Longwood First Hunt Day 01-02


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I hand Balik to Gwen then pull my shirt off, Gwen stares at me as I collect Balik and offer him a breast to suckle. I only get halfway through my song when he stops and stares up at me sleepily. I burp him over my shoulder hoping he does not have extra to exit, after a little burp I put him in the carry basket. I sing softly to him of rest and beautiful flowers until his eyes close then put the leather over the top of him. Noticing Gwen staring at me nervously I hand the basket to Sally and send her to the kitchen with Balik.

"Gwen, why do you stare at me like that?" I make sure to get the badge off the shirt before putting it on.

"I... I find a desire within myself to share my bed with you." I smile at her and sit on the bed.

"There are times I wish I shared the sentiment, Dan does not always voice the opinion of me being pretty. Especially hard near when Balik decided to come from me. Speak with Chun the next time she comes down the stairs or go with her into the kitchen, she shares the sentiment with you, Amanda as well they know who else better than I. Ever since I got this ring the whores speak a little less freely to me, I am still the one they come to with questions on everything else." Gwen gasps at my ring when I show it to her.

Dan was very loving in the selection it is of a red flower the stone is red at least. The leaves are golden really quite well done perched atop the ring itself with corn etched into it. Dan tells me he got not quite happy looks from the married men after we were married the ladies gushed and adored the ring. I love it myself I don't take it off very often except when I take a bath or when cutting up the deer.

"Thank you Janet, I am not sure I will like it but best to try." I smile at Gwen as I put the badge back on careful to pull the shirt away.

We go down the stairs where Celeste is sitting swelled up and looking tired. She grabs my hand and pulls it to her middle where I can feel her child kicking. I smile at Celeste then get out of the way of Sally going up with a smiling man. I see Dan at the bar with a beer, Martin is not there. Dan noticing me points toward the poker table, I look to see Martin sitting there playing poker. I walk toward him then loom over him as much as I can. Not much even when sitting, Martin's head is almost level with mine.

"Martin I know you cheat I'm keeping my eyes on you." I can't help but grin saying it, he looks over at me and chuckles.

"Janet works better when you're wearing a gun, not that I'm going to cheat." I giggle looking around most of the other players are from town or the surrounding farms.

"They did not say how long to soak I'm going back up and check in a little while. Henderson I'm not forgetting the last time you were in town." I point my finger at him he sighs and shakes his head. "I was playing poker with him and Balik decided he wanted out right then." Martin chuckles and goes back to his cards.

I leave them to their game, on the way to the bar I get asked to kiss the dice for luck. Never understanding this I do and move on hearing cheering behind me, he rolled well. Hoping it is not Coyote with his fun at my expense I sit with Dan. We sit and watch the fun for a little while before I go back upstairs to check on my belt. It looks fuller than it had before so I pull it out of the pail and twist it about it drips water and mostly silently moves.

Happy with the result and hoping it stays this way I drop it in the towel Manuel provides for us. I dry it as best as I can then put it on one hole extra to allow for shrink. Not really trusting Colt's assurance the bullets do not react as poorly to water I only grab up my revolvers and put them in the holsters. My guns sitting a little lower than I like I exit our room to find Chad and Bonita heading for their room.

"Prisoner is fed Bonita is fed and bed ready so I'm taking her to bed." Chad says as they stop to talk to me.

"Colt had a solution soak in water, seems to work I just hope it is not big shrink later." Bonita giggles and groans her hands going to her middle.

"This one will come soon I hope. Keeps kicking like tired of small space inside." I smile big looking at Chad.

"Your brother did same thing soon before deciding was time. Stay with Bonita I will check on prisoner later." Chad looks at me nervous then sighs and takes Bonita to their bedroom.

Going down the stairs I smile at Mr. Johnson and the medicine man. They have become friends and speak on things they do for illness often. Ever since tribes have moved closer to town, railroad was quite happy the men took up building path for trains, there have been many friendships. It is sometimes suggested the town becomes part of reservation the Apache are here so often.

"Mr. Johnson, Mohin I am glad to see you both, Bonita seems ready to let child out." They trade glances and smile back.

"Is Bonita in their room?" Mr. Johnson asks I nod.

"Yes she was bed ready, child was kicking as I spoke to them, told Chad to stay with her."

"This good, had vision last night that child born this night would be good sign. There are only two women close to letting child out, both here." Mohin and Mr. Johnson go up the stairs smiling while Mr. Johnson works on his Apache.

I go sit with Dan at the bar he smiles big when I share the news on Bonita. Martin is still playing poker he seems to be doing well with a good number of chips before him. Sally had decided on getting chips so there is not money just lying around on the tables. There is an argument at the roulette table I go asking what the trouble is.

"This dealer is cheating me, not that you would understand being some damn injun. Show me an honest injun and I'll show you a dead injun." The newcomer a rather tall man says, I look him up and down then poke my right hand Colt in his belly.

"For that comment you are staying the night in a cell, take your revolver out slowly and put it on the table." He reaches for it with a leer down at me.

"Like the sheriff would let you carry a loaded gun." I cock the Colt in my hand then pull the other out and point it at his face.

"Do you want to see if both are loaded or just the one pointed at your face?" He gulps and takes his belt off dropping it on the table messing up a number of bets.

"Here I'll take him, I think we should have your first arrest live long enough to see the next day." Dan says putting cuffs on the man. "Your lucky you know, the last time someone made disparaging remarks about injuns she shot him, died three days later in extreme pain. I took pity on him and just finished the job."

"Janet did you really?" Silvia asks at my shoulder looking a little relieved at how the events unfolded.

"Almost, the man made disparaging remarks as he ran away, I let him there was a boar in the area, he was mauled something awful."

Dan is almost at the door pulling the prisoner behind him when there is a shotgun blast nearby. I rush to the door as Dan pushes the prisoner toward the stairs and pulls out his own revolver. Dan looks out then ducks back as rifle shooting erupts, he looks at me worried.

"There are at least two on horseback at the sheriff's I think they blew the door open for the prisoner." I groan this is bad, Martin comes over looking worried his revolver out.

"What do we do?" I look at him and giggle.

"If you can shoot left handed get their attention while I go get behind the trough. If they try to go south I can hit a few, north we are tracking them." Martin nods and switches hands on his revolver.

Dan moves out of the way looking a bit envious, we've tried to get him to shoot left, his fingers are not willing. Martin looks and shoots twice before ducking back, two shots ring out then he goes back to shoot more. I go out the entrance with my revolvers out and move fast as I can to the back of the trough and duck low. I can hear them talking to each other about one got behind a trough and to hurry up. I lean out just a little to the side, aim and shoot his horse rears up then falls over trapping him under it in my view.

The other one curses and gets out of my vision leaving the one lying there trapped by his horse. I can't help but grin when I notice his rifle was dropped there is a shout then the sound of horses galloping away. The one under his horse shouting for them to get him away with them, he groans when they don't come back. Martin and Dan come out then follow me toward the sheriff's. I'm out in the street watching to see if there is anyone to shoot, Dan and Martin are watching our new prisoner.

There is no one there, all of the men that were here to get Michael out are gone besides one. I turn to him and walk closer, he watches me come with a look of derision.

"Don't even waste your breath injun I ain't telling you shit." I jump on the horse then put a knee on his leg not under the horse.

"Dan get my knife, we shall see if Mohin can get any good things out of this man's scalp." Dan grins and goes, Martin comes closer and hunkers down.

"Well this is exciting I've never watched an injun take a scalp before. Course I don't think it will end there Janet here is Cherokee she related what Cherokee do to prisoners. I hope you're not attached to your equipment she takes that the scalp will be for the Apache here." The man turns ghostly and looks at me then Martin.

"Dear god marshal you can't let that happen, it's not legal." I giggle and get lower.

"The marshal is out of his area, what I say is the law. The sheriff let's me do what I want, he's long since given up trying to change me. I suggest you talk and perhaps we will just put you in a cell." The horse trembles beneath me I shoot it then sing a song of sorrow.

Dan returns while I'm singing, he hands over the knife while I get to the part about returning to the land. The man is staring up at me holding the knife singing his eyes about as wide as they can be.

"You really should answer the questions, she will only ask once before she uses the knife." Dan says to him as I am finishing the song.

"Now, where are the prisoner thieves going?" I lean over to look at him he's deathly white and trembling.

"God's truth I don't know, that part was never shared. There was talk of a devil's hand but I don't know where it is." I lean closer holding the knife out, he groans then his eyes turn white before closing and he relaxes.

"Dan I do not know where this is either, I guess we are going to leave tomorrow after asking the captain." Dan sighs then holds his hand out to me.

"Well come on your helping us get him out from under the horse."

I grab up the man's shoulders while Dan and Martin get his free foot out of the saddle. With that accomplished they both strain up against the horse and free him a little from the horse. I drag on him pulling him free, I just can't get him far enough, I ponder cutting his foot off. I am about to suggest it when Bartholomew comes over undoes the saddle completely then helps Dan and Martin pull the horse up again. I pull on the man and get him to come out from under the dead horse. They put the horse back down then stand up looking at it.

"Do we bury the horse?" Martin asks getting a groan from Bartholomew.

"This horse weighs at least five hundred pounds, take at least ten men to get it into a wagon and I won't even mention how long to dig a grave." I groan and shake my head at them.

"No grave, this horse needs to feed the predators, cut it up drag the pieces out and drop them off, the birds and wolves will have their fill and leave the rest for the crawly things."

Martin opens his mouth to argue perhaps instead he shuts his mouth and nods agreement. Chad comes over looking at the prisoner on the ground then the horse.

"I think I'm glad I missed it, especially glad Bonita got tired when she did, we would have been in there. I checked the door can be locked still, but from the inside only, the bolt has no key. The cells are fine, they used the key hanging inside we need to order a new door and I think get a plated door. We are also getting a child tonight, just like you said it is time." I squeak and grab up my son in a hug, at least until Dan reminds me I am a grandmother.

"Dan, there are times when I want to like only women, shush on that." I kick him, hard not the soft little darn you tap but a real kick.

"I think I'm going to listen to the tribe chief and take this prisoner to a cell." Dan grabs up the man and drags him toward the sheriff's limping a little.

"Janet you're the tribe chief?" Martin asks looking a little confused I shake my head and point after Dan.

"Dan is the chief I only have final say in what happens in our room. I ask permission or plead for everything else I would like. The Colt's for example, if Dan said just one I would have just one. Why I let him hold my money, why I cook when he let's me on hunts. Dan let's me do what I want so far I've not crossed a line he has, I may need to explain our tribe to him a little better." Chad chuckles and shakes his head.

"I don't think Dan would care, he's Christian it is similar and not. To Dan as your husband he gets final say but like you said you have not crossed him. I think it helps when he says something you do it, to Christian's marriage is give and take not places in a ring." Martin chuckles then ushers me toward the saloon, Bartholomew coming back with a meat saw.

"Go on in the saloon and mind it Janet, I'll handle the horse with Bartholomew."

Chad stays with Martin I sigh and walk toward the saloon hoping nothing else happens today. Something else does happen the rude man we were arresting when things went bad is still in the saloon. I take hold of the cuff chain and take him out of the saloon to walk to the sheriff's. I am thankful this time he does not offer up any further insults he just walks along behind me. Dan is coming out of the sheriff's when I turn the corner. He looks at us and sighs then holds the door open, the man we pulled from under the horse is on the floor of the cell we had Michael in.

"I hope I'm not eating horse in the morning." I look back and giggle.

"Depends Dan do we have to give him vittles?" I look over at Dan he gives me a strange look then shakes his head.

"If we are only holding him overnight and he gets on a train or otherwise leaves no we don't have to." I smile at Dan then the new prisoner.

"You are not getting horse, it is for the predators and you are not one much as you wish to act like."

We leave him there, Dan turns the lights down then we shut the door behind us. He might have said something at our backs I was not paying attention I am much more interested in my husband. Dan looks at me with a raised eyebrow, I nod then shrug. He smiles at me as we go in the saloon, our unspoken conversation on a roll tonight or not leaving him smiling even as he heads for another argument. Knowing it is just a couple cowboys letting off steam I signal Ishmael over and get a beer. I only get a half beer half water out of him it is enough for me, deadens pain enough I can do things. Three days after Balik came out I was still mostly in bed and tired of it, I asked Dan and he agreed so I got a glass of half beer and water. Balik got his first look outside and was not all that pleased at first, he warmed up to the clouds and birds some before I had to retreat inside and sit.

"I don't know Janet if you need a beer for a roll it's too early." I look over at Dan and shake my head.

"I need this at least some when we get shot at I need my roll. I will sit on you if it makes you feel better." Dan sighs and nods.

"It does, I know how you feel I also know you just finished carrying our son. It's something of a battle for me, I want to get a roll, and I want to just get your bleeding time relief." I smile at him and pull him to me for a hug and a kiss.

"Chances are good you will get the bleeding time relief more than the roll, for Chad it was three months with no rolls. Claire tells me it gets easier to recover after the first. They have three sons did you know that?" Dan chuckles and nods at me.

"Andrew told me, they lost one to the war, one went back east for West Point and the third is in one of the farms around here." This is a surprise to me.

"I thought the wife moved in with the husband not the husband with the wife." Dan grins at me.

"Depends on who wishes to move, Andrew told me he was never happy at the store, she was the only child of her folks, seems to have been an easy decision all the way around."

I giggle at that, I'm not sure why it just strikes me funny, another argument happens at the poker table. I stand up to go see to it and almost fall over, Dan sighs and tells me to stay on the stool then goes to the argument. When Dan comes back Ishmael has come over and taken a sip of my beer, perhaps half of it gone and groans. I look at him and giggle again he looks a bit worried Dan does to when he sits down.

"Ishmael are you sure it is half beer and half water? Janet looks to have drunk four or five glasses of whiskey." I giggle again, something about Dan saying whiskey is funny.

"Well it is half beer and water, it is also whiskey. I was supposed to give a man a glass of beer with whiskey, I seem to have put the whiskey in the wrong glass, he complained why I came over to take a sip." Dan groans looking at me then back at Ishmael.

"Make sure Janet stays here I'm going to get Chad back in here and take her upstairs before she does anything beyond giggle at everything." Ishmael nods and takes my beer away.

I watch Dan go out the entrance to the saloon then look at Ishmael as he puts a glass of water in front of me. Feeling thirsty I take a drink spilling some down me which I giggle at. Sally comes over talking to me I can't figure what she is saying I just nod from time to time. Sally looks at me confused, I giggle at that. Ishmael leans over and says something to Sally that has her looking at me worried. I reach over to get my glass of water to take another drink Dan helps me then picks me up. I think I pledge my undying love of Dan on the way up the stairs it's hard to tell everything is fuzzy now.

I wake up a little when I am put on the bed, dropped is closer I think. At least my head rolls around and I feel like I bounced. I help Dan get my belt off at least I think I helped for all I can tell I was trying to keep my belt on. I giggle at the thunk the belt and guns make hitting the floor. Dan is getting my clothes off when I remember Balik is in the kitchen. I try and say that Balik is in the kitchen, judging by the look Dan gives me I said something not quite that.

With my pants and shirt off one moccasin still on something I find giggle worthy, a different thought comes to me and I grab Dan's hand. He looks back at me a little mystified when I get the word to come out at least somewhat right, I want a roll and I want it now. I pull Dan back at me he comes not resisting much I pulled a gun on him. I don't have a gun but he must have thought it was funny because he came. Perhaps he's wanting something more than the bleeding time relief I can't tell at least he is coming to me.

Dan gets his boots and pants on the floor and climbs above me. I try and pull him to me Dan resists and puts a finger to me instead. I'm aware of a little pain but not very much and say so I think my tongue isn't working very well. I do manage to get my hand to him, he is ready and I'm enjoying more than not, his finger. I look up at him and say as well as I can for him to come to me. I say it twice to be sure he understands and I said it right.

He comes to me he is a little more pain than his finger, bearable and I want my roll we were shot at. Dan moves on me, slow and tender and just what I want. I think I pledge my undying love for him again. Dan is smiling at me as he moves within me. I'm smiling back enjoying him a little more with each passing moment. I start moving with him, not much just a little. I tried more and it was not pleasant so stopped moving so much and found it is bearable. He just keeps moving with me, I moan a little when he puts his hands to me, his fingers working me over in his special way.