Li's Story Ch. 02

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Li struggles to find direction after Master's death.
5.6k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/10/2013
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"It's not like you were married." Those words tore her heart out and left her feeling dead. They were sprayed out by some cow, the wife of Richard's younger brother, Theo. How could any of them understand? Eight years she had belonged to him. Every day he had imposed his will on her, shaping her, conditioning her. It had been nearly a decade since she had so much as chosen what to wear for the day. Not fucking married!? She wanted to scream. Instead, she sat with her hand her laps, eyes lowered, through the entire painful process.

Theo had got the house. Not that he needed it, being an investment banker like Richard, but it had been in his family since it had been built. She was so distracted that she didn't even worry about what he would think when he went into the basement. Li had been awarded all of Master's liquid assets, after taxes, debts, and a plethora of fees that the lawyer explained but Li didn't listen to. It worked out to seven hundred thousand dollars, or near enough that it didn't matter. Everyone in the room but Theo gave her a scowl, and she could practically hear all the insults they wanted to throw at her. Gold-digger. Tramp. Whore. Li kept her head down and tried to hold back tears.

At the end of reading of the will, everyone quietly filed out of the office. Li stayed seated, staring down at her hands. She realized Theo was squatting down beside her, holding on to the armrest. She looked down into his watery eyes, his male pattern baldness, and the look of concern on his face that bespoke an honest kindness. The milkman's son, if Master was anything to go by.

"I uh...I know we haven't spoken much." Theo began, "And I can't say that I approve of...of whatever it was you and my brother had. But you made him happy. He was always driven, you know? Always the stoic bastard." He managed a wavering smile, "Ever since we were kids. But I swear the first time I saw him so much as grin was when he was with you. And I...I just want you to know that I want to honor that."

Li shook her head, "What do you mean?"

"I know it sounds like you've got a lot of money. But it dries up really fast if you're not careful. We can place that money in a diverse portfolio with some blue chips companies and a few years you'll be provided for."

"Provided for?" Li sniffed, "I don't even have a place to live!"


Warm autumn sunlight cut through the venetian blinds, leaving slashes of glowing dust motes floating in the motel room's air. The light finally came to rest on a bundled up eiderdown. Eventually the bundle shifted and moaned. A slender arm reached out to the nightstand and scrabbled for a wristwatch. The arm retracted back into the bundle. The bundle grunted, and sat up. The eiderdown peeled away, and Xiaolian shrugged herself out of her cocoon.

Her raven-black hair tumbled down to her shoulder blades, splayed out and getting a little greasy. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room. Clothes lay wherever she had discarded them the night before. A loose stocking was draped over a calendar on the nightstand, obscuring all but the "Octo". She stared at it for a little while. How long had it been since the accident now? Four, five months? Damn it, who cared? She scowled at herself as she slipped out of her panties, that and a small, tight vest were the only things she wore to bed last night. Or rather, the things she did not bother to take off.

A memory floated up to her mind, unbidden. It had been the same pair of underwear she wore, the black frills and red edging was an unmistakable feature in her wardrobe. Master had that same half-smile of his. He was teasing her, sliding the panties down her shiny, smooth legs, caressing the tone of her muscle as he did. He changed direction, started to move them back up to her hips, used them as a bridle to gently guide her to him. Laughing, kissing. He pulled them down again, entangling her ankles with them.

Li caught herself, she was flushed and half gasping, half sobbing. In an attempt to distract herself, she got down on to the floor, hooked her feet under the bed, and started doing sit-ups. For years a rigorous workout had been the first thing she'd do upon awakening. Now that Master was gone though, the regime had become a flickering shadow of its previous intensity.

Li kept going. Minutes ticked by. She grit her teeth against the searing anguish as her abdominal muscles wailed with each contraction. She wanted it. She wanted that white-hot agony. But she could never give herself enough, and it was never the same, not without Master. Finally, Li let herself collapse the floor when her muscles cramped up and refused to take any more. After a lying on the floor, panting for breath, she grabbed the edge of the nearby desk, and hauled herself to her feet.

Her laptop was still open, although powered down. She hit the button that sprang the device to life. She may as well see if there had been any responses to her post.

It had been a difficult thing that, finally accepting she needed to try to move on. It had been impossible at first. When the young police officer first told her what happened, she entered into a world of the unreal. She had told herself she would wake up, or it would be some sick joke, anything but the reality.

While the computer was sorting itself out, Li tugged off her vest and tossed it on the floor before making her way to the bathroom. The full-length mirror greeted her on her way in. The difference to her physique over the last few months was noticeable. Once, she could have been smelted from copper, but the muscular valleys and hills had softened and disappeared. She had gotten soft, yet still managed to offer a weak smile to the mirror, the muscle may have been lost, but at least she managed to avoid any fat. Her breasts were the same perfectly formed orbs they had been before...little bigger perhaps, by the recent tightness of her bras. It looked like she was edging into E territory.

For the first moments in the shower, Li thought about Richard -- about Master. Some things he had done had left a permanent imprint. The breast enhancement was physical evidence of one. Others had faded with time. Her hard six-pack had given way to a soft hollow, but how many others were there that could not be seen?

Li became very aware of the droplets running down her body. Trickling down her cheeks, clinging their way down her throat, caressing skin, rounding her tits, teasing her nipples. She bit her lip. She needed this. Despite everything that might leave a mind in turmoil, there are still instinctive drives that had to be answered. But not quite yet. She lathered up her hands, and stroked her calves, rubbing in gentle circles up her legs. Her hands weren't her own. With her eyes closed she could imagine Master in there with her. It was his hands, she told herself. He worked up, and up, and up her thighs. With inches left to her womanhood, the hands parted and fondled her hips and the arch of her back. Creamy suds slid down on a warm current of moisture, clean kisses that slipped down the curve of her ass, slithering into the cleft, tickling the hot center of her passion.

She couldn't take anymore. Li seized the shower's nozzle, unhooked it, and greedily brought it to bear on her cunt. She propped one foot up against the wall, and rocked the nozzle back and forth. She gave little gasps of pleasure, but wanted more. Much more. She grabbed the soap in her right hand and awkwardly lathered it up, her other hand ensured hot pulses hit just the right spots. Her fingers slid in easily, and made sure she was scrubbed clean, inside and out.

"Mmmm..." She moaned with a grin spreading on her face, "Just like that, Master." She started to reach her climax. She needed this. She needed this. She needed permission to orgasm. "Come on!" She yelled at the ceiling, banged her head back against the wall, and thrust the nozzle right against her flesh. She needed this! As though it had a will of its own, her hand stopped. The nozzle lifted and pointed down at her feet. With an incoherent cry, she spun around and slammed her palm against the wall.

By the time Li had gathered herself to try again, the geyser had run cold. She quickly rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. Soon enough she had wrapped herself in a fluffy cotton towel, breasts exposed as Master had preferred, and sat at her laptop, trying to sift through her inbox overflowing with responses from her post the night before. She read aloud from a few messages.

"Let's see... 'KNEEL BITCH, AND WORSHIP MY COCK!' Ha, whatever loser. Your caps lock is broken. Next. 'Yo baeb, 4sho u iz hot. letz hook up 2 c if-' No." The more messages Li poured through, the more annoyed she became. She was tempted to quickly hit "delete all", but maybe there were one or two genuine Masters out of the hundreds she would have turfed out. Maybe. But the problem was that Li wanted what she had before. Not to neatly slot into someone's opening between dinner and nightly masturbation. Li scolded herself. If she wanted more than that she would have to go out and actually meet people. Not that it was that easy. What percentage of people are really interested in BDSM? What fraction of those were Masters? What fraction of that fraction were the kind she wanted? Over the last month or so, a string of languid suitors had presented her with a pessimistic estimate.

Eventually Li replied to a terse message that insulted her intelligence the least and was surprised to see he replied back within a few minutes. For a moment she wondered if that was bad sign but it slipped from her mind while dressed in a rather skimpy white dress and a pair of white high-heel shoes. After a moment's consideration, she chose simple gold rings for her nipple piercings. She hadn't bothered to go clothes shopping in a long time, so her entire wardrobe still bore the marks of Master's tastes and decisions. What really bothered her was that she kept hearing Master's voice before putting on each article of clothing, as though he was still choosing for her.

While fumbling through the detritus in her room she uncovered her cellphone. Three missed calls. Two were from the director of the orchestra. Her 'compassionate leave' must have long been over by now. The third was Tyra, a cello player, who turned out to be an unexpected friend. The director had said those fucking words: "you weren't married". The conductor had stood by and nodded dumbly. Somehow Tyra had found out, and had brought down a wrath that was worthy of an old testament God. She had sworn to have the entire orchestra march out in protest, to have a demonstration on the steps of the conservatorium catered with Molotov cocktails. Li would have to at least call her back.

Tyra picked up on the first ring, "Jesus Li! Where the hell have you been?"

"I-what? I dunno. Just been touring I guess. Sightseeing."

"The director's been trying to get a hold of you. You need to get back asap."

At first Li just shook her head without thinking, "I can't. Not today anyway. I've got date."

There was a long, cold silence. "Are you fucking kidding me? You realize we are going to be playing in Prague next month right? You've missed every practice since...since...well in six months."

"I know, I know. I've been trying to deal with-"

"And you said you have a date, sounds like you've sorted yourself out."

"I haven't-" Li's voice was barely a squeak.

"Li. If you don't make Monday's rehearsal, you are going to be dropped from the orchestra."


Li's car whispered down the avenue, the overarching trees so orange they could be on fire. The car was a Lexus of course. It was a similar model to Master's, automatic though, as she never could get the hang of changing gears and managing the clutch.

She pulled up at the small bar where she had arranged to meet mister Internet. It was a mock-up of a log cabin, like everything else in this small New England town. Probably to hook in the tourists. Li had wandered in from New York a few weeks ago. She had been hopping from motel to guesthouse to B&B around the east coast without any real destination in mind. But there was something endearing about this little place. Maybe it was the simpler, more down-to-earth nature of the people, or maybe it was just that there was nothing here to remind her of the city she had left behind.

The bar had the warm dusty feel of sunsets in late August. Despite it being almost empty, she still had to wait to be served. The staff apparently had embraced the lethargic ambience, but Li folded her hands in front of her and waited patiently. A few other people were lounging at the bar, casually dressed and chatting amongst themselves. One rather handsome man from among the throng gave her an appreciative glance. She returned it with a shy smile as she paid for her drink. He looked young and well-muscled, but it wasn't the man from the e-mail. He had said he'd be wearing a plaid shirt (of all things) and that young stud was in a white turtleneck sweater and leather jacket.

She found a seat in a dim, secluded corner of the bar and carefully sipped at her glass of wine. After a brief scan of the room and not finding any sign of plaid, she fell into her own thoughts. It was Saturday night, and she would have to be back at the conservatorium by Monday afternoon at the latest. That gave her plenty of time for the date, even assuming things went orgasmicly well. Why the hell was Tyra so snappy?

She was so busy pouting to herself she almost didn't notice someone taking the seat across the table from her. She raised her eyes to what could only be called a tank made of flesh. The man's upper arms were the size of her thighs, his barrel chest strained at the buttons of his plaid shirt, and his forearms were thickly covered in coarse wiry hair. His face was as square and hard as an anvil...well, an anvil with a beard, but it was at least neatly trimmed. Two arctic blue eyes looked at her with an unnerving intensity.

"Li." He said in way of greeting.

"How did you guess?"

"Do you see any other Asians in this bar?" He cocked an eyebrow.

She gave a polite laugh, "No, I guess not. You must be Greg."

"Gregory." He corrected. His eyes hardly blinked. He felt like he wasn't actually looking at her, but rather through her. That she wasn't even worth acknowledging any more than a housefly. "You told me what you are looking for already, and I don't care." Li felt taken aback. The half dozen or so men she'd spoken to about her proposal had almost bent over backwards to accommodate her. "I will do my thing. When I am finished with you, you will say thank you."

Li had a strong compulsion to throw her drink in his face, to slap him, to call him names, or at the very least to storm off from this borderline psychopath. That was what her mind told her anyway. But there was something in his voice, some deep timbre just beyond the range of hearing that set her heart going. Master had had the same quality. It made her feel physically weak and small, and any effort to resist so much harder. That, and her memory of the morning's shower and fifty incidences like it over the last few months made her decision for her. Eventually she managed to reply in a feeble voice, "We don't know anything about each other. It's a bit sudden...a bit fast."

"I already know everything about you that I care to know. And I am not going to waste my night sharing stupid small talk before we get to what we both know you want."

"I...I would feel better..."

Gregory gave something of growl and looked at his watch, "Five minutes. Ask whatever you want, and don't be stupid."

Li gave a quick nod, "Can I at least know your full name?"

"Gregory Baines."

"Mine's Xiaolian Hsu." She dropped her eyes, "But you don't care. Um...what do you do?"

"Carpentry. I own a couple of hardware stores in town as well." Li looked down at his hands that could double as sides of hams. The skin was thick, and there was still a little grease caked under his fingernails.

"How did you get into that?"

"My grandfather taught me. It's been the family business as far back as anyone can recall."

"See? We're having a conversation!" She smiled brightly, but he just narrowed his eyes. She felt herself shrink. Get away, Li. Some wiser part of her said.

"I am getting bored with this bullshit." He stood up, bashing the table with his tree-trunk thighs so hard that it toppled Li's drink. She caught just in time, saving her white dress from a career-ending stain.

"Jesus!" She snapped. That caught the attention from the throng at the bar, but no-one moved.

"If at any time you want me stop, all you have to say is 'I want to go home'. Do you understand?" He said.

She looked up at him, a little confused, "What? Do you mean like a safe-word?"

"Do you understand?"

She gave a timid nod, "If I want you to stop, I will say 'I want to go home.'" Gregory secured his hand around her upper arm and, with hardly any effort, dragged her along behind him. She had trouble keeping up in her heels, each step wobbling as his mass threw her off balance. They were halfway out of the bar when the handsome lad from earlier stepped into Gregory's way.

"Hold on there, big fella." The young man looked nervous, but he planted his feet and wouldn't budge, "The lady over there doesn't look too happy right now."

"Piss off." Gregory snarled.

"I ain't going nowhere. Ma'am, are you okay? Is this guy bothering you?"

Gregory towered more than a foot and a half over the valiant fool. She didn't know anything about fighting, but she knew who would probably win between the two of them. "It's okay." Li managed in a barely audible voice, "I want to go with him."

"Piss. Off." Gregory shoved the man aside and continued his march out of the bar, Li in tow. "My car is over there-" Li began.

"It'll be fine for the night." He said as he led her to his pick-up truck.

Li was increasingly alarmed as they left the city limits and drove down a road deep in the forest. She sunk back into the seats, awfully aware of how small she was. So long as he didn't speak, she could wrestle control of her urges and think more clearly. Although all she could think about now was how bloody stupid she had been.

They turned off the tarred road down a dirt lane, deeper into the thick forest. Oh hell, was he some serial killer about to slice and dice her?

"Where, uh, where are we going?" She tried to smile at him.

"To my home." Ah shit, there was the voice again. "I told you, I'm a carpenter, and I prefer to cut my own lumber."

"That doesn't sound economical."

Gregory gave something between a sigh and a growl, "I do commissioned pieces. What I do is more artwork than manufacturing."

As they turned a corner, the pick-up's headlights flashed to life a rather spacious looking lodge in the clearing of the forest. A rather out-of-place satellite dish poked out of the roof, breaking the rustic charm of the place a little. The garage was massive, and as the pick-up pulled into it, she saw that it was littered with sawdust and planks of wood. Propped up against one wall was a set of barbells so large that they probably had their own gravitational pull, on the other was a menagerie of tools neatly arrayed. Li wondered if she could name even two of them.

Gregory got out and made his way into his house. Li fumbled at her seatbelt when she realized he wasn't going to give her any orders to do so. She flushed at her own absent-mindedness. Gregory isn't Master. She reminded herself, vaguely aware that she had been unconsciously comparing the two all night.

She followed him into a darkened living room. She couldn't make out much; the only light was spilling in through a door left ajar, leaving everything else as stark silhouettes. His powerful form was framed by the light.