Lori's Submission


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"All done?" the nurse asks impatiently.

"Yes ma'am," I squeak.

The nurse closes the jar and hands it off to one of the technicians.

"Alright, now we can begin," Dr. Manyard says.

Sam pulls me off the table and the technicians push it out of the way against the wall. The nurse pulls out a bench. The bench looks almost like a sawhorse, except made out of metal with cushions on the top. I can't help but notice the restraints at the head of the bench and on the back legs.

What are they going to do to me?

Sam cuts the zip tie from my wrists and makes me lie down on the bench. The nurse takes my arms and cuffs them above my head. Sam and a technician fasten my ankles to the legs of the bench with my feet firmly planted on the floor. I'm laid out on this bench completely helpless - I'm just loose enough to be able to wiggle around a bit, but I can't defend myself in any way.

Another technician rolls up a machine and attaches sensor pads all over me.

The technician turns on the machine. It starts bleeping and a series of fluctuating lines appear on the display screen.

"Alright, running diagnostic check," he says, putting a stethoscope to his ears.

"Breathe in," he tells me. "Breathe out."

I obey.

"Hold your breath."

"Breath in."

I gasp as he reaches out and tweaks my nipple. One of the lines on the machine blips upward.

"Chest sensors are working," the technician says.

He rolls his fingers over my pussy - I just came a few minutes ago but his touch still sends tingles up my torso. Another line on the machine blips.

"Alright, we're good," he says and walks back to the machine.

"Everyone, I have been researching female sexual behavior for years," Dr. Manyard says. "And I am very proud to be showcasing the end result of all that work today."

The colonel nods.

"But I think the honor of carrying out this first demonstration should go to my step-daughter..."

Step-daughter? What step-daughter?

"Tasha Lewis."

I'm aghast. Lewis is her step-daughter?

"She knows how to do all this?" Capt. Williams asks in surprise.

"Of course she does," Dr. Manyard laughs. "She's worked by my side since she was a child, and spends every free moment not committed to the Army continuing to help me in my work. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for her!"

Tasha Lewis steps up to the bench. I look up at her in fear and bewilderment.

"Dim the lights please," Tasha says to a technician.

The room goes dark.

Now I'm really scared.

Tasha pulls up a stool and sits, looking down at me. I'm still afraid of what is going to happen to me, but to my shame, I mostly feel excited.

"How are you doing, honey?"Tasha asks quietly.

"Uh... I'm doing okay ma'am."

God, I called her "ma'am" without even thinking about it. A junior soldier that I've laughed at and put down all this time, and here I am naked and tied to a bench, completely vulnerable to her, calling her "ma'am."

"You've been very brave so far sweetie," she continues.

I nod nervously.

Her patronizing attitude should be infuriating, but for some reason I don't mind it so much. Is it those pills they gave me? Or is it something else?

"Just relax and enjoy it," she says.

I feel her hands run down my chest with a featherlight touch. It makes me shiver - not in a bad way - just the kind of shiver one gets when someone touches you in a way you've never been touched before.

Tasha squirts oil into her hands.

I remember the orgasm Dr. Manyard gave me just a little while ago. I've never had sex before - shit, I've never even played with myself before. It's not that I'm not pretty and can't get laid - I know every guy in the platoon would like to fuck me. I just wanted to wait until I met the right man.

I guess that's all out the window now.

I gasp softly as Tasha lightly rubs the oil on my chest. It feels so good, I can almost forget how terrible this whole situation is. She squirts more oil on her hands and starts massaging my breasts, her hands just barely skating against my skin. No one has ever given me a massage before, is this what it feels like? Tasha's fingertips graze back and forth across a nipples, and then trail off to the other nipple. I'm starting to squirm against the restraints - I can feel the pressure building between my thighs.

Tasha's hand cups my pussy. She smiles - its already wet. Tasha rolls her thumb over my clit, sending spasms of pleasure into my core.

"Does that feel good?" she asks.

"Yes ma'am," I murmur.

"We're going to play a game, Lori."

Despite my rising pleasure, my mind starts to race. What kind of game?

"If you obey me and tell the truth, I will reward you."

She takes my nipple and tweaks it, making me gasp.

"But if you disobey me, or try to lie to me, you will be punished."

Tasha skates her fingernails down my armpits and over my tummy. I giggle uncontrollably as she tickles me - my hysterical squeals go silent - the sensation is so intense I can't even breath.

Finally, she stops.

"Understand the rules?" Tasha asks, her face breaking into an evil grin.

"Y-ye-yes ma'am!" I gasp, still trying to catch my breath.

"You will obey me?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Say it bitch!"

"I will obey you ma'am!"

"Louder!" she says, digging her nails into my skin.

"Aaahhhhh yes! Ye-yes! I will - aaaaahhhhh! I will obey - eeeiiik! I will obey you ma'am! Aaaaahhhh! Please stop ma'am! Pleeeeease stop! I beg you aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!"

"Good," Tasha grins.

"Now... state your name."

"Sgt. Lori Park-" I start.

"Do you think your rank matters here?" Tasha scolds me. "Do you think I care what if my prisoner was a 'sergeant,' do you?"

"No ma'am I - aaahhhhhhhhhhh!!"

Tasha tickles me for at least a whole minute before she stops. I'm really starting to get desperate now. This is crazy. She hasn't even asked me for the codes yet! She hasn't even mentioned them! But she's still tormenting me! What is wrong with her?

"Let's try again," she says. "What is your name?"

"Lori... Lori Parker!" I burst out.

I don't know how much more punishment I can take.

"See... that wasn't so hard, was it?" Tasha says sarcastically.

Tasha turns around and pulls something out of the cabinet behind her.

"Now for your reward."

A buzz fills the silence. I jump in fright as I feel something press against my tummy.

Its a vibrator.

I feel the vibrator run down my skin and stop over my clit. Tasha teasingly rolls it all around my spot. I don't care anymore who is watching me. I start to writhe and gasp under Tasha's touch. I let out a loud moan as she starts to play with my nipples.

I feel so good, I wish this could last forever. But every good thing must come to an end. Tasha turns the vibrator off.

"Now, next question," she says.

I gulp.

"What is your mother's maiden name?"

I sigh in relief. Easy question.


"Very good, honey."

Tasha turns on the vibrator and hovers it just above my clit. She taunts me with it - sometimes lowering down just enough to brush up against my spot, before quickly raising it back up again. Sometimes she lowers the vibrator, but doesn't let it touch at all. I arch my back, trying frantically to push my aching pussy into the vibrator, but each time I push up, Tasha pulls it back teasingly.

My face contorts in desperation, and Tasha cracks a smile. To my dismay she turns off the vibrator and puts it down.

"Next question," Tasha says.

Uh oh.

"Who discovered the circulation of the blood?"

"I - I - I don't know!" I protest.

"Looks like someone is getting punished!" Tasha sings into my ear, tracing her fingernail over my nipple.

"No please I don't know, I really don't know, please!" I beg.

Tasha digs her fingers into my ribs.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh oh God ahaaahhhhaaaa please! I - aaaaaaaahhhh!"

"What is going on here?" Capt. Williams asks Dr. Manyard.

"When the prisoner gives a truthful answer," her arousal spikes - she is anticipating sexual stimulation," the doctor explains. " But when she tells a lie, her heart rate spikes out of fear of being punished."

"But she didn't tell a lie, she just didn't know the answer," Capt. Williams says, puzzled.

"Telling a lie and not knowing the answer produce the same result - punishment," Dr. Manyard replies.

I'm gasping for breath by now. I want to please Tasha more than anything else in the world. My love for the touch of her fingertips is matched only by my fear of her nails.

"You're fucking up, better get the next answer right," she laughs.

My eyes widen in terror.

"What is your favorite color?"

"Uh... blue, blue!" I plead.

"Hmmmm, you sound uncertain," Tasha says teasingly, dipping her finger into my belly button, making me break into hysterical giggles.

"It's blue, I swear!" I cry.

"Alright, I guess I'll let you have that one," she says with mock resignation in her voice.

This is unbelievable. She hasn't even asked me about the secret pin code yet. Does she even want it? What the hell is she doing to me? What's the point? Does she not even care about the code? Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!

Tasha pours more oil over my chest and legs. Her fingers set to work on me, stroking up and down my body, trailing oil over my breasts. I feel her other hand brush over my swollen clit - I'm so horny I can't even think straight. Tasha's sensual touch and her punishing tickles have completely overloaded my senses.

"Please, ma'am... please let me come," I beg.

"No, I can't let you do that," she says mockingly.

Tasha absent-mindedly traces circles around my nipples, as if her mind is on something else.

"What am I going to ask you next, I wonder..." she says out loud.

Tasha drums her fingers up and down my stomach, making me squirm helplessly.

"Hmmm... I can't think of any more questions," she says.

Her finger dips into my belly button, sending ticklish spasms up my spine.

"Maybe I'll just keep punishing you until I think of something."

My will to resist has been completely torn down. I fly into a panic. How can she do this? She hasn't even asked about my code yet! Has she completely forgotten about it? What is wrong with her? How can she do this to me? I would give her the code right now if she asked!

Tasha skates her fingernails up and down my defenseless body, making me scream in ticklish agony.

"Please, ma'am!" I whine. "Please stop! I beg you, please!"

She shakes her head with a grin and tickles me even more.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh! Please ma'am, I'll... I'll give you the code, please!"

Tasha looks down on me.

"I don't know..." she says. "I think you'll just tell a lie."

I let out a squeal as her fingers dip into my armpit.

"No please, I won't lie!" I insist desperately. "Just check it and if it's a lie you can do whatever you want to me!"

Tasha traces circles around my drenched pussy, sending agonizing jolts of ticklish pleasure spiking through my body.

"It's 1994!" I scream hysterically. "1 - 9 - 9 - 4, it's my birth year! I'm telling the truth, please!"

She suddenly stops touching my body, looking me in the eyes triumphantly.

"That sounds like the truth," Tasha says.

Doctor Manyard opens my folder.

"Yup, that's it, 1994," the doctor says.

A technician turns the lights back on.

I realize what I've done. I feel utterly defeated. Tasha completely conquered me. She broke me so easily, that I surrendered to her without even being told to.

"One girl giggling and squirming like a slut doesn't prove anything," the colonel says, sounding unimpressed.

I start sobbing quietly. Tasha strokes my hair comfortingly.

"This has worked on every young female we've tried this on," Dr. Manyard says. "We have different procedures, different control groups..."

"Well maybe if I see something more concrete, we would be interested," the colonel interjects. "The department might even fund further development with you."

"If you just come with me, I have video and notes from previous test subjects to show you," the doctor says, motioning to the door.

The Army officers follow her out the room. I lay motionless on the table. A technician removes the sensor pads from my body. He reaches to untie me but Tasha stops him.

"Pack up and go home, I'm not through with her just yet," she tells him.

The technicians finish putting away their equipment and leave. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sam leave with the nurse. Sam doesn't say a word or even look at me, like I'm just a piece of meat not even worth talking to.

"You can turn the light back off," Tasha says to the nurse. The nurse flicks the switch as she goes out the door, and the room goes dark again.

I'm alone in the room with Tasha.

I'm terrified of her, but at the same time, I feel excited too. Thinking about what she is going to do to me makes me even hornier.

Tasha's hands trace up and down my legs - I moan with every glancing touch to my sexual buildup. Each touch is immediately followed by Tasha sadistically tickling my inner thigh, making me squeal in shock. It's pure sexual pleasure mixed with pure sexual agony.

"So Lori... why did you leave me out to dry that night?" she asks casually.

I freeze. I know the night she means. I feel shame. A shame even deeper than the shame I felt when the nurse made me strip naked. A deeper than the shame I felt when Dr. Manyard forced me to orgasm. It's a shame deeper than even the shame of surrendering the code so quickly and easily.

The shame of betrayal.

It was six months before I got promoted. Me and Tasha were both new soldiers in the unit, and got alo+immediately.

One Friday night we went out at a local bar. I'm too young to drink - even if I was old enough, alcohol was never interesting to me. Tasha on the other hand got completely wasted. I finally got fed up with her drunken bullshit and left early. In the back of my mind I knew that was wrong with me. I should have stayed with her. I should have made sure she got home safe - even if it meant just calling a taxi. But when I got back to the barracks I banished the doubt from my head and went to sleep. I didn't see her again for the rest of the weekend.

Monday morning I found out Tasha had been arrested for driving drunk.

I felt guilty, and I wanted to tell Tasha I was sorry for leaving her. But I never had the nerve to talk to her about it. She always held it against me, and always went out of her way to be rude to me. Her anger only got worse when I was promoted and became her squad leader. She is older than me and in the Army for two years longer than me, I guess she always felt like I didn't deserve to be promoted before her. But I somehow convinced myself I had no share of the blame for her DUI, and she was entirely at fault. Either way, or friendship was destroyed.

"Well?" Tasha asks, her voice growing angry with me.

"I... I... I thought you were okay," I stammer. "I just needed to get home..."

"Liar!" Tasha snarls at me.

Her soft strokes across my body stop, and Tasha unleashes her fingernails on me - tickling me even more ruthlessly than before.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh oh God aaahhhhhhh! I squeal hysterically, completely helpless against Tasha's torment.

She finally stops, and glares at me with total contempt in her eyes.

"You lying bitch," she growls. "Try again!"

"I'm... I'm sorry..." I break down into tears. "I shouldn't have left you there."

"You don't leave your buddy behind," Tasha says solemnly.

"F-forgive me!" I sob.

"No... you can't be forgiven... ever," she says.

My guilt is overwhelming - more overwhelming than my humiliation - even more overwhelming than my arousal. I feel the need to tell her everything. I have to pour my soul out to her.

"I... I... I switched with you to get this assignment," I confess tearfully. "I was trying to screw you over. I hated you, but it was all just because I felt guilty about what I did..."

My captor puts her finger over my lips.

"Shhhh... I know," Tasha smiles. "I tricked you. I manipulated you. I knew exactly how you would react. I knew you would take this assignment without really even knowing what it is. I knew you would trap yourself."

I lay still, trembling.

"I knew once I had you here you would surrender to me," she says.

She touches me on the cheek.

"Now you are my prisoner."

Tasha rubs more oil into her hands and starts massaging my chest again. She draws circles over my breasts, deliberately avoiding my nipples - every once in a while she'll suddenly flick one of the hardened buds, making me gasp. She doesn't just touch my nipples - she holds back, teasing me until I desperately want her to touch them.

"So you've never had sex before?" Tasha asks me.

I shake my head.

"You never told me... were you afraid I would make fun of you?" she asks sweetly.

I nod.

"Why did you never have sex?" Tasha asks.

"I... I don't know," I'm lying, but maybe I'm just frightened of the truth.

"Were you scared of what it might feel like?"

"Yes," that's the truth.

I don't respond. I just look into her eyes. I never realized how pretty Tasha is until today. I could be lost in those wonderful blue eyes forever.

"It's okay," she tells me. "You're a very submissive girl - I knew that from the first moment I met you. You don't like making decisions on your own. You just need someone to guide you and teach you. Someone to take control of you sexually. Someone for you to obey."

I realize she's right. Maybe that's what I've been missing this whole time. There's always been this feeling in the back of my mind, subconscious almost. This feeling of uncertainty. How wonderful it would be for someone to take control. Someone who could lead, and I could follow.

"Have you masturbated at least?"

I take a moment to answer.

"No, ma'am."

Tasha smiles down at me.

"Earlier, when Dr. Manyard was with you... was that your first orgasm?" she asks me.

"Y-yes, ma'am" I whisper.

"I'm sorry," Tasha says sympathetically. "If I had known, we would have made it special."

"Did you like it?" she says.

"Yes, ma'am. It was wonderful."

Tasha's finger pushes down on my clit. I feel more aroused than ever before - even when Dr. Manyard was using me.

"Don't worry," she says. "This orgasm will be special."

"Oh..." I murmur, feeling her hand brush up and down my dripping pussy lips.

She leans down and whispers into my ear.

"I'm going to break your hymen."

My eyes widen.

"No ma'am, please..." I whimper in horror.

"It's okay, Lori," she says, tenderly brushing a few strands of hair away from my face. "I'll be very gentle, it won't hurt."

Tasha turns the vibrator on, and skates it down my belly. I squeal as the buzzing toy rolls over my clit. She gently parts my pussy lips and slips the vibrator in a little, all the while massaging my clit. My wrists writhe in their cuffs - my need for sexual relief is mind-numbing. I want to come more than ever before.

She bends over and takes my nipple in her mouth - licking and sucking it. I feel her teeth start to nibble the swollen bud, it takes me by surprise and I lash out helplessly against my cuffs.

I feel like I'm going to come any moment now.

With a stab of pain, the vibrator suddenly glides deep into my pussy.

"It hurts!" I cry. "Please stop..."

"Ssshhh," she assures me. "It's all over now.

She's right. The pain subsides, washed away by my overwhelming sexual buildup.

"I just took your virginity," she whispers, slipping the vibrator in and out of my hot, dripping pussy.

"Oh God... oh God... Oh my God!" I squeal, my whole body convulsing from the impossible desire flaring up from my core.

I'm right on the edge, Tasha is teasing me sadistically, but won't let me go over the edge. No one else in the world matters to me right now. Just her. I want more than anything to please her.