Love at First Sight Theory


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She looked at me like I was Lucifer himself. I didn't care anymore. Fuck her and fuck Wilma.

I brushed her off with a shrug and walked past her. I was done pretending for this stuck up bitch. It was obvious that whatever chance I had to fuck her was gone, so I didn't need the "good guy" mask anymore.

"You know Brian, you are a piece of shit." I heard her say from behind me. I opened my car door to get in my car. Selene pushed it closed and slipped between me and the car. She obviously wasn't done yet.

"You prance around this hospital, with your war stories and your arrogant attitude, and you act like you have the right to screw with lives. You stick your little dick in anything and anyone, and you don't give a shit about the people you hurt." Her words were packed with venom. If I was still interested in fucking her, I may have set back. But now this bitch was in my rearview.

"Look Selene. What I do is none of your fucking business. I can fuck who I want, when I want. If I want to fuck her in the ass, I will. In fact I have. Numerous times. That dumb bitch even gave me a blowjob in the bathroom this afternoon. So why don't you run home to your pussy ass husband and............"

That's as far as I got before the bitch cold cocked me. She actually punched me! She didn't slap me or push me. She didn't even punch me like a girl. She knuckled up and hit me so hard that I actually saw stars!

"Don't you EVER talk about my husband you FUCK!" I stood there stunned. I couldn't believe that such a hit could come from such a little body.

"You aren't HALF the man my husband is. Don't mistake my temporary insanity for any confirmation that you are even in his league."

With that , she spit at me and walked off.

"FUCK YOU BITCH!" I yelled at her retreating figure. I realized that the pain in my jaw was not going away. How hard did that bitch hit me?

She stopped and turned. "By the way, I did get the text of your dick. I have to say though, after all that talk, I was disappointed. After what I get from my husband every night, I wasn't too impressed with yours." With that she was gone.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! My jaw hurt. If I wasn't stunned, I might have hurt that bitch. But I gotta say, I like her balls.........

Suddenly, I heard a loud SMASH! I turned around to see a crazy guy with a baseball bat going all Hank Aaron on my pride and joy.

"What the fuck dude!" I yelled at him as he took another swing. BANG!

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed at him. He stopped and looked at me through soulless eyes. His face was stained with tears. As I looked at him, I saw emptiness. What I saw was an empty shell of a man.

"You need to get the fuck away from my car!"

He didn't even answer me. Instead, he just started busting the shit out of my car again. He was working on my windshield, putting spider web cracks in it.

I ran at him to tackle him, but this fucker turned on me and started beating me like John Phoenix in "Signs".

I tried to protect my face, but he hit my ribs. When I tried to protect my ribs, he hit my face. Pretty soon I was on the ground, fighting to stay conscious.

"You took her away from me you ASSHOLE and you don't even care about her!" He cried in between swings. That's when I realized who he was. He was Wilma's husband.

"I heard everything that you said to that woman! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME? HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO HER?"

The last thing I remember is him kicking me in the face.


I spent the week in the hospital. I had two broken ribs, a cracked skull, and a broken nose. I also had a fractured jaw, but that asshole didn't hit me in the jaw. I got that courtesy of Selene.

Police arrested Wilma's husband. In fact, they had to put him on suicide watch. The bastard was constantly saying that he had nothing else to live for.

Wilma came to visit me when I was laid up. I thought that she was going to pamper me back to health, but she didn't. Her husband told her everything that I said to Selene. Heartbroken wasn't even the right word for what she was. She was just plain broken.

"Selene told me to stay away from you. She said that you were just a predator. I told her that you loved me. I DEFENDED YOU! Now, I have no marriage. My kids think that I'm a slut, and my husband is facing trial."

I couldn't look at her. Her eyes were so full of pain.

"Why Brian? What did I do for you to destroy me like this?"

I couldn't answer her. I said nothing to her as she left the room. She quit the next day.

Selene was transferred to another floor. I was relieved at that. I couldn't stand to look at her.

She was the only person that I broke my rules for. I should have moved on from her. But I kept chasing her. I still think I had chance of nailing her. I found out later that my picture was actually the thing that ruined my chances. I knew that it was a bad idea. I tried to drive a wedge between her and her old man, and I drew them closer together.

Another funny thing about karma is this. That night that I fucked Wilma in her backseat was the night that her husband first suspected her of having an affair. He went out to her car to get the car seat because he needed it the next day. He found the car smelling like sex, the wet spot on the seat, and the car seat in the trunk. It's ironic that I got caught and beat up because I was too selfish to fuck her in my own car.

When he confronted Wilma about it, she told him that she was in love with me, and that I was going to be with her once she was divorced. She told him that I was her one true love. It was love at first sight.

I didn't get fired, but I only lasted a few more months. Word spread about me and Wilma like wildfire. No one wanted to be around me. I was like a pariah. I think that Selene was the one to tell everyone, but I'm not sure. I saw her sitting at a table in the cafeteria with a bunch of nurses from her new floor. They all were looking at me with disgust as they talked to her. She didn't even have the decency to pretend like she wasn't talking about me.

Eventually, I turned in my two weeks notice and got a job at another hospital. I tried to put Selene and Wilma behind me, but I never forgot them.

The real life Tony and Selene (of course I changed their names) are still happily married. She says that she learned a lot about herself during this time. They went to counseling and she learned how to have confidence in herself without needing to be chased. She openly admits that she was a very shallow and vain person, and she realized the prize that she has in Tony. There was one time where me and my wife were at a picnic with them, and I jokingly asked him "How does it feel to be married to a woman who is too good for you?" Without hesitation, Selene said, "How would he know that? His wife is the one who hit the jackpot!" I know some people would've liked me to burn her in this story, but she truthfully didn't deserve that. They have been married for 16 years.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Superb analysis of what a serial cheater can do. Also very good expose how the female mind works to let her give her himself permission to cheat. It also reveals the inherent dishonest of women. Not their feelings but their intentional effort NOT to discuss them with her man. At that point she's already made an emotional decision to leave the marriage. She'll maintain the facade until she has a firm and secure grasp on the next bigger and better deal. Then the guy get hammered out of left field. Don't for a moment the woman will have a shred of remorse, concern for how she's hurt you. To her your last weeks newspaper.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Author is intent on humanizing this fuck. Makes me wonder why. Based how forgiving his pussies, I mean protagonists are, I think this dude either likes to watch, has forgiven too much, or wished he had.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The back of this story might have been better served to be part of the Innocent Text Messages arc. This gad a lot more that shows Selene in a better light and shows how faster the dickpic incident, she had nothing to do with Brian, only admonishing him that he is ruining Wilma's marriage. As for Brian, it was great in "The Weekend" arc, to see Lee absolutely demolish Brian. Sure the first shot was a sucke punch yo get Brian away from Gina, who was yelling big at Brian to leave her alone, but after that mister beefcake got literally destroyed by Lee, who though he went to jail for 8 months, did the world a public service by being part of the reason (along with Gina's rejection) for why Brian stopped his abhorrent behavior with married women. Glad Tony and Selene worked it out. Somehow their reconciliation came off as more valid given the supporting material in this chapter.

AngelRiderAngelRider12 months ago

First, I really enjoyed the story. God knows hospitals are cat houses and there is always a Brian about who thinks he invented the female orgasm.

I want to address something else though. I have to question how much of an asshole you are for asking such a disrespectful, cruel and emasculating question to someone you claim is a friend? I recognize you believed it be a joke but Jesus what a shitty thing to say to someone, even in jest. Be grateful "Selene" responded as she did, I would have ripped you a new asshole.

If my husband ever said such a thing... frigid bedroom temperatures would be forecasted. Even in jest, sayings like that can harm relationships. I hope it was a one off. I like your work a lot.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Liked it,especially that he got his just reward.

LickideesplitLickideesplit12 months ago

Errata immediate prior comment

Actually, complement and compliment are near-homophones.

LickideesplitLickideesplit12 months ago

Pick ONE spelling for the homophone pair (complement/compliment) and use that (you can alternate that choice in other stories, if you must!)

Since those two words are NOT synonyms*, you will be wrong sometimes, but at least consistent!

*Those two (different) words can be used in some SAME sentence, but those sentences will not mean the same thing.

5* but I agree that the narration at the start detracted from the tale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

All of the main characters were too much immature, irresponsible and dislikable. And so the story.

jott50jott50about 1 year ago

Other commentators pretty much said everything I had to say except that station wagons don't have trunks.

Just_GymJust_Gymover 1 year ago

I gave you five stars even though I didn't like the character or his philosophy.

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