trembling in my excitement; once more Beth intervened: Swatting my hand aside, Beth growled: "Here, let me." Ignoring the delicate fastenings, she then grasped her mother's blouse in both hands and simply ripped it apart; two sharp tugs and it gaped open to her skirt's waistband.

Leaning forward Beth then roughly scooped Sarah's breasts free of her bra adding "There; sink your teeth into those succulent treats." I was slow to respond, Beth hadn't exaggerated: I'd guessed that Sarah's boobs would be more... impressive than her daughters, but I'd never given much thought to her nipples; they were fucking huge! Sarah was undoubtedly aroused, but it was more than just that, her nipples must've been 3/4" across and projected even further; fire-engine red they seemed almost to pulse in the subdued light.

For several seconds I simply stared at them, before dropping forward to engulf Sarah's right nipple -- and half her breast! - like some ravening beast; the reaction was as by then should have been expected: A protracted wail of "Noooo, stop it Paul!" while at the same time, Sarah's hand grabbed at the back of my head and pulled me more firmly onto her tits; Sarah even added an upward trust of her chest, driving her breast even harder against my lips and teeth.

Over the next few minutes my mouth feasted on Sarah's breasts moving back and forth between them and adding my left hand to the assault whenever her right boob was uncovered. Meanwhile my hips maintained a controlled, steady and almost metronomic thrust, driving my cock deep into Sarah's cunt; that 'steady' was mainly for my own benefit, I knew that I was close to a climax and wanted it to last.

When Sarah achieved a second orgasm I waited and let her 'ride it out', though my mouth continued to chew on those 'succulent treats' and this pause too was for my own benefit more than hers. Once I re-commenced pumping my cock into Sarah's pussy I began to believe that I might bring her to a third climax; as my confidence grew I even increased the speed and strength of my penetrations and that was my undoing.

Feeling the pressure building in my balls suddenly and unexpectedly ease as the seed surge into my shaft I snarled "Of fuck, I'm coming... I'm going to come." and for the first time that evening, Sarah's dissenting reply offered genuine conviction:

"Nooooo! Not inside me, NOOOOO!"

I would've made it! I was all but clear of Sarah's pussy when a hand was planted firmly in the small of my back; Beth pressed it forward with her whole weight as she snarled "Inside her... don't you dare pull out... fill Mummy's cunt to overflowing!" By then it was beyond being a matter of choice, I was pumping my load into Sarah's snatch and couldn't have stopped if I'd tried.

It came as some relief when Sarah, while still wailing 'Noooo' in response to each spurt, wrapped her legs about my hips and pulled me even deeper into herself. I like to think that Sarah reached a third orgasm as I pumped my seed inside her -- she was certainly gasping and shuddering as heavily as I was in the aftermath -- but I can't say for certain; I'd been too wrapped-up in my own climax to notice.

Once my cock softened and slipped free of Beth's pussy I stood upright, hands on hips and still regaining my breath; in that moment Sarah made her escape, or at least... almost: Sarah scrambled to her feet, snatched up the black & pink carrier bag still sat beside her and turned for the door, muttering that she was "going to bed" and that we would "talk about this in the morning".

I gave a non-committal grunt as Sarah pushed past me, but Beth was quicker to respond. Back sitting on the couch, but now stark naked -- when did that happen? - Beth grabbed Sarah's arm and jerked her back as she growled: "Not yet you're not Mum. I've not had mine yet and that limp cock you've left Paul with isn't going to cut it; you were the one to make it soft, so you can get it hard again for me".

Sarah had stumbled back down to the floor and the way in which Beth's gaze swung between her mother's face and my cock left little doubt as to what Beth required of her. Sarah's appeal confirmed her understanding too: "No... Not like that love, I don't... I don't su... do oral... not now."

"A little late for that don't you think Mum?" Beth then turned toward me before continuing and I was astounded by what she said: "That's how mum won those stockings Paul, by revealing the most outrageous sex thing that any of us had ever done. When Mum was nineteen, she won a £50 bet, by sucking-off the whole of her university's rowing crew in under an hour."

Astounded or not, I couldn't help thinking that perhaps those rowers had won too: Even thirty years ago they surely wouldn't have found a whore to blow all eight of them off for fifty quid? The expression which spread across Sarah's face confirmed the veracity of this tale and when Beth broke the ensuing silence with a brusque "So come on Mum, show Paul what good little cock-sucker you are." Sarah didn't dissent further.

Still on her knees Sarah turned silently toward me, grasped my flaccid cock in her hand and fed it between her lips. So was Sarah something special in the blow-job department? It's hard to say: Sarah was certainly no novice, but I'm not sure that she was any more skilled than her daughter, though it didn't take Sarah long to garner a response from me, I was stiffening in seconds and hard as a nail within two minutes.

Even then I perhaps realised that there was more to that erection than 'technical excellence'; it was my Mother-in-Law's mouth and fingers that were working on my cock and in addition to that taboo, Sarah was doing it in full view of and indeed at the direct behest of her daughter -- my wife! If those factors alone weren't enough, the speed at which Sarah morphed from being a reluctant into an obviously eager participant added one further frisson to proceedings.

Sadly, those couple of minutes was all that I got to enjoy before Beth interrupted with a sharp "That'll do Mum... you've got Paul hard again; I'll take it from here." Sarah's mouth stayed around my cock for several further seconds before she released it with an audible 'pop'; perhaps an indication that Sarah was by then as reluctant to stop as I was?

Climbing to her feet Sarah's direction of movement suggested that she was once more heading for the door, but Beth again put a stop to that: "No! Get back here, on the couch beside me; I watched Paul screw you, so now it's your turn to watch me."

Beth had assumed a position draped over the edge of the couch, almost identical to the one in which I'd fucked her mother; perhaps equally pertinently, as Sarah took a seat beside her daughter, the expression on her face didn't show any of the embarrassment I might've anticipated. I wasn't allowed the time to contemplate either; turning her attention to me Beth demanded: "Do it, I've waited long enough, so no pussy-footing around, make it hard and fast... bang the bloody arse off me!"

Now that's the sort of order we'd all be happy to comply with and having recently unloaded into Sarah, I'd no worries as to my endurance. After guiding myself between Beth's open and already damp thighs, I slammed my cock into her so hard that the couch legs squealed in protest; Beth might've done similar had the impact not driven the breath from her lungs.

As I'd expected Beth proved as accommodating -- perhaps even more so? -- as her mother and let's be honest, it was Beth herself who'd demanded that there be no pussy-footing around, so as requested, I proceeded to 'bang the bloody arse off her'. Beth didn't last a full minute before writhing a bawling her way through a powerful orgasm, I eased off for a while, but not for long enough for it to subside completely, before upping the tempo once more.

Beth's second climax was a little longer in arriving and while it also appeared a little less powerful too, I'd no doubt that it'd hit the spot for her. Having already sensed Beth's desire for me to fuck her in the way that I had Sarah, I now slowed the speed -- though not the intensity! -- of my penetrations, I also dropped forward to take her right breast in my mouth.; exactly as I had with her mother's.

That certainly hit the spot! Beth's hands entwining in my hair and pulled me so forcefully onto her tit that I could see tooth-mark bruises the following day. That attention to Beth's boobs really tripped her switches -- far more so than it would usually -- and a third orgasm soon followed. This time I did pause in fucking her, Beth's breath was catching in her throat, she was -- for the moment -- clearly spent.