Love and Fortune Ch. 09

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Naughty flights & layovers; a warm welcome at a resort.
12.2k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 01/18/2023
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Chapter 9: New Horizons

Yuki's lush, tawny body was arched before Ben in the large leather armchair, her arms draped loosely over the rear cushion, her ass thrust out and up. His fingers dug into her soft, ample rear as he drove himself into her pussy, his length rocking in and out with long, smooth strokes that brought throaty moans from her lips. While such treatment would always have made Yuki the center of attention -- and certainly still did -- tonight she wasn't alone in what she felt. Behind her, all through the living room, six other women writhed in pleasure, sharing every one of Yuki's sensations as Ben fucked her.

She was the source this time. Zawadi's magic facilitated that just as easily as it had when Ben's cock had been the point of focus; perhaps even more easily so, the Asian beauty now idly thought amid all the pleasure. No need even for the surreal, impossible novelty of male sensations on female bodies -- however that had even worked. This translated one-to-one. Pleasure like this didn't need to be brand-new, either, to blow everyone's minds.

"We're so... gonna... have fun with this."

It was Lenore's voice that cut through the erotic din. She was sprawled back on a couch, her fingers clamped over her wet slit: watching intently, but much more than a voyeur. Her body rocked physically in reaction to sensations that lit up her pussy, transferred in perfect sync.

"As if we aren't already." On an adjacent sofa, Alicia managed a laugh, squirming in delight from the psychic fucking she too enjoyed. Her legs were parted wide, her toes curled in rapture. "Please say... it's gonna be like this from now on."

"Of course it is," Ben assured them. "Not like this power's going anywhere. Think it's only going to get better." His words brought a collective moan of delight.

Aimee, Eleni, Shaheen, Moka, Yuki -- Ben had taken turns fucking them all, and all the while, he'd maintained that powerful mental link among them. They'd all gotten off countless times. Now it was Yuki's turn for an indulgent fuck -- but, as her mind reeled from the sensations, she didn't even feel as though she'd been missing anything up until Ben had begun to physically ravish her. Nor did she feel, now, that she was hogging the moment to herself.

There'd be no more waiting. No more turn-taking. Not now that Ben could give his lovers everything they wanted and more at once -- with no sacrifice for any individual person in the process.

"Fuck, I love this," Shaheen groaned nearby.

"Mm, I think we're... all... in agreement about... that." Moka lay nearby, her thighs pressed together, quivering, while her hands squeezed her tits. "Oh, fuck, here it comes."

Yuki's orgasm hit like a wave. She cried out, arching hard as she quaked, and her inner muscles gripped at his cock with sudden tightness. Ben kept going. Being fucked through an orgasm was one thing -- but the pride of knowing your release was the source of a simultaneous orgasm in six other people was quite another. Yuki reveled in the thought, and she could sense her partners did too. It only heightened her own ecstatic peak.

Ben didn't hold back, either, from climax. Groaning deeply, he hilted himself in Yuki's pussy and let loose, flooding her core with a torrent of hot cum. Even that sensation, he knew, was going to be shared with the others -- as it already had several times tonight. And indeed they responded, crying out as they felt phantom echoes of the cum that flooded Yuki's cunt, cumming with her in a chorus of bliss.

The Asian slumped into the chair, breathing heavy and hard, her pussy still clenching around the thick cock inside her. She felt like a porn star, or maybe even something better. It was nothing new for her to get a thrill out of performing for others; in fact, it had been one of her favorite things about being with Ben and all these other women. Now, though? With telepathy involved? She could pair the rush and ego-boost of being watched with the satisfaction of giving everything back.

"God, I love you," she whispered aloud, not even sure who she was addressing anymore. Maybe all of them. She felt a flurry of warm thoughts and emotions from the others as their minds brushed against hers -- all still connected -- and she knew that even if some hadn't heard her, all could feel her raw, honest emotion.

Telepathy ruled. So did eight-way polyamory. If Zawadi was the one to thank for both, Yuki knew she'd make sure to properly worship the goddess later. For now, though, she just basked in this spectacular, earthly delight.

"Love you too," Ben replied, leaning in to kiss the nape of her neck. "All of you."

"Mmmh," she hummed softly, wriggling her hips to savor Ben's length still inside her -- and to create a new little sensation to heighten everyone's afterglow. It was not ignored. A collective shudder passed through all seven women's minds.

Ben pulled out of her slowly; she shivered as his cock slid free of her pussy's grip. She felt a trickle of his cum leaking out and dripping down her thigh. Even these sensations, she realized with delight, were shared. She turned to look back over her shoulder at him, and she sighed, already missing his cock -- but knowing it couldn't be long before she had it again, physically or psychically or any way else. That was more than enough consolation. When psychic sex magic was in the mix, it was hard to want for much.

"You're all incredible," he said, his voice low and husky as he met Yuki's gaze and stroked a hand over her ass. "I mean it. Every day with you just keeps getting better."

"You're the one... fucking talking," came Shaheen's voice, familiarly wry even as she spoke between post-orgasmic pants. Yuki sensed the black girl's smirk without having to look over at her. "Without you and your crazy-ass, goddess-given powers... we wouldn't be here right now. Hah. I would've gone my whole life not ever knowing what it's like being mind-fucked. Or giving myself a damn psychic blowjob. Shit, it's crazy, but it's my kind of crazy... ooh."

She ran two fingers down between her thighs, as if to scoop up cum -- cum she could feel, but cum that wasn't even there. Only as she brought them back up, dry but for a few droplets of her own arousal, did she realize her mistake -- and that realization brought a grin to her face. "Almost fooled me. Damn. Seriously, this psychic stuff doesn't miss the tiniest detail, does it?"

"Nope," confirmed Moka, still catching her breath nearby. "Fuck, Ben. If I were blindfolded, I'd never know you didn't actually just cream me like a goddamn éclair."

The laughter that followed didn't even need psychic assistance to be shared by everyone.

"Éclairs?" Eleni giggled. "Ah, I'm hungry now."

"Guess we did kind of skip dinner," Ben pointed out, standing up straight and turning to face the others. His cock hung before him, still hard, slick with Yuki's juices. The sight drew the eyes of every woman present, and he felt their attention as a warm rush in his mind. If they so chose, they could have continued -- and, were it any other night, it wouldn't have even been a question. But, as it were, it was eight o'clock, they had a flight tomorrow morning, and they hadn't even begun to sort out their luggage.

"God... we still haven't even started packing, either," Aimee observed with another laugh as she sat up straight, her own pale body lightly sweaty and shaking from the latest round of orgasms.

"We should probably get to that soon, shouldn't we?" Ben mused aloud as he looked around the living room at all his naked lovers -- and felt their collective reluctance to leave this state of affairs behind.

"We should, sure," offered Alicia. "But... do we want to? Because I don't think I can move right now."

Shaheen got up beside her, extending a hand to the slim, raven-haired girl. "C'mon, girl. Up you go. Gotta do the work if we want the play."

Though shaking and reluctant, Alicia was soon standing, supported by Shaheen. As Ben moved up behind them, he slid his arms around both and pulled them close, kissing Alicia's neck as he did. "Shaheen's right," he said with a smile. "We should get to it."

"If there's some kind of magical way to make packing sexy, don't hold back on us," Moka suggested wryly as she rose and stretched. "Because after all this, I wouldn't even put that past Zawadi's magic."

"Who knows?" Ben shrugged. "Maybe we'll figure something out."

"Or maybe I'll just bend over my suitcase and let you fuck me while I'm folding up clothes," Aimee remarked with a wink and a saucy grin.

Lenore stood and headed off, leading the charge toward the stairs to the upper floor. "Hey, whatever you do, don't distract me too much," she crowed over her shoulder as she went. "I might forget to bring something important if I get too horny."

"Too horny, huh?" Shaheen joked as she followed, tugging Alicia along with her. "Like that's ever something we need to worry about."

Ben smirked. "Don't blame Lenore, love. She just bought way more clothes than she's probably ever owned. I think she's going to be bringing it all."

"Hey, I can't help it," Lenore defended herself as she ascended the stairs ahead of them all. "It's not my fault I look good in everything." With a blown kiss and a wink, she disappeared down the hall toward the bedrooms.

Soon everyone was busy filling their duffel bags. After a long evening of indulgence, the mundane task was almost relaxing, like a cool-down. Ben was happy to see that everyone took to it with casual comfort and ease -- though he knew that, for all seven of his girlfriends, the memories of what had just transpired were never far from their minds. While no magical sexiness manifested out of nowhere, teasing and bantering came inevitably, and it all made the work more enjoyable.

Eleni paid a visit to Ben's bedroom just as he zipped up his duffel, posing nude against the doorframe with a proffered gift in hand: a box of cold, chocolate-coated creme puffs she'd found in a refrigerator downstairs ("Not quite éclairs, but close enough."). He thanked her with a kiss and took one of the rich, sweet snacks. She lingered with him for a minute as they fed each other tidbits and chatted about their upcoming trip -- until word of the treats spread, and the other women came to join them.

"Our last meal here for a while is going to be chocolate-covered?" Yuki laughed as she entered the room. "I'm not complaining. Just gotta love the way we roll."

"Pretty sure the term is 'girl dinner,'" joked Alicia, grabbing a handful of creme puffs and settling onto the bed. "Hey, it's kind of a trend."

"Can't argue with success," Aimee chimed in.

Moka made a mock groan. "I just had to pipe up about pastries, didn't I?" she lamented -- before reaching for a snack.

From there, it was easy to get sidetracked again -- especially once the sweets were gone. The group ended up in a heap on Ben's bed, nude and giggling as they snuggled and kissed and caressed each other's bodies. There was no urgency or intent to their actions now; they simply enjoyed the closeness, all worn out from a long and thrilling day, all elated for what awaited them tomorrow.


Sleep came naturally and easily, despite their excitement. They dozed soundly in a tangle of limbs, warm and comfortable in each other's company. And when they woke up early next morning, refreshed and ready to go, they didn't have to do much else besides dress and gather their things before heading out to the black limousine that waited for them.

A familiar face greeted them cheerfully as they piled into the vehicle and settled in for the ride. Ben felt a flutter of excitement in his chest. "Claudia!" he exclaimed. "Glad you could come pick us up."

She glanced back at him with a playful glint in her eyes. "I wouldn't miss it," she assured him. A thrum of his bracelet reminded Ben that this was no coincidence; magic, of course, had made sure their paths would cross again. It was a nice detail to make their send-off all the more enjoyable.

Ben had never loved the airport. He imagined that most people did not. Hassle after hassle, security checks, lines and crowds and hours of waiting -- it was always a lot to deal with. Today, though? Super-luck was working overtime to streamline everything. Check-in was a breeze: after flashing their tickets to a helpful attendant who waved them through to the first-class lounge, they only had to wait for their boarding time to arrive.

The lounge was luxurious. Ben had never awaited a flight in such comfort. With the seating area spacious and food and drink readily available, they didn't mind the wait. They ordered appetizers that made up for last night's hardly nutritious 'dinner'; they lounged back, chatted, and enjoyed themselves all the while. Soon enough, before anyone had even begun to grow impatient or restless, the announcement came over the loudspeaker that their first flight of the day was ready for boarding.

To fly to Nairobi would mean a layover in Amsterdam, and then a connecting flight into Kenya. It would be a long haul -- but it was hard to complain when they'd be flying both legs of the journey in first-class comfort. Ben's entourage claimed their seats near the front. Each was a full-sized recliner with more than enough space to kick back. As they stowed their carry-on bags, Ben looked around the cabin with wonderment.

"Never flown first-class before, have you?" Alicia asked him coyly from her seat right beside his.

He shook his head. "No, not at all."

The sleek, raven-haired beauty grinned. "You're gonna love it. Had the opportunity once, for work... you know, back when I had to slave away to a job." She made a mock grimace at the memory of such drudgery. "Work comped the flight. Only thing was, I had to sit next to this client I was supposed to be schmoozing. Old dude, class-A creep. Could hardly enjoy the luxury."

Ben offered her a commiserating frown. "Ugh. Guess that's one way to ruin the experience. Well, if it's any consolation, I doubt you'll have that problem this time."

"I sure hope not," she replied, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. "After all, I'm sitting next to the guy of my dreams."

"Just wait until the drinks start flowing," Yuki added from across the aisle. "And... the complimentary massage."

"Massage?" Ben echoed with surprise.

The Asian girl snorted as she burst into laughter. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Couldn't resist messing with you, first-timer. You didn't really fall for that, did you?"

Ben laughed back, shaking a hand in the air to dismiss the notion. "Oh, no. Just, erm, playing along."

"Yeah, right," she replied, smirking as she crossed her legs and settled back into her seat. When her banter continued even as she held that coy expression, Ben realized she'd switched to telepathy -- and he didn't have to guess at the reason why: "Hey, at least we get to look at that gorgeous flight attendant."

Zawadi, it seemed, had not wanted Ben to go a moment today without something sexy to look at. Dressed in a tight-fitting uniform that accentuated her curves, with a pair of fashionable glasses perched on her nose, the attendant looked like an absolute bombshell as she made her way up the aisle, checking passengers' seatbelts and asking if anyone needed anything. Ben accepted her offer of a glass of champagne, which she poured from a bottle she'd brought from the galley -- and he watched her ass sway in her skirt as she sauntered off to serve other passengers.

"Goddamn," came Aimee's mind-voice from the row behind him. "Is this a real airline or some kind of porno set?"

"Easy, easy," Ben assured, though his mind was admittedly running wild. "Don't go giving me crazy suggestions. The mile-high club isn't a real thing. I mean, nobody could actually enjoy getting busy in the bathroom back there, all cramped and awkward and..."

As he spoke, he felt a brush of minds against his own -- and he knew that everyone was thinking the exact same thing he was.

"...but could we?"

His bracelet thrummed with magic as the plane began to taxi. He glanced down the aisle at the attendant, noticed her looking back, too -- and then felt the assurance in his mind, conveyed subconsciously but heard as clearly as if Zawadi had spoken to him aloud.

"You can. You will."

The flight attendant gave him a subtle wink and continued on her way.

"Okay," Ben thought, shaking his head, looking out the nearest window just to distract his spinning mind as they took off. "I'm definitely not above trying it."

The flight across the Atlantic was long -- but thanks to Zawadi's magic, it was also very interesting. Once the plane had leveled off in the air, the comely attendant made her return, this time with a cart of refreshments and a knowing smirk on her pretty face. Ben got up, and with a parting glance toward his women nearby and a telepathic promise to return soon, he began to follow the blonde toward the rear of the plane.

No other passengers stopped her. She didn't stop at her service station, either. Only to park the cart did she pause, and that was only a second's work; after that, she beckoned Ben onward with a nod of her head and a coy smile. She led him into the restroom -- one exclusive to the first-class cabin -- and closed the door behind them.

Ben supposed this establishment must have been somehow more 'deluxe' than the bathrooms back in coach. It was certainly clean and pleasant enough to the senses. The walls were covered in a soft gray fabric; a small sink was built into one wall, and the toilet was hidden behind a sliding panel on another.

All the same, it was cramped. He could hardly move without brushing up against the sultry stewardess, but he was fine with that. She was well worth brushing up against. Feeling her ample chest with both hands, he kissed her deeply, tasting her tongue with his own as they embraced. She was already reaching for his pants, unzipping and tugging them down; in this kind of tryst, they wouldn't be able to get fully undressed, but what they could do would be more than enough. He felt her slender fingers wrapping around his cock, stroking him; he was already erect, but those touches made him even harder.

She met his eyes through her stylish glasses. "Milana," came her soft introduction -- the first thing she'd said to him since asking about champagne.

"Ben," he replied with a soft chuckle as his spontaneous play partner sank to her knees before him. There was just enough room for her to do so. "Pleased to meet you."

"I can tell," she murmured, leaning in and running her tongue along his shaft, licking him with sensual languor as she kept caressing him slowly.

These were the last words they exchanged. Nothing more was needed. In the tiny stall, he felt her mouth engulfing his cock with practiced skill. He groaned and braced himself against the walls as she sucked him off; the light vibrations of the plane's engines only added a new sensation to the experience. His bracelet pulsed with energy, and he knew that Zawadi was watching, enjoying, encouraging.

Milana gasped when he pulled her to her feet and turned her around. He fucked her from behind, his cock driving deep into her tight womanhood; she moaned and shuddered as she took it, her stunning, spectacled face reflected in the mirror before her.

"How is it?" The telepathic check-in was from Yuki; he wasn't surprised, nor was he distracted from Milana's body or his own pleasure.

"Fuck," he replied mentally, as Milana's pussy squeezed tight around him. "Amazing." For the briefest moment, knowing he couldn't overdo it with Yuki out in the open, he sent a psychic 'snapshot' of the scene back to her -- feelings and sensations and all.

"Holy shit," was her awed reply, seeped with sudden lust; Ben sensed the Asian's pause as she let the brief sensory flash fade out. "Mmm, if airplane bathrooms were big enough for three, I'd be in there with you right now."