Lisa's Milk Problem Ch. 06-07

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Lisa opens to experimenting with giant milk-sucking leeches.
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Disclaimer: This chapter contains references to fictional creatures resembling leeches that are uniquely shaped and bred for the sole purpose of drinking milk. These creatures are entirely fantastical and bear no resemblance to real-life animals. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story is between consenting characters in all their acts and strictly adheres to the rules and guidelines, as there are no real-life animals involved in any sexual activity. Reader discretion is advised.

In the haze of post-coital aftermath, Lisa found herself entangled in a web of intense yearning and raw, unbridled desire. Though these men were neither her boyfriends nor any defined relationship, the potent chemistry with them was undeniable. What started as a simple lactation consultation had spiraled into a carnal dance of lecherousness, hunger, and passion. Yet, amidst the feverish glow of their encounters, Lisa's breasts remained defiantly engorged, demanding attention. A week had passed since their last electrifying rendezvous, and the lingering traces of their shared pleasure had altered the landscape of their connection. Lust and newfound affection pulsed in the air, leaving them all yearning for more.

Lisa, momentarily thought to herself--had she become a slut and not a respectable woman of society?

On second thoughts, she thought this was okay. Fuck societal rules.

One mouth on each nipple and one dick in her pussy, and one in her ass, and sometimes sucking one of them off felt good.

They had a couple more sessions. She loved swallowing their cum. Jason and Tyler had told her that swallowing black men's cum was good for her breasts, health, and fertility. And they were her bulls milking her. Black bulls who swallowed her milk, their cum contained some potent chemicals that would transform her breasts by making her ducts more friendly to her and improve the health of her milk apparatus and her reproductive system and be a better breastfeeder to Paige and her future children. Regardless of whether this was a truth or lie, Lisa believed it. She wanted to believe it. She was in an infatuation phase of that puppy love that happens new relationships, especially ones that start sexually.

Lisa hadn't told Erin about her secret. They hadn't even met in a while because lisa was so busy with these prolonged sessions with the four men, and she found the topic too much of taboo. She was afraid if Erin would judge her.

Repeated acts of swallowing their cum improved her blowjob and ball sucking skills, which she was previously novice at. The men, her daddies, taught her. As she mastered the art of oral pleasure, learning to bring her partners to the brink of ecstasy with her lips and tongue and throat, Lisa discovered a profound power in her sexuality. The act of sucking their balls, feeling the weight and texture in her mouth, became an intimate dance of control and surrender. With each session, she honed her skills, her mouth and tongue orchestrating a symphony of pleasure that left them teetering on the edge of release.

The infatuation she felt for Jason, Tyler, and the other two men was intoxicating. She could tell who it was by the smell and taste of their cum. They had become so intimate. It was a heady mix of sexual euphoria and emotional entanglement, a whirlwind romance that ignited with the ferocity of their physical connection.

As Lisa delved deeper into her carnal explorations, she discovered facets of her personality that had lain dormant. She reveled in the duality of her existence -- a respectable member of society by day and a voracious lover by night. This dichotomy was exhilarating, a secret life that fueled her days with anticipation and her nights with unbridled passion. The men, admired and respected her voracious appetite for sex, each bringing his unique flavor to their encounters. They cherished her, mainly as a vessel of gratification, but also a woman of complexity. She realized that her transformation was not a descent into debauchery, but an ascent into self-awareness and fulfillment. She had embraced her true nature, unshackled from the societal norms that once constrained her.

As Lisa sat with her four lovers in the cozy privacy of her living room, a bold idea took shape in her mind. She turned to them, her eyes shimmering with a mix of courage and vulnerability. "I have something to propose," she began, her voice steady yet tinged with excitement. "I want us to be in a relationship, all of us together. I don't know what to call it... maybe it doesn't need a name. But I want this... us."

The men exchanged glances, their expressions a blend of surprise and contemplation. Jason spoke. "Lisa, you mean, like a polyamorous relationship, in which all of us make love to you?" His tone was curious, open to the possibilities her proposal held.

Lisa nodded, her gaze moving from one man to the next. "Yes, exactly. I feel something special with each of you, and together, it's... it's more than I could have ever imagined." She paused, searching their faces for any sign of hesitation.

Tyler, ever the adventurous spirit, smiled broadly. "I was thinking that, too. This journey with you is incredible, Lisa. I say we explore where this can go."

Jim and Tom nodded in agreement. The air was charged with a sense of unity and anticipation.

From that day on, Lisa and her four lovers began to explore the dynamics of their unique relationship openly. They walked through the town, unabashedly displaying their affection for each other. Lisa, often in the middle, would share kisses with one while holding hands with another, her laughter ringing out in the open air. Passersby would glance curiously, some with raised eyebrows, others with smirks, because she was a gorgeous white MILF that any man would want to date. Old conservative women stood shocked as they watched one white MILF being affectionate with not one but four black studs, something they were not used to seeing, and Lisa drove the final straw by wearing very provocative clothes, showing off her cleavage, and wearing short dresses, all the men touching her ass, her thighs, and kissing her, this was something they were shocked at, and frowned at. But Lisa and her men paid them no mind. They were lost in their world, a bubble of love and desire.

Despite the unconventional nature of their relationship, Lisa found a deep sense of fulfillment in the arms of her four lovers. The polyamorous arrangement allowed her to express her love and desire without constraints, each man offering something unique that complemented her personality and needs.

However, Lisa's lactation issues persisted. The overproduction of milk became a challenge, as her body continued to produce more than they could relieve, even with their dedicated efforts. The congenital blockages, stubborn as ever, refused to fully clear, leaving her breasts often engorged and in need of attention.

Yet, despite the discomfort, Lisa found a profound satisfaction in the nipple play. The initial reluctance she had felt was now replaced by a craving for the sensations they elicited. She reveled in the feeling of being controlled, of surrendering to the hands and mouths of her lovers. Each bite, suck, tug, and caress on her sensitive areolas and nipples was a dance of pain and pleasure, pushing her boundaries and deepening her submission.

The relationship with her four lovers became a journey of exploration, not just of her body, but of her very essence. Lisa discovered a new depth to her sexuality, a boundless landscape of desire and fulfillment. She had become a woman unchained, reveling in her freedom and the unique love they shared.

In this new chapter of her life, Lisa found not just sexual gratification, but a deeper connection with her partners. Together, they navigated the complexities of their polyamorous bond, each day a discovery of the limitless possibilities of love and desire.

In the midst of this journey, Lisa found herself at a crossroads of desire and discovery. Her days and nights had become a whirlwind of intense physical connection, each moment stretching her understanding of pleasure and submission. She reveled in the complex dance of dominance and surrender, where her body became an vessel for pleasing her lovers and the shared ecstasy. The nipple play, once a source of reluctance, had transformed into an avenue of exhilarating liberation for her. With each session, she pushed the boundaries of her endurance, finding a strange comfort in the controlled chaos orchestrated by her lovers.

There was a paradoxical aspect to Lisa's nature. On one hand, she harbored a deep-seated yearning to explore the depths of her sexuality, to tread into realms of eroticism that were as intimidating as they were enticing. On the other, her inherent reticence often held her back, making her a passive participant in her own sexual odyssey. This dichotomy between her desires and her inhibitions was the crux of her experience - the thrill of the unknown tempered by the safety of trust. Her lovers, attuned to this delicate balance, navigated her complexities with an intuitive understanding, always pushing her just to the edge of her limits without ever crossing the line.

As the intensity of their encounters escalated, her partners proposed a new level of exploration, one that required an even deeper level of trust and surrender. The idea was daunting, yet exhilarating. "Are you ready for something more?" they asked, their eyes searching hers for any hint of hesitation. Lisa, with a mix of anxiety and anticipation shimmering in her gaze, nodded. "I am. I trust you." Her voice was a whisper, a testament to her submission and her willingness to venture into uncharted territories of pleasure and pain. "And I've decided to have some fun in the process," she winked, "so go for it."

The relationship was evolving, morphing into a dynamic that was less about equality and more about a consensual exchange of power. Lisa, in her acquiescence, was not just agreeing to their propositions; she was handing over the reins of her desires, allowing them to steer her through the labyrinth of her own sexuality. She was handing them control, authority over her body. She was getting ready to be vulnerable. It was also like a balm to her soul, as everything was going well.

In the soft, intimate glow of their space, they came together in a union that was as much about physical pleasure as it was about an affirmation of their bond. One by one, they lavished attention upon her, each taking his turn, culminating in a crescendo of shared climaxes. The sensation of being filled, of being the vessel for their passion, left Lisa in a state of blissful satiation. It was a raw, primal connection, unburdened by the constraints of conventional relationships. Their seed, warm and pulsating, filled her unprotected womb, a tangible symbol of their collective desire and trust.

In the days that followed, their sessions became a rhythmic dance of milking and lovemaking. Each encounter was a journey through peaks and valleys of pleasure, with Lisa at the center, a willing participant in their erotic symphony. The sensation of being milked, her breasts tender and responsive to their every touch, was followed by the deep, penetrative act of sex. Each lover took turns with her, marking her with their seed, warm and pulsating, filling her unprotected womb. She didn't get pregnant yet. Perhaps, Jason's research that breastfeeding was the physiological way to prevent pregnancy was true and working for her. And they were breastfeeding a lot of from her these days. It was like a battle between her breastfeeding hormones and her ovulation and pregnancy hormones, because she was getting a constant supply of both--milking and fucking.

It was a cycle that left her breathless, her body a conduit for intense, cascading orgasms that seemed to transcend the physical realm. The connection between them deepened with each session, a tapestry of trust, pleasure, and exploration that bound them together in an intricate, unspoken understanding.

Lisa's journey of physical and emotional transformation continued as the bond between her and the four lovers. However, even with the newfound harmony in their lives, a persistent issue remained -- Lisa's breasts were heavily engorged most of the time.

Tom, who had a background as a lactation specialist, embarked on a quest to find a solution. He couldn't help but recall their recent conversation from a few weeks ago. "Lisa," his voice gentle and reassuring, "remember when we talked about being ready for something more? You mentioned your trust in us to fix this problem and also pleasure and your willingness to venture into uncharted territories of pleasure and pain."

After extensive research, Tom stumbled upon an unconventional yet intriguing therapy method that might provide relief: leech therapy applied directly to Lisa's nipples. Specifically lab bred leeches who suckle milk.

He continued, "I've been looking into ways to alleviate your engorgement," he began, and then hesitated before continuing, "and I've come across a method that might help. It's not conventional, but it's worth considering."

Lisa, initially taken aback and slightly apprehensive at the thought of leeches, couldn't help her mind from wandering. Her innate submissiveness, which had been a cornerstone of their unique relationship, quickly came to the forefront of her thoughts. She trusted her lovers implicitly and had come to embrace the idea that they would explore unconventional methods to solve her issues.

"Tell me more," Lisa finally managed to say, her voice wavering from a mix of shock and uncertainty.

Tom inhaled deeply, searching for the right words. "Leeches have been used in various medical treatments historically. While they haven't been directly used for engorgement," he paused, locking eyes with Lisa to ensure she was following,

"I've been researching the possibility of training specific ones with suckers and hooks to crave milk. I know a scientist friend, and they have been breeding these genetically modified leeches grown from cells, and grown by feeding them milk. They do not suck blood, only milk. Their primal hunger for seeking milk might provide you relief."

These were disc-shaped leeches, 4 inches in diameter; perfect for Lisa's teats. One side of the disc shaped leeches were filled with suckers and tiny hooks, about 12 to 15 of them, and the other side was flat, smooth, and slimy. The diameter of Lisa's areola was a little more than 4 inches, so the leeches would occupy the most sensitive part of her teat. Her nipple and her milk pores, located in the center tip occupied around 1/2 inch. Tom didn't mention all the details of their appearance to her yet.

On hearing the possibility of milk-sucking leeches on her nipples, Lisa's eyes widened in disbelief, her chest rising and falling rapidly. She had always been a shy, reserved girl, hesitant to step outside her comfort zone. Her inherent nature leaned towards caution and predictability. However, amidst this conventional demeanor was her submissive side. It was a juxtaposition that often left her conflicted -- a need to maintain control in most situations while simultaneously yearning to yield to others in moments of intimacy.

Given her unique anatomical duct issue, causing persistent engorgement, she recognized she was a special case. And this proposed therapy, as unconventional as it sounded, presented an opportunity for adventure, for testing boundaries she had never even imagined. The idea of having such creatures on her was utterly terrifying, but could it be a viable solution?

"Leeches? To suck out milk?" she asked, her voice filled with apprehension. She looked around the room, her gaze darting from one man to another, seeking any sign that this was a joke. But their faces were solemn, serious.

Tom, sensing her internal struggle, gently added, "It might feel strange initially, but it won't be painful. These leeches would be medical-grade, sterile, and intended for therapeutic use, and only feed on milk. They wouldn't harm your milk apparatus at all, Lisa"

As Lisa weighed the proposal in her mind, she became acutely aware of the intense gazes fixed on her. The palpable desire in their eyes, their unwavering trust in this course of action, made her feel both vulnerable and empowered.

As the group discussed the idea, weighing the pros and cons, Lisa felt a swell of gratitude for her lovers' willingness to explore this unconventional path with her. "Alright," she whispered, her voice a mix of determination and trust, "let's give it a try."

As the evening wore on, the ambiance in the room grew more intimate and subdued. Conversations faded into the background, and a charged silence enveloped them. Sensing the need for closure, Lisa rose from her seat, her movements fluid yet hesitant. She approached each man, taking a moment to lock eyes with them before wrapping her arms around them in a tight embrace. Each hug was heartfelt, carrying with it the weight of her vulnerability and the depth of the trust she was placing in them. As she pulled away from each lover, her eyes shimmered, a testament to the complex emotions she was experiencing.

"We'll sort out the details and decide on a date," Tom murmured, his fingers gently caressing her cheek, offering silent reassurance.

Thinking about this while lying in her bed and masturbating that night was a different experience for Lisa. There was more submission and fear in her self-pleasure act. All the men also probably jerked in their homes, as the thought of watching this spectacle itself was arousing enough for them.

Lisa began to view this unconventional therapy from a different perspective. Her engorged breasts, a constant source of discomfort, served as a reminder of her submission and devotion to her therapists, now her lovers. The idea of using leeches, though unconventional, felt like another opportunity to explore the boundaries of their love and connection.

The anticipated day had dawned, and as Lisa prepared herself, her anxiety was unmistakable. Over the past couple of days leading up to this evening, her phone had been filled with calls to Jason. They had strictly instructed her not to touch her breasts for two days, an ordeal that became agonizing as the hours wore on. She had even called Jason that very morning, her voice strained with discomfort, begging for a momentary reprieve. Each time, his response remained consistent: "Wait, Lisa. Trust the process."

To exacerbate her distress, the tea they had discreetly given her had unknowingly amplified her milk production. Her glands felt like they were bursting, every duct and cord within her breasts screaming for relief. The pressure built up to an almost unbearable level, the milk trapped inside pushing against her delicate tissues, each second intensifying her desperation for release.

Driving to their residence, every tiny bump and jostle of the car sent piercing waves of sensitivity through her engorged breasts. She donned a loose gown, and as she stepped out of the car, the gentle brush of the fabric against her aching nipples was almost too much to bear. Moist patches began to form on her gown, revealing the leaking of her milk.

Once inside, she was swiftly ushered into the therapy room. The weight of the moment settled heavily on her. She discarded her gown, revealing herself in all her vulnerability to her lovers. The coldness of the room heightened her sensitivities, making her nipples contract further. Climbing onto the table, she tried to find a comfortable position.

A comforting warmth enveloped her breasts as Tom draped a damp, warm towel over them. Lisa's breath caught from the initial shock but soon sighed in relief as the warmth seemed to momentarily ease her discomfort.