Lord Daygar - Kingslayer Ch. 15

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Downfall of a Queen, and a Duchess on the brink of disaster!
5.1k words

Part 15 of the 15 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/06/2012
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Many insist that Katriona, Duchess of Zoran is the prettiest woman in the entire ten nations, even more beautiful than Queen Flavica. Katriona herself certainly thought so!

'More hot water girl,' she ordered, her handmaiden scurrying away in total obedience to her mistress. Her eyes scanned over her breasts, examining them carefully, noting any potential sagging or signs of ageing but they were firm and tight, the pink nipples hard and protruding from the warmth of the bathwater and the cool of the bedchamber. The wispy blonde fur at the junction of her legs had been trimmed and shaved to a small triangle pointing provocatively towards her womanhood, her slender legs shimmering beneath the water.

The girl eventually arrived with the heated water but Katriona had bathed enough. 'Too late girl,' she barked. 'A visit to the Duke's knee will liven you up.' The thought of Vadris spanking the girl's bare little bottom sent a twinge between her legs at the extent of her power.

'I'm sorry My Lady,' she squeaked. She knew the Duke would almost certainly redden her bottom before the day was done and now she was eighteen he may decide it was her time and take her to his bed. Her pussy tightened at the prospect of the old man taking her virginity. 'Please My Lady, I beg you not to tell his Lordship.'

'I'll consider it,' she said nonchalantly, 'now fetch my robe.' The girl had returned with it in an instant, 'and my hairbrush.' Katriona enveloped herself inside the drying robe, pressing the moisture from her wet body into its absorbent fibres. The girl returned with a solid silver hairbrush and began to sweep it through the Duchess's long golden hair. 'No give it to me,' she husked. The handmaiden obeyed slightly confused. Katriona sat down, the robe sliding from her legs exposing them to her thighs, she crossed them making the robe even more superfluous.

'Take off your dress,' she said suddenly. The maiden displayed even more confusion. 'I will punish you myself,' she explained.

Relieved that the Duke would not be spanking her, the girl wriggled the dress from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor leaving her in just woollen stockings and clumpy shoes. Katriona tapped her knee lightly. 'Come here girl.' Stepping out of her dress the servant bent over her mistress's knee to await her punishment. The elegant Duchess almost climaxed at the sight of another woman's bare bottom, the oval fruit of her entrance pouting invitingly towards her. Katriona spanked her with the back of the brush several times before allowing her to scramble from her lap.

The girl wriggled back into her dress and continued with her duties with no words being spoken between them. Katriona had been aroused in a way the Duke had never done and resolved to explore her handmaiden more fully at another time. For now she had been summoned to the Duke's bed and, freshly bathed she let the girl tend her hair and anoint her with oils and fragrances before dressing for his pleasure.

Katriona's gown was almost transparent, the thin sheen of material dancing provocatively from her magnificent figure as she approached Duke Vadris. His robe was short, barely reaching his knees and loosely knotted as his consort reached into it with long slender fingers, finding his cock semi erect. She instinctively encircled it and began to ply it back and forth in her hand, feeling it grow rapidly at her touch.

'You wished to see me My Lord,' she husked nuzzling her breasts into his half open robe, her hand still massaging his ever growing cock. Vadris said nothing, stroking her waist length golden curls before pressurising her downwards, his hand firmly on her head, directing her to her knees. This was the bit she disliked the most, sucking his cock made her feel inferior and being forced to kneel before him heightened that feeling. Duke Vadris was the only man she had yielded to but that was her duty as his consort and to refuse him would be unthinkable.

Strangely she preferred him to spank her, the warmth of his hand on her bottom adding to that between her legs, the intimacy of him bending her over his knee and her subsequent submission bringing an ecstasy that could only be requited on the end of his cock!

Katriona bobbed gently on his manhood, her lips tight behind the flange of his bulb as she worked him diligently, hoping he would not release his essence in her mouth. She detested that!

'Would My Lord prefer to punish me?' she said moving from his shaft to his balls, licking them in a fashion she knew he liked. Thankfully he lifted her from her knees and led her to the bed. Katriona clapped her hands and the maiden appeared with the same hairbrush her mistress had used on her, handing it to the Duke with a curtsey before returning to the wings.

Vadris turned the beauty over his knee and tentatively swatted her bottom, protected only by the sheer film of her gown, Katriona moaned softly and tensed her cheeks, the next few swats a little harder. Her elegant court shoes leaving the floor waving gently behind her as the heat of the hairbrush spread around her reddening globes, a few more swats and he returned her to her feet.

Vadris remained seated, his cock now a flagpole pointing directly at the ceiling from his opened robe as the Duchess peeled the flimsy gown from her shoulders letting it whisper to the floor before kneeling astride his erection. He slid into her with ease, her arms around his neck and her breasts dancing free before his face as she rode to the trot.

The Duke had needed this, his tensions palpable as he began to thrust his manhood hard into her, desperate to free his mind of the disasters of the last few days. Nearly two thousand of his well armed men had been lost to Daygar in the pursuit of returning Queen Boudina to her throne. The pact with Lord Eddoe had been a waste of time, the Sea People proving unreliable and counter- productive, resulting in an even bigger waste of his resources. He knew Daygar would not stop at retaking Centria and now he had shown his hand in aligning himself to the 'Bitch Queen' there would be no mercy if the Iron Lord decided to invade Zoron.

Vadris turned Katriona onto her back, pinning her to the bed as he drove his cock deeper into her despite her protests, his bulk hard against her between her legs plundering her delicacies as if she were a whore. He could have used any number of women, perhaps the Kandalla sisters to assuage his pent up frustrations but it had to be her, she had enjoyed the riches of his Kingdom and she may yet share his downfall. His cock boiled over and spewed its venom into her fragranced cunt!


Lord Daygar and Commander Grojon flanked Queen Boudina on the royal dais overlooking the arena as the final chapters played out between the fiercest slaves in the fight for their freedom. Queen Flavica sat at Daygar's side and Queen Simaca at Grojon's, a formidable sight for the hundreds of peasants who had gathered to witness the final downfall of their Queen. Three Queens in a row, one still with her title intact, one dethroned and one about to become a slave for life. Boudina sat silent and helpless and very precarious on her throne, her crown perched temporarily on the extravagant nest of raven-black hair.

Many had been enslaved since birth, some for years for simply being on the wrong side of the 'Bitch Queen' and all desired their freedom but none more so than Kesslet.

It had been five years since Queen Boudina had banished her former army Commander to slavery as punishment for his failure to win over the Western Province, a political act to make her look good in the face of growing unrest. His fall had been dramatic, a leader of over five-thousand men chained to murderers and robbers and whipped by skinny overseers as he quarried stone with little more than a few hours sleep each night. The harsh conditions had seen many perish under the pressure of relentless toil or hellish weather but it had only made him stronger and now he was but two fights from his freedom.

His opponent refused defeat, as desperate for freedom as Kesslet even in the final throes of hand to hand battle. Both men were strong but the loud crack of his opponents neck signalled his end and his body struggled then fell limp in Kesslets fierce grip, a loud cheer as the popular slave rose triumphantly to his feet. Boudina sat wide eyed as her once champion became a step closer to taking her for his own but one last opponent stood between them. Grievous, the mighty slave-slayer!


Sarosa was aware of the dampness between her legs beneath the tight leather crotch of her black corseted one-piece body suit. As chief Protector to Empress Alana it was her duty to deal with any slave who insulted Her Highness and to 'display' before Her Highness was unthinkable. Two of her aides had bent the slave over, struggling with his arms as he tried to avoid the next lash of Sarosa's whip.

She didn't know which made her more excited, the two women dressed in their leather body suits, like her own, high-cut at the top of their thighs displaying endless legs tapering into leather buckled boots. Breasts heaving beneath tightly corseted bodices as they kept him in position for the sixty lashes demanded by the Empress, pretty girls with hair heaped into sculptured buns on the top of their heads, studded collars setting off their statuesque figures. Or was it the slave with his prominent, erect cock?

He was muscular, there was little doubt about that, she had stripped him naked before having him bent over before her, only the brand on his left buttock marking an otherwise flawless skin. Then there was his erection! He was displaying a full ten-inches; much bigger than average and fulsome with its angry purple-red helmet at the end of a sizeable girth. She could understand why the Empress had wanted him flogged and not reduced to eunuch status, the usual penalty for displaying before a woman without her permission. Had she decreed to it his testicles would have been removed immediately but she had spared him that.

Sarosa whipped him yet again and watched eagerly as his cock waved in conjunction with his writhing backside, but remaining erect. Her juices flowed freely within her as she continued to whip the naked man mercilessly, needing to bring him to heel at her mercy. In the end she had added at least a further twenty strokes before leading him back to the Empress.

Sarosa blushed at her obvious failure to contain his excited state, Empress Alana studying his cock for at least two minutes before speaking. 'Do you do this to insult me slave?' she rebuked, slapping her hand across his erection.

'No Majesty,' he said almost in a whisper, 'To serve you my Lady.'

'Have him readied for me,' she demanded. 'I will take him as my giver.'


Three quarters of Kandalla had been overcome by Commander Bessant and his legions under Daygar's banner, only the huge fiefdom of Aviser remained untouched. Earl Igram sat at the head of the sumptuous gathering in his Great Hall for the ancient right of Kaudea surrounded by his Lords and Ladies in their finest robes and gowns. The festival was reaching its height with music and dancing deafening the Earl as his eyes feasted on the two girls sat together on a raised dais. The ball was in their honour but they would not be invited to dance.

Igram was eager to fulfil his right of Kaudea, the ancient ritual when a girl reaching her eighteenth year offers herself to the Earl for her first time. His cock strained beneath his elegant robes as he continued to survey the two pretty girls waiting at his behest, their mothers and even the mothers of their mothers before them had succumbed to this same ritual.

He had been only nineteen when he first became Earl over forty years before, inheriting his lands and title and the right of Kaudea which he had judiciously upheld. Almost every woman in that Great Hall had paid homage to his cock on her eighteenth, there were no exceptions, servants and high-born Ladies were subject to this law. Three generations of dancing beauties had sat just where the two girls sat, waiting for the summons to his bed!

Jocasta and Marianne sat nervously on the raised platform both from very different backgrounds but for today equals due to the day they entered the world. Lady Jocasta sat prim and upright, her hands clasped in her lap her head held high oozing self esteem and pride, the eldest daughter of wealthy parents high in Aviser society. Her raven-black hair mounded into a creation of elegance atop her pretty head, its length testament to her high status, there were no jewels of which she had plenty, for this occasion a simple white cotton gown and court shoes were all that was allowed.

In contrast Marianne was of poor birth, youngest daughter of tenant farmers. She sat nervously and self consciously at the wealthy girl's side not daring to look towards the old man who would take away her virginity. Her hair the colour of honey was much shorter and swept into a frugal bob at the back of her head but she knew she looked pretty, many had remarked on her beauty and the white gown was sumptuous compared to her usual simple dress.

Igram could wait no longer and summoned the girls to his bedchamber. With a slight wave of his hand they were escorted from the Great Hall by several handmaidens, the Earl leaving soon after having made his farewells to the knowing crowd. The festival would continue late into the evening despite his absence, but the old man's cock was eager for action, he particularly liked the assets of the young serving wench, her fulsome breasts and naturally pouting lips setting her above the wealthy girl.

His cock had almost reached its zenith beneath his robe at the sight of the two young women standing awkwardly in his presence, both trembling slightly, breasts heaving rapidly beneath their white gowns. Lady Jocasta was the more confident of the two having been schooled in the ways of high society and the laws of Kaudea and her mother had been very explicit in describing her time as a girl. After she had been taken by the old man she would be free to marry her childhood sweetheart, the son of the wealthy merchant business partner of her father, this was the gateway to her womanhood.

Marianne eyed the huge bed she knew she would lay for her first time, her mother and her two sisters before her had lain on that same bed for their inaugural intimate encounter but had been reluctant to share the experience with her. Now she would find out for herself what they had been so silent about. She wanted to run away but that was impossible, her fate had been sealed from the day she was born and now the man who would take her virginity scanned her from head to toe.

She shivered visibly as the old man licked his lips as if preparing for a meal, savouring the delicacies served up to him before devouring them. She was breathing far more rapidly than the seemingly confident girl at her side but unable to control the movement of her breasts which had so obviously attracted his attention.

Earl Igram had not spoken a word and with another flick of his hand Jocasta reached behind her neck and unfastened the halter of her gown, letting it slide over her breasts and down her body, dropping it to her delicately embroidered court shoes. His eyes scanned her nakedness, savouring her newly ripened breasts and small pink areolas surrounding the hardened nubs of her nipples. A neatly trimmed triangle of dark pubic hair sheltered beneath the small curve of her belly above the beginnings of her entrance just visible before disappearing between the tops of her long shapely legs.

He noted her inborn arrogance, common in her kind but his cock would take the smugness from her when she yielded before him, his erection nudged against his robe at the thought. She was pretty right enough, her long black hair expertly crafted on top of her head giving her the illusion of a long neck, fashionable among the high-born ladies of that time. But he was more interested in the wench; he indicated his readiness for her to undress.

Marianne's fingers trembled as she reached behind her and unclasped the halter bringing her gown forward and over her very ample breasts then letting it drop as Jocasta had done, her shoes simple and inexpensive but the best her family could afford. Now she felt very self conscious standing before him naked, her first time in front of a man since gaining her puberty.

Igram sucked in breath as the young maiden stripped the gown from her slender young body, her much larger breasts still heaving animatedly with her excited breathing, nipples remaining hidden behind the small pink circles adorning them. A wispy triangle mirrored the honey colour of her hair barely visible against her slightly olive skin, legs equally slender and probably even shapelier than the other girl. The festival was continuing apace in the Great Hall below them and the noise pervaded every part of the Manor.

He signalled his readiness and both girls stepped forward; Jocasta was the first to slowly sink to her knees quickly followed by Marianne eager to observe the protocol of the occasion for the good name of her family. Igram placed a hand on each girl's head, his fingers stroking them as if they were pets then he shrugged off his robe, his erection bobbing towards his prizes as if claiming them for its own.

Both Jocasta and Marianne backed away from it, startled by its fearsome size and ugly beauty. The girls had never previously witnessed a cock and the angry nature of its austere bald length was far from either of their perceptions. Neither had been prepared for such a stark and formidable sight.

Lady Jocasta was the first to accept him, her red painted lips tentatively nuzzling against the bulbous end until Igram held her head and forced himself further into her. She had not expected his forcefulness and gagged slightly at the rough treatment but accepted his length and sucked it as her mother had tried to describe. Marianne was stunned at the harshness of the act and felt numb at the prospect of his cock entering her mouth.

The Earl had little time for the arrogant high-born sucking his cock, her upbringing had been pampered and without struggle of any kind, now was her time to make up for it and he intended to ensure she did. His full length had vanished between her lips, his hand wrecking the elegance of her hair as he held her firmly to his groin fucking her luscious mouth until she could hold out no more. Lady Jocasta fell backwards to the stone floor as he released her, panting for breath after having had his erection firmly down her throat for so long. Marianne winced as the Earl placed his hand on the nape of her neck, bringing her to him for her turn.

The old man was fascinated by the girl's naturally pouting lips as he tentatively pressed his cock against them, her small hand encircling his base, holding it steady as she acquainted herself with his needs. Igram pressed her head gently, easing her onto him, his bald tip surrounded by those full pink lips wetting him with her saliva as she suckled it as if it were her mother's teat. He allowed her time, enjoying the sensation of her toying with the relatively delicate part of his seasoned cock, easing further forward her lips tightened behind the flange. Her naiveté unwittingly heightened his sexual experience as her tongue flicked his tip in its defence of her mouth.

It was her time. His hand pressed the back of her head forcing her fully onto his erection, her lips parting with his entry and engulfing him almost to its hilt. Marianne's action was very satisfactory and he reacted gently towards her unlike Lady Jocasta who remained kneeling and in shock at her treatment. The fair haired wench was all he had imagined her to be and more, sliding back and forth along his shaft in the time honoured manner of a woman yielding to her master.