Lost And Found


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"Do the nurses know what you kids are doing here?" Lisa asked her father.

"Yeah, they're cool. After they heard what Mary did to your mother's lover when he came to kill me they'll pretty much let her have the run of the place," Robert replied.

"He was never my lover," Peg spit out between clenched teeth. "I have only ever loved you. He was my seducer."

A nurse came in, and by the time she had finished taking vitals, Mary was back in the room. She quickly got dressed, and Peg asked her to join them far a family meeting.

"We need to discuss the future," she began. "I am ready to head back home. I think the girls are ready too." They nodded agreement.

"It has been my expectation that now that the air has been cleared of suspicion and fear, that you, Robert, would come home with us. You are going to need physical therapy and we can see that you get the best available, as well as good follow-up care. Of course at first I, we, were unaware of your relationship with Mary. We don't want to see her go back to that camp, so the most logical thing seems to be that she come with us."

Robert and Mary looked at each other and smiled. From their expressions, it was obvious that they, too, had been discussing the future.

"Peg, it is very much like you to have the future planned and plotted out," Robert replied. "Yours and everyone else's. I don't mean that to be critical, you are a planner.

"Mary and I have talked, and we both agree that we have no desire to go back to sleeping under a bridge. And, although I'm not completely comfortable yet being around you, Peg, I have come to believe that you did not wish me harm. I must say I'm surprised that you were susceptible to Charlie's manipulation. But you believed he was a loyal friend, and he played the part well until his scheme started to unravel. Then he became more brazen and desperate, and revealed his true colors."

He reached across the bed and took Mary's hand.

"All that having been said, I accept your invitation to return to Ohio with you, and rebuild a relationship with my family." He looked at each of them in turn. "But things can't be as they were before." Looking at Peg, he went on, "We both have changed. We've both been the victims of betrayal - I just knew about it first and have had a longer time to accept it." Looking to Mary, he said, "But I was lucky enough to have had someone to catch me." He squeezed her hand.

"You, Peg, are new to the pain of betrayal. The guy you thought was propping you up was really setting you up. Mary and I, and our daughters, will try to be your safety net, and help you through what will be difficult times - because you are the real victim in our little drama. True, I've been sleeping under a bridge, but I got lucky and Mary saved me. Understand, I have harbored the pain of your betrayal - even if it wasn't true, I believed it - for so long I can't come running back to you.

"So at least at the beginning, we'll be friends. And Mary will be our friend. I don't know if you will want us in your house or someplace else close by. I guess time will tell how our relationships - the three of us - will sort out.

"One good thing has occurred as a result of all this. I have to thank you, Peg, and you, Lisa, for helping Mary to regain confidence and self respect. You have treated her as a friend, rather than as a burden, and she has made great strides."

And so they began the process of decamping back to Ohio. Robert and his crew had become such fixtures on his floor that the nurses and aides and doctors who had cared for him had a little farewell ceremony. Mary came in for special praise for her faithful attention to him, and, of course, for saving him in his moment of peril. Robert and Peg thanked all for their kind care, and Peg announced that her family foundation would be making a generous contribution to the hospital, to be used for the care of homeless patients who could not pay for the care they need.

With Robert's discharge papers came instructions for safe travel with his nearly healed injuries. There were prescriptions to be filled, and reports for doctors and physical therapists he'd be seeing when he arrived. Peg and the girls drove him and Mary back to the homeless camp to say goodbyes and to retrieve anything they had left behind. Robert gathered his friends around them and he made a little speech, thanking them for their friendship, and appointing Speedy to be the new "mayor." Out of sight of the others he gave Speedy the precious ATM card and whispered the PIN. "I will see that there is always some money in there," he promised.

The flight was uneventful. To help Robert with the pain of sitting with his sore legs and arms for the long flight his doctors provided some potent pain meds, so he slept most of the way. There was a moment of awkwardness as they boarded and both Peg and Mary assumed they would sit next to him. Not wishing to make a scene, Peg deferred to Mary - a gesture that would take on added significance when they arrived at home and decisions about sleeping arrangements were needed. Robert gently but firmly informed Peg that he would not be returning to the marital bed - at least not right away, and that he and Mary would share a room. Seeing how the announcement pained Peg, Mary suggested that she have a room of her own, no problem in the large house. "I think it's best if we all have our own space at first, until some things get figured out," she said. Peg was relieved, but also realized that she would have to accept the fact that she would no longer be calling all the shots in her home, as she had been for the past seven years.

Robert went to a headache specialist, who determined that the metal plate in his skull had been dislodged in the beating. Surgery corrected the problem to the point that his judgment and task-solving ability were restored, but he would likely continue to have headaches of lesser intensity for the rest of his life as a result of the injuries he had sustained.


Pedro, realizing that the payday he had been promised was not going to happen, drove south. He spent several weeks visiting brothels in Mexican border towns until he found Maria in Mexicali. It took a while to devise a plan to get her away from her gangster "owners," but he eventually managed, and they fled across the border. They finally went to ground and settled in Deerfield, MI. After having her treated for several STDs, they resumed having sex, and eventually married. They opened a taco stand and became pillars of the small community.

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MattKesterMattKester24 days ago

At the outset, I have to say I love this story. But there’s so much more to the story, and I would encourage the author to revise and extend – or to tell the story from a different perspective.

Part of my trouble is the timeline. I understand that in some states, there is a seven-year period after which a missing person may be presumed dead. But seven years is a long time, and even with some brain damage (due to a bicycle ‘accident’) a guy might be able to figure out some things about his estranged wife. Not to mention the girls. And part of his motivation for figuring some things out would be how his scummy ‘best friend’ would be raising his daughters. It seems to me he would be wanting to find out some facts. And as for the timeline, the order of events seemed a little confused.

Which brings me to a second point. The guy was a business genius before his accident. He had created a successful business organization, and it seems he had resources at his disposal to investigate and analyze the real situation. This certainly led to his declaration as Mayor. I loved that element of the story. I also love the idea that there is some organization to this particular homeless population. Having grown up in Seattle and studied homelessness there, I understand there are many mentally ill people with some impressive educational (and other) credentials, especially among veterans. This situation implies there are directions to go with further story.

And we need to know more about Mary. It probably turns out that she fled from her family and is pretty smart herself (as was shown), notwithstanding her paranoia and other mental health issues.

But Peg. Oh, wow. Where can you start? She’s got her own issues. Yeah, I get that the best friend would flirt with her, but there had to be indications of his involvement in shady stuff. You can’t explain everything away by saying “he’s a good salesman.” There has to be much more to the guy for him to carry on with his “target milf” for seven years. And by the way, I do get that he’s now tired of holding together the façade.

But again, what of the wife? For the best friend to have this as organized and premeditated, there had to have been signs. And law enforcement is a lot more competent than just accepting the best friend’s story at face value. Not to mention the wife. She either was as naïve as was presented, or she was complicit in the scheme. “How could I have been such a fool” just doesn’t cut it. And yet, having experienced it, I do understand where the cheating wife still loves him at her core, even though I don't get that she was able to shack up with him for seven years - or that he would let him move in as he did.

And then, the daughters. There was a hint of bitterness in one of the daughters, but she and mom showed no tension in front of dad. It seems there’s a big hole there, too. More dialog or story is needed when it’s shown the best friend has targeted the youngest daughter. Seems to me mom would have caught that on her radar and protected her daughter.

And yet again, what about the guy’s fortune? As a successful businessman, what did he leave behind? There was mention of a trust fund and insurance. It seems to me that the trust would have devolved to the wife and daughters at some point, but the best friend didn’t seem to register this part. A fuller scheme would have had him eventually controlling all the trust, too. It seems to me he had a good-time best friend, but he had to have had some trustworthy associates, too. What about a business partner in the background with whom he was able to investigate and keep tabs?

And yet, I understand that telling a story that involves legal and financial stuff is difficult. It’s easier to stick to the human dynamics. On the other hand, we could clean this part of the plot up.

In the end, this has the potential of being a great story. I would love to see it reworked a little. I really liked the main character, but I think the wife needed more dimension. And it does deserve another chapter to tie up some of the loose ends, like (as has been mentioned in the comments) where is Peg's remorse? She can say the words all she wants, but she really needs to atone for her actions.

NickTeeNickTee4 months ago

Just a thought but honestly - WRITE the next chapter

NickTeeNickTee4 months ago

This is SCREAMING for another chapter.

1. Wife needs to show a whole lot of remorse for her stupidity at the very least and to accept Mary beyond friendship as a member of the family

2. Mary needs to get serious about her mental health issues and start living a healthy productive life with help from Peg and the girls.

3. Robert needs to get back to being a contributing member of Society by opr ing his own financial consultancy.

4. Mary and (mostly) Peg need to learn how to share Robert. Maybe leading up to an exciting three way with Mary showing Peg the way.

5. Mary needs a child

6. Someone from Charlie's past plots and kidnaps one of the girls for Ransom. Rob, Peg and Mary work together to save her thus forever solidifying their three way bond.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit5 months ago

Entertaining story. Glad you didn’t opt for the he-goes-home-and-resumes-husband-and-father-roles ending. One thing i don’t understand: Robert complained of headaches since his biking crash. That’s 7 years of severe headaches. Now he’s had a severe beating and another severe concussion. Why did the medical team release him, without trying to diagnose his constant pain? He avoided drugs stronger than weed to avoid addiction. The hospital pain killers had to be strong, likely addictive, to help his headaches in any way. Why would he accept them?

26thNC26thNC6 months ago

Very good story, but the ending was a little short.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades6 months ago

Enjoyed the POV in this story, as it was a bit different. Look forward to more. Thanks for your writing.

danbo56danbo566 months ago

sorry upset and left hanging great story that took time to get going no problem, then speeded up near the end and in my opinion left more questions than answers just hope more parts are coming but for this story 5*

gopherdudegopherdude6 months ago

"And then they left the hospital and went home" would have been as good of an ending as the one you provided. Seems like you just gave up at the end. There were a number of annoying traits in this story. Robert choosing to live under a bridge for seven years when he had the means not to, Charlie disguising himself as a doctor with a mask then speaking in a room full of people who know his voice well, and Mary wanking Robert and walking around naked in front of his wife and daughters just to name a few.

There are interesting story arcs available with the repair of the marriage and a potential three way relationship between Robert, Peg and Mary that would make a good basis for the continuation of the story. I thought your writing was fairly good so I would read a sequel if the story went this direction despite my low rating for having too many annoying parts in the original story line.

WargamerWargamer6 months ago

Yeah, not to bad but the ending was quite short and sharp. There were so many ways to properly end this tale and you chose to cut the story short. The worst way IMHO.

A cure found for Mary, sense knocked into Roberts head because he was just stupid.

And, Peg to realise she gets her hubby back thru sharing him in a polyamorous relationship with the now sane Mary.

Everyone living happily ever after. Amen.

dikupinyadikupinya6 months ago
great start

I would love to read more.

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