Louise Ch. 11


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"I'm anxious to see what Jackson finds out." Patrick said as he opened the door to the patio.


Kevyn had just finished the third round of calls for the night when Patrick and Nathan came out.

"I told them to be at the airport by nine two weeks from this Thursday and I told Juliette that we would take her and the kids shopping on Friday night. I hope that's ok."

"That's fine." Patrick said as he pulled her out of the chair, sat down and pulled her back into his lap. "I suppose Barb is a part of the shopping expedition?"

"Yes, we really can't exclude her and besides she'd want to see Juliette and the kids." Kevyn replied. "What are the chances that you and Nathan can take my brothers around?"

"And leave you unprotected? Not a chance." Nathan said before Patrick could say anything. "And I'm not about to give someone else the responsibility."

"Well then," Kevyn said not bothering to ask Patrick. She already knew what he would say. "I guess we're all going shopping. But I think that Lou and I need to go before that so that we can find our dresses."

Lou grimaced.

"I have two stipulations." she said. "No pantyhose and no heels."

"Not a problem." Kevyn replied. "As a matter of fact, since it's on the beach why wear shoes at all?"

"We wouldn't need to wear anything fancy either, just something that looks nice and that we can wear to the reception." Louise commented.

"So why don't we do this." Nathan said. "Go to the caterers, go shopping for dresses and if there's time look for rings."

"Sounds good." Patrick said, "Now what's for dessert?"


Barb tossed and turned on the small sofa. She wasn't sure of what she was feeling besides ill. The phone calls about the wedding, seeing her siblings and the shopping should have made her happy, but they didn't. It wasn't that she didn't want to see her siblings; it was just that Juliette was also a competitor. The fact that she had three children wouldn't be a deterrent especially once the man saw how well behaved they were.

Barb considered herself more beautiful than Juliette and wondered about the insecurity of having her in California. Juliette, she realized wanted the same things that she did but just hadn't gone after them in the same way. In fact, she wasn't even actively trying to find a rich man. She had the feeling that Juliette would be happy with any man who loved her the way that Angel had and to some degree still did.

She also wondered why she was thinking about the things that Louise said. The words came back to her at the oddest times such as when she was ready to sleep.

"You're wrong." she muttered. "You're wrong about everything." she said as she closed her eyes.


Two weeks later in Pittsburgh

"Wannie come on already!" Juliette called out. "The cab will be here in five minutes!"

"Coming!" Wanda called back as she tried to cram her science book into an already over stuffed backpack.

Finally, she gave up and decided to carry it. She was so excited about the trip and excited that the teachers at school had given her the assignments for the week but admonished her to have fun too.

"Come on Wannie!" Victor said from the doorway. If possible, he was more excited than Wanda was. He loved airplanes of all kinds and wanted to be an Air Force pilot. When he found out that they were going in a private jet, he whooped and danced around the apartment until he fell down exhausted.

"I'm coming, stop bugging me!" Wanda replied.

The only one not sharing in the excitement was Celeste. Of the three children, she was the most timid and the one overlooked because she hid behind the more dominant personalities of her siblings. She sat on the sofa saying nothing but watching everything.

"Are you scared baby?" Juliette asked.


Juliette sighed and stroked the girl's head. For a while, both she and Angel were worried that there was something wrong with their youngest. Fortunately, both of them had insurance and they had her tested for everything and anything.

"She's fine." they were told time after time. "Just give her time and she'll blossom."

For her anxious parents, that couldn't happen soon enough.

The sharp beep of a car horn made everyone move in a flurry Celeste included. Fifteen minutes later, they were on their way to the airport.

"Victor will you please sit still?" Juliette said smiling. She fully understood his excitement. She could barely sit still herself.

"Will Uncle Gene and Uncle Leon be there?" Wanda asked.

"They're supposed to be." Juliette replied.


Gene looked around the house to make sure that he had unplugged everything except the refrigerator and freezer. His bags sat by the front door. As he scanned the living room, he saw his phone charger lying on the coffee table.

"Shit!" he said relieved that he had found it.

On top of his suitcase lay a manila folder that contained investment propositions that he planned to show Patrick sometime during the week. Over the past two weeks, he realized that he had handled Patrick all wrong. Instead of seeing him as a threat, he should have seen him as a potential investor but he had been so sure of Clay. Getting the Sinclaire's as investors would be a big feather in his cap and no one could touch him. He could only hope that it wasn't too late to fix the damage that he had caused because of his shortsightedness.

He took one last look around, picked up his bag and stepped outside to wait for the cab.


Leon looked at his reflection in the mirror and was satisfied with what he saw. Of the three boys, he had been the one who had inherited their father's height that had been just shy of six feet two inches, his looks and his drive. He ran a brush over his closely cropped hair, gave himself a final check and left the bathroom.

Like Gene, he checked to make sure that the power was off but didn't unplug anything. The last thing he grabbed before his bags was his laptop. He set the security alarm and went to the manager's office where Barry who was the manager/owner of the apartment building and his friend waited for him.

"All set?" Barry asked as he closed out whatever program he had been working on."

"Ready and I appreciate the ride." Leon replied.

"It's no problem. I wasn't doing anything anyway."

"Where are Nancy and the kids?" Leon asked as they walked to the car.

"They went to see some animated movie. I'm meeting them for pizza afterwards." he replied. "So some guy finally snatched Lou up huh?"

"It appears so." Leon replied.

"Lucky man." Barry muttered.

"Yeah he is." Leon agreed while giving Barry a curious look.

"She's a real sweetheart, if I had been single; I would have gone for her myself." Barry said.

"And I would have had to have kicked your ass." Leon said only half joking.

Wisely, Barry dropped the subject of him and Louise.

"So who's the lucky guy?" he asked.

"Nathan Sinclaire."

Barry stopped walking.

"Who did you just say?" he asked.

"Nathan Sinclaire and yes I know who he is." Leon said before Barry could ask.

"Holy shit!" Barry exclaimed. "Do you think...."

"No I'm not going to give him your phone number." Leon interrupted.

"Come on Leon, I've been trying to get to this guy for years! One word from you and it could happen."

"Alright, here's what I'll do," Leon said, "and you can take it or leave it. If he asks if I know of anyone who would be worth considering for a project, I'll give him your name and number what happens after that is up to him."

"Thanks man! Now let's get you to the airport!"


They all arrived at the airport within minutes of each other with Juliette arriving first. Wanda was the first to see a man standing by the entrance of the terminal with a big sign with their name on it in big block letters.

"Look mom! Someone's waiting for us!"

The man smiled and nodded when he saw Wanda looking at him and approached the cab.

"Miss Yancy? My name is Jonas and I'm here to escort you and your family to the jet."

"Are you a pilot?" Victor asked.

"No I'm not but I know the pilot. Perhaps I can convince him to let you see the cockpit of the jet." Jonas replied.

"Mom! Did you hear that?" he asked excitedly.

"I heard and what do you say?" Juliette asked.

"Oh... sorry... Thank you."

Gene arrived next and then Leon.

"Are all of you here?" Jonas asked.

"Yes." Leon replied.

Jonas looked behind him and nodded. A few seconds later, someone came out with a cart for their luggage.

"Follow me please." Jonas said and walked away.

"Come on baby girl." Leon said to Celeste and picked her up.

Celeste wrapped her arms around Leon's neck and hung on tight. A tear ran down her face as she felt a peace that she hadn't felt since Louise left surrounded her.


"Are the rooms ready?" Kevyn asked Hans during a final check.

"They are and I took the liberty of putting another refrigerator in the suite where the children will be staying."

"Thanks, I hadn't thought about that." Kevyn said.

"No worries." Hans said. "I know how children get hungry for sweets and things like that. I also made sure to remove any alcohol out of all of the rooms as well. One can't be too careful where little ones are concerned."

"Jeez Hans you're awesome! Thank you!" Kevyn replied.

"Is there anything else that I need to be aware of?" Hans asked.

"No, I think that you've covered all of the bases. We'll call you when we leave the airport... oh and the banquet room is ready?"

"Yes and with everything that you requested. I'll be awaiting your call."


Barb got dressed and waited for the car that Kevyn and Patrick sent for her. She was surprised at the gesture and the offer of a room at the hotel. Instead of accepting the offer, she made snide comments.

"What floor is it on this time? What's the food budget? Fifty dollars?"

She knew that she shouldn't have said it but she couldn't help herself. She knew that she was pushing her luck when she heard the tone of Kevyn's voice.

"Look Barb." Kevyn said. "This is supposed to be a happy time and I don't want your shitty attitude ruining it so you have a choice, stay your ass home or come. But if you come, behave because if you don't I swear to god I'll kick your ass are we clear? Now, are you coming or not?"

"I'm coming." Barb said.

"Fine and remember what I said." Kevyn said and hung up.

That conversation took place almost two weeks ago and she hadn't spoken to Louise or Kevyn until today when she called Louise to talk about the plans for the evening.

"Is everything set?" she asked.

"It is and I even made bread for everyone. I made the kind with cheese in it and added a little jalapeno pepper in it for you." Louise replied.

Barb swallowed hard. Louise was still the sweet, kind sister that she had always been even after everything that she had done.

"Thank you, that was sweet of you... did you put my name on it? You know how Leon is about spicy foods."

"I sure did." Louise replied laughing. "I even put extra jalapeno in his. Barb..."

Barb braced herself for the admonishment to behave.

"What?" she asked her defenses already up.

"I'm glad that you're coming."

"I'll see you later." Barb said and hung up surprised that she hadn't made a smart assed comment.

All was well until she got to the hotel. The driver helped her out and got her bags for her. As soon as she stepped through the door, jealousy reared its ugly head. She saw Hans at the desk checking in a guest, walked over and waited her turn.

"Mrs. Simpson!" he greeted. "You're the first one here."

Instead of greeting him, Barb gave him an irritated look.

"So am I in the same little room as before?"

"No." Hans replied his tone cool.

"All of you will be staying in suites and will have full privileges and use of the spa services."

"How nice... what about food?" Barb asked.

Hans looked at the beautiful but ugly woman in front of him and once again thanked the fates that she was no longer his.

"Everything is arranged." he said. "There is a buffet set up in the banquet room that you may help yourself to. Ollie will take your things to your suite if you like."

"Fine." Barb said.

"I'll call him..."

Hans stopped mid sentence when he heard the voices of children and then the voice of someone admonishing them to be quiet. He swallowed hard as the voices got closer forgetting that Barb was standing in front of him.

"Hey! Earth to Hans!" Barb said tersely.

However, he wasn't paying attention to her. His eyes were riveted across the lobby where a group of people were approaching the desk. His gray eyes fastened onto one figure in particular who was holding the hand of an exuberant little boy.

Barb had stopped speaking and turned to see what had captured Hans' attention. All she saw was her family approaching and didn't understand at first what or who he was looking at. Anger flared when she finally saw who had drawn Hans' attention.


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DoctimeDoctimeover 10 years ago

Attention: Cliffhanger at zero dark thirty!!! XP

BonBon20BonBon20about 11 years ago
Joseph and Celeste.......<3

I think that they should be mates......... I love your stories.....keep up the good work!!!

vickivalevickivaleover 11 years ago
I knew it

I knew it I knew Hans was going to get Juliette when you told the story about how Juliette had messed up with Angel and that she just needed someone to love her like Angel had. Great story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Joseph said to Barb that he "wasn't in her or any other woman for that matter", and he doesn't think he can talk to his brother about his problem b/c he just won't understand. Does that mean he might be gay?

If he turns out to be gay I could see where he would feel no one would get it, b/c his family all seem to be str8 and have rape females. I hope he won't go mateless b/c of a sexual preference...maybe he can find his mate in Thorn's brother.

MadameblaqueMadameblaquealmost 12 years ago

This story gets better and better every time. I live the way you are weaving the entire Yancy family into the story. Barb is even becoming less annoying to me. Keep up the good work- one of my favorite stories!!

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707almost 12 years agoAuthor
chapter 12

Hi all. Just wanted to give a heasd up. Ch. 12 is in the nonhumsn section. Sorry for any confusion.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Vanessa and Veronica's story seems incomplete.

I love your stories. I have been following the story of the Sinclaire family. I have a few queries and opinions.

Firstly, I think you have neglected Vanessa's and Luc's story. They have the initial problems about the 'being with other people' thing. But both girls have problems because of that. Then Veronica's ordeal with Bradson starts and at the end of it she and Rik grow closer because of it. At the wedding we are told about Rik's nervousness and Veronica's dealing with it. Again in Louise's story there is the confrontation between Veronica and Barb.

My point is this: in the beginning you draw attention to both girls then you solely focus on Veronica. I'd like to know more about Vanessa.

Secondly, I want to know more about the research on the Sinclaire men's anger. I want to what has caused it and why Patrick forgot about his mate and why Ethan could not recognise his mate.

Thirdly, where are the girls going to do their research and continue their work now that they live with Rik and Luc? Are they going to discontinue their research because they are mated? Have they lost all their records because their lab had been trashed?

I think Vanessa and Veronica's story is incomplete. I would like it if you wrote more and considered my points. Could you tell me what you thought of what I had to say?


P.S. I am writing this in a number of places in number of places just in case you don't read all your comments and fanmail. :p

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707almost 12 years agoAuthor

Hi all. Just an fyi.. Ch. 20 of Justine is pending. I will submit the next chapter of Louise once Justine has posted. Also, I sm in the process of helping my daughter get ready for her wedding. So I sm busy at this time. I appreciate your patience.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Hmmm why haven't you updated. I'm going crazy over here. Need more please

poisedpencilpoisedpencilalmost 12 years ago
Amazing work

I am so impressed that you manage to handle all these characters, make them so complex yet interesting and have people blowing up the comments like crazy! Great job.

I won't make any 'suggestions'. I am just looking forward to seeing how you are going to tie up all the loose ends. What I like, is that your plot is sufficiently complex, that I know there'll be lots more chapters to resolve it all.

I have a problem though. Can someone remind me: How old is Joseph? I think I've lost track...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Why do you believe that the two families have to mate with each other? I'm not understanding that limited thinking nor why after Kala has given us numerous stories ya'll have decided that every person that has been mentioned in LOUISE must have their story told in LOUISE!

Celeste is gifted and now that her aunties are mated they will recognize hers. All of the Yancy family may not have gifts or they may not be strong. What I can see is that the power of three ( Kev, Lou and Celeste ) could be used to heal Thorne's brother (Noel) who I suspect may know more about their other brother's (Darien) betrayal which caused the rife between Thorne and the Sinclaires.

Joseph may have already found his mate and there could already be conflict. She may be another lawyer who he has been up against in either business or criminal cases. They have a love hate relationship at the moment and she is not giving him a chance. He could have had an incident like Leon where he was burned by a woman and not feeling being involved at the moment nor is he ready to confide in his family especially his newly mated brother. I'm sure Kala will give both Leon and Joseph mates in due time. Leon may find his at the hotel as Julette seems to have or his sisters' wedding reception. The female vamp that was hitting on Hans may turn out to be Leon's mate or a human may as well.

Hans and Juliette seems like a good fit. Juliette is a great mother and I totally understand why she may not have been

available often to relieve Louise in taking care of their mother. Julie loves taking care of her children and her home; add Hans(who seems to be as good of a man as Angel) to the mix and she will be happy. I'm looking forward to their mating.

Barb and Gene have to realize that until they are willing and able to be nicer and treat people the way that they want to be treated all bets are off!!

Loving this story...thanks for sharing Kala



serves her right to be pregnant by Thorne" Juliette and Joseph or Hans. Happiness and weddings, babies and more mates being found. Wonderful and creative series

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Is Barb pregnant? That would be something. With the feud between his family and the


hisangelbeautyhisangelbeautyalmost 12 years ago

Evil, you evil woman you!!!, Cliffhanger Queen is my name for you now lol

wonderful update i loved it and for the love of Mike send Barbs ass off to Thorne already, I'm ready to beat her ass myself. and Yay for Hans and Juliette. I know its coming lol.

nc_ccbabienc_ccbabiealmost 12 years ago
MHO about Juliette

First, before I give my opinion I am very excited about this story and you have so many characters that you can branch off to create new stories. Now, I kind of saw Juliette becoming someone's mate coming, I was hoping that she would be Joesph's mate.

I know Hans seeing Juliette may not actually mean that you will pair them, but isn't that kind of what's wrong with Joesph, his lack of a mate.

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