Love And War Bk. 05


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Cole kissed her passionately and lovingly, then broke the kiss to pull back a bit. "I love ye, Dona," he said softly.

"I love you too, Cole. No man has ever made me come like you have." She grinned and pulled his lips to hers.

She shifted her weight and moved on top of him again, straddling his waist and hard cock. She reached down and grabbed ahold of him. "Dona needs this, darlin'. I hope ye don't mind." She winked and grinned as she did a very passable Irish brogue. Cole's grin widened as he heard her.

"Then take me, Donatra my love. Take me and make my yours forevermore," He replied in Romulan, which made Donatra speechless as she sat down all the way on him and leaned forward, kissing him lovingly.

"I will take from you and give you all that I am, my darling Collin," she replied in Romulan back to him. Cole silently thanked Jason and Delaara for the Romulan language lessons. It really was a beautiful language. She began to move slowly on top of him, grinding back and forth as she made love to him.

"Oooh God, baby!" Cole moaned as she moved slowly, lovingly, closing her eyes in pleasure as he filled her. He moved below her in time with her motions, making love back to her as they both approached their climaxes

"Yyessss, darling. Love me. Let me love you. Take me as I take you. Give to me as I give to you," she said in Romulan above him. Cole felt his balls tightening as he swelled inside her.

"Donatra, sweet love, you are about to receive all of me!" Cole declared as he felt his cum rising.

"Yes, Collin. Give me your seed, my sweet one. Give me your love. Ooooh GODDDSSSSSS!" Donatra screamed out as she came around him. Her pussy grabbed ahold of him and held him deep inside her as she felt him swelling and pulsing.

"FFFFuuuuccccckkk!" Cole exclaimed as he blasted his cum deep inside her hungry pussy. She milked him, squeezing every drop she could out of him.

Dona shuddered and shook on top of him as the aftershocks continued to ripple through her from her pussy outward. Her breathing was ragged as she cradled his head to her neck as she lay out on top of him. Her breasts crushed into his chest.

Cole's arms were around her lovingly, stroking her hair and her back. He felt her pussy convulsing around him in the aftermath of her climax. He was still hard inside her, even as he felt their combined juices flow out of her around him.

"Dona, I think I want to marry ye." Cole grinned as he said it, realizing how true it was.

"Collin, I think I might let you." Donatra grinned as well. She kissed him lovingly and tenderly, and he returned her kiss just as sweetly.

"Darlin', ye've more than earned the right to call me Collin." Cole said.

"Good, Collin. I like your name, and I love you, you blasted Irishman!" Donatra grinned and kissed him again.

"Well, if we're gonna have an Irish weddin', we're both gonna get plastered along with the rest of the guests. It's an old tradition to get drunk." Cole laughed.

"I like that tradition. It sure beats the hell out of Romulan weddings. Boooorrrriiinnnnggg!" They both laughed at her assessment.


Lou, Kralla, and Guinan got back within the hour of Q's departure to find Jason, Delaara, and Alex running the bar for the dinner crowd from the Academy. Jenny was doing short order cooking, and Ryan and Rachael were taking orders at tables.

"WELL HOLY SHIT! I knew I could count on you guys once dipshit left!" Lou shouted as they walked in and up to the bar.

"Hey hey, guys!" Delaara grinned as she placed the credits in the register for the beer she'd just served.

Kralla moved around and counted the transactions and food/drink served. "Wow!" She exclaimed, then hugged Delaara. "Del, honey, I dunno what you all did, but we're about a hundred credits up from our usual dinner rush this time of day on a Friday!"

"It's called 'Legends Servin' Drinks and Food' babe." Lou laughed.

Jason handed a drink to a Cadet and laughed at his friend. "Yeah, Lou. You aren't the only living legend around here anymore."

All had gone to get on Biker gear before returning to help out. They'd left at least two people there at all times. "Oh, Lou. Del and I and Rachael and Ryan brought our kids along. Suze is in the back watching them and Vinnie." Jason informed them.

"Good deal, Jay." Lou grinned.

The dinner rush finally died down at about 2000 when Shawn and Julie came in looking beat. Jason handed them both a beer as they came up to the bar. "Tough day?" He asked.

"You might say that." Julie laughed. "Remember that park kidnapper from a couple years back?"

"Yeah, didn't you guys catch him or her?" Jason asked.

"We thought we did. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough evidence, and more bodies have been turning up lately. We could use a hand if you have any Starfleet Security personnel available. We're at our wits' end on this one." Shawn looked defeated, and he was one of the best Detectives on Earth.

Jason looked over at Rachael. "CAPTAIN! I'm going to call Tanya and have her get down here with her team to help Shawn and Julie!"

"Have any Starfleet personnel been affected?" She asked as she came up to the bar.

"A Cadet went missing the other day, according to a report from Starfleet Academy and a request to keep an eye out for her."

Rachael nodded and turned to Jason. "Do it, Colonel."

Jason tapped his combadge. "Cobalt to Duran. Care to help out some local law enforcement on a serial kidnap/murder case?"

"Hell yes, Colonel! Let me get my team together and we'll be right down!" Tanya confirmed. "We're bored to death up here."

"Beam down to Lou's Bar and Grill when you're ready. Cobalt, out." Jason turned to Shawn and Julie. "Done and done. Tanya and her crew are damn good at what they do. Mostly because half her guys are ex-criminals."

"Awesome! The best cops are ex-crooks." Shawn laughed.

"True. Look at Shawn here." Julie winked, and Jason laughed.

"Want to let me take a look at the file?" A voice said behind them. Donatra and Cole had returned in Biker gear, and both had very satisfied smiles on their faces.

Shawn turned and saw her. He raised an eyebrow. "You have law enforcement experience, Dona?"

"Praetorian trained law enforcement, Shawn. I might be able to at least give you a fresh pair of eyes on it." She shrugged.

"Praetorians are the best, guys. I know, I'm one of them." Delaara winked at them.

"I'll vouch for that." Jason smiled.

Shawn shrugged. "Ok, I'll be right back. I got a copy of the file in the car." He got up and jogged out to the parking lot, returning a moment later and handing the padd to Dona.

"Hmmm. Let's see what we have here. Delie, can you take a look too?" She looked at her cousin.

"Sure, Donie." Delaara moved out and over to the table where Donatra was sitting.

They looked over the evidence and witness reports. On site photos helped a lot and they were able to triangulate where the kidnapper/murderer was striking from. She showed them on the map of the park. "Set up your sensors here and here. Have units standing by here and there. She pointed to each spot on the map. Each place she pointed to offered cover and concealment as well as an unobstructed view of the spot where they determined the perp was hiding before striking.

Shawn and Julie both nodded at that and smiled. "If this pans out, you're both going to be in for a Public Service medal! I'll see to that myself."

The thrumm of a Federation transporter heralded the arrival of Tanya Duran and her security team. Jason introduced her to Julie and Shawn, and gave her the lowdown on what was going on.

"Sounds good, Jay." She turned to Shawn. "Where do ya need us, Detective?"

Shawn pointed to a spot on the map. "Here. I'll have two other teams here and here. Go ahead and switch your combadges to Santa Barbara PD, and I'm hereby initiating Emergency Deputization Protocol." He tapped his own badge and gave the order for the Nimitz security squad to his Station Chief.

They left the bar shortly thereafter, when Shawn gave them the Rules of Engagement for the attempted capture.

"Whoever is doing it won't know what bloody hit 'em." Rachael chuckled.

"Ye got that right, Captain." Cole said. "I went toe to toe with Tanya while sparrin' once. She cleaned me clock!"

"In that case, I'm putting her in for promotion." Rachael smirked at her friend.

"Har bloody har har, Captain. Ye know ye luv me." Cole gave her his most disarming grin.

Rachael chuckled. "Bloody well right, Irish."

"I still don't get this 'feud' between you two." Dona said.

"Oh, it's just a joke now, Donatra. But centuries ago, Ireland and England hated each other." Rachael explained. "We just like to give each other crap."

"Like Romulus and Remus?" Donatra asked.

"Luv, the battles fought by Irish and English made the Romulan Reman battles look like barfights." Cole told her.

"That's how the Irish view everything. Barfights!" Rachael rolled her eyes.

"It's our culture, Captain." Cole nodded sagely.


After everyone was mostly gone, Jason and Delaara finally found a little time for a slowdance on the dance floor. The song was 'Where Eagles Fly' by Sarah Brightman and Eric Adams. Cole and Donatra also danced close for that one, as it had special meaning for them.

The door flew open and Tanya came in with her team, as well as Shawn and Julie. "WE GOT HIM!" Shawn let out a yell of pride. "Del and Dona, you're getting medals along with Tanya and her team! Also, if you guys want to ever retire or resign from Starfleet, you have a permanent offer of employment from the Santa Barbara Police Department!"

"Nice!" Jason let out a sigh of relief. "Everything went according to plan, I take it?"

"Close enough. The perp grabbed our decoy as planned, but he ended up taking her hostage at knife point. Tanya shot him with a stun blast from her phaser right in the hand, causing him to drop the knife, and we stunned him for capture." Julie explained.

"Outfuckingstanding!" Lou grinned and slapped Tanya and Shawn on the back.

"Oorah, Gunny!" Jason grinned right along with everyone else in the room.

They closed down finally and Jason collected Bryan while Rachael collected Brandon. They said their goodbyes to their friends from different ships, and beamed up. Cole and Donatra took a bit longer to say their goodbyes, and then beamed up to their own ships in Starbase 1.


Night of the Hunter

The USS Nimitz and IRW Valdore left spacedock at the same time the next morning, one followed closely by the other. Admiral Nelson was on comm with both ships.

"USS Nimitz and IRW Valdore, your assistance is requested near Delta Gamma IV. USS Comanche is under attack by six Orion battle raiders, and is requesting assistance. Since your ships are the most combat ready at the moment, we need you there ASAP." Admiral Nelson was calm as usual, but there was an edge to his voice.

"We're on our way, Nick." Rachael replied with a smile.

"As are we, Admiral." Donatra acknowledged.

"Good to go, then. I expect nothing but perfection here, people. Make us and the Empire proud. Nelson, out." He cut the comm.

"You heard the man, Dona. Are you ready for some fun with the Orions?" Rachael asked her friend.

"Always, Rachael. Let's go introduce our new alliance to those pirates!" Donatra grinned back. They cut the comm and went to Warp together, courses set and ready for war.

Jason turned with the implacable look on his face. "Rachael, I'm going to scramble the Wing now. We're going to launch as soon as we come out of Warp."

Without waiting for a reply, he and Delaara sprinted for the turbolift up to the flight deck. Jason tapped his combadge. "Cobalt to all Strikers. Scramble now. ALL pilots to the flight decks and mount up!"

"Stiletto Lead copies."

"Scorpion Lead copies."

As soon as the turbolift opened, half the Skulls were there already and waiting. They knew what was at stake here, and were mounting up as Jason kissed Delaara and they ascended their boarding ladders. As soon as helmets were on and canopies were closed, they prepped and were ready.

"One minute until we exit warp. All fighters prepare to launch." CAG said over the comm.

"Skull Leader to CAG. Long range sensors able to pick anything up from Delta Gamma IV yet?"

"Roger that, Skull Lead. Comanche is holding her own, but still has four battle raiders hounding her. We will be dropping from warp in 45 seconds."

"Skull Lead to all strikers. As soon as we launch, I'll send telemetry and target assignments."

He heard the acknowledgments from his Squadron Leaders and made ready.

"Skulls, this one is personal. Angie is one of us, and my cousin to boot. Let's save her ass out there, and let's come back alive. Gloria ad mortem!"


Jason grinned.

"Exiting warp... NOW! Striker wing, LAUNCH!" CAG gave the order.

Jason punched the throttle forward. "GO SKULLS!"

The fighters shot from the flight decks and Jason pulled up in a half loop to shoot over the top of the flight deck and the Nimitz itself. He adjusted for angle and called the shots and marked the targets for each Squad. "Skulls on 1 for. Stilettos on 2. Scorpions on 3. Valdore on 4. Light them up, disabling only, everyone. We don't know if they've kidnapped anyone from the Comanche."

"Two to Lead. I've got your wing, baby." Demoness sounded off.

"Roger, Two. Ok, let's see how the Orions like our new toys. Striker Wing, ATTACK!" Jason banked the skulls towards battle raider one and they began disabling the ship in record time. Tubes were down, as were phasers and engines as they went about the clockwork disabling of the enemy vessel. Stiletto also scored a rousing success, and Scorpion only lost one Sleipnir. The pilot went EV and was towed back to Nimitz by his wingman.

"Skull Leader to USS Comanche. You there, Angie?" Jason asked over the comm as the Valdore finished disabling the last battle raider.

"Commanche here, Skull Leader. Good to see you!" Angie's voice rang loud and clear.

"Glad we could make the party before you destroyed the rest of them." Jason laughed.

The war marshal exited warp and began launching fighters. Before she could even blink, Delaara took massive damage to her Valkyrie, and had to punch out. The war marshal tractored her EV pod immediately and took it aboard, followed by the EV pods of Seraph, Razor, and Arrow. Its fighters then retreated back aboard before the Skulls could retaliate.

"War marshal! Skulls, attack and disable warp drive first!" Jason commanded.

"OCS Buccaneer to all Federation ships! If you attack us, we will terminate your pilots that we have just captured. You will all surrender yourselves to us, and return with us to the Betelgeuse system. Do you copy?" The Orion commander said over the open comm in an oily voice.

"OCS Buccaneer, this is the USS Nimitz. We are standing down and will follow you into Warp." Rachael said in a strained voice.

"Sonuvabitch!" Jason shouted. "If he hurts her, I will kill him piece by fucking PIECE!"

"Stand down, Colonel!" Rachael's voice came over the comm. "Return to Nimitz immediately! All Strikers return to your flight decks!"

"It was a fucking trap! We lost four fighters in all, Rachael. They got Arrow, Seraph, Razor, and.... Demoness." Jason said.

"Nimitz copies, Skull Lead. Get back aboard, and we will go after them. But right now, the Orions are holding all the cards." Rachael said.

"Roger that, Nimitz. Landing now." Jason had the implacable look again, and Comanche was now coming alongside Nimitz and Valdore.

"Valdore, do you have anything that can help?" Jason asked over the comm from his fighter.

"We do, Jason. We have four Night Owl class stealth fighters aboard. Can you fly them?" Donatra said soberly. She knew her cousin had just been captured.

"I'll need all four. They're two seaters, right?" Jason asked.

"Affirmative, Skull Lead." Donatra said.

"Good. Can you send them over cloaked as soon as we exit warp? I would appreciate it." Jason kept his voice calm, even as he prepared to visit the wrath of God upon the Orions' heads.

"We will, Jay. We're going to help you get Delaara back." Donatra assured him.

"Thanks, Donie. Skull Lead, out." He cut the comm and popped his canopy. As it rose, he vaulted onto the flight deck. He started towards the Bridge turbolift. Nobody stopped him once they saw the look in his eyes.


"Well, well. The infamous Commander Delaara, Lieutenant Alexander Rozhenko, Lieutenant Roy Harper, and last but certainly not least, Lieutenant Mariel Evans. You may call me Hunter, and I command the Orion Confederation Ship Buccaneer. I was also married to Captain Sulina, commanding officer of the OCS Havester before her very untimely demise. I will not lie to you, ladies and gentlemen. Your deaths are very much assured unless all of my demands are met." He regarded all of them with a disdainful smirk on his face.

Delaara's blood ran cold. She knew what he wanted. She stood up. "Let them go, Hunter. I'm the one you want."

He raised his eyebrows at that. "Oh, I know, my dear. You and your husband, Colonel Jason MacKenzie. You will both pay very dearly for my wife's death. The rest of you are leverage. You see, I don't plan on just killing you. What I have in mind is more... fitting."

"What do you want besides revenge, Hunter?" Delaara asked. She thought of her son, their son, and she vowed to herself that Hunter would never touch a hair on Bryan's head.

"It's not revenge, Delaara. You misunderstand. It's justice. Justice for what you and your husband did to my wife and my brother, who commanded a war marshal during what you call the Ferengi-Orion war? Yes, I believe that's what your Federation called it. It doesn't matter. All that matters here is that you are all going to die, and there is nothing your Federation can do about it. Now, I will leave you all to make peace with your preferred deity or deities." He bowed and left, walking purposefully out of the holding area aboard his flagship.

"You knew his wife, Del?" Alex asked.

"In a way, Alex. She was commanding the battle raider that landed on NZ8 when Jason and I were stranded there. I shot her in the back while Jason distracted her and her crew." Delaara said.

"Well, we need to find a way out of here." Roy said. "Honey, can you hand me that bowl? I have an idea." He motioned to the bowl by Mariel.

"Sure, sweetheart." She passed the metal bowl to Roy, who looked it over and looked up at the ceiling.

"Roy, what are you planning?" Alex asked.

"Just doing some calculations for a bank shot." He replied, looking at each wall. He looked at the shallow bowl again and did a little test flick of his wrist, not releasing the bowl. "Getting the feel for it as a weapon. When they come back, I'll bank it off the wall and distract them. Then we all rush them at once and overpower them."

"And go where, Roy? We're in Warp now, and when we drop from Warp, we won't be able to do much." Delaara said. "Let me handle this. Ok?"

"Commander, if we play along with him, we're all dead. If we don't, and we fight back, at least one of us might make it out." Roy shot back.

"Roy, let Jason and Donatra work on it. If I know them, they're already planning a rescue mission." Delaara smiled at her friend.

"Ok, Commander. But I'm keeping this bowl ready just in case." Roy smiled back at her.


Donatra looked at the plan. "Here." She pointed at the schematic of the war marshal. "This should be their prisoner holding area. They'll be held here."

She stood with Rachael, Rash, Bolter, Bounce, and Cobalt in Rachael's Ready Room.

Jason traced the route they would need to take from the shuttle bay to the detention area and back. It would be brutal, and would require a full platoon of the Marines stationed aboard Nimitz.
