Love as Pure as Water


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Alana collected the final remnants of his seed with her fingers, making a show of licking it up.

"I can't even begin to describe how good that was," she sighed happily. "And I really mean that. It's like I've discovered a brand new sense."

Her lover's eyes were half-lidded and his expression slackened. Clearly, he was still a little overwhelmed by what had just happened.

I did that, she realized. She was the cause of his bliss, she had tended to his sexual needs with instinctual skill, and this wonderful image was the end result. It made her feel a little naughty - but the good, happy kind of naughty, reserved only for intimate couples. Alana smiled and moved to undo his gag, retrieving her sash and tossing it aside.

"Was it good for you?" she asked, unable to keep a straight face, She burst into giggles as Thomas sighed blissfully.

"Alana, that was...I just...I don't even know how to're amazing."

"I did a good job, huh? Good to know!" Alana huffed out her chest proudly. "Go on, lover, take a deep breath. We've got plenty of time now."

Alana sighed contently and lay her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat slow as he wound down from his climax.

"You...said..." Thomas panted. " sense? Elaborate?"

"I guess it's like this," Alana said softly. "I can feel your energy inside me. I already swallowed it, but I can still taste it...and it isn't any less delicious."

"I've never felt so alive," she added. "It makes me feel so powerful, so fulfilled! I'm not sure if I can ever go without this, now!"

"Me either," he said tiredly.

The pair rested together for several minutes, simply taking comfort in each other after such an intense moment. They interlocked their fingers and held each other close, gently touching and kissing.

"I had an idea," Thomas said softly.

"What would that be?" Alana asked.

"The's going to delay any search parties. I figure that we have two or three days before anyone finds us, at the very earliest."

Rescue. The idea made Alana's heart flinch. Did he want to leave?

"But...Alana, you said that there was a mamono village not too far from here, right?"

"Yes, a few dozen miles or so," she confirmed. "But that's too far for you to swim, even with my help."

"I know," he admitted. "But what if we made a raft? You can manipulate currents, can't you? What if you pushed the raft along? What if we left this island, went to that village? Surely someone there can help us get to land, or at least to a phone. Then we could just report the crash ourselves, point the search crew in the right direction."

Alana blinked at him.

"What do you think?" Thomas prompted her.

"I..." she started. "I think...I think that could actually work! Yes, a raft could definitely work!"

"I can't believe that I didn't think of that before!" she beamed. "I was starting to think that maybe I should swim there myself, but I didn't want to leave you. But...Thomas, does that mean that you...want to stay with me?"

His head jerked back a little, and he looked almost offended.

"Are you joking? Alana, you think that I could just up and leave you, after all this?"

"You gave me a new life," he said with a heartfelt smile. "Literally and figuratively. I...of course I want to stay with you. I want you to be a part of this new life. I love, you Alana."

If she wasn't underwater, tears would have started falling from her eyes. "Do you really mean that? Oh, Thomas, thank you! I love you, too!"

She wrapped her arms around him tightly, hugging him passionately. She tilted her head upwards, and his lips met hers for a long while. When they pulled apart, she ran a finger across his cheek, and looked deep into his eyes.

"I've never been so happy in my life," she said. "Please...I don't want to stop here."

She smiled lovingly, and pushed away from him. She twisted her body so that she lay on the bed face-up, and started to sensually caress her own body. One hand went to cup her breast, gently squeezing it, while the other went lower, to the line where her human half met her aquatic half. Her vagina rested just above that line, and looked almost identical to a human woman's. She began to touch and pleasure herself, sighing at the feeling. Thomas watched her, spellbound.

"Please," she said breathily. "Show me how much you love me..."

Thomas needed no further invitation. He adjusted himself so that he was on top of her and gave her another kiss, bringing a hand up to massage her other breast. When he pulled back, he found himself captivated by her eyes once more. He found that they held a depth that he had not yet seen before - that they were full of love, trust, and acceptance.

"Move back for me," he suggested, gently guiding her. She complied, adjusting her position so that Thomas had more room. He gave her a suggestive smile before sliding down her body, positioning his face just an inch from her waist. Alana used her hands to spread her pussy apart, smiling widely as she exposed her cute, pink flesh. With a wicked grin, Thomas moved in and began to pleasure her with his mouth.

He figured that he would learn by experimenting, like Alana had done with him. He started by simply licking her outer folds. That earned him a pleasant sigh, but he knew he could do so much more. When he started dipping his tongue inside her, she moaned in delight, and started playing with her breasts. He started to mix up his patterns - thrust, sweep, return. When she moaned even more loudly and gripped his head with both hands, he hummed in satisfaction. It didn't physically do much for him, but pleasuring Alana like this was deeply satisfying. And she completely deserved it, after all that she had done for him.

Meanwhile, Alana was having the time of her life. His tongue was infinitely better than her own fingers - it was wet, warm, and entirely unpredictable. Unable to find a pattern, she resigned herself to her lover's attention, letting the pleasure carry her closer and closer to its delicious peak.

When he started to tease her clitoris, she knew that she couldn't last much longer. She gripped his head more forcefully, moaning and urging him to continue.

"You're so good at this," she praised. "More, please, don't stop! Keep going, I'm right there!"

He followed her wishes, and didn't stop pleasuring her, even as she tightly gripped the edges of the bed and started to cry out unintelligibly as her orgasm crashed into her like a great wave. She shuddered and quivered as the pleasure wracked through her body in a maelstrom of bliss. When the storm broke, she found herself understanding the position Thomas was in not all that long ago. Eyes half-lidded, facial expression stuck in dazed joy, unwilling to move and risk losing the afterglow of an incredibly potent orgasm.

"That felt incredible," she laughed tiredly. "How are you so good at this?"

"I don't know," Thomas smirked. "I guess I just wanted to make you sing for me."

Thomas moved up and kissed her. Alana realized that something was different - and she instinctively pushed him back.

"What's wrong?" he asked, eyes shining with concern.

"The taste," she blushed. "I-I've never had myself before."

"Oh," Thomas blinked. "Was it bad?"

"I don't know, I just kind of reacted without thinking. Why don't we find out?"

Alana passionately resumed the kiss - this was just another thing to explore. She pulled back, and Thomas smiled.

"How is it?" he asked with a grin.

"Results are inconclusive," she smiled. "It's a hard flavor to judge. A little sweet, a little bitter. I guess we'll need to run the experiment again!"

"Sign me up," he laughed. "I find you delicious, by the way."

Alana felt something hard poking her in the stomach. She raised her eyebrow at Thomas.

"Think you're ready to go again?" she asked, moving her hand down to caress his dick. "You certainly feel ready."

"Ready and incredibly willing."

She gave him a little squeeze, and positioned his tip at the entrance of her folds. She started to push him in, but hesitated.

"Alana?" he asked.

"Promise me," she said softly. "Promise me that you'll always be mine, and I'll always be yours."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," he said tenderly, sealing the vow with a kiss.

Alana's tail wrapped around his backside, and slowly pushed him inside. The sensation made them both moan at the same time, the sounds trapped in each other's mouths. Thomas took over, and with one, strong thrust, he hilted himself inside her, feeling something something change along the way. Their bodies were very different, yet each knew with certainty - they had taken their partner's virginity.

Alana gasped sharply, for her loss gave her no pain. Mamono bodies, after all, had been designed with maximum pleasure in mind.

"Are you alright?" he asked, face contorted with worry and ecstasy. "Am I hurting you?"

"No!" she affirmed. "You feel - I can't even describe it! Just, keep going!"

So he did.

Thomas slowly withdrew from her body until only the tip of his shaft remained inside her. Then he slowly, gruelingly, pushed himself back in, making them both cry out again. Unlike before, neither felt like experimenting on the other to find what worked best. This was somehow too intimate and too personal for that to work. So Thomas and Alana let the primal parts of their minds take over, feeling that it was the best way to express their satisfaction with the other.

A pattern emerged. Thrust. Moan. I love you. Kiss. Withdraw. Thrust. Moan.

Everything else seemed so small. The storm? Rescue? What came next? None of that mattered right now.

Faster. Thrust! Moan! I love you! Kiss! Withdraw! Thrust! Moan!

"Trying to hold on," Thomas grunted. "Are you close?"

"Wait for me," Alana panted. "I want us to come together, just a little longer, please!"

Their lovemaking sped up yet again, becoming almost frantic now. Thomas knew that he was at his very edge, knew that he could only hold back for a few more seconds.

Consequences be damned. He leaned over and took the tip of one of Alana's head fins into his mouth, giving it a sudden suck and a lick. It made her scream as she finally toppled over the edge, the sensuous storm inside her flaring up again. As she shook and quivered, her pussy clenched around him, again and again, tighter and tighter, shoving him into the depths of pleasure right after her. Her cried out and erupted inside her, staining her insides white.

Although her rational mind was temporarily unavailable, somewhere deep down, Alana realized that she could still taste the power contained in her lover's essence, a recognition that only added to her ecstasy.

Their mutual bliss wound together, stretching on and on into the heavens, until it finally began to cascade back to the physical plane.

They collapsed into a tired, messy heap, the unspoken promise of a blissful slumber awaiting them.


In the morning, the storm had passed, and a sense of tranquility hung in the air, carried along by the ocean breeze. When Thomas and Alana left the submerged cave, the latter spotted something in the difference, and excitedly swam towards it. Thomas swam after her, confused. Why was she heading towards the reef? Did she want to give a last goodbye to all of her fish friends?

"Thomas!" Alana called out, waving him over. "Can you see it?"

When he arrived, he had to admit that something felt a little different about the reef, but he couldn't quite place what it was. He stroked his chin as he swept his eyes back and forth across the corals, surveying the colorful little fish swimming about.

"It's...bigger?" he realized aloud. "How is that possible?"

"It was us," Alana smiled, blushing warmly. "This is the result of last night."

She placed her hands upon her head and shook back and forth, excited giggling spilling forth.

"This is a sign from Poseidon!" she squealed. "It means she approves! Look around us, Thomas! You can see it now, right?"

He nodded. He could see it - he saw that the coral seemed larger, healthier. There seemed to be more fish around than previously, and more couples were retreating into private little spaces in the coral. Even the water itself seemed to have changed a little, as if it had become even clearer. It was subtle, but there was definitely a sense that the reef had become slightly...more.

"I see it," Thomas said. "It's incredible. You continue to amaze me, Alana."

"Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself here," she said, as her cheeks began to turn even redder. "But do you think that we should have our relationship properly recognized?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, coming over next to her and placing an arm around her shoulder.

"A proper marriage ceremony," she smiled. "I think we should really consider it! It's taboo to officiate your own wedding, so we'd have to find another bishop, but I don't think would be much of a problem. And Poseidon would actually give each of us permanent blessings, you know?"

Marriage. If you had asked him a year ago, Thomas probably would have laughed at the idea that anyone would have wanted to marry him.

"Like what?" he asked, nuzzling against her. Somehow, it didn't surprise him that the idea of marrying Alana wasn't intimidating in the least. He felt no fear or anxiety - only a strong, warm sense of optimism for their shared future.

"You could breathe underwater forever, for starters," she beamed. "You wouldn't need my help anymore. And you could manipulate the water to push you along, so you could swim as fast as I can! And I could take a human form, whenever I want, at no cost! We could go anywhere together - do anything we wanted!"

"That sounds wonderful," Thomas said softly. "And it sounds incredibly generous, too. What does your goddess expect in return?"

"Only that we spread love and peace wherever we go, on land or beneath water," she nodded. "That we love each other freely, and encourage others to do the same."

"Sign me up," he chuckled. "And maybe read some of those scriptures to me while we're traveling. If I'm gonna help spread Poseidon's message, I'd like to know more about her."

"Of course!" Alana returned his laughter and hugged him tightly.

"Alana," Thomas started. "I want to go everywhere with you. I want to see it all with you."

She pulled him in closer and pressed her lips against his, holding the kiss for only a second. Then she leaned back, smiled, and asked him:

"Where should we start?"


A/N: Yes, I know that kelp doesn't grow in the Caribbean. No, I don't care.

So, here we are. I'm not new to writing, but this is my first piece with eroticism in it. I felt like trying my hand at it, it seemed like an interesting challenge. What did you think, how did I do?

I was interested in writing for some of the monster girls that don't have many (or any) stories yet, and the Sea Bishop felt like a very good candidate. Monster girls are a big kink for me, but I also like lore and backstory, which is why this had a lot of buildup. I picked the Sea Bishop in particular because I love their selfless, calm nature, and of course their magic is very interesting, too. I felt that it was important a story with a sea bishop had a believable romance, not just sex and lust.

Future stories will vary in tone - they definitely won't all be as long as this one. Is there any particular monster girl you'd like to read about? The top three ideas that I'm hovering on right now are the Dark Slime, the Nightgaunt (brand new!) and the Shoggoth, my absolute favorite monster girl. And if you have no idea what any of that was, check out the Monster Girl Encyclopedia some time, it's fun.

I hope you had a good read, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.


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wheels0132wheels01326 months ago

Fun little story, I liked it! But how did they manage to move crates of chemicals across the sand and up the sandy beach?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved it, it was mostly cute and sweet, which was what I was looking for, and then in the end there was that perfectly written erotic bit. Well done all around!

SatyrDickSatyrDickalmost 2 years ago


Romantique und Sweet!


BrammeralanBrammeralanalmost 2 years ago

3rd time reading this and it never gets old. It’s a refreshing palate cleanser from the drama most stories have. Thanks again for your amazing work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So, truthfully, I was poking around Lit using the search terms "island" and "stranded." But like a perpetual nor'easter, all I could find was flotsam and jetsam - until this story! The dynamic between Alana and Thomas plays so naturally; they TRULY are meant for each other. I'm old enough to be slightly jaded with life and love, yet their tale kept me grinning throughout its telling - and perhaps a bit more hopeful for the future (well, certainly THEIR future). A story which leaves the reader wanting more at its end is powerful in it's mastery. Thank you for sharing your talent.

Oh, artistic license lets the author create a world as they see fit. The read is more enjoyable if that's understood a priori.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It would have been physically impossible to open the cockpit door while the plane was sinking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. I love it when girls really truly love sucking off a cock and swallowing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Excellent story, with one problem that made me crazy throughout. Poseidon was a male god of the sea— a son of Cronos and Rhea. The Romans called him Neptune. There are some magnificent statues of him in Italy, driving a chariot pulled by four great hippocampi (horses of the sea) through the waves. Every time you described the irascible, unpleasant Poseidon as a peaceable, living sea goddess, it broke the flow of the narrative for me.

If you had chosen to use Thalassa (the Greek primordial sea goddess) instead, I’d have gladly given you your fifth star.

[Not caring about kelp is one thing, but the goddess is central to your story!]

Jollygreen98Jollygreen98about 6 years ago
Hey why did it end!

The highest compliment i can give you is, why did the story end...............

mosesDmosesDover 6 years ago

Hey! Love this story, it's exactly the kind of monster girl story I'd been looking for and absolutely inspired me to try my own hand at writing. Thank you so much for this.

blackdragon54blackdragon54over 6 years ago

Great story! The tone sounds familiar, your writing reminds me of Perentie... awesome! Keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I am the Bishop of Battle


I very much enjoyed this, thank you. As for ratings, I'm normally a middle of the road kinda guy. I very much care about grammar, spelling, vocab, and story construction. You had a few little problems there, The story was, however, very good. I have scored only one story with five stars, ever. I gave this a four, which is very high for a work which could have used 45 minutes in front of a proofreader....thanks for the story!

wingnitwingnitover 6 years ago
Great job!

I really enjoyed this story. I enjoy a good erotic story with plot and backstory. Thank you for taking the time to write it and make it believable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Loved It !!

Loved your story and want to read more pleas. Also have been looking for the monster girl encyclopedia but haven't been able to find it any help would be great thanks .

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Not to be that guy but...

Water, being polar and small is considered a universal solvent, so when found in nature it's usually not that pure, especially ocean water. Great story though I loved it.

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