Living Alone and Naked

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Young, White, Single Female finds she likes nudity.
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I was lucky to find a job right out of high school and by the time I was 19, I had finally saved up enough money to get me an apartment and move away from my pain in the ass mother. Things had to be done her way all the time. She was a clean freak! Always finding fault with every little thing I did. Nag, nag, nag, I just had to get out. I never even told her I was leaving. One day when she wasn't home I grab my stuff, alone with the help of a friend and her boyfriend and his pick-up truck, and I split. I sent her a letter about six months later to let her know I was alive and fine.

My friend had this cute little one bedroom apartment in town and was moving out to be with her boyfriend. She recommended me to apartment manager and I was able to get the room at a good price. We had everything I owned in his pick-up and in a short time I was moved in. The living room was empty but I had all I needed in my bedroom, bed, dresser, TV, stereo, and alarm clock radio.

My name is Katrina. My friends call me Kat. I'm 5' 6" tall and weigh 115lbs. Have long brown hair and green eyes.

Well, the first thing I noticed I enjoyed was I could walk around my apartment naked if I was so inclined. And I did just that after I took my shower, just because I could. It felt weird but enjoyable at the same time. I had never walked around in any form of undress at my mothers' house as it would have been totally unacceptable. She would complain, if she caught me, leaving the bedroom or bathroom without my bra on. I guess that is why I was doing it, just to be rebellious. I remained nude until I dressed to go to work the next morning. That was the first night of sleeping nude. I enjoyed the cool sheets against my naked body so much, that I my never wear anything to bed again.

Over the next few months I got into the habit of completely undressing as soon as I got home. I cooked my dinner, ate, watched TV and slept; all totally nude and found I enjoyed the freedom from clothing. I got braver and slowly started wearing fewer clothes in public. First I tried going braless, and then a few weeks later I tried going pantyless once in a while under shorts or pants or my longer skirts and dresses. In my mind I was doing something wicked and getting away with it, plus I found it enjoyable. But as I tell this story, I haven't even opened my bra and panties drawer in weeks. But I still didn't have the guts to go pantyless under my shorter skirts or dresses.

One warm lazy Saturday spring morning, about a year after moving into my apartment, I heard noises outside my bedroom window and looked out. It was the lawn crew cutting grass. I was looking out my window and suddenly remembered I was nude. I instinctively stepped back away from the window and closed the curtain, fearing they might look my way and see me standing there nude. I got back in bed to watch a little TV before I got dressed to go out and kept thinking about my near accidental exposure. I felt myself tingling the way I did when I knew someone was looking at my hard nipples poking out from my braless 34C tits under one of my shirts and began to wonder how it would feel if someone did actually see me naked. I thought about how I could do it for a while and decided the best way was to make it look accidental. I peeked out the bedroom window to see if anybody was close by and seen they were still away from my window but had not cut the grass by my window yet, so I opened the curtains all the way and walked back to my dresser.

While sitting on the stool at my dresser brushing my long hair, I kept an eye on the window through the mirror. I saw a man about my age using a weed eater approach my window. He did a double take as he glanced in my window. I sat there and brushed my hair as he got a good look at my bare back and ass. He made a motion and a few seconds later his partner showed up. I now had two men looking at my naked backside. I was about to pass out from the rush of excitement so I stood up and put my brush down, I then twisted my body back and forth as if checking out my body, all the time watching the guys in my mirror checking me out. Then I slowly walked out the room. Once out of sight I collapsed onto my new couch and brought myself to orgasm. I was surprised myself by how excited I gotten, just by purposely exposing my completely nude body to strangers. And I knew I just had to do it again. I got up and headed back to my bedroom hoping they were still at the window so I could give them a frontal view. I was a bit let down when they weren't but I decided to leave the curtains open just incase they returned. The truth be known, those curtains have not been closed since that day.

I had bought myself a cute little short white gauze sundress a couple days earlier and had planned to wear it that day. But since my adventure that morning I decided to make one little change in my attire. I decided to wear NOTHING under it. The dress is mid-thigh length and I had planned to wear new micro-thong panties under it. I had originally planned to intentionally flash my thong panties a few times that day. I had purposely flashed my panties a few times over the past few weekends. I had started with full coverage underwear and worked my way to ass baring thongs. I had found it very exhilarating and was going to do it again this weekend in my tiniest panty yet. I have never gone pantyless in such a short dress or skirt before that day and was getting a bit nervous and excited at the same time, but looking forward to doing it. I wasn't planning on purposely showing my bare ass that day, but in the back of my mind, I was kind of hoping that some how it would get exposed that day.

I had already planned to start the day by getting a few groceries so I headed to the nearest supermarket. It was exhilarating knowing I was walking around in public practically naked. I had checked myself out in the mirror before leaving and I could just male out my nipples and bush through the dress. I could feel the breeze on my ass and pussy as it swirled around my legs and under my dress, it felt wickedly wonderful. I luckily had my arms down as the doors automatically opened for me and a rush of air blew my skirt up a bit. "That was close" I thought to my self as I instinctively held the dress down. I got my buggy and got my few groceries and checked out without trouble. As I was leaving I had both hands on the buggy and checking out a cute bag boy entering as I was leaving. I was smiling at him and not paying attention to what I was doing, and as I walked though the open doors, the wind my skirt blew way up. Since I was looking at the bag boy as it happened, I seen his eyes get big and his mouth opened. I instantly knew he had seen it all. I don't know why but I didn't do anything. I let the skirt naturally dropped back down on its own. I walked a few steps and looked back; he was still looking at me. I was trembling as I looked back and gave a little wave. I got to my car and put the first of my three bags of groceries in the trunk and felt the sun on my naked ass as I sat the first one down. I looked around but I don't think anyone seen anything, but I did see another bag boy was heading my way pushing a half-dozen buggies. Feeling brave and getting horny, I took my time reaching for the second bag and bent to put it in as he walked behind me. I took a quick look back to see if he was looking at my ass. He was. I got my third bag and watched him as I leaned even further over to put it in, giving him a lot to see. He had stopped pushing the buggies and was staring at me. I could feel my juices starting to run down my legs.

I got in my car and even with one hand between my legs I was still able to make it back to my apartment in record time. I quickly put my bags on the counter and pulled my dress off over my head dropping on the floor as I headed for my bedroom. I flopped on the bed and my fingers went straight to my wet pussy. I was just about to cum when I noticed two familiar faces in my bedroom window. I was being watched as I masturbated. Any other time I would have screamed and covered up from the shock, but today it quickly sent me over the edge in what had to be the most intense orgasm I had ever had. I just laid there acting as if I didn't know they were there, I then slowly got up walked on weak, trembling legs to bathroom to clean myself up a bit and then I made sure my apartment door was locked but still remained naked as I wandered around the apartment.

I still had things I needed to do so I collected my dirty laundry and started to open the door and remembered I was still naked. I put my sundress back on, and checked to make sure the guys weren't outside my door waiting to pounce on me. It was clear, so I walked to the apartment complexes laundry room. There was a really cute guy with a really nice body there when I arrived. He was wearing a pair of tight cut-off jeans with no shirt or shoes. I smiled and said hello to him as I loaded my washer. I sat a couple chairs from him and made sure a lot of leg was showing, the hem of my little dress just did cover my crotch. I noticed he kept glancing at my legs as we talked the usual small talk. I found out his name was Eric and he lived across the complex from me. He was just hired as a ranger in a State Park just north of town. He was single and between girlfriends at the time. He asked if that maybe we could go out sometime and I told him that I was cool with that.

His clothes finished washing and as he transferred them to the drier, he dropped a sock. As he bent to pick it up, he looked my way. The laundry room was a narrow room with the washers and driers on the side walls, the waiting chairs were on the back wall and from his position he had a clear shot up my skirt. I knew he was now trying to look up my skirt, so as I continued to look at a magazine I opened my legs just a bit. I giggled inside as he dropped his sock again. I was beginning to enjoy this exhibition thing. I just don't know where it was coming from. I had never even given it though until that morning. And now it was about all I could think about. How do I get my next thrill?

My clothes finished a few minutes later and as I moved my clothes to the drier I dropped a wash cloth. Eric called my attention to it. I decided to thank him by giving him a good look up my dress. I squatted, spreading my legs wide as I retrieved the wash cloth. As sat down I told him I always seemed to drop something every time I washed my clothes. He said, "That at least you didn't drop a pair of panties."

I giggled as I dared tell him that that would be kind of hard since I rarely wore any. Then I looked him in the eyes as I nervously said, "But I bet you knew that already. Didn't you Eric."

He looked to be uncomfortable in his chair as he shifted his nicely toned body around. I also noticed his cut-offs were a lot tighter in the crotch area. I enjoyed the feeling knowing I was the cause of it. He then said, "Yea, I kind of noticed your lack of underwear but that's fine with me because I don't wear them much either."

I looked right at his crotch and smiled as I told him, "O yea! Well that's fine with me too. I find it cooler and more comfortable going without them. I just have to be more careful how I sit or bent when I wear short dresses like this one. This is the first day I've worn this short little dress and I have had a couple exciting experiences this morning already and it's still early." He asked what I meant so I told him about the wind blowing up my skirt at the grocery store and my putting the groceries in the car as the boy watched and that I had also seen him trying to look up my skirt earlier.

He said he was sorry and knew he shouldn't have, but with me being so cute he just couldn't help looking and trying to see my panties. Then he asked, "But if you knew I was looking, why didn't you stop me?"

I told him, "I really don't know. All I knew was that a really cute guy was trying to look up my dress and that I liked it and I knew he would probably be surprised if he knew I had no panties on, so I spread my legs a bit so you could get a better look. And when I noticed you noticed, it excited me even more. That was why I dropped that wash cloth earlier so I could get another chance to spread my legs and let you see my pussy again."

His eyes were wide as he said, "You mean you knew I was looking and you let me look! Man! You are the coolest girl I have ever had the pleasure to meet." Then he paused and said," Did you say you showed me you pussy on purpose?" I shook my head and he went, "Cool!" " Hey! If you aren't joking can I see it again?"

Boy! Was this guy excited! He had stood up and was standing about three feet in front of me. He had one huge bulge in those tight pants. I was delighted I had made him so happy and when he asked to see my pussy again it thrilled me. Of course I would let him look again. I gave him my biggest smile as I pulled my dress up to my waist and left it there. "You can look all you want big boy but don't touch." I said, "And I want to see what's behind those shorts of yours making them so tight." As I said that I reached out and touched his bulge with one finger.

Eric quickly reached down, unhooking and unzipping his shorts. Out popped about 7 to 8 inches of hard dick. I have never seen a man's dick hard before and it was a beautiful sight to see. [My mother had never let me date and I had no social life because of her and because of that I lived a sheltered life.]

I wanted to reach out and grab it but was afraid to, as I had zero experience in this area. I had no brothers and never baby sat a baby boy before. All I knew was what I learned from friends at school. I was fascinated by it.

Eric asked if I would like to go back to his room and get a better look at it.

I wanted to, oh how I wanted to! But I looked at Eric and told him I would like to but I had never seen or touched one before and didn't know what to do.

He asked if I was a virgin and I told him I was. He said that he was a bit surprised because of the way I was exposing myself to him. I told him, "This is all new to me also. Today was the first day I had purposely showed a man my pussy and that it was sure a rush I was having trouble controlling myself." He told me that he thought he understood what I was saying, and that if I wanted to, he would love to take me to his room and teach me how to make a man happy. I looked down at his still hard dick and smiled at him and told him I would love for him to teach me.

Right there in the laundry room as we waited for our clothes, he stepped out of his shorts and pulled my dress over my head and we ran our hands all over each others' body getting very familiar with each other. Eric had just put his shorts back on when the two lawn men walked by the laundry room door and seen me naked. They stopped and stared, I smiled and giggled and waved as I said, "Hi Guys" then wrapped my arms around Eric and kissed him. He asked who they were and I told him the whole story.

I took my clothes back to my room and hurried to Eric's apartment. He spent the rest of the day teaching me how to make a man happy and I was more than willing to learn everything. We didn't leave his apartment until noon the next day; I don't remember how many times we had sex. We went to have lunch and all I had to wear was my little sundress, so I wore just it again. It wasn't that dirty because I hadn't worn it that much. Eric just had to take me shopping for a few more clothes, so we went to a mall. He bought me a couple more short sundresses and a couple thin tops. He also bought one special dress. It was a very short, red silk halter dress. It was totally backless and had a deep plunge front to almost my belly-button. I can't wait to wear it out in public for him. I know I will be very excited at being so close to being naked in public.

We had a lot of fun all over the mall, he kept reaching under my dress to grab my ass or play with my pussy and I just loved it. He even flipped up the back of my dress a couple times, flashing my bare ass to a few boys. It was so much fun just seeing the look of disbelief in their faces, I just loved it! I was so horny when we decided to leave that I knew I didn't want to wait until we got back to the apartments to have sex, so I decided that I would screw him in the parking lot before we left. But first I needed to go into 'Walgreen's' before we left. I told him to wait outside because I needed to pick up a couple feminine things before I left. I got what I needed plus a couple boxes of condoms for us. I had noticed he only had a couple left in his apartment and I was going to use one before we left the parking lot.

When we got to his truck he unlocked and opened the door for me. Without even looking around, I dropped to my knees and unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick in seconds, then wrapped my mouth around his quickly hardening dick. After about 30 seconds I let it out of my mouth and told him to get in the truck. He climbed in and sat down and then I put a condom on him and was in and straddling him in no time. I took hold of his now nice hard cock and impaled myself on it. I never looked once around the parking lot as I rode that wonderful cock. I wanted to be fucked now and I was going to get fucked now and I didn't care if anyone seen me or was watching me. We were so worked up I bet that fuck didn't last a minute at the most and I guess it was fortunate or unfortunate that no one got to see me, I mean us.

We got Eric's pants back on and left. As we pulled out of the parking lot he looked at me and said I was one crazy chick but that's what he really liked about me. I leaned over and gave him a kiss and rubbed is crotch as I kissed him. A minute later he asked just how far I would go at being nude in public. I told him I didn't know as this was still new to me. Then he asked if I would be willing to remove my dress right now and ride back to the apartments naked. It only took me about 3 seconds to decide and I lifted my dress over my head. It was only about a fifteen minute ride and many people had see me naked I just don't know how many did. I was again very excited and horny when we parked the truck. I think Eric may have created an exhibitionist monster. I hope he can control me a bit or I just might get myself into trouble. We spent the rest of the day in his apartment. I went home around 8pm well satisfied and exhausted but I still had to be at work at 7am.

The next morning I woke up sore but happy. I had always dressed conservatively at work. I usually wore a loose t-shirt, sometimes braless, and a pair of long pants and tennis shoes to work. But that day I dressed in just a short skirt and button down blouse and three inch heels and went to work. The guys at work had never seen me in a short skirt before and I had left a couple extra buttons on my blouse undone today also. I work in the office of a distribution warehouse. I make the trip with the purchase orders from my office to the truck loading dock foreman's desk a dozen times a day normally. But that day things were different, every eye from every guy in the warehouse was watching me and I enjoyed it. I also was in charge of keeping the coffee up and going for the trucker in their waiting lounge. They sure seemed to be a lot friendlier that day than normal.

My boss who is just over 30 years old and still cute, he even told me he liked the way I was dressed that day and that something seemed different about me. He said I seemed happier and more confident about myself than normal and it looked good on me. That really made me feel good, I didn't know my boss had noticed me that much until then. I guess it was because of the wild weekend I had but I did feel like a different woman. That's it! I'm a woman now, not a girl any more.