Limits Ch. 17


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"Karen... honey... look... don't tell Mel... about us, I mean... will you? "

"Why not?" Karen started but Jude was already halfway to the garden gate and there was no time for explanations.

Come mid-morning, Karen was busy compiling the weekly figures when her phone bleeped, announcing that she had received a text. Surreptitiously she reached down and took her phone out of her handbag. It wasn't like her to break the rules, but this wasn't any ordinary day.

Phone you noon I love you Jude

Karen's heart gave another little leap. It was so unlike Jude to use 'I love you' in a text.

"I do hope someone isn't using her phone at work," Mel's voice made Karen jump.

"Just a text...."

"Hey, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I'm not the boss around here," Mel joked. "Would that text be something to do with whatever's making you so happy today?"


"Yeah, happy, beaming smile, big grin all over your face. What's up?"

"I... I... I promised not to tell," Karen said sheepishly.

"Really? What was it you promised not to tell? OK, OK, I'm only joking. I'll keep quiet; I won't tell Lucy that you're back with Jude."

"How did you know?"

"So you are back with Jude. How did I guess? It's written all over your face. Something to do with the way you can't stop smiling. Do you know how hard it's going to be for me not to tell Lucy?"

"Please don't. I promised."

"You may have promised but I didn't." Mel saw Karen's face drop. "Don't worry; I'm only teasing, I'll keep quiet. Your secret is safe with me." And with that Mel went back to her desk.

On the dot of midday Karen was out of the office and on her way to the park. She was less than half way there when her phone burst into life with Jude's name displayed on the screen.

"Hi, Karen, look, it's Jude. I can't chat for long, one of those days, but can I pick you up after work this evening?"

"Yes, please!" Karen couldn't keep the delight out of her voice, nor did she want to.

"You get out at five, don't you?" Jude asked.

"That's right."

"I'll see you then. Oh, and have I told you lately that I love you?"

"You stole that line from Van Morrison."

"And what if I did? Doesn't mean I don't mean it. Love you, gotta go."

And with that the phone went dead.

The afternoon passed in a blur for Karen. All she could think about was five o'clock and all that that would bring. She was the first out of the office and, when she emerged, she found Jude waiting for her outside. She went straight over and kissed her right on the lips.

"Wow! Someone's getting bold," Jude joked.

"I'm just so happy I want the world to see," Karen replied and they hugged again.

"Look, there's something I want to say, something important; let's go to Franco's, you know, the Italian in Water Lane, we can stop there for our tea and discuss it over the meal."

Jude led Karen to where her car was parked and, twenty minutes later, Karen and Jude were settled at their table, having ordered from the early-bird menu.

"OK, I've waited long enough, what's so important, what do you want to talk about?" Karen asked.

Jude looked suddenly serious.

"When I woke up with you this morning I realised I want to wake up with you every morning. I've been thinking about this all day. It's stupid us living apart, stupid us having two houses. Please, darling, I want share all my life with you, every moment of it, not just the weekends. Please, what do you say? Will you move in with me?"

"I'm not sure..." Karen started. Jude looked devastated. Teasingly Karen waited a moment longer before continuing, "I'm not sure if I should move in tonight or whether we should wait for the weekend."

"You tease!"

"Better get used to it. Seriously, it's still quite early and if we swing by my place I could pack a few things and then, maybe, we could move the rest of my stuff this weekend, if you're not on the beat, that is."

"No, for once I've got the weekend off. Are you sure?"

"Am I sure I want to move in? Unlike some people around here I've been sure for months. If you knew how much I've wanted to move in with you and all the while you wouldn't even grant me a little space in your closet but, hey, that's all in the past. Oh, Jude, I'm so happy you've asked at last. You've no idea how happy that makes me." For a long, long while they just stared at each other until they were disturbed by the arrival of a waiter. "Ooh, that looks good. Yes, please, I'm the insolata caprese."

So it was that Karen and Jude spent the early part of the evening at Karen's house packing for the move. Karen was amazed at how much junk she had accumulated over the years, and the pile to go to Oxfam was almost as big as the pile to go to Jude's. Even so, by the time they finished, both the boot and back seat of Jude's car were packed with suitcases and boxes and, even in the front, there was barely room for Karen. When they arrived at Jude's house, it took several trips to unload the car and the hallway ended up littered with items that had yet to find somewhere to live.

"If I'd known you had so much stuff I wouldn't have asked you to move in," Jude joked as they unpacked Karen's clothes in the bedroom. "I'm not sure if we need a new wardrobe or a skip."

"There is quite a bit and you're right, we are going to have to get another wardrobe. Our clothes will get all creased crushed in together like this," Karen commented as she tried to squeeze in yet another dress.

"I guess so. How do you fancy a trip to IKEA on Saturday?"

"That makes sense; I won't put anything else away until then." Karen looked ruefully at the overladen shelves. "Not that I'd be able to if I wanted to."

It was quite late by the time they had finished, well, finished for the day. Exhausted but happy they snuggled up in bed together.

"So, lover, why is this a big secret? Why can't I tell Mel?" Karen asked after she had kissed Jude on the tip of her nose. "And it's not just her; what about all the others? You know I'm dying to tell everyone."

"You're not the only one who wants to tell everyone but I want to make it special and that's why I want to keep it secret for just a little longer. Please, if you tell Mel then she'll tell Lucy and, after that, you might as well announce it on the nine o'clock news. Tomorrow it's Friday and everyone will be down at the club. We'll go down a bit later than normal, wait until everyone is there, and then, together, we'll make a formal announcement. How does that sound?"

"That sounds perfect but, if we're going down the club, what about afterwards? Will we be inviting them all back here?"

"Well, I'd like to but... Look..." This was the first time they had talked about the Friday evening sessions and Jude was really nervous; she didn't want to open up old wounds and upset Karen. "It's up to you; I don't want anyone coming back here if you don't."

"But I do, really I do," Karen assured Jude. "Seriously, honey, I don't want Friday nights to stop, it's part of who you are; it's part of who we are." And Karen meant it. Apart from anything else there was a plan coming together, a plan that would only work if the whole gang were to come back after the club. Jude wasn't the only one who could make surprise announcements. They sealed their agreement with a good night kiss, and another, and another....

Come the morning, Karen got a real thrill from waking up knowing that her clothes were in the wardrobe and not in her overnight bag. Knowing that she'd woken up in her bed, in her house, the one she shared with Jude. She went downstairs to her kitchen and made breakfast, using her pots and pans. It was wonderful to feel at home as she laid the table for two. By the time Jude came down she had everything ready; the coffee was all sorted and two full English breakfasts were just coming together under the grill.

And later, after the day's work, Jude was, once again, waiting outside for Karen, which was another thing she could get used to. It wasn't just that she didn't have to catch the bus, far from; it was far more that her evenings were, from now on, going to be filled with a shared life, not a lonely existence. They would go home and Karen would cook a meal for two, a meal she would share, a meal that would be an act of love.

But it wasn't just Karen who was walking on air. Jude, too, was finding that the sun was shining more, that life was a little brighter. Even one of her colleagues commented on her good mood. The fact that he put it as 'What's wrong with you? You're normally such a grumpy cow,' was just part and parcel of the station banter and, for once, she didn't mind.

After their meal they got ready to go out. Karen noticed that Jude seemed to be taking just a little more trouble over her appearance and, when it was time to leave, Karen felt that Jude was looking just right, that she was going to be so proud to walk into the club accompanied by such a fine woman.

"Are you ready?" Jude asked after the taxi had dropped them off.

"I've never been more so," Karen replied. Jude took her hand and they went on in.

"Hi guys," Jude said as they approached the booth where the others were sitting. Just as they had wished, all the others were there, chatting together. They looked up to see Jude and Karen holding hands and there were smiles all round.

"I've... err... I've got an announcement to make," Jude continued.

Karen was a bit taken aback; wasn't this their announcement, not just Jude's?

"I've been more than a bit of a fool," Jude continued, "and, as you're probably all aware, I've been blind to the fact that the most wonderful woman in the world was in love with me and I with her. On Thursday she did me the honour of moving in with me. Today I want to ask her something more."

Jude fumbled in her jacket pocket and brought out a small box. She opened it up to reveal the ring inside before getting down on one knee in front of Karen.

"Karen, my love, my only, my sweet. Now that I've stopped being such a fool would you do me the honour of becoming my wife? Please, Karen, will you marry me?"

"Oh, Jude, oh, yes, oh yes, oh yes!" Karen replied. "But Jude, please, get off your knees, that's not where you belong. What will the other's think," she joked, "a Domme on her knees before her sub."

Jude stood up and, holding Karen tight, took her hand and fitted the ring. Karen felt she would burst with happiness, there was simply too much emotion going on inside her. Jude, as ever, hadn't stinted on the ring and the diamond sparkled. They kissed and then turned to the others to share their joy. Lucy, of course, was ecstatic at the news and couldn't help but remind everyone that it was she who had first introduced Karen to the club and, as such, she could take the credit for getting the two of them together.

"We'd like you all to come back later," Jude said, once things had settled. There was an awkward pause and all eyes turned to Karen.

"Yes, please, all of you," Karen added, "please, we'd love you to."

"Of course, why wouldn't we," was the general response now that they knew that Karen was willing. "It is Friday after all."

Later on Lucy was, once again, admiring Karen's ring.

"Lucy, I need a favour," Karen said quietly.

"Of course, what do you need me to do?" Lucy asked.

"When we get back I want you and the other subs, well..." Quietly Karen outlined her plan and Lucy, as soon as she got the gist of it, was more than keen to join in. Indeed, a few minutes later she, Beth and Kathy disappeared to the toilets together and, when they came back, there were sly winks all round.

When they all arrived at Jude and Karen's house, Kathy announced to the Dommes that, should they take their places downstairs, their subs would be with them shortly. There was a certain amount of good humoured muttering but no one was going to deny anyone anything that night. The four subs went into the kitchen where Karen retrieved a shopping bag from the bottom of the fridge and another from behind the veg rack.

"You've no idea how hard it was to smuggle this lot past Jude," she commented. "I had to tell her it was food for the weekend."

She put the bags on the table and retrieved two bottles of champagne, some candles and a piece of white fabric. She opened up the fabric to reveal a full-length cloak in white satin with gold thread highlights.

"Wow, this is fabulous. When did you get this?" Lucy asked.

"Mel and I went into town during our lunch break. I don't how I'd have managed without her."

"You mean Mel knew about this all along!"

"Well, bits. Even I didn't know that Jude was going to propose."

"I'll kill her!"

"Please, Lucy, she promised not to tell. It's just that she wormed it out of me at work and then, when I needed to go shopping.... She said you'd be mad."

"Well, OK, if she promised." Lucy was only partially mollified but there were things to do and the Dommes were waiting. Kathy took the candles downstairs while Lucy, Beth and Karen all went upstairs to the bedroom to help Karen get out of her clothes and into the cloak. The cloak was quite straightforward; its long white folds reached almost to the ground and a simple gold chain at the throat held it together. Karen clasped her hands behind her back so that, as she moved, the cloak would swing open, framing and displaying her naked charms beneath. Lucy was both delighted for her friend and, truth be told, a little jealous. She might have to mither Mel for a similar garment. By the time Kathy returned, they had returned downstairs and were sorting out eight champagne glasses. Kathy quickly stripped off and then it was the time for the four of them to go downstairs to the playroom.

With Karen in front, Lucy and Beth as maids of honour and Kathy struggling slightly with the heavily laden tray, they went downstairs where, as Karen had planned, the candles gave the room a soft glow; just the atmosphere she had wanted. She went over and knelt in front of the thrones and Lucy and Beth reached down and removed the cloak.

Karen looked up at Jude and their eyes met. They shared a smile, this was right, this was proper; the sub knelt before her Domme, a naked supplicant, her body, her soul, her heart, her gift to the woman she loved. There was just one more piece of the jigsaw to put into place.

"Mistress Jude, Karen began, "today you asked me to be your wife and I accepted with all my heart. I am proud and honoured to wear your ring showing all the world that we will soon be married and I am yours and only yours from this day on.

"But, whilst the ring is for the world, this," Karen brought her hands out from behind her back and held out the necklace, the one that Jude had given her, "this I wear for you and you alone. I am your submissive, yours and only yours and I will not be complete unless you are my Mistress, you and you alone. Please, my darling, my love, my Mistress, my Jude, take me and make me yours."

Karen lifted up her hands, offering up the necklace, and then bowed her head. The room was silent, all of them lost in the moment. Jude reached down and took the necklace and just held it for a moment before placing it around Karen's neck and locking it tight. Then she put her hands either side of Karen's head, lifted it up and kissed her long and hard.

"Karen, my darling Karen," she replied, once the kiss was over, "now that I've found you how could I possibly want another? You are mine as I am yours. You honour me by wearing my necklace and I promise from the bottom of my heart to do all I can to honour you in return."

And then, words would never be enough. They looked at each other and just knew that, for evermore, they would be Judeandkaren, or possibly, Karenandjude. They both knew the others were there, that they were watching but this was their moment and they only knew each other. Jude reached out, took Karen's hand, and guided her up, onto her lap. Their kiss lingered on and on until, well, if it went any further then it needed to continue in private. Slightly embarrassed they broke apart and looked at the smiling faces all around them.

"I think this calls for some champagne," Jude announced.

Epilogue - six months later.

"Well, you must be pleased with yourself, winning the award for best team performance," Mel said as they packed up after a full day's work.

"It's a team award," Karen replied firmly. "It's for all of us, we all won it, not just me."

"Yeah, well, of course, this lot," Mel waved her arm to indicate the desks around them, "they were doing so well before you took over, weren't they?"

"We just needed to find our direction."

"Nah, what we needed was a great big kick up the arse and that's what you gave us. I don't think any of us will forget that day. Quite a speech, even without you coming out."

"Well, it needed saying, for my sake as much as anyone else's. And talking of top performers, have you applied for that supervisor post yet? The closing date is pretty soon."

"I'm still not sure if I'm the right person."

"Well, I am. After all, we both know you're good at bossing people around." Karen gave Mel a friendly nudge and they both laughed. "Please, Mel, promise me you'll apply."

"OK, maybe I will," Mel wasn't used to being the uncertain one. "Changing the subject slightly, how are the wedding plans going? You've only got a couple of more weeks before the big day."

"I never knew that so much needed organising. If it weren't for your Lucy...."

"My Lucy is like a pig in shit and loving every second of it," Mel laughed. "On the other hand, if I see another bloody magazine all about wedding dresses I'll explode. What about," Mel knew she was getting onto sticky ground here, "what about your family? Have they made up their minds yet?"

"George is still a bit dubious, but Jess, she's decided that it's modern and trendy to go to your gay sister's same-sex wedding and, apparently, she's boasting about it to all her neighbours. Wonders will never cease."

"I am pleased, really I am. It doesn't feel like a proper wedding unless your family are there. When Lucy and I got married, it really helped heal the wounds; dad never thought he'd finally get to dance with his daughter at her wedding, even if I was wearing a suit at the time. Nowadays mum keeps mithering us about grandkids and, if Lucy has her way, well, lets just say we're looking at options."

"So, will we be seeing the two of you tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. In fact, as Lucy has been driving me so scatty with wedding this and wedding that, I think a little short, sharp spanking might be in order. And, given that you just encourage her, I might ask Jude if she can't do the same for you."

"What, together, over the same horse, sort of thing," Karen asked tentatively but with a twinkle in her eye. It was clear that she was far from averse to this suggestion.

"I'm sure we can work something out and stay within your limits," Mel laughed. "Just because you're a fussy cow...."

"Mel, please...."

"OK, OK, I'm just winding you up. Actually you've changed Fridays, do you know that?"

"How do you mean?"

"You've made us all think about what we're doing and who we're doing it with. Before you came along it was all about the sex. Now... now it's more of a couples thing."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin things, it's just... well, you know how I feel."

"But that's it, we all felt that way to some extent, it's just that nobody had the guts to say anything. You didn't ruin things, you just changed them, changed them for the better. I like it that Lucy is mine and mine alone." Mel glanced up at the clock. "Oh my god, is that the time! Gotta go, see you later, bye!"

And with that Mel dashed off. As Karen tidied away the last few items from her desk she felt content, happy in the knowledge that her partner, her Jude was waiting outside and that, come the evening, she would be spending time with her new-found friends, those who had become so special to her. And, if she were in for a smacked bottom later, well, that was all part of it as well. She was blissfully, gloriously happy as only a bride-to-be can be.

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SweetBaybeeGirlSweetBaybeeGirl4 months ago

12 years too late but I love this story. Thank you for this beautiful gift!


BelindaTvDKBelindaTvDKabout 2 years ago


One of the best stories, i have red...

Lovely character descriptions, lovely story, and lovely description of D/s, and what it stands for...

You really got me.. I couldn't stop cry in the last 2 chapters..

Love you for that


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Nice, well written story

I found this to be quite a nice introduction to D/s. It's also nice to find an author who can write well and can actually write a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Excellent Story

Very well written, you had me from the very beginning to the final paragraph. Truly EROTIC !

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Not my favorite sort

Not my favorite sort of story to read, but I got hooked in the first few paragraphs. I love well written stories with a good plot, credible actors, then, with some romance as seasoning, made for a read that just wouldn't stop. Thank you, MIke


Truly enjoyed the whole series. It might be nice to see how the wedding goes.And a few adventures as a married couple. Loved how the characters grew

me_kinme_kinabout 12 years ago
love every bit!

i love every bit of it! i love the way you build your stories and not just 'rush into things'. very nicely done! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

ur the greatest writer in the world no really ur characters are so real ive read ur stoies lisa learns to love, step by step, gotcha , and this and they are all 5 stars it amazes me how u can make this feel as if its real i have dreams that im living life with the characters when i m slpeein just gona say keep on writin be a shame if u stoped great one

pete_polegspete_polegsover 12 years ago
A truly amazing experience

I have read all 17 chapters in the last 24 hours and have been through the whole gamut of emotions, from tears to laughter and back again.

It has been a very rewarding read, full of beliveable characters and emotions. Being set in the NW of England made a very pleasant change from all the US based stories here on Literotica.

Thanks so much to Mistress Lisa and her collaborators for all their hard work and I look forward to reading more of your work.

elle_9549elle_9549over 12 years ago
I had to finish this tonight

And I did! I'm so happy I did! But I'm sad that it's over. I simply must read some of your other stories!

This turned out exactly as I'd hoped, right down to the marriage proposal. Both women changed, and grew, and this made their relationship what it was meant to be.

Bravo!! ~ L

ClaireBareGirlClaireBareGirlover 12 years ago
Simply beautiful

Please write more, you made me cry I loved it so much!

CheskaCheskaover 12 years ago

Well .. I am Fucking Happy! =D

yea, that sums it up.

Hillbilly_oneHillbilly_oneover 12 years ago
Oh Lord...

Now I am the one with mixed emotions... On one hand I'm extatic that everything worked out for the girls in the end. On the other hand I'm gutted that the story is over.. I want more! I want to read about Jude and Karen and their life together. I want to know if Karen gets more and more in to the BDSM scene. I want to know how Jude find her new role as a less demanding Domme... I... just... want... more....

That said though, this is one of the best stories (D/s or otherwise) I've read in ages. I am definitly going to print this one and keep it in my bookshelf. Thank you so very much for writing this story!

MartinimanMartinimanover 12 years ago

I read all 17 chapters before commenting & every chapter was a jewel! The characters, intensity, eroticism, passion & drama of this beautiful tale made for one fabulous LOVE story! This is an absolute must read! And I must also add a sincere thank you to MissLisaJones for providing such wonderful stories for our entertainment. All of her stories are spectacular & I don't plan to stop reading her stories until I've read them all. And then I'll simply wait for her next sensational offering!

curioussandy88curioussandy88over 12 years ago

This story had М̤̣̲̣̈̇є̲̣̥ glued †̥ my phone for two nights!

You're indeed a wonderful writer Miss Lisa. I love the way U̶̲̥̅̊r characters seem so real. I could almost relate with Karen..her internal conflict and turmoil were so real. Even Judy's confusion was so apparent. I have a very strong feeling that this wasn't entirely fiction.

Thanks for sharing.

*looking forward †̥ the next chapter in "a tangled web"

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