Love by Mistake


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"Goodbye, Brent," she said closing the door.

"Just one date, Vikki. We can go anywhere you want. Don't walk away and make the biggest mistake of your life or even worse—make the universe mad. It can be very vindictive, you know."

She rolled down the window and said, "Just how old are you, Brent?"

"I'm 25," he told her. "Almost 26 as a matter of fact."

"And what it is you do for a living?"

"Mostly I...go to school but I also..." he replied.

She interrupted him and said, "So you want me to go out with someone who's 11 years younger than me, who has no job, and...let me guess...this is your parents' place, right?"

Brent smiled sheepishly and said, "Um...yes. It is my mom and dad's house." Before she could speak he said, "But I do have a job. And when I graduate in June, I'll have a really good job..."

She started the car and at the same time started laughing. "Have you seen the movie with John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale?"

"You mean Serendipity? Yeah, sure. I've seen it. Why?"

"Well, how about this? If we just randomly run into each other again some day, I'll be willing to at least consider the possibility of the universe wanting us to be together. Is that New Age enough for you?"

"Okay, but didn't they spend some time together first? Shouldn't we at least go out tonight or maybe just hang out together and then start the whole Serendipity thing?"

Vikki's brain told her to drive away but her libido was screaming at her to say 'yes.'

She heaved a big sigh and looking up at him said, "Will you at least drive I agree to um...hang out with you?"

"Of course. And it won't even be in my parents' car," he said showing off those dimples again.

"Oh, and I'm NOT meeting your parents," she said. He helped her back out of the car as she asked, "They're not home right now, are they? Please tell me they're not inside."

Brent laughed and said, "Of course not. Do you think the universe would be smart enough to bring us together only to have my parents be here?"

Vikki couldn't help but laugh as he closed her door. She locked it and followed him into the large, two-story home. "Please make yourself comfortable and I'll be right back. Can I get you anything to drink while you wait?"

"No, thanks. I'm good," she said. She watched him go upstairs then sat her purse down and wandered around the large living room. She saw photos of his family and pictures of Brent from when he was a baby through graduation. She was a bit confused when she saw two graduation pictures with him wearing a different colored cap and gown until she saw two different diplomas proudly displayed on the wall. The first was from Kent High School eight years ago and the second was from the University of Washington almost four years ago.

"Wow," she said out loud when she read 'magna cum laude' in small print below the words 'Bachelors of Science in Chemistry.' Vikki had assumed something very different about him and she'd been very wrong. She pictured him as a professional student who planned on living at home as long as he could sponging off his parents and majoring in something worthless like—philosophy. The thought made her chuckle as she realized his boyish looks only fed into her stereotype and now she felt more than a little silly.

She side-stepped to the right and saw pictures of him from high school in a football uniform and on the wrestling mat. David had had a very nice body that was hard and firm, but Brent was...ripped. Shredded in fact. That was something else she'd missed because he'd been wearing a baggy rugby jersey.

Her mental self-flagellation ended when she heard him bounding down the stairs saying, "Okay. All set. Just need to grab a couple of things from the kitchen." He was in and out in less than a minute holding a brown paper bag.

She noticed—and liked—that he'd changed into a very dressy button-down shirt with a leather jacket draped over his arm. Vikki could now clearly see the outline of a very nicely tapered upper torso that went from a wide chest melting into a very narrow waist. "I've hit the freaking jackpot!" she said to herself as she watched him re-enter the living room.

"Wow. You look very different," she told him. He'd also put a small amount of product into his very thick, short hair and she was stunned at the difference just those two things had made. And he was smart as hell. Suddenly, she no longer felt cocky or even in control. She was forced to admit she felt slightly intimidated.

"Oh, thanks, but you're the one who looks amazing. I meant to mention that before but I was so busy trying to talk you into a date that..."

"Um...this isn't a 'date', okay? It's just...hanging out. But like I said, if this universe of yours ever does bring us together again, then I guess I'm committed to an actual date, but for now, let's just spend some time together and see how it goes, okay?"

"Okay. Hanging out together it is!" he said. "But you still look really nice." Vikki was wearing a lavender-colored sweater along with a purple skirt and black heels underneath a very nice-looking black coat and Warner really liked everything he could see.

He had an older Mustang he loved working on his spare time, and although Vikki wasn't much of a car person, she knew a lot of time and money had gone into it. She loved that he opened her door for her and she thanked him. He sat whatever was in the bag in the back seat then started the engine which rumbled and growled with power.

"V-8 engine," he said proudly.

Vikki just smiled. "So do you mind me asking where you're taking me?" as they backed out.

"Not at all," he said intentionally not telling her the answer.

"Ah. I see. Okay, let me try that again. Brent? Where are you taking me?"

"You catch on pretty quickly...for someone your age," he said. He smiled at her as he said it.

"Oh, wow. Now you see, I was going to ask you if you were old enough to drive, but unlike you, I was being nice and didn't say anything. But you just had to get in a cheap shot, didn't you?"

He could see she wasn't upset so he kept playing along. "No worries. As long as there's an adult in the car, I'm allowed to drive."

Vikki tried not to laugh, but there was no stopping it. "You were right. You can make me laugh. Score one for youth and beauty." She smiled then pointed at him and said very seriously, "Just remember, though. Old age and treachery will defeat youth and cunning every time."

"I will," he said. She gave him a confused look so he filled in the blank for her. "I'll remember that. Geez, you just told me a few seconds ago to remember that. Do all people your age forget stuff that fast?"

She balled up her tiny fist and said, "Watch it, buster!"

He put his hands up briefly as though he was surrendering and said, "Okay, okay. You win." He saw her smile at him and said, "And don't worry. I'll have you home by nine so you can get to bed on time."

"Okay, that's it! You are in so much trouble!" she said playfully punching in the arm several times. As she did, she remembered his wrestling pics and she could tell he was still rock hard from the way her fist had run into what felt like a brick wall.

Brent pulled off the freeway and headed toward the Seattle Mariners baseball stadium and Vikki said, "I'm not a baseball fan but I do know it isn't baseball season. It's the middle of the winter so what are we doing here?"

"I told you I had a job, right? Well, this is where I work—part time." He was waved right through the gate and parked the Mustang in 'Employee Parking' and went around to open her door.

"Thank you," she said. "Chivalry is worth extra points."

"And don't forget my sense of humor," he reminded her. He closed her door and said, "I'm growing on you already, aren't I?"

"Hardly!" she said pretending he wasn't.

He snapped his fingers and said, "I almost forgot." He unlocked the car and reached in to grabbed the bag in the back seat then locked it again. Without asking her, he grabbed her hand and with a quick tug, told her to follow him. Vikki was surprised he'd taken her hand and the tug was not something she'd expected, either. She lurched forward with a tiny yelp and managed not to lose her balance in the three-inch heels.

He took her inside to a point from which she could see the entire stadium which was completely empty. "Wow! This is amazing!" she said as she scanned the area from side to side taking in the seats, the field, and every little detail.

"Come on!" he said. He was still holding her hand and off they went.

He used a key card to open a door that had a sign which read 'Seattle Mariners Locker Room' on it and let her go in first. She was hesitant about walking in and looked left then right before taking a first step.

"It's okay," he said. "No one else is here except maybe a few maintenance guys. In other words, you won't get to see any hard-bodied athletes with their clothes off today."

Vikki thought about saying something about the wrestling pics and his hard body, but decided a little discretion might be in order. Brent led her through the maze of rooms and then came to another door which opened into a tunnel. A short walk later they were standing on the edge of the field.

"So what do you think?" he asked even though he didn't need to. Vikki was speechless as she looked up and around at everything from the players' perspective.

"This is incredible!" she managed to say trying to take it all in.

He took her out to the area between the pitcher's mound and second base then finally let go of her hand. He pulled a checkered tablecloth out of the paper bag and set it on the ground before reaching in for a bottle of cheap champagne which was more correctly called sparkling water.

"Have a seat," he said as he pulled out two more cups and a bag of beef jerky and some Milk Duds. "Dinner and dessert with champagne," he announced with a sweeping gesture as he helped her sit down.

"Brent, this is the most amazing thing ever," she told him sincerely as he filled her glass letting the foam run over the sides. He was racking up points left and right and she found herself warming up to him as each minute went by.

"Hungry?" he asked offering her the bag of jerky after tearing off the top.

"Thank you, kind sir," she said dramatically as she removed a piece and gnawed off a bite.

They sat and talked for over an hour as Vikki spent most of the time talking about David and their life together.

"I'm really sorry, Vikki. I can't even imagine what you've gone through," he'd told her when she first let him know why she was dating again.

Vikki was finishing a second glass—no, cup full—when she said, "I've been doing all the talking, Brent. Tell me about yourself. What is it you do here and how is it you're still in school when you've already graduated from college and..."

There was a very loud series of popping sounds and within seconds, every sprinkler on the field was flinging huge amounts of cold water at high speed. Vikki shrieked and jumped up as Brent grabbed their stuff and said, "Follow me!"

Vikki screamed all the way to the side of the field, the only place that was still dry and started laughing uncontrollably. Brent was laughing, too, as he looked over at her and saw that she was drenched. Moments later, she was shivering and because it was only about 40 degrees outside he knew he needed to somehow get her warm—and fast.

He tossed everything into a large can and said, "We gotta get you back inside." He grabbed her hand and took her back to the locker room. "You're freezing," he told her as she stood there, her teeth chattering. "Take your coat off and we'll get you warmed up."

Vikki said through clenched teeth, "My coat is the only think keeping me from freezing to death. I'm not taking it off!"

"Listen, you need to get under the hot water right now. Just take off your coat and shoes and go get in the shower. I'll get a bunch of towels, okay?"

Vikki looked over at the inviting-looking showers and said, "You're sure no one else is here?"

"Positive," he told her. "Go ahead. You've gotta get warm. I'll be right back, I promise."

Her teeth were knocking like an old car about to run out of gas. "Okay," she said. He helped her with her coat as she kicked off her heels and headed toward the first stall and turned on the water. In just seconds, it was filled with hot water and steam and he heard Vikki say, "Oh, my God this feels good!"

Brent smiled as he went to grab a half dozen thick, white towels to bring over to her. He set them on a bench then moved closer to the stall and hollered out, "I have the towels for whenever you're done, okay?"

She peeked out and saw him and said, "What did you say?"

He moved right next to her and said, "I have the towels for..."

She reached out and grabbed him and pulled him inside with her. She laughed loudly as she saw his facial expression of total disbelief. "You need to get warm, too!" she yelled over the noise of the water pouring down on them.

She stood there staring into his eyes with a look of desperation not even a blind man could miss. Brent moved closer and as he did Vikki put her arms around his neck and kissed him with months of pent-up need boiling over from somewhere deep inside her. Moments later, a pile of soaking wet clothes was on the floor just outside the stall.

"My God," she said as she stared at him. "Look at you." And she did. From head to toe and especially in between. "So young and so handsome and so...hard," she said as she took his growing erection in her hand. She was referring to his body but she could just as easily meant the very large body part now growing fat and long in the palm of her hand.

In any other situation, Vikki would have wondered if he thought she was pretty enough or just...enough. But with the warm water pouring down on them, she didn't care. Even so, the look in his eyes told her he was very pleased with what he was seeing and he most definitely was. Vikki was still hard and firm herself and Brent was the one thinking he was the one who'd struck gold.

He pulled her close as she stroked his hard, thick cock and Brent's hand reached for the warm spot between her legs. Both of them were drenched, but that part of Vikki's body was wet in a very different kind of way. His middle finger slid inside effortlessly and brought a soft moan of pleasure from her. "That feels so good," she said, her mouth next to his ear. "I want you so bad, Brent."

He wanted her too, but even so, he wanted to be sure this was really something she wanted and asked, "Are you sure? I want you too, but I can wait if this is..."

"Will you please shut up and fuck me?" she said standing on her toes and opening her legs inviting him in.

Knowing she wanted him as much as he wanted her, he bent down, thrust his hips toward her, then raised up.

"Easy," she hissed as he entered her. "It's been a really long time, okay?"

He held himself just inside her then slowly raised up a little more and stopped. Vikki put her hand on his chest and said, "Stay right there for a sec, okay?" Brent was every bit as big as long as David had been but he was definitely thicker. She wanted him desperately, but her tunnel of love hadn't been expanded in well over two years and she needed to take it slowly for a minute.

When she was ready, she lowered herself down as Brent stood still. "Oooo!" she hissed as she took him almost the rest of the way. "That's a really big cock," she said sweetly smiling at him. She put her hands around the back of his thick neck then lowered herself the rest of the way down and held herself there. Once the discomfort passed, she moaned softly and began grinding, shoving her clit onto his cock. He stood up straight and she wrapped her legs around him while he reached under her ass and easily lifted her slowly up then letting her slowly ride him down before repeating the motion many more times.

"Mmmm. That feels SO good," she cried as she slid up and down his massive pole. "I'm ready now," she told him. "Will you please fuck me hard?

Brent began taking her harder and harder until he couldn't get any more out of that position. He let her down and gently pushed her against the shower wall and began putting it to her.

"Fuck, yes!!" she screamed out as he pounded her pussy. "Just like that!" she begged as he drilled her even harder.

He pulled out of her and said, "Bend over."

Vikki was surprised by his take-charge attitude and it turned her on immensely. She turned around, bent over, and put her hands on the wall as he entered her from behind. Doggy was her favorite position as it hit all the right places in all the right ways. Vikki shrieked with pleasure as he drove his cock all the way home then began slamming the shit out of her. "Yes! God...YES!!" she screamed. "Oh, fffuck! I'm coming! Oh, my God! I'm...coming!!"

Brent went to pull out to cum on her back and Vikki almost came unglued. "Get your cock back inside my pussy!" she screamed reaching frantically behind her with both hands as though she could somehow pull it back in by waving her arms.

He re-entered her just as her body tensed and shook. "Mmmm...YES!!" she screamed as she came so hard she thought her body was shake apart. Brent came, too, shooting jet after jet of hot cum inside her warm, wet pussy.

As the shuddering stopped, she turned around and again threw her arms around him and kissed him. "That was so...amazing," she said as she held him close. "You have no idea how much I needed...and wanted that." She was looking into his eyes and she put her hand on his cheek as she told him, "That was...really wonderful, Brent. Thank you. Thank you so much."

"It was pretty wonderful," he told her sincerely. "And...thank you."

He stepped out and grabbed two towels. He handed one to her and began drying himself off with the other. "What am I going to wear?" she asked. She looked at the soaked pile of clothing and started laughing.

"Towels?" Brent suggested. "Use these to dry off, then wrap one around your hair and another around your body. I'll go start the car and get it warm then come grab our clothes. You'll only have to run a few feet to the car and I'll take you home."

"My car's at your house," she reminded him.

"Shit," he said. "I forgot about that. Okay, one thing at a time."

He dried off, put a dry towel around his waist and threw on his wet jacket and grabbed the pile of wet clothes and threw her things into a large trash bag while leaving his on top. "Be right back!" he told her as he dashed outside.

Vikki laughed at the sight of him running outside in a towel and wet coat. Then she thought about herself and laughed again. Five minutes later she was treated to the same spectacle as he let her know the car was nice and warm. He threw another towel around her shoulders and said, "You ready?"

"I feel like I'm going streaking," she said still laughing at the whole thing.

They laughed all the way back to his house and when he pulled in she was relieved to know his parents were still out. "Come on in and I'll give you a pair of my sweats to wear for now."

"Until the universe brings us back together?" she teased.

"Exactly," he said laughing along with her as he helped her inside without being seen.

"These are a little big but they'll keep you warm 'til you get home," he said handing her a pair of men's XXL sweats and a pair of white socks and a black stocking cap.

Vikki looked like a child in her daddy's clothes after she put them on, but she was indeed warm. She flapped her arms to show him how much excess room there was in the sleeves and when she did, the pants fell down. Both of them laughed again as she cinched them back up and held them in place.

"Well, this was a very...unusual... and pleasant...evening," she told him as she got ready to leave.