Long Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Eyes Pt. 05


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Hanna named the drinks available, and asked which each would like. Erik and Bill took longnecks, and the four women all wanted frozen margaritas. The men went out to the pit while the oversized blender whirred and the women talked over it.

It was a pleasant late-September day, with temperatures in the upper-eighties after a dry cool front blew through. The women joined them on the patio, inspected the pork butts, admired the view, and decided to go back inside to talk around the table.

A couple of anglers were working along the shore in a bass boat; Bill waved, and they waved back. "Probably unnecessary," he said quietly to Erik, "but there's still a little talk out there. Anyone driving down this road is in a world of hurt, but the shoreline isn't as well protected during the day as it is at night. It's too hard to hide with the sparse brush and limestone hillside."

"What's the chatter?"

"Your bud tells us there is, or at least was, a bounty on Annika. That's probably Koslov, but he's in no position to execute his plan or pay anyone seeking the bounty. Regardless, we're not taking chances until we know for sure and the bounty is removed.

"He also says there is buzz that you that you are chasing something that upsets the applecart, but the responses are mostly trying to find whose applecart you would upset.

"Your father-in-law to be - okay, for now he's your landlord - wants you to know the new office area is locked up tight, and the penetration testing has been very helpful. The cybersecurity contract has been executed with the firm Karla recommended, and they are providing additional training to your staff. He also said to tell you that HR is screening the other recommendations from your team, and has only found one considered questionable."

"Get Johnny to find out who recommended the one in question and have your guys do a thorough check on both; our employee could be the source of the leak, and is trying to bring in some help."

Erik stared across the lake for a few moments, lost in thought.

"Another crazy idea has been looping around in my head, Bill. While I appreciate Carl's strategy of fighting to keep them in jail and Annika safe in hiding, what if we went the other way? What if we leverage her worldwide celebrity?

"What if we put her in front of the cameras that love her so much, and let her tell her tale, naming names, giving details, and making this a front-page / lead story across the country and world? She could speak of her fear that Koslov, Dmitry, and the others, if freed by the Russians under the guise of 'diplomatic immunity' or as part of a prisoner swap, would continue their efforts to kidnap, enslave, and prostitute her.

"I'll bet her fans, irate women's groups, and celebrities around the world would howl, making it all but impossible for them to be freed under any guise, and making another attempt on her much less likely. But you're the cop - what do you think?"

Erik already knew what he thought, because he saw his face light up as the idea took hold; he asked out of respect, and got the answer he wanted. "I think that is a brilliant idea! We can still surround her with security, but you're right - it would take brass balls to take another shot at someone whose face and story are on every TV show, internet site, and publication due to the bounty offer and being kidnapped!"

"Shall we, then, invite her and the other ladies to discuss it? If anyone could point out fallacies, it would be that group of brilliant women."

"Check your pork and let's join them inside."

"It's ready; let me pull the roasts, wrap them, and we'll take them inside to 'rest' for a while before we shred. After we share the idea, they will take it and run, and we can get things ready for supper. The hard part may be when Annika shares this with her Dad. He looks sold on pursuing legalities and keeping her out of sight, but all of us are too busy to stay in hiding much longer."

Erik laid it out and asked them to destroy it or help flesh it out; they unanimously liked the idea, for selfish and unselfish reasons. Hanna said she couldn't stay forever because her kids were missing out, she felt the immediacy of Annika's trauma had faded and now she needed professional counseling. Hope agreed that she needed counseling, and a return to 'her life'. Milly let Annika explain why she thought it was the best idea, and then agreed.

"I'm 100% with Annika. She wants to get back to the real world, she has contracts to honor, and knows the increased security Bill provides will keep her safe, even if the effort to keep the Russians in jail fails. She won't say it and I know it isn't her motivation, but she's great in front of the cameras, and telling her story to the world is going to secure her place atop the pyramid with Kendall Jenner, the Hadid sisters, and the few other elites still above her.

"The face you made tells me you're horrified that you might be seen as profiting from this mess, Annika, but it's a consequence of your actions, not the reason for them. You aren't having a press conference for the publicity; you're having a press conference to regain your life and stay safe! True, any publicist would be thrilled, but your purposes are pure.

"My advice is, sit down with whomever you trust and break down what you want the audience to hear. Use your management team to set something up, but do it down here; Austin or San Antonio. Don't show up as one of the top models and spokespersons in the world, show up as Annika in hiding, and let your emotions show when you tell your story!"

"What would you think of having graphics, Aunt Milly?" Erik asked. "We have or can get footage of everything from her being stuffed into the van to traffic cameras to shots of the men and women involved and her being rescued."

"From my viewpoint? Oh hell yes! But I'll defer to her dad and management team; there may be legal issues you don't want."

"Then let's script what we want to happen, preview and explain it to Carl, and ask for guidance. As you probably know, in my mind she is far too famous now, so that part means nothing to me. What I care about is prison terms for the perpetrators, and Koslov being castrated both financially and in terms of power. She will never be safe from an obsessed billionaire, or billionaires, so we need to kill off the one, and scare the other or others away."

"What he said," Bill agreed. "The publicity will be great for Annika's career, but, more importantly, will act as a shield. When and how do we contact Carl so we can begin developing real plans?"

"First, we pull the pork and prepare to serve while they talk it through; women will consider details we won't. Then Annika texts her dad and sets something up, after which we eat. If he's ready tonight, we set up a video conference, or whatever her wants, and get started.

"As to the where, I favor Austin. Annika wants to develop a presence there anyway, and they have a strong media presence due to it being the seat of state government, having impressive business and technology sectors, and status as one of the fastest growing US metropolitan centers."


Annika was inexplicably stressed after the discussions ended and the Hammer family left. Hanna went to her room to call her fiancé, and Erik coaxed Annika into the hot tub on the patio.

A few minutes of spa therapy, a long, sensuous massage that left her bikini pieces draped over the edge, hot and heavy petting, teasing, and torturing followed by a long, sensuous doggy-style relieved the anxiety, and left her giggling at how well she had been manipulated.

"You played me like a violin, didn't you? You know me so well it almost scares me! Just when I begin to want something, you do it for me - how do you do that?"

He sat back on the seat, pulled her across his lap, kissed her, and shared a secret. "How do I know? You tell me. You know yourself well enough now, and I can read you well enough now, that I can tell when you're ready to change gears or head down another trail. Your body and your little sounds guide me, that's how!

"The big question is, do you feel better now? The second question is, wanna do it again?"

"Yes, much better, and of course!"


The video conference with her management team and Dad began at 11:00 am. Bill and Milly were back, so the five of them were facing the TV in the den, where Carl, Thomas, Cal, Amanda, and Police Commissioner Taylor were watching them from Carl's personal conference room.

The differing viewpoints offered in response were interesting and surprising. With three lawyers and a police commissioner, they expected to be cautioned, told to play it cool, don't say too much, etc. Instead, they got 'full speed ahead and damn the torpedo's,' and a police commissioner who urged Annika to "Dehumanize them as they did you! Call them creeps, obsessed perverts, kidnappers, criminals, pedophiles, sexual abusers, rapists, enslavers, and every other term you can think of!

"If you show pictures or videos, show them as menacing figures. Don't dwell on mug shots or anything that reduces the effect of the names you call them. They aren't humans; they are dregs who prey on the poor, helpless, and defenseless. Make that point.

"Understand, I'm not talking solely about how they preyed on you! I'm talking about how he got to be a billionaire on the backs and bodies of millions he used, abused, and killed! Cut him and Dmitry no slack - they are evil incarnate, and we want to make sure they do time for their crimes, not be whisked away to their homeland and the center of Koslov's empire. Do your best to destroy him, and his empire!

"Influence law enforcement around the world to take action, and make his water so hot even the other perverts don't want to be near him!"

Annika listened to all advice and comments with minimal change of expression. At times, she felt too much was being piled on her - she was no crusader, she was a model! Yet she could appreciate the rationale. She had a large platform and a compelling story; she should use it to effect change!

Erik was unnaturally quiet throughout the conference. He had birthed the idea, but he chose not to advocate; rather, he listened to and considered the advice and comments, just as Annika was doing. They would talk together later; this was about hearing from other concerned parties.

Bill Hammer raised questions clarifying legalities associated with the various strategies, while Milly advocated for Annika's career and future. Her experience with and understanding of the world of modeling and the people and corporations for which models and other celebrities promote products caused her to question how far Annika should go in lambasting her kidnappers, and especially Koslov personally. While a criminal in every sense of the word, he was a well-connected criminal, and not everyone near the top of governmental or corporate hierarchy was squeaky clean.

Just as "Me too!" threatened men previously believed untouchable, Annika's story would reverberate within corporate walls, government walls, and sheikdoms, and Koslov was not the only billionaire who desired to use and abuse a beautiful woman. In fact, he wasn't the only one who wanted to use and abuse Annika!

It was a strategy worthy of consideration because it freed her to go about her life, but she wanted everyone to understand it was not without peril to Annika's current and long-term career opportunities. Celebrity is one thing; activism is quite another.

Hanna was also quiet and thoughtful. She was operating at the personal level; her friend was brave but fragile; she was smart but naïve; and she was experienced in her world, but adolescent in the larger context of law, government, and politics. Hanna agreed with Milly; lay it out so the world knows, but don't go so far you get caught up in currents you don't understand.

The conference had degenerated into conjecture and 'what ifs' after 90 minutes, mostly by her management team plus Thomas, and that's when Carl closed it out. They could have those more esoteric discussions in the office and communicate their thoughts and concerns to his daughter after she had time to consider all that had already been said.

The big decisions were whether to proceed with the press conference, and if she did, how far to go with her statements. There was a lot of room between what the commissioner wanted and what Milly thought was wise; Annika and her primary adviser(s) needed time to decide.

When Carl signed off, Bill and Erik suggested they go pick up whatever the ladies wanted for lunch, though Bill promoted a nearby eatery with fried catfish as its Friday special. That sounded good, so the men left and Milly led the women to the conversation pit in the den.

"We're not going to talk about all the razzamatazz we just listened to. I want Annika to tell us how she's feeling. How she's handling the stress, the bad memories, the trauma she endured! And Hanna, I want you to correct her if you disagree with what she says. Sometimes the observer sees things the main party doesn't. Remember: we're all on your side, and two of us have counseling credentials and experience, so lay it out now.

"We can talk more after lunch, but I want you to open up to us now. You talk, we listen."

For reasons that began with her limited childhood, Annika wasn't exactly in tune with her feelings. In fact, she felt what she felt, sobbed it out, or got mad and fought her way out, or just buried bad feelings and pushed ahead. Erik had changed that to a degree because he drew her feelings out so well, but just talking about how she felt was difficult.

She was stumbling along when Hanna said, "Tell us what you were feeling when the women burst into your apartment with guns."

That got her started, and she went from incident to incident, location to location, describing her feelings then and her memories now. Fear bordering on terror was the overriding emotion then, but being roughly fondled and abused by Dmitry actually triggered fears of losing Erik as well. Most terrifying was the threat of being taken to Russia and never seeing the family she had just rejoined or the love of her life ever again!

It didn't require counseling credentials to read her sobs or her body language, but it helped when they began to draw out her feelings and delve deeper.

It took the men longer than anticipated, which was a good thing, and their arrival was a good thing; Annika needed a break.

The catfish, fries, hushpuppies, and fried biscuits with honey were all delicious, and the break encouraged Annika when they resumed.

Bill left to meet with his team leaders; if Annika spoke out and resumed her hectic life, he wanted to make sure she was safe and secure in all circumstances and locales.

Erik had a lengthy video chat with Johnny, who brought him up to speed on everything from physical and cybersecurity to new personnel being onboarded and utilization of their new space. The larger focus had shifted to logistics, with only a few very trusted employees working on the Green Machine; that would pick up when Erik returned, Johnny said, and was surprised and pleased when told that might be sooner rather than later.

After the call, Erik considered ways he might assist Annika prepare for and during the proposed press conference, and decided to review the video footage he had captured from her apartment, traffic, store, and police cameras. After reviewing relevant portions, just for the hell of it he created a montage that met the Commissioner's criteria.

Among the captures used were menacing video snippets and screen captures, intimidating mug shots, Annika being pushed head-first into the van, and a video of a terrified Annika running between sheltering agents during the rescue. Through few shots were fired, the staccato sound of gunfire was dubbed into the background.

Some of the photos and parts of the videos were darkened, some were lightened for stark effect, and then they were interspersed to create a 'trailer' that rivaled that of a well-financed murder mystery.

IF they decided to go that direction, no one watching the press conference would be unaffected.

The women reemerged at 5:12; all looked fatigued but Annika looked more like a zombie. The charcuterie board Erik prepared with crackers or fresh-baked bread and Diet Coke revived them to a degree, but Hanna and Annika looked like they needed naps, and Hope and Milly were anxious to get home. Milly signaled him to follow them after they exchanged hugs with Annika and Hanna, and then they took turns instructing him as to what he should and should not do after Annika's gut-wrenching afternoon. He merely nodded, accepting their advice but knowing he would improvise based on his reading of her needs.

He went into the bedroom and came out in his board shorts. "Hot tub time for both of you; get dressed and take a couple of aspirin. I'll have the jets on therapy and a bottle of chilled rosé wine on the table. You guys look like you need to chill for a while."

That brought a smile to their pretty faces; they scurried off to change while he carried out his promise.

It was inadvertent, but sitting in the tub with a cold brew and seeing them walk toward him sprang a Woodie. How could he not: tiny bikinis covering little on Hanna's curvaceous body, and less on Annika's long, lean, and shapely SI swimsuit-cover body... no man could fail to react!

They poured the stemless glasses three-quarters full, carried them to the tub, and used the steps to enter. Erik seated them on either side of him facing the western sunset, and asked for their opinions as Minnesota girls. That began a compare and contrast discussion that veered off into Pacific sunsets in California, Hawaii, and Tahiti, dessert sunsets around the world, and a sunrise Annika had seen while in the Arctic.

The wine and remembrances of natural beauty erased the tension from their faces over time, and the conversation around nature and her wonders continued, abetted by from Erik. "What's the most beautiful flower/snake/butterfly... you've ever seen?" He got out, refilled wine glasses, returned, and asked, "Don't the jets help?" and then offered, "I'm willing to give neck and shoulder massages if you need one."

They jumped at the chance, but Hanna was first. He had her kneel on the lowest part of the lounger across the spa, then stood behind her, and began massaging her deltoid and rhomboid muscles at the neck. "Wow! You're tight!" Hanna moaned in response.

Knowing his girlfriend would react to that, he looked over his shoulder and saw the icy jealousy. "Hey, come help me," he urged her, "you take the right side, I'll work on the left."

The ice melted and Annika stood beside him. "I've never really given massages..."

"Maybe not, but you've had a bunch; just do what you've had done to you. I like to knead these big muscles like this.... Give it a try."

Erik moved to the left, Annika took over on the right, and Hanna's moans and groans intensified. When the shoulder muscles were loose and knot-free, Erik made a partial trapezoid with his hands between her shoulder blades. "The trapezius muscles are in here. You have to use your fingertips or knuckles to relax them and work the knots out. Hanna, we need a flat back to work with. Okay, Annika, give it a try."

She expressed amazement at how knotty Hanna's trapezius muscles were, and how much pressure you had to use to work out the knots. The bikini string running across her back was in the way, but Erik wasn't about to undo it; then he saw Annika's evil smile and her fingers untying the bow. She flipped the strings to either side, leaving Hanna's rather large boobs uncovered. Hanna said 'Oopsie' but didn't complain, and her moans became more sensual as her nipples trailed through the hot water before being exposed to the cooler air as they worked back and forth on her muscles.