Lockeroom Raid


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The superstar tried to plead an appeal but was met with a sharp slap to the face. Taken aback by the pure force of this young girl's will, he submitted. He crawled forward and began to slowly lick the cum off her legs, trying not to gag at the horrendous salty taste of what he had produced. Nicole smiled with approval as this famous stud gently licked her legs. Meanwhile, her friend Danni went round behind the naked stud, giggling to herself as she got some fab pics of the knelt man licking away, his little balls and dripping penis hung low between his legs.

As the defeated superstar licked up his own mess, Danni explained to him how things would be from now on. Unless he wanted this video of him masturbating sent to his lucrative sponsors, he was going to start sharing the wealth with them; starting with a very expensive shopping trip tomorrow! Nicole and Danni laughed and began excitedly discussing all the expensive brands they would be buying off his credit card as a whimpering Nick meekly complied, verbally agreeing that he was now their pay bitch. Remaining on all fours, he kissed their little tennis shoes in dumbstruck submission.

Not all had been as unlucky as Nick; with their towels tied firmly around their waists, Brad and Eli strolled around the lockeroom together, taking in the pandemonium that had somehow been allowed to break out. This once impregnable solitude of male nudity had been busted wide open to unrestricted exposure. They commented on the scenes to each other, aghast as they saw film crews recording their naked teammates. But it wasn't just the crews of Pam and Emilia, or just the women's team, there must have close to twenty extra ladies in the room now. Some seemed to be the stadium support staff, pretending to be innocently at work whilst in truth getting a good look at their naked heroes. One of these young girls passed Brad and Eli holding what appeared to be a wealth of towels and male clothing - and walked out of the room to dump it all in a laundry bin.

Others seemed to be VIP female fans who must have took advantage of the open, unguarded door. Each wore a gleeful smile and held a camera phone at the ready, eager to get the ultimate souvenir from the defeated boys. A number of them came up to take selfies with Brad and Eli, who reluctantly obliged, frantically fending off the playful threats of the girls to yank their towels down as they posed with fake smiles.

Separating from the melee, five women in business attire marched straight up to the two men. Brad and Eli stood paralysed, suddenly filled with dread. Secretary of State, Emily DeVilliers. Wearing her famous, figure-hugging low-cut blue dress and blue heels, the 44 year old matriarch was favourite to succeed the President. She had a fearsome reputation of taking no prisoners, particularly when it came to misogynists or those who would seek to halt her female revolution. It had been her and a group of other powerful female senators who arranged this charity game and they now wore a smug smile of content that her gamble had paid off. The women had won, the men had been defeated on the field.

She greeted the two male losers with a sinister smile and joked that perhaps it should be the female players picking up those large pay checks of theirs. With just a thin towel between their terrified dicks and five of the most powerful women in the country, they were quick to agree. With each seemingly polite question she subtly taunted their preconceptions of patriarchal power. She radiated female authority, they felt like naughty schoolboys before her, fraught with anxiety at the risk of giving the wrong answer. By the end of their chastening chat, both men had agreed to donate sizable amounts to her campaign fund as well as appear at a female empowerment event in a capacity yet to be determined.

Demanding a quick picture with the lads, the five female senators squeezed in around them. Eli began to feel dizzy as these perfumed vixens pressed against his naked flesh. Brad felt one of these influential women standing behind him shamelessly massaging his buttocks underneath his towel. Emily DeVilliers stood authoritatively in the middle of the group, but halted her assistant before the picture could be taken.

Taking a stride forward and biting her lip as she assessed the group, pondering on improvements, she smiled and leaned forward to put her hands seductively around Brad's waist. He could not help but look down the cleavage of the most powerful woman in the country and was shocked to find she was without a bra. Two gorgeous c-cup breasts were unencumbered and he delighted in sighting her large hard nipples. He was giddy with delicious euphoria, he had stolen a look at something he bet few men had dared to gaze upon, he had got one over Emily!

The matriarch quickly looked up to meet his stare. She smiled confidently, he had certainly not got one over her. She slowly took a grip of his towel and teasingly jiggled as she pulled it down to his feet. A very average sized semi-erect penis jumped in terror at its sudden exposure. Emily picked up the towel and took two steps back. Her head tilted to one side as she studied the naked man, stricken with fear. Casually throwing his towel aside she then pointed to Eli's, and motioned downwards.

The senators aside him instantly snatched at his towel and tossed it away in contempt. Much better thought a satisfied Emily, noting Eli's SMALL offering, before retaking her position at the centre of the group. Brad and Eli remained completely silent. Fully nude, hands at their sides. Almost as if they were fixed in disbelief at how effortlessly she had took ownership of them. As her assistant flashed the camera to immortalise this tantalising sight, Emily place her hands on either of the lads' buttocks and squeezed hard.

"Well boys" she teased nonchalantly, still squeezing their firm butts while making no effort to hide her visual comparison of their now erect cocks, "I suspect we're all going to be seeing A LOT more of you two in the near future. I will have use of both of you very soon."

As she and her colleagues left to inspect and share the pictures on social media, the stupefied men could not help but watch in admiration as these high-heeled goddesses marched away. Placing a hand around his hard cock, Brad gulped and proclaimed "Fuck me, I'm voting for her!" Eli could not help but agree "Yeah, girls rule right?! Wow what a woman!"

Meanwhile, Emilia was seeking her next victim. Pushing her way through the now packed lockeroom, she spied the perfect opportunity towards the corner of the room. Young Johnny Green, the 18 year-old wonderkid, was sat blushing on the far benches, fully naked with his hands clasped protectively around his penis. Zoe Cavendish - young starlet of the women's team - was sitting beside him, playfully whispering in his ear. Beckoning her crew to follow her over, Emilia strutted confidently over to them both. Zoe was only too happy to give an interview and Johnny sat out of shot, clearly petrified by the all-female TV crew. After ignoring him until finished with Zoe, Emilia swung her intoxicating presence onto Johnny.

"You next boy wonder!"

Before he could reply she had switched sides so she now sat to his left while Zoe remained on his right. He was trapped between the two. The pretty young reporter scooched up until their bodies were pressed together. Draping an arm over his shoulders, she took her time, enjoying the effect she was clearly having on him. Was he a virgin perhaps? He seemed so docile for her. Resting her other hand on his knee she informed her camera-girl to start rolling.

A bright red light sparkled from the camera and Johnny suddenly realised he was sat naked on live TV. His hands closed around his large penis and balls, struggling to cover the impressive package. His begin to pant and shiver as the shower water still trickled down from his mop of wet hair. Emilia was in no hurry to start, letting the significance of footage sink in to both Johnny and the astounded audience across the world. A semi-audible cry came from Johnny as he remembered that his twin sister Jenny had put on a huge viewing party for their family and friends back home. He looked straight at the camera picturing the scene with unadulterated horror.

Through the lens, back in his families' Rhode Island mansion on a massive wall screen, the sight of nude and humbled Johnny flashed up. The whole apartment became audible in shock, surprise, hilarity! His mother, who had been busy making excuses for the loss to all the ladies from her riding club, dropped her wine class in astonishment. She tried to frantically cover their eyes but these mature, rich, bored housewives were only to eager to see Mrs Green's young lad naked on national TV and pushed her protestations away, pretending to be merely interested in what he had to say, whilst privately staring at his covered crotch, mercilessly willing - demanding! - him to move his hands and show them the goods!

His sister Jenny put her hands to her mouth and gave an embarrassed laugh. Yet she could not look away. Holding the remote, she pretended not to hear the requests of some of the men in the room to turn the picture off. Johnny was starkers on TV! All those teasing moments between them growing up came back to her, his constant one-upmanship, their sibling rivalry. And now, before thirty of their closest friends and family, he'd managed to get himself into this humiliating spectacle! Oh this was too good! How funny! Her closest friend came over and high-fived her as they gazed upon naked Johnny, his cheeks burning red at the humiliation. Amongst the party, some of their female friends clearly cared little for Johnny or his mother's embarrassment and started whooping wildly, cheering and chanting for him to 'show us your cock!' Jenny even noticed two of their somewhat drunk aunts were fervently motioning at the screen with their overflowing wine glasses loudly demanding that Johnny show more!

Back in the frenetic intensity of the lockeroom, Emilia had begun her flirtatious style of interviewing. Johnny gulped and struggled over his words, failing to cope with her penetrating questions. He became aware of Emilia's hand lightly grazing up and down the inside of his thigh, slowly moving higher and higher until the point where her hand was now casually knocking into Johnny's grasp of protection. A little flick to an exposed testicle caused him to jump and look down to the see that he could not possibly hide everything. Seeking a reprieve, he peered into Emilia's exquisite green eyes with a pleading look but it was no good, she continued to firmly press for answers whilst massaging his thigh. Johnny stuttered and looked down again. It was happening. Shaming blood was pumping furiously, his mighty penis was rising out of his hands. He felt it throbbing, he whimpered, the full twelve inches of Johnny Green, on national TV.

He tried to rearrange his hands protectively somehow but suddenly, as if they were connected in their intention, Emilia and Zoe each entwined their arms with his and took a hand each. Now holding their vice-like hands, with nothing left to shield his modesty, Johnny's erect penis was in full view. Live. The camera-girl risked zooming in a little upon it, openly smirking as she thought of all the girls, all the gay guys out there, enjoying their voyeur domination over his helpless young body. This would be on the internet forever. Johnny Green would always be known as the guy who got hard and naked live on TV for Emilia.

Back in Rhode Island, Jenny, her young friends, her aunts' and her mother's acquaintances cheered in delight and derision. Jenny laughed uncontrollably, the little wanker had got hard from an interview with a woman! And oh my! Hadn't he grown since she had last spied him naked years back. Across the country, across the world, groups of enraptured female viewers were shamelessly recording the footage or frantically seeking downloads of it online, each of them now owned his naked body for eternity. A delicious sense of power over his humiliation emboldened the entire female audience.

Pausing to gaze upon his magnificent erection and noticing that a gasping Johnny was no longer trying to deny her viewers what they wanted, Emilia was satisfied to end it there. Slapping his thigh hard and causing him to jump she thanked him nicely for sharing and give him a quick kiss to the cheek. She promptly left him, her little skirt swaying provocatively as he watched his conqueror move on to her finale.

Signalling her intention for one final picture and the setup up required, the eager crowd of sisters were only too happy to help her. Insatiable groups of women hunted down all the male players, dragging them before Emilia. Pushed into place if necessary, one half of these humbled nude men knelt on all fours on the muddy floor, the other half on top of them in a half-pyramid formation. 11 male penises hung low between their wide apart legs, some of them were amused by the idea of the picture, others looked shamefully to the ground, unable to bear the triumphalist, predatory nature of this large cohort of women that had now gathered before them as one baying mob.

Two undisputed queens effortlessly mounted the male pyramid, Emilia and Serena. Heels and football studs respectively dug into the backs of naked men as they ascended to their rightful place - on top. They stood together in an assertive victory pose, with Serena holding the trophy. The room of cameras dazzled and flashed to the victorious sound of female cheering. The male players, with the combined effects of the alcohol and flirtation now wearing off, began to realise the full implications of their submission. This was utter humiliation. A worldwide shaming not just of them, but of manhood. Mark Williams wondered how on earth he would keep the captaincy now, as he felt Serena's studs dig into his naked flesh.

Johnny struggled to hold back his tears under the pressure of one of Emilia's high heels on his back. He was painfully aware that his penis was still hard and staring straight at the assembled army of cameras. Underneath Emilia's other victorious heel, Nick was mortified. He felt cum once again leaking from his excited penis in spurts, falling heavily onto a degraded Jordon below him in the pyramid. Once pictures were taken from the front, the troop of cameras eagerly went to get a shot from behind. Serena and Emilia turned to give their pose once again and some of the female team decided to grab a pair of butt cheeks and spread them painfully wide. In one group photo, every male player had his precious little asshole presented to the world. Although the ceiling was nearly brought down in laughter when a fat, pink butt plug was found hiding in Jordon's hole!

Emilia and Serena smiled in satisfaction to each other. This was just the beginning, no one could ever take this victory over manhood away from them and they felt a burning new purpose; female ascension and the downfall of once powerful men.

Epilogue: The next day, every single newspaper ran with the male pyramid of humiliation as their front cover. While it had been slightly censored for the papers, copious footage from the entire spectacle was freely available and shared online. Male members of the commentariat who had happily enjoyed the leaked pictures of female celebrities during the cloud-hacking scandal now protested furiously at this uncensored shaming of their male heroes and sought the closing down of hundreds of sites dedicated to sharing all footage.

By the time it had gone through the courts and the offending websites removed, every girl (or guy) who wanted it had the videos and pictures safely downloaded and saved for their personal amusement. The female ring-leaders, Serena, Emilia and Pam were demonised by some sad little men writing online critical comments whilst hiding behind animosity. But overwhelmingly, the actions of the women were praised by a newly awakened and assertive generation of women whom were determined to follow this example and turn the tables against the patriarchy. The infamous 'lockeroom raid' led to many copy-cat incidents. College female sports teams began daring raids against male jocks, the hilarious footage quickly becoming viral, much to the humiliation of many arrogant male athletes who suddenly found their young little cocks being laughed at and mocked online by any woman who wished to do so.

When asked if this was a worrying new trend of militant females, Presidential nominee Emily DeVilliers playfully put it down to healthy high spirits from confident, empowered young women, who were merely seeking retribution after generations of male oppression. When further asked if she was disappointed that her own daughter Victoria, captain of the Athena University female soccer team, was one of the most notorious 'raid' leaders, Emily simply laughed it off: "Like mother, like daughter!"

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massageguy1massageguy15 months ago

Too harsh and rapey for me...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The price the male team should pay for losing is that the next season, all the males would have to play when they were totally naked and it should be on national TV without having anything blurred out. If when playing a ladies team, the ladies "accidently kicks the wrong BALL(s) the TV crew should get that on close up and replay it several times just in case it was missed by the TV viewers. It would most like be a very popular part to replay over and over and moms could use it to teach their daughters how to kick balls. A win win for everyone. Umm well maybe not for the males but who cares, I sure don't if they get their balls kicked.

There is a team in New Zealand called the Nude Blacks and it is a male team and they do play their matches in the nude. There are videos where you can see their cocks and balls bouncing all over and it has been on their TV in prime time. I think that team needs to play in the World Cup just like that, naked as jay birds and it should be televised all over the world again without blurring their cocks and balls out and make sure they get a lot of close ups of ALL the BALL on the field.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Naked MALE day.,

Even as a male, I love it when women turn it around on the male and expose them totally naked to the world while the women show nothing. Males should have to be totally naked everywhere at least once a week while all the women and girls remain modestly dressed. Then again maybe every day should be naked male day everywhere.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Sports laid bare

Excellent story! Author really paints a vivid picture with words. Felt like I was in the locker room with them. Only thing that would've made it better is if the women went into the showers and washed the men while the cameras rolled. Also the male presenter should've been stripped and made to join in. Overall, likely the best story I've read on this site. Hope there's more chapters..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Hot story

Congratulations to the women's team for their well-deserved victory over the men! The poor male co-presenter could not even look Erin in the eye after seeing his beloved men's 11 humiliated on the pitch by the girls. I'm intrigued to know what was the bet he made with Erin before the match. I bet he was so confident of a victory for the professional men's team over a bunch of women amateurs that he agreed to run naked down Main Street if the women were to beat them. Or maybe it was a more humiliating bet, such as the loser agreeing to be spanked naked by the winner. Whatever it was he agreed to do, it's no wonder he is ashen-faced and unable to speak as he contemplates what Erin is going to make him do. I hope there's going to be a part two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Hey, Miss Kate!

Happy International Women's Day!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Amazing story!!! Please make part 2. Thanks.

MissKateKeesMissKateKeesalmost 7 years agoAuthor
DeViller's Campaign

Thanks Boys. Yes the men will make wonderful props for her FemNow campaign. I'm sure their hot bodies will prove very popular fundraisers!

Any suggestions feel free to message me. I always reply via email and appreciate discussing future ideas.

Kate x

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Totally agree with the previous poster. It would be awesome if Brand and Eli campaign for the Ms. DeViller's presidency.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Campaign promises and new opportunities!

I think it would be an amazing opportunity to continue with the details of how Brad and Eli are used to further assist with Ms. DeViller's campaign. I'm sure they would make great visual aids at her next speech/rally. Maybe even have them serve as examples of the FemNow power to show what roles males will play when she is elected. Lots of exciting options and ideas!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Really humiliating and therefore arousing

I love female domination. Your story is so cool! It is really arousing to be nude in front of a clothed dominant woman who can do whatever she wants with me. Your story produced the following fantasy and wish: I am alone and naked in a locker room or in the shower and a female or a group of females enters the room having digital cameras. She is filming me and I have no chance of getting dressed because she has stolen my whole clothing or key. Sometimes, I really hope she is filming for a TV report. Unfortunately, it's only a fantasy.

However, I like your story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story!

Really hot story! You should go on writing this story. There is really a lot of potential! What do you think about the team being forced to play naked against a fully clothed female team? The female players are allowed to touch the males whenever they want. Several female TV reporters are observing the game with their cameras. The only female audience is asked to bring cameras to film or photograph the males! All women bringing cameras with have a reduced entrance fee. There would be an extra page in the internet where the audience can upload their films and photos for the whole world to watch and to rate! The female with the best film and the woman with the sexiest male photo can choose one male player who must serve her naked for one month. The female is allowed to do with him whatever she wants. The main male presented in the sexiest film or photograph is drawn in a lottery to a woman having watched the spectacle (by her place number).

I also like that Nicole and Danni degrades Nick to their pay bitch. However, sex should not miss in such a situation. For example, I remember an adjusted cfnm photograph in the web. A nice young elegantly clothed woman leads a naked and bounded male through a mall. Different people are observing the walk. One elderly women takes her camera and takes a picture of this erotic couple. Perhaps you can think in this direction.

I also like to read something about Jenny teasing her brother Johnny. I hope she will take lots of nude pics of her brother. She can use them to win their sibling rivalry by showing them around. It would also be funny to read about Mrs Green not able to resist taking nude photos of her son. I wonder if she resists to present her naked son to her friends and their mothers and daughters.

What will happen to the other male victims?

Your story is sooooo hot! And there are really so many sexy possibilities to humiliate men. I really hope you proceed this wonderful story! It is worth it!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Private stall scene continued

Same person as the last anonymous comment, I can't stop thinking about the Johnny/Zoe bathroom scene and had to write up a more explicit version. Consider this fanfiction, I guess!

Johnny was so lost in a haze of pleasure as Zoe led him by his throbbing cock toward the area of the locker rooms that held the toilets that he barely even noticed when the beautiful, commanding vixen swept a towel up off the floor -- the very same towel she had casually plucked from his hips and tossed aside to claim his body as her plaything when she'd first entered the lockers. Was she going to finally let him cover his nakedness? No such luck -- the strong-willed girl simply draped it over her shoulder and kept walking. He couldn't even consider making a move to grab it himself, because she was tugging him along by his dick so quickly that it was all he could to to avoid slipping on the steamy room's slick floors with his wet, bare feet.

Poor Johnny never managed to really get his balance until the imperious girl dragged him to an open stall and roughly shoved him inside with surprising strength. Johnny Green, the world-famous athlete, found himself slipping and tumbling across the stall, his dripping hard cock bouncing around in a most undignified manner, until he hit the far wall with his palms, bending forward over the commode at the waist. As he struggled to find purchase on the wall and floor to avoid falling down, he could hear Zoe closing and locking the stall door behind him. He was trapped in here now, naked and vulnerable, with this powerful, predatory goddess. He gulped in trepidation, his firm manly ass clenched involuntarily, and the giant, perfect tool which women all over the world were even now inspecting in HD dripped precum into the toilet below it.

At this point he made a token effort at standing up straight, but then he felt Zoe Cavendish's warm, dry, clothed body pressing into his shivering damp one from behind, her muddy shorts smearing grime on his wet naked ass cheeks as she ground against him, her hands authoritatively pinning him in his place bent over against the wall, brooking no argument. "Stay where you are, slut," she mouthed into his ear, "until I move you." The meek boy nodded and spread his legs for her a little more. What choice did he have? She was dominating him just as easily alone in a toilet stall as she had on the football pitch half an hour earlier.

For the next several minutes, frim behind his bent, spread form, the devilish siren Johnny was beginning to involuntarily think of as "Mistress" took ownership of his body with her hands, as his cock continued to leak into the toilet bowl. She raked her nails along his muscles chest and back, she squeezed his pecs and pinched his puckered nipples, she stuck her fingers in his mouth and ordered him irresistibly to suck and lick them, she tickled his flanks, she palmed, squeezed, pinched, spread, kneaded, and otherwise owned his pert young bent-over ass, then giggled as she lightly but firmly tapped his winking rear entrance with a single thumb. Johnny's shout of shock and surprise turned to a moan of pleasure as she quickly turned her attention to his cock and balls, reaching around him to firmly stroke one and gently squeeze the other as she chewed his earlobe and dry-humped his tight butt harder than ever before. The young virgin's moans of unrestrained pleasure rose in volume until they threatened to drown out the hubbub outside, but just when he was sure he was about to spray down the toilet and wall with his first-ever woman-induced orgasm, his Mistress's hands were gone and he was left humping empty air. His cock dripped yet more into the toilet water, which seemed at least an inch higher now than it had before, but he was granted no release. "Not just yet, sweetie," Zoe giggled in his ear, and smacked his ass hard as he slowly, torturously came down from the edge of orgasm.

Johnny's beloved female conqueror's next task was to tie the towel she'd grabbed earlier around his left wrist. That was odd. Johnny had never been with a woman before; he wondered if this was normal. He was still wondering when his young captor kicked his feet out from under him. In the steamy room's, the naked young man fell to his knees so rapidly that his throbbing denied cock banged painfully against the toilet, splashing a little precum into his open mouth, and his face fell splash into a toilet bowl that seemed to be about half full of his own juices. He came up sputtering, only for Zoe to easily dunk him back in, laughing at his buffoonery, before completing her task, looping the towel around between the toilet and the wall before tying it off tightly to his right wrist. He tested the knots; they held firm. He was bound to the toilet on the wet ground. Behind him, he heard the rustle of clothing. He attempted to turn around to look, but was quickly eclipsed in darkness as something was tied over his eyes. Something which smelled strongly of female excitement. He heard his Mistress settle into a seated position on the toilet and felt her guide his head to what turned out to be her naked, wet, powerful cunt. She had tied her shorts and panties over his eyes. He would not be granted the privilege of seeing her pussy today, but as she quickly made clear, he was still expected to lick it and lick it well. And he did his best, but he had never done it before and Zoe's standards were apparently pretty high. She cursed, she berated him, she slapped his face, ass, and cock, but eventually, more through her humping his mouth than from anything he was doing with his tongue, she grunted out an orgasm and coated his face in her juices. "Pitiful," she gasped as she caught her breath. "You need a tutor, boy."

Soon enough, Zoe had moved back behind him and reclaimed her clothing, but she did not untie him yet. She still had one way of claiming him in mind. She dropped to her knees behind him, grasped his hips firmly for a few more giggly teasing hard hip thrusts against his exposed ass, then reached around him to once again massage and tease his cock and balls. He hoped she would finish him quickly now that she'd taken her pleasure, but he was denied again as she brought him to the brink of orgasm only to back off once, then twice more. The only thing left was to beg. "Please," the hot young star blubbered. "Please let me come, Mistress."

Zoe's response was to smear her finger around the head of his cock, gathering up all the precum that had built up there now that he wasn't dripping onto the toilet anymore, and thrust it into his mouth, still stroking him with her other hand. "Suck," she growled into his ear, and he did, slurping up all his salty juices in a degrading simulated blowjob of her thrusting finger. The reason for this became clear when she withdrew the finger, now dripping with his saliva as well as precum, and thrust it firmly and uncompromisingly into his quivering asshole.

Johnny's cries of surprise, pain, and above all pleasure were drowned out by the laughter of women outside as his teammates were subjected to God only knew what indignities, and his conqueror and Mistress sank her teeth into his shoulder as she jacked and fingerfucked him to the strongest orgasm of his life. Thick white cum shot from Johnny's renowned cock, which Zoe had non-coincidentally aimed squarely at his face. He filled his own mouth to overflowing with his seed, and luckily his eyes were closed in rapture or he would have blinded himself too. By the time he came down and Zoe finally removed her finger with a PLOP (placing it back into Johnny's mouth as he swallowed like a good boy at her urging), he was utterly drenched in her cum and his own. Zoe gave him one final smack on the butt, hopped to her feet, and said "Call me later, sugar-buns!" with a giggle as she retrieved her cell-phone, which had been balanced carefully on the toilet to capture the whole thing on video. Johnny groaned in dismay as she skipped happily and fully-dressed out of the stall, whistling. Who knew how much she'd get for that video from the tabloids and porn sites? Still, though, this had been the most amazing experience of his young life, and, he realised, if he could take it back, he'd do it all again. He'd definitely be calling his Mistress later, that was for damn sure.

At this point, Johnny tried to stand up only to realize that Zoe had not done him the favor of untying him before she left. He was still trapped. "Um... Help?" No response. "Help." No one came. Johnny sighed deeply. Would the humiliation never cease? "HELP!!!" Finally, what sounded like three giggly high school girls opened the stall door and found him nude, tied up, violated, and drenched in his own seed. He sighed as their cameras started snapping. What would they demand in exchange for freeing him?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A suggestion: more sex

If I could offer some constructive criticism, this sex story could use some more sex. The sum total of the sexual content is (a) a whole lot of sexual harassment (which I fully understand is the main goal of the story), (b) a guy masturbating, and (c) a guy thinking about masturbating. Adding some more actual sexual content in could only enhance it. Let me provide a possible example: after his interview with Emilia, Johnny is trying to make sense of the mixture of humiliation and arousal running through him when he feels Zoe's hand on his still-hard dick, stroking it slowly from base to tip right in front of everyone as she whispers flirtatiously in his ear while using her free hand to toy with his nipple. Overpowered by the sensations of her skillful manipulation of his body, he closes his eyes and allows her to pull him to his feet and lead him to a bathroom stall, and they disappear for a while. Several minutes later, Zoe emerges, fixing her clothes and hair with a smug look on her face; after a few moments some fans hear Johnny timidly crying for help and find him tied securely to a toilet by both wrists with his own towel, covered in a mixture of pussy juices and his own cum. Or, say, after the final photo-op each male player is condescendingly cajoled or simply ordered into following a female player or VIP to her car, still mostly nude, to help her continue the celebration in private; Brad and Eli in particular are led discreetly to Emily's limo by women in aviator sunglasses. Maybe later Zoe anonymously posts a picture of Johnny at full mast and hogtied on his knees to the Internet. Stuff like this is easy to throw in, not even particularly explicit, follows your theme of women taking casual ownership of men's bodies, and gives your audience something steamy to imagine. Or, you could write something more explicit and let us see what these powerful women are into, your choice. Just a suggestion for future stories, cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Yes, I think Johnny should feel the shame about his nude pics and films!

I think you should go on writing this story. I am also interested in reading how Johnny's shame goes on. It would be fantastic when you describe his mother's feelings. How will she tease him? How humiliating is it for him? What will his sister do? Do they include friends or even unknown females at their spectacles? What will happen to him at college? How many females giggle at him because they have his nude pics? How do they tease him?

I think Johnny should never calm down!

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