Long Overdue Time Away Ch. 11


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I wrapped a towel around my waist and wasn't far behind her. As soon as I was in the water Beth wasted no time wrapping her arms around my neck and kissed me hard pressing her body against me. Her tongue almost immediately probing for mine, a soft moan escaped from her when I pulled her tight into me with my hands on the small of her back. I then sat on the step she straddled me and stopped kissing me saying "I was so turned on by you in the kitchen this afternoon, it was all I could do to keep from kissing you right there." Reaching between her legs she guided my hard cock into her lubricated wet pussy. There was another low moan when I was all the way in. Slowly she ground her hips against me while we kissed. My hands held her waist while her hips worked their magic. "Ohhh, god you fill me up...mmmmm. Her moans came one after another. The pace of her hips picked up and her chest heaved against me as her breathing was more labored. Looking into my eyes She was cumming and riding me. Each time reaching her depth another moan came out of her, this one a mixture of pleasure and satisfaction. "I think we need to move this inside."

I followed her out of the jacuzzi and into the house, Beth turned enough to reach for my hand and led me into the bedroom. With my hand she turned me to face her at the foot of the bed where she got on her toes to kiss me again and picked up one knee and stroked the back of my leg with her foot. I opened my eyes as I picked her up and held on to both of her thighs as she wrapped her legs around me.

Her gaze was still locked into my eyes as if she were looking deep into the depth of who I am. I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable about where this might go emotionally and fell back onto the bed. It surprised Beth and she let out a little squeal. We bounced on the bed a few times with her on top of me. My discomfort dissipated when she bit her lower lip with a mischievous smile. I could feel myself getting hard again. Sliding to the foot of the bed she took me into her mouth and focused on just the head. The sensation was as intense as it had ever been. It was obvious she was looking to make me cum. I made a feeble attempt to hold back. She knew it and giggled knowing I wouldn't be able to. She was right I buried my fingers in her hair and erupted several times. She swallowed some and the crawled up and snowballed me. Looking at me with that same smile she gave me a pick on the lips.

"You cant scare me off that easy." And I pecked her right back.

Jumping up "I am really really thirsty." And she smiled back at me walking into the other room.

Barefooted and her dark naked body moving in all the right places. I didn't get up right away, I had to consider what I was doing. Even though Karen knew Beth was staying here and I would be sleeping with her, I'm not sure she knows how much I like her. It's the same thought that had frequently come to me since Beth and I have been spending more time together. I stuffed the thought and I got up and got a glass of water and wrapped myself in a blanket on the couch. Beth emerged from the bathroom still naked. She is definitely comfortable in her own skin, and is completely comfortable being naked in front of people. Being in her early fifties she doesn't have the body of a twenty year old and can't be considered skinny, but she certainly isn't overweight by any stretch. In my view the few extra pounds she has is in all the right places and it makes her extremely attractive. I held up the blanket and she wiggled underneath and pulled it up under her chin as she cuddled up next to me. "Thanks for including me at the brewery today, I had a great time. It's really shaping up very nice. I imagine you are getting anxious to open."

"I really am, it has been a lot of work to get it to this point and I do like the way its coming together. I really enjoyed having you there today. In fact I really am glad you are spending this week with me at the house. It's been nice having you here. I do have concerns though, Karen knows that we would have sex when she was going to be traveling. I'm assuming Alex is ok with this also. I wouldn't be ok with this if he doesn't know." I guess I was still trying to identify where all my conflicting emotions about how I was starting to feel about Beth.

"Alex..." I could tell Beth was thinking how best to say what she was about to.

"Yes he knows, and is fine with it. In fact he is encouraging it. He knows what a high sex drive I have and as he is getting older his libido has faded. We still have sex but its not very often anymore. That night we all got together when we were in Washington was the first time we had done anything in over a month. And we haven't since. Jim, I'm not looking to replace him. And if he wasn't good with this I wouldn't do it. I love him. You know me well enough by now to know that I'm very sexual. I'm glad that you asked if there is a doubt though. It's great to have friends like you and Karen. Karen and I... I think you know have a long history. She is my best friend. I would never undermine her. She and I have talked a lot about this. She trusts you as much as she trusts me."

"Karen has likely told you that this is a new lifestyle for me. It in all honesty is taking some getting used to. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying myself. I mean what guy wouldn't want to be in my position to have the incredible wife that I have, and have her share me with her beautiful friend."

Beth scooted over and got on my lap turning sideways with her back against the armrest of the couch and pulled me close with her hand and kissed me with a slow kiss on the lips. I responded by kissing her back parting her lips with just the tip of my tongue. We continued kissing and I was getting hard again and Beth's body was responding to me caressing her. We kissed, and the passion was building between us. Remaining under the blanket Beth straddled me looking into my eyes. It wasn't so much passion as it was desire I was seeing in her eyes. I felt it myself, this wasn't having just recreational sex, we were making love. My body was being caressed by hers, her smooth skin melding into mine, her hands on the sides of my face while her lips and tongue conveyed all the desire she had for me. I had entered her vagina by now and she slowly ground her pelvis against mine. I caressed her with my hands and she seemed to respond as much to my touch as she was to my penis being in her. There was no urgency to reach a climax, the journey we were on was an exploration of who we were together as much as how well our bodies knew each other. Time stood still, we were one. No words were needed it was like there was a communication between our bodies and minds. We had an emotional connection that I had not felt before meeting Karen...and now Beth. She held the back of my head with one hand and the other on my shoulder when she buried her face next to my neck. Her breathing labored and her chest heaved. There was a low moaning...more like crying, she held the side of my face and I could feel tears stream from her eyes onto my neck.

A climax did build and we came, first her then seconds later me. Afterwards she just lay against me lightly stroking the side of my face. Lifting her face from the crease of my neck and shoulder I could see that it was tears, her cheeks were wet and eyes a little puffy. "I needed that, Alex and I haven't made love like that in...well a very long time. It feels like I am entering a difficult time, I'm very thankful to have you and Karen. The truth is, me being able to stay here this week has meant a lot to me. You and Karen are good at just allowing me to be part of your lives. I love you guys."


I had spent the week at the brewery getting ready to open. Karen and I had talked on most days to talk about our day and what we were planning.

"I think I'm going to be another week. I'm hoping that you don't need to have me here next week. Some of the meetings have gone long and we still have a lot of ground to cover so I don't see myself coming home until the end of next week." I could hear in Karen's voice that she was ready to come home. But even though this was part of the territory, and she had been doing this for a long time and I knew she was making moves to slow down, sometimes it seemed it couldn't come fast enough for her. I missed her, I knew that a little encouragement went a long way.

"Don't worry about me, I'm at the brewery all day most days anyway. I can't wait for you to see it. It has really come together. When you park, you have an awesome view of the brewery through the floor to ceiling glass. Then the restaurant on the opposite side of the parking lot with windows all around give an incredible view of the bay on one side and the brewery on the other. And they did a great job of the remodeled dinging room. You're going to love it."

"I cant wait to see it! It sounds like you are happy with the way things have gone. Did you get the press releases' out? We are going to want to pack the place on opening night"

"Yes, local papers are doing a feature article the week of the opening. As well as adds that started yesterday. And trade publications have write ups as well... oh, and a couple of podcast interviews, one right before and the Saturday after the opening."

"Oh, I wish I was there! I cant wait to see it. Beth is getting along ok?" I could tell this was a leading question from Karen. I was aware she knew we would likely be sleeping together.

"Beth is doing great. She is more than easy to have here. You have to know she goes a long way in keeping me from getting lonely. Don't get me me wrong, she isn't you. I miss you being here."

"I knew she would be taking good care of you while I'm away. Has she been talking to Alex do you know? Things have been a little strained with them. The client Alex is working for in San Francisco is one he has worked for before. Beth thinks that there is an underlying reason to go there and it worries her. It seems he has been going there increasingly more often in the last year. They aren't intimate much anymore, and more than the loss of physical intimacy he has been becoming more and more distant. It worries her."

"I knew about the lack of intimacy, but she has hasn't gone into the details of it with me. Maybe the break will do them good. You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"That is the case here Jim, I wish I was home. I miss you! Support Beth. I have a feeling she is going to need us. Take good care of her."

"You know you don't have to worry about that. I would be lying if I said I didn't like having Beth here while you are gone, but she isn't you. I really miss you when you are gone, more than you know, I wish I could have gone with you."

We hung up the phone and I thought I better get moving, I had plenty to do today. Karen was on my mind most of the day. She was looking forward to slowing down and making the brewery part of her daily routine with me. It was something we could do together, and it wouldn't be as demanding as her corporate life had kept her for so long. The business of beer was new to her and while the financial part wasn't anything she hadn't seen before, the science did fascinate her. Also the camaraderie among competitors was refreshing to her. She had lived in such a dog eat dog corporate world for so long that she liked the idea that competitors would actually help each other.

I looked forward to when she was home more often and things slowed for her. She deserved it.


The brewery was set to open in a week. We were ready. We had servers trained, beer brewed, all the beer tenders either had been trained or were being trained in a level one cicerone course. The restaurant was stocked and the chefs had the menu down.


"I'm so excited. It has been a long two weeks. I'm flying out in the morning. The timing works out to pick Alex up in San Francisco on our way. It's easy for us to do and it gets him home sooner." I could hear the excitement in Karens voice. The last couple of weeks of meetings were productive in loosening her schedule.

"Great! It has been a long couple of weeks for sure. It's going to be good to have you home." Everything is ready. We can take it easy this weekend. I know you need the rest. No schedule for you for a couple of days.'

"I have to admit, I'm ready for some slack time. I hope it's ok to sleep for a couple of days." Karen sounded tired.

"For sure. There is nothing that you have to do here. Except rest." Karen's good at sacrificing sleep to power through a tough week, But it was evident in her voice she was reaching her limit and needed some down time.

I got home after another long day finalizing some last minute details on packaging graphics on cans that were going into distribution. Beth had enchiladas coming out of the oven as I walked in the door. "You look tired." As she gave me a hug.

"I have to admit, I am. You are a life saver. Thanks for cooking. You saved me from fast food again. Karen says she's picking Alex up on her way home. No doubt you will be glad to have him home?"

I could see Beth was looking for the right words. "I....yes it will be. We actually had a bit of an argument last night. He was high when we talked...he was high last time we talked. Honestly I don't care for this client. I guess that's what he is. Alex is different when he comes home from San Francisco. It seems like sometimes he doesn't want to come home at all. I hate to use the word ultimatum, but I guess thats what I gave him. I'm just not sure what to expect when he gets home. If the old Alex comes home then yes, I'll be glad to see him."

"You probably should be home tonight then Beth, you didn't need to cook for me. I would have gotten by, really. There are probably things you need to do before Alex gets home."

"Not really, the house keeper cleaned today. I haven't been home much anyway. I want one more night here with you. You have been very easy to be around and a nice diversion, I have loved being here.

I was a little uncomfortable with how Beth looked at me when she said it. I'm not sure if it was due to the fact that I was still getting used to this lifestyle. Maybe I was reading into the look something that didn't belong. Maybe if I had to be completely honest it was because I liked Beth...a lot. I didn't like that I found myself looking forward to her. Not just sleeping with her, but her...in general. It worried me. I didn't like that here she was having trouble in her marriage and in an hour I would be in bed with her.

I woke up to my phone ringing. "Hello this is Jim."

"Hey babe, it's me! Karen sounded much more chipper than she had in the last few days. Then her voice dropped some. "I know Beth is probably there, We were supposed to pick up Alex here in San Francisco... He's not coming. He called after we were on the tarmac and says he is staying. I guess I should talk to Beth, but honestly It's not news I want to give her. I hate being the bearer of bad news. I feel like I'm involving myself in something I shouldn't be. Why didn't he call her? That asshole! Beth deserves better than that. I'm mad at him. Is she awake?"

"I think she is now." I glanced over at Beth and she was awake, and while she was acting like she wasn't listening I knew she had to be. "I'll put her on." Beth was looking at me now. I wished I was better at hiding my emotions sometimes because I'm sure she could read that everything wasn't as good as it could be.

"He's not coming home is he?" I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at Beth's frankness, but I guess I was taken a little off guard. "No I guess I half expected it. I gave him an ultimatum and I think it's pretty clear how he is responding to it. Nothing you can do, thanks for trying...I'm sorry for the position he put you in. I'll see you when you get in. Yes, I would love that, but honestly, you and Jim need some alone time...ok but only if he comes too. love you, thank you."

With that Beth hung up my phone and turned onto her back. I could see she was mad...maybe not mad, upset. Maybe she hadn't even sorted through what she felt yet. She stared at the ceiling until I broke the silence.

"You ok? Beth just shrugged. I could see the tears start to form. And the emotion well up inside. She was doing her best to maintain some composure. "Let me make you breakfast. I don't have to be in early. What would you like? I scooted over and wrapped my arm around her and held her. She buried her head in my neck and started to cry. She held on to me and I could feel her cry and her tears flow onto me.

Two years ago I couldn't have even imagined I would have been in bed naked with a woman who wasn't my wife consoling her on her marriage that was falling apart. The weird thing is that this was starting to feel right. Like it all belonged. I guess you would have to have lived my life to have it all make sense. I couldn't help but reflect on everything that had taken place in the last year. Normal? Pfff. Considering all I had been through, not just recently, but for a long time. None of it would be what most would consider normal. But it was for me. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Machaka." Beth caught my eye as I got out of bed. Any other person up here in the Pacific North West wouldn't have known what she was referring to. Given my background and our relationship, she knew I would.

"Corn?" I looked back at her. I knew the answer. Beth and I were the same in that we both preferred corn tortillas to flour. She just smiled at me. I could tell it comforted her that I knew what she would want.

"Alex would have made me flour. That's what he likes so it's what he would have made me.

Who am I kidding? He wouldn't have made me anything. I could see her hurt was going the way of angry, that was ok. If she needed to get it out of her system that's what friends are for.

"Papas?" I asked. I knew she likes fried potatoes with bell peppers, onions and eggs. I also knew that it went without saying that she liked chorizo in her potatoes. So without even asking, I started frying the chorizo while cutting up the potatoes. Soon it was all in the cast iron pans and oven. And I walked around to the back of the stool she was perched on and wrapped my arms around her neck and gave her a kiss on the cheek. if you need anything, even just an ear. Karen and I are here. We love you, I love you! It breaks my hart to see you go through this.

"You have a brewery to open in a week. You don't need the burden of my personal problems."

"I don't think you know me. You can never be a burden to us...ever! Anything! We are family. If you want to continue to stay here as long as you want. Stay! Please let us support you in this. Is there any chance Alex is coming back?"

"I suppose there is always a chance. But I don't expect he will. He is back on heroine, and...well, I..." Beth started to cry and then got up for a tissue stopping herself. "I'll be fine. Is breakfast almost done?"

It was obvious Beth was resolving to not let her emotions get the best of her. We ate and I needed to go to the brewery for a few hours. By then Karen would be getting back. She said she was going to come by. I was excited for her to see the place. Our soft opening was this Friday. And the grand opening Saturday.

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chytownchytownover 3 years ago
Great Series****

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

That is what you are. Cruel.

The menu descriptions are torturing me.

Drooling over my tablet.

A very good sexy story line.


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