Look Ma, No Hands!

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Two researchers delve into a Paranormal psychology study and...
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I had been curious about Telekinesis or psychokinesis for a while after I had heard about it from several sources. The idea that the mind could truly move or influence actual objects intrigued me as a student in Psychology. After graduation I continued into a Master's program and soon found an assistantship in a psych lab at the university.

Most of the time we paid a few dollars to get undergrads to come in and take a variety of tests, reviewed the tests and made some assumptions. Then the professor in charge wrote a paper, used our work and got some award or grant. But it paid for tuition.

That was the routine until one day when Professor Geiger approached Eric and I about a project he had gained a small grant to pursue. Telekinesis and auto arousal. Essentially, can you use your thoughts to arouse or stimulate another person. Perhaps even causing another person to climax without any physical touch. I was in even before I heard that we would also be getting paid to conduct the research. It didn't hurt that Eric was kind of cute as well.

Just to be clear, Telekinesis and psychokinesis are terms used almost interchangably, although if you go back to their roots, Psychokinesis comes from the Greek meaning "mind movement" and telekinesis is more "far off movement". It is a psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without actual physical interaction. It is considered a "pseudo science" since it has had little controlled study in a clinical sense. That was where we came in. We could provide controls and observation in a clinical setting. Instead of studying the movement of an object by thought, why not make it interesting. Let's look at sex and see if there really was anything like an actual "mind fuck".

Not to bore you with details, but the general set up developed around two study rooms where I would watch the women in one setting through a one way mirror and Eric watched the men in a similar situation. The room had a comfortable lounge chair (vinyl for easy cleanup, and that proved to be very helpful), a video monitor and a good sound system. The rooms were adjacent, but separated by a wall which could be made thicker or thinner by collapsing a metal curtain. We always started subjects with as thick a wall as possible and decreased as we advanced them.

After several months, we had tried many different settings. Fully clothed, naked, no visual stimulation, normal visual stimulation, r rated visual, x rated visual, no aural input, mild aural, sexual aural, and so on. The reactions were varied, and I found that there were some instances where the vinyl seats needed a good cleaning and I was also thankful for rubber gloves.

Most of the time it was boring, some arousal, but it was mainly just horny women and men thinking themselves into a state of arousal and occasionally taking matter into their own hands. I think Eric had much more clean up duty than I did, although some women lost more control of bodily fluids than others when excited.

At times we tried to spice things up and Eric would watch the women and I would watch the men. It helped a little, but mostly it became typical clinical observation and relatively routine. After a while watching a man give himself a handjob or a woman finger herself became the norm. I must admit I did find a few of the men and their climaxes fun to watch. Some of their faces were hilarious - eyes clenched, mouth contorted and a sharp inhale as they started to cum, followed by the exhale and a collapse back into the chair. I'd never noticed that before, of course I was usually actively involved with making my own contorted face at the time.

Dr. Geiger checked in with us on a regular basis and offered a few ideas from time to time, but Eric and I were mainly left to our own devices when it came to conducting the actual tests.

About three months in, we found some subjects who actually showed some promise. The female subject I had seemed to go into a mild trance after a few minutes in the room. Even with clothes, you could sense her becoming excited by her movement and increased breathing. Her nipples became erect, poking through her bra and light shirt. She held the armrests and leaned fully back with a slight arch to her back. She spread her legs apart and moved her hips slightly. Then increased her speed. I observed her for about twenty minutes and noted her metabolism increase, her movement increase until she arched and became very rigid. After she returned to the chair, her eyes opened and she appeared to awaken refreshed. And smiling.

The follow up discussion validated what I suspected. When asked about her level of arousal on a ten point scale, she replied "Oh, it would have been a ten. I was able to cum. I thought myself to orgasm as I have done before."

Finally, a "hit". While not true psychokinesis, it would be a start. And the fact that she had done this before indicated it was not a fluke or a false positive instance. We could move the project forward if we could just find another subject.

Just about then, Eric rushed into my observation room, obviously excited. "Dana, I got one, a great subject. He went into his own state, got erect and totally climaxed without a single stim, sound, visual or manual. I think he's a fit!"

I told Eric about my subject and we agreed we might have a pair to move ahead with. To be sure we each wanted to view the tape of the others subject. I am very glad I did, not just for scientific reasons either.

Eric and I viewed the tapes together. The female was not too interesting, I described it above. The male subject was a bit move demonstrative. I could clearly see his penis grow beneath the shorts he wore for the session. And at the end, a wet spot appeared as he obviously ejaculated. And ejaculated. And more for good measure. I would have liked to have measured the amount, it looked impressive. It certainly left his shorts soaked.

We recorded the data, cleaned our rooms and secured the facility for the evening. On the way out, Eric stopped and said "In light of our mutual success, want to go have a collegial, celebratory toast? I'm buying."

As I mentioned, Eric was kind of cute, so I decided that it wouldn't be a total waste of time and I agreed and we set off to the local bar.

Once there, one drink led to another (I felt the need to reciprocate....) and a couple more for good measure. I wasn't completely surprised when Eric asked a question I had wondered myself. "So, do you ever find yourself excited by some of what we are studying? I mean, I do sometimes get aroused myself watching some of the subjects. I mean especially the female ones."

It was cute that he felt the need to justify that he was aroused by the women. The heterosexual male would be an interesting study all by itself. I replied that I did find that "some of the male subjects do excite me" I said not quite being truthful in that some of the women looked very attractive at times. "In fact, that subject you showed me tonight did get a very strong reaction from me. " I took a risk and reached out and took Eric's hand in mine. "I am still a little aroused by his climax."

Our eyes met. Eric commented "I have some beer back at my place, maybe we can continue the discussion there?" It was more a statement than a question as he stood and went to pay the bill. I don't think we would file any notes about what was to follow.

We ran into Eric's apartment and quickly lost our coats. "My roommate is at work, and he won't be home for a few hours..."

I didn't let him finish the sentence as I grabbed him in an embrace and kissed him deeply. Our tongues found each other and wrestled back and forth as we hugged and our hands roamed a bit. I moved close and ground myself into his leg. I felt something growing in his pants as we shuffled toward his couch.

We tumbled to the couch and proceeded to undo buttons, zippers, snaps and anything else that seemed to be holding fabric between our flesh and the others' hands. I reached down and undid his pants. I had been correct, there was something growing. I reached in and found a fully erect penis in his shorts and began to trace my fingers along the shaft. He moved his mouth long enough to emit a long "Ooooooooh."

I returned to kissing him and letting my tongue explore his mouth fully. His hands reached beneath my blouse and under my bra and began to rub my breasts, squeezing and then pinching my nipple slightly. It felt good, better than good. I reached beneath his shorts and grasped his penis, his cock. We weren't doing a study, I could use words other than the clinical terms we used during the project. "Eric, you want me to suck you off? I love sucking cocks and it has been quite a while."

That certainly got his attention. I felt his cock move in my hand as I slid my hand up and down on his hard shaft. "Oh, yes, I would love that, Dana, I love fellatio." Eric hadn't dropped the formality of our research yet, but I figured he would shortly.

"Fellatio? Eric, we aren't in the lab any more. Do you want a blow job or not? Ask me to suck your dick. Ask it like you really want it." I continued to kiss his mouth, his neck and rub my hand on his cock. He still massaged my tit and kneaded the nipple that was as hard as a small rock itself.

"Yes, I want you to, oh, suck me, suck me off." Eric moaned as much as said it. I rubbed a bit more and moved my mouth from his neck to his chest and then started to slowly move down his chest when I felt him tense and his cock began to jerk in my hand. I felt the hot thick goo cover my hand. Eric moaned a bit more. Then said "I am sorry."

"No need to be sorry, in some ways, I guess that is a compliment. I was just hoping to get a little of that directly." I took my wet hand and raised a finger to my lips and sucked the warm, salty cum off it. "It loses a little in the second hand mode, but still tasty."

I was still excited, but I could see Eric would be less that useful for the rest of the evening, so I made an excuse and began to rearrange my clothing after I had cleaned up a little. It was okay, I hadn't planned on an encounter this evening, so I had some pretty ratty underwear on. Not that he would have cared. I went home and found my little battery powered friend who served me well. Besides, it was a "school night". We had a report to finish and some new project work to plan.

We began to work out the plans for the project and wanted to have it in place before we went to Dr. Geiger. Eric tried to bring up the previous night, but I just stopped him. "That was OK, I know how things happen. But that was outside of work, and we have this project to think about. Perhaps we can resume another time."

Eric persisted "But in a way, it is like it is part of this project. I think I know how my subject, you know the male, felt. It was like I was imagining you, um, sucking me, and it, well, you know."

Interesting point, but hardly quantifiable. We had no data to back that up. Just what Dr. Geiger would call a "happy coincidence." We turned back to the project design. At least in the lab setting, we worked well together.

The meeting with Dr, Geiger went well. He found our data supported the idea of remote or psychological connection and it warranted further investigation with the two identified subjects. I had asked if we could have more background information on them, but the professor said it might be premature. He was the only one who had access to the complete files on each subject, and for now he wanted us to remain objective and not use that information. Need to know basis, and right now we did not need to know.

A few more sessions proved promising. Auto stimulation via thought proved positive in more than 80% of the sessions. Slightly higher in the male. I could have told them that in advance. Eric was not the only male to ever "arrive early". It was time to progress to see if the two subjects could manipulate each other from a distance.

We had a couple of options, begin with the wall thick or thin, clothed or not. We decided that we would go with no clothes and the thin wall. If we were successful, we could make the wall thicker and add clothes to see what barriers could be overcome. But we wanted to see if we could produce the first quantifiable evidence of PK as Psychokinesis was known in our shorthand.

We briefed the subjects separately, Eric taking the male and I took the woman. We outlined the basic information for the study that they were to concentrate on exciting another person remotely. They were assured of anonymity and could terminate the session at any point if they chose. Both seemed agreeable, if not downright eager, to the project. With those details out of the way, we began the session.

Each was in their room with just one section of wall between the two areas. Our observation room was now a combined room so we could both observe both subjects. The two were in their chairs facing the mirror, both completely naked.

As we watched, both entered their trancelike state, closed eyes, bodies relaxing, hands on the arm rests. The male was completely flaccid as we began the observation, the female also appeared to be completely non aroused. Nipples were not erect and no pudenda was visible externally.

A few minutes into the session, we began to sense something was occurring. The first movement was not what we expected. Both chairs began to turn from the window and slowly to face each other. The wall was solid between them and their feet were raised, but the chairs turned slowly on their own. The male subject began to become erect, his penis slowly becoming larger. The female moved her legs apart and her nipples became more pronounced. Both subjects became slightly more flushed and their breather was a bit heavier. The pulse monitor also showed an increase in both heart rates. 90 and rising for both.

For the next few minutes both exhibited signs of increased sensation. His penis was fully gorged. Had I not been in my professional state, I would have relished providing direct attention to it. It was quite a specimen. The woman had moved her legs fully apart and her vagina was very evident. It was flush and pink and obviously quite wet with her own lubricating juices. It may have seemed like nothing was happening, but to the trained observer, it was clear that stimulation was present. But neither had moved a finger.

Suddenly the male began to move. His fully erect penis moved and just as it had in the original trial began to shake and then it ejaculated. This time there were no shorts to hide it from my view. A stream of white ejaculate arched up and landed on his chest. Followed by another and still another. His abdomen and belly were covered and this obviously brought him out of his trance. He awoke with a start and immediately grabbed for the towel we had provided in each room.

The female subject similarly awoke with a start, but upon awakening wore a smile. It was as if she knew what she had done and was pleased. Her hand reached not for the towel, but for the folds between her legs. Eric and I watched as one cleaned up and the other finished the job the other had begun. All in all, I would say this session had proved to be about 80% successful. Dr. Geiger would be pleased.

Dr Geiger reviewed the tapes and our notes. A few "Hmmm" and "Umm Hmmmm" were all we could pick up. We hoped they were positive comments. Finally he stopped and raised his face. "Yes, you have done very well administering the test. It does seem to indicate positive PK influence. And if that is the case, I have more good news to share."

We wondered what the other new was, and didn't have to wait long. "You see, there has been an outstanding prize offered for proof of PK influence conducted under proper circumstances. The prize is $250,000 and you appear to have met the circumstances. Or rather, we have met them."

Oh, I see. We do the work and the prize goes to the good Doctor. I was about to object when he continued. "The award, should we receive it will be used to continue the work, but let me just say, you shall be receiving a significant bonus. But there is still more news."

This seemed fair, but I wondered what the other news could be. This project was getting stranger as it went along.

Dr. Geiger sat back. "You see, this experiment is not only about PK activity. You might say it can also be used for sibling research, or more specifically, twin research. Out of all the subjects you interviewed, tested and observed, you selected a pair of twins with paranormal abilities."

Did not see that coming. Obviously it showed on my face. Dr. Geiger turned to look at me. "What will their reaction be when they find out? Should we inform them? What do we do, I mean, we just facilitated an incestual relationship!"

Dr. Geiger looked at us and said firmly "That is why I did not want to tell you about their complete background. You are not, under any circumstances to divulge this information to them. Do you understand?"

We both nodded that we did. And with that we showed ourselves out.

Neither Eric nor I spoke for a while. When we did, it was with a healthy dose of disbelief. We had proven a point we had set out to prove. But at what cost? And we had another session planned the next day. After some discussion we decided it should go on as planned. Oh, it went on, but it was definitely not as planned.

The next day Eric and I prepared the rooms for the session. We were still a bit conflicted about the revelation that we had a brother/sister set of twins performing mental sex upon each other. We finally decided that it would be up to the lawyers and moral interpreters to decide that issue at a later date. We were still going to focus on the proof of PK.

Our subjects arrived. Each at a different entrance and at a different time. That probably was why they hadn't put things together, although I wondered if they had a clue. The briefing and preparation went smoothly. By now, very little had to be said. In just a few short minutes we could conduct another experiment to validate that what we had observed was not a random act, but a true psychic phenomenon.

Eric and I returned to the control room and began our observation. It would be less involved this time, we just had to set the cameras and instruments to record the data. And then watch. Not unlike watching our own live porn channel. That thought had crossed my mind before, and it was especially true today. Eric and I watched as both drifted into their trance and relaxed. Slowly the chairs began to move to face each other, again with no obvious aid from the subject.

The arousal process seemed to begin again. But this time it was not only on the subjects, I could feel myself becoming warmer and I felt myself becoming aroused. I glanced at Eric and thought I saw some of the same effect on him as he intently watched the two subjects begin to move slightly, their hips moving up and back ever so slightly.

I leaned slightly forward on the desk/shelf that was in front of the windows and watched intently. Eric had moved closer to me and I moved a little towards him, brushing our hips as we watched. Eric moved back and I felt him behind me so I moved my ass back until it was against him. I wiggled slightly and felt him press in closer. Not much was happening with the subjects, they were progressing nicely, but if the warmth I felt was any indication, we were moving a little faster.

Eric flipped the tails of my lab coat up and held my hips as he rubbed a bit more against me. A few dry humps and then he moved his hands to the waist band of my pants. He undid them and slowly lowered them over my ass and down to my knees. "I hope to make up for my shortcomings earlier" he whispered.

I heard him undo his own belt and the zipper and then the sound of the fabric falling to the floor. His hardness returned to my ass. I could feel his cock separated only by my sheer panties from my own warm, increasingly wet flesh. I whispered back "I'm definitely interested in a second study. Perhaps we can average the results." I moved more into him and wiggled more. If he needed more clues than that, I might just have to write him a manual.