Little Me

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A small-dicked guy reveals all to his workmates.
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During a week-long trip to a mind-numbingly dull conference just outside Swindon in the UK, Jeff, a work colleague of mine, suggested we make use of the hotel pool on one of our free afternoons. The alternative was doom-scrolling in my miserable single room with an exquisite view of the hotel rubbish bins and probably having a lonely wank in the shower before joining the others for yet another stodgy buffet meal in the evening.

I hadn't even packed any swimming shorts for the trip, so I had to buy something from the spa's reception area first - the only thing they had that weren't XXXL trunks was a tiny pair of white Speedos, more like a G-string or a posing pouch than functioning sportswear. Jeff was smiling at the receptionist, and she managed to control her amusement with consummate professionalism as I hurriedly tapped my phone to pay.

We turned a corner into the men's changing area, where I felt my next body-blow of embarrassment when I realised it was just one single room - no separate cubicles for the shy guys here. Oh Christ, why did I agree to this? Was Jeff doing this on purpose? - he knows I'm completely self-conscious and has probably already guessed that although I'm almost 32, I am still a virgin. Fucking hell, Jeff - I've never even been naked in front of another human being before! I am way below-average in the endowment stakes and the thought of being 'revealed' like this just fills me with nausea.

My stomach dropped at the realisation I was going to have to undress in a shared space. Jeff, however, swaggered to the bench and flung his backpack down without a concern in the world. With an alarming screech, a cloakroom attendant pushed his great bucket into the room from the shower area - mop in hand like a mighty staff, glaring at me as if I was an intruder in enemy territory. This was awful. You're going to pay for this Jeff, I swore to myself. He was talking about the last presentation we had attended at the conference, and I couldn't even absorb what he was saying because I was busy having a panic-attack.

Jeff's shirt was already off by the time I'd got my head around the "data-driven request automation in pharmaceutical applications" -- and of course, yes, Jeff had a perfectly-shaped torso. He was completely hairless, tanned, toned and, oh, what a surprise! - Jeff had a sharply-defined six-pack too. I hate you Jeff, I honestly do. Jeff noticed my look of abject misery and seemed suddenly aware of my discomfort. I felt my face flushing in embarrassment and hastily turned away. Shakily I deposited my phone and my glasses in my bag and attempted to get my trousers off like it was no big deal. Yeah, I drop my trousers in front of buff dudes all the time, sure, no problem. I was hopping on the wet floor now, half-falling over on the gleaming tiles, wishing they would just give way and I could tumble into eternal nothingness.

"I'll see you in there." Jeff called out, closing his locker and making his way to the shower. "Okay!" I reply, at a pitch that is unaccountably higher than usual. The cloakroom guy is shaking his head as he works his filthy mop under the bench opposite. Can this get any worse?

I try to breathe steadily, and I slip my briefs off, feeling an immediate chill and a shiver of excitement at this unfamiliar sensation of vulnerability. Oh shit, now I'm getting turned on. Fuck, fuckitty-fuck. I feel my pecker tingling and I hurriedly pull up the Speedos - my towel covering my fast-developing erection. I glance to the side, but Cloakroom Dude doesn't seem to have noticed anything, so I make my way through to the showers.

The hallway was arranged so that you couldn't get to the pool without going through the showers first. There are pegs on one wall and showers on the other -- a couple of older guys are in there and, oh God, Jeff is still showering. They're all going to see my stiffened dick in this tiny thong if I hang up my towel. The old guys are staring at me -- daring me to bypass the showers, so they can grumble and complain.

Oh shit, I need to act now. At this point I've more-or-less accepted my fate, that these men will see my dick sticking up in my Speedos and I will be laughed out of the hotel. At the breakfast buffet, everybody from the conference will be laughing at me and waving forkfuls of half-eaten sausages at me. My mind is reeling and for some sense of protection I head towards Jeff. My heart is racing as I take a place next to him, tacitly enjoying the sight of his ripped body adrip from the gushing stream of water. I have to snap out of it, this is just going to make my dick stiffer. I attempt to assess the situation and glimpse down as I duck my head under the warm flow. The tightness of the thong has held my little erection tight to my groin and it looks to all intents and purposes as if there is just an average-sized dick in there. I appear to have got away with it!

Jeff looks like a Greek god and standing next to him I feel my hopelessly inadequate dick shrivel once again to its regular thumbnail dimensions. He smiles, tenderly somehow, almost to reassure me - and I feel a tremble inside me, a sudden fondness for him. It dawns on me that I really like this sporty dude -- like, REALLY like. Was Jeff gay? Was I gay? I always thought I was straight, but over the years I'd watched so much porn that cumming to images of attractive men had kind of become normal -- but in the real world, having feelings for an actual man? -- I'd never considered that as a potential outcome! He'd always seemed like a kind of jock character to me, but as my thoughts scrambled for clarity, I had to admit that he was no self-centred narcissist, but instead a thoughtful, kind man who seemed to actually care about MY feelings. I awkwardly smile back, and I instantly kick myself -- I must look like such a dork to him. Standing there, pale and pasty, my arms skinny and my belly slightly pudgy from lack of exercise.

"Shall we?" Jeff motions to the pool and we make a move.

The water is freezing cold and my breath comes in short gasps. I'm not a strong swimmer and Jeff has already done two lengths before I've made it half-way up the pool. We pause at the side, he brushes his dark brown hair up out of his eyes and once again, I find myself just admiring his beautiful body.

"Bit chilly, eh? -- we could always warm up in there."

He gestured towards the steam room off to one side. I sense that he's sparing my embarrassment about my weak swimming and is offering me an 'out'. I take it.

"Good idea!" I respond, idiotically.

Jeff ducks his head into the steam room and once again it's full of cantankerous old guys. More conference types I'm guessing -- grumbling at the heat escaping through the open door.

"No room at the inn." He grins at me and makes his way towards a small sauna door a few metres on.

"Perfect!" He exclaims, peeking through a tiny window to the snug, wooden interior.

He holds the door open for me and I take a seat on the searing hot bench. The heat is soon deep into our bodies, the chill from the pool gone.

"Oh wow, it's Barbara!" Jeff exclaims, glancing through the window and spotting our senior colleague stepping into the pool.

Barbara was in her early fifties and if the office chatter was to be believed, had been married, had kids and a mortgage, but had been deserted by her husband after some undisclosed drama, and she was now an empty nester. She had a good sense of humour and I'll admit I had a secret crush on her.

"She's looking a bit good in that swimsuit, eh?" asked Jeff.

Oh, so maybe he's not gay. My heart sank slightly. What was I thinking? That Jeff and I might ever get it on together? God, I'm so deluded - as if he'd be interested in me.

Little me.

"Yeah!" I replied, "she's actually pretty hot!" I admitted.

"I knew you fancied her! It's obvious when she's talking to you -- you're like a little puppy!" Jeff responded.

I felt a bit slighted somehow, that I was just a hopeless little geek lusting after a woman twenty years his senior. I felt hurt that Jeff's view of me might be that limited.

"And you'd have better luck?" I countered, a little spitefully -- realising as soon as I had said it that, yes, he would definitely have better luck than me -- and that pretty much most straight women would find him sexually appealing.

"I've learnt a few tricks in my time -- I reckon I could bring a smile to her lips." He went on.

"I reckon you'd be bringing more than just a smile to her lips Jeff!" I joked, surprising myself with my audacity.

With a shrug he replied - "Yeah? Well, I imagine every guy in the department has beaten themselves off imagining seeing their cocks in Barbara's mouth, or up her tight little minge."

My fevered mind treated me to an elaborate and deranged vision of our open-plan office - Barbara spread naked and open across a messy workstation caressing her plentiful tits, her head pushing up against a computer monitor, a keyboard digging into her generous backside, a mouse mat stuck to her elbow, one stiletto heel knocking over a half-empty coffee mug -- and the entire Information Technology team surging around her, desperate to stick their ugly great cocks in her eager mouth or into her gaping cunt, which was already awash with the semen of at least a dozen men. Hmmm, thanks for that, brain.

"And the women too, probably," I suggested. "There must be plenty of wet knickers in the house when Barbara's around."

Jeff squeezed himself through his towel, obviously getting excited with all our talk. Where was this going? My head began to spin. My colleague is openly rubbing himself, talking about sex with another female colleague, a senior colleague. This could lead to disciplinary action, complaints, who knows? If anyone found out.

"And you haven't had a sly wank over Barbara before? You haven't fantasised about slipping her a length of that hot young cock? C'mon dude, look at her!"

Shit, there's no going back now -- he's opened the floodgates here. The way he referred to my "hot young cock" sent a delicious tremor through me -- maybe Jeff wasn't out of my reach?

"Well, I..." I couldn't quite get the words out, but Jeff laughed anyhow -- assured that, yes, I did indeed enjoy masturbating to our boss.

In silence, we both watched Barbara powering through the water, admiring her stamina -- the two of us crowding the little window for a better view.

My prick was standing straight up at this point and Jeff's hand moved rhythmically under his towel. I wished he would just drop the fucking towel so I could get a look at his dick. The exquisite thrill of being so close to a beautiful man in a state of arousal suddenly derailed when I considered the next steps we might be making. If something happens here, he's going to see MY dick -- he's going to see how woefully small it is -- he'll probably laugh at me -- he might tell someone -- Barbara might found out! Fuck, this is all happening too fast and now Barbara is climbing out of the pool and walking serenely, majestically, towards the sauna.

"She's coming Jeff!" I yelped.

"It's fine, don't worry." Jeff countered, as I leap back onto my seat and attempt to compose myself.

Jeff, in contrast, sat with his legs wide, his impressive erection proudly evident beneath his towel. He clearly had no intention of trying to hide it - he wanted her to see.

"You're mad!" I muttered under my breath, fully snapped out of this risky delirium by the prospect of being caught behaving inappropriately with colleagues on a work trip -- this was the sort of thing that ends people's careers.

"Oh hello! Is this a private party or can anyone join in?" Barbara chuckled as she slipped into the sauna, giving her blonde pixie-cut a quick dry with her towel while she closed the heavy door behind her.

"Have a seat Barbara, don't mind us." Jeff motioned for her to sit.

By the glow of the hot stones, I could make out the moisture pearling on her thighs as she squeezed between the two of us. My pulse raced and I smiled meekly at her.

"This is cosy innit? Nice to have the place to ourselves and not having to share with those miserable bleedin' gits." She tilted her head to the steam room and its aged occupants. I loved her unpolished East London accent -- to a puny, middle-class nerd like me, she was like a warrior queen.

Suddenly she sat up straight, then stood, as if to make an exit.

"Oh my God, I'm so daft -- I'm intruding, aren't I? I'm sorry if you guys were... you know?"

"We weren't doing anything!" I blurted.

"Really? Oh, okay... it's just thought I detected a bit of tension when I came in... I see the way Jeff checks you out, I'm not blind you know!"

What? This is getting out of hand now - Jeff checks ME out?

"I can just leave you guys to it... if you'd like..." She offered.

Okay, time to reappraise the entire situation. Barbara was now clearly signalling her willingness to stay and be complicit in whatever it was she thought we might be doing. This was escalating way too fast.

"Actually, we were just discussing how hot you are Barbara." Jeff ventured, nonchalantly.

At that moment a great hiss erupted as Barbara ladled a big spoonful of water from the wooden bucket onto the fiercely hot stones, as if to illustrate Jeff's confession.

"Jeff!" I protested.

"You cheeky bleeders! You could get in a lot a trouble for saying that sort of thing boys." She responded lasciviously -- raising both hands to her face in a display of mock outrage, clearly eager to inflame the situation.

"We might have made ourselves a bit over-excited thinking about getting our cocks in your mouth." Jeff drawled, his hand slipping back under his towel.

I just stared at him, open-mouthed, yet something in his confident, assured tone suggested Barbara and Jeff were already intimately acquainted.

"You did, did you? And how excited did YOU get, young feller?" Barbara purred to me, beginning to lift my towel.

I flinched, my whole body tensing as her hand hovered so close to my hard little dick.

"Come on, don't be a tease -- you can't get a lady all worked up and then leave her disappointed..." she pouted, looking coquettishly into my eyes, biting her bottom lip in an exaggeratedly suggestive fashion.

"I do hope I'm not going to be disappointed." She continued.

I just stared blankly, amazed that this attractive woman was focussing her sexual attention on me. She had beautiful features, a strong jawline, shapely cheekbones, and a gorgeous aquiline nose. Almost automatically, I moved my towel aside. The fabric of the white Speedos stretching against my knob.

"Well, get it out then..." Barbara directed, thrilling me beyond words with her dominant tone.

"Let's see what you've got. What have you got for Aunty Barbara?"

Reluctantly I popped my Speedos aside and let my diminutive manhood stand free. This was the point of no return. I was resigned now, to having my hidden shame made public and losing what little self-respect I still had. Jeff was peering over her shoulder, his eyes boggling as he hurriedly tugged his own wet briefs down his muscular thighs. Barbara seemed shocked by what she saw.

"Oh!" She reacted, her voice instantly devoid of excitement -- replaced instead by frustration and dismay.

"How very... small!" Barbara giggled after a gruelling silence, measuring my penis against her little finger. I felt physically sick.

"Is that really as big as it gets?" She questioned.

If my face wasn't already red from the sauna's heat, it just turned a deep shade of crimson.

I nodded, wordlessly.

"Have you ever actually had sex before?" She demanded.

"Not yet." I admitted, feeling my eyes sting as tears welled in my eyes, and I prayed that these would be hidden by the dim light inside the sauna.

I felt so ashamed confessing my virginity to this experienced, worldly woman, but at the same time, more excited than I'd ever been in my life. A large bead of clear precum appeared on the tip of my dick, then lazily rolled the short trip down my shaft.

"Here, have a look at this Jeff, he's in a right old state... his poor little winkle is bursting!" The more she ridiculed my penis, the harder it got. I felt as if I could ejaculate without even being touched.

"I can see..." Jeff panted, masturbating firmly as Barbara waggled my dick between her fingers like an inconsequential toy.

"I don't want to be rude love, but I'm not sure what I can do with this ridiculous little specimen. Jeff here fills my holes right up with his enormous wang, don't you, my darlin'? This sorry excuse for a cock won't even touch the fucking sides, mate."

Jeff could only watch, speechless in his excitement, beating himself off harder and harder as the action progressed.

"Well, we might as well make the most of it... what little there actually is of it..." She sighed, dejectedly, and after lowering its straps, shrugged her large tits free of her wet swimming costume and took me in her mouth.

A dazzle of sensations rippled through me, and I gingerly caressed Barbara's pendulous right breast and I felt her nipple -- sticking out large and hard under my thumb. Her tongue rolled around my bell-end once or twice and without warning, an enormous jet of salty cum shot across her lips. Fuck! Three or four more great helpings of spunk leapt across her chest and into her surprised face -- she positively swooned at the amount I'd produced.

"Jesus! For such a laughable, shrimp-sized little willy, you cum like a fucking bull you filthy cunt! Look at this fucking mess. It's all over my tits Jeff! I ought to make him lick it all up!"

"You should do." Jeff commented.

"Sure." I offered, and she sent Jeff an approving glance, clearly pleased with my willing subservience.

"Oh Jeff, that was really fucking tasty, you should have a try... because it's so tiny, you can easily get the whole fucking thing in your mouth." She continued.

"Oi! Don't miss any, you grubby sod - you've been a dirty little shit and now you have to clean up Aunty Barbara, or else she'll squeeze your bollocks so fucking hard you'll never cum again... Which would be a shame."

My mind was racing as I worked my tongue across her spunk-sodden belly, then her boobs, swallowing my own still-warm semen. So, I can reasonably assume that Jeff is bisexual -- and they've at least discussed sucking cocks together before? Have they've staged this whole thing for their own gratification? What are they playing at? And Barbara is some sort of Domme? I suddenly felt used, but what an incredible orgasm, my sperm was still seeping from my shrunken pecker. I've finally had my first sexual experience and it's been unbelievable.

I found another splodge of cum on her neck and then checked her face for more of my wandering ejaculate. The last of it had landed on her chin. My lips moved over the stickiness and met hers. She kissed me hungrily, her pupils dilating in pleasure as she sucked my tongue into her mouth with a breathy moan -- then broke off.

"Did you enjoy that little display, Jeff?" She asked.

"Uh-huh..." he managed to respond.

"'Little' being the operative word in his case." She joked, motioning towards me.

Barbara wiggled aside slightly and for the first time I could see Jeff in all his naked glory. Oh fuck, his body was the most perfect thing I'd ever seen. And his cock stood out long and thick, just like a porn star. He was wanking it slower now and the whole length was glistening with precum. I just wanted to taste him. I didn't feel shame anymore. I didn't even care about the size of my penis anymore. I just wanted his cock. I shuffled forward and took part of the tip between my lips. There was no way I could take much of this in my mouth and I stroked him hard and steady, working my mouth as best as I could, recalling how they do it in porn videos, taking care not to let my teeth graze against his pulsing, urgent dick.