Love for a Lonely Teacher

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Nathans love of a former English teacher leads to great things.
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All people within this work that participate in sex are 18 or older, and are consenting adults. The story and all events are fictional, but characters are based on real people. Names and features have been changed to protect the character subjects.


We all have teacher fantasies mostly the unfulfilled type of a timid high school student lusting for their teacher with a mature body that their fellow students are years from obtaining. I was no different except for one difference after my horrible teenage years came to a close and I finished college my fantasy became my reality.

During High school I was the dorky kid. I wasn't huge like the football players, but I was still able to hold my own in a fight. I'd also say that I had a better understanding of sex well ahead of my peers. Not so much experience or self-education with porn; I simply was a collector of books with a personal library that sported a well equipped with intimate novels, expository books, and of course The Kamasutra.

Still I had no chance to use my knowledge until college came around and I started working out and my love of books and studying got me into girl's dorm rooms to help them study. However in my senior year of college on of my female friends became pregnant and we had a daughter named, we named her Allie. Her mother and I couldn't really get along and, when Allie was 2, she packed up and vanished with a letter our daughter.

Well Allie and I turned out fine, I got a job at our local high school teaching English, my favorite subject, just as Allie began her first year of Kindergarten. She and I set off early on Monday to head to school, she was so excited to finally be able to go to school, and like any dad my heart was breaking a little.

We pulled up to the school and parked, the Elementary, Middle, and High schools all sat in a circle with a shared, central parking lot. As Allie and I parked and began walking to the Elementary school a familiar face appeared in the crowd Ms.Kulvert, a former English teacher, and the reason I adored English, I'd spent relentless hours studying the greatest works of literature trying to impress her.

When she was my teacher she was twenty-six and a freshly graduated bombshell built with dark hair, just past her shoulders. Her style choice was a teenage cock tease of short skirts, tower high heels, and tight blouses that showed of her fantastic tits. Even more alluring was her eye's gorgeous emeralds that had a hint of seduction. Needless to say Ms.Kulvert was the focus of many of my fantasies, I'd flip through my many novels reading and picturing what she and I could do to one another. As I remembered my high school dreams it was Ms.Kulvert who recognized me across the parking lot.

"Nathan Galler!" she exclaim as she ran across the asphalt and embraced me in a hug, her style hadn't changed same skirt, blouse, and shoes, but they we at full capacity she had to have filled out her big tits and round ass filling out every inch of her clothing. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh well," I gestured to Allie, "Just dropping Allie off for her first day of school, then heading to work."

She smiled at Allie and waved girlishly. Allie shied behind my leg, but waved politely, like any six year old. "She's adorable Nathan, but you can't have daughter! You are way too young."

I blushed a bit and managed a flattered smile, "Well I do, and she's my favorite thing in the world." I knelt down and scooped Allie up, she hid her face in my shoulder, remaining her shy self. "She's always a little shy, but she'll warm up to anyone pretty quick."

"Just like her father." Ms.Kulvert winked, "You were the same when you started my class, but you warmed up pretty quick."

"Well, I had someone worth warming up to."

Ms.Kulvert blushed and let a hand hide her red cheek. "Awe, how sweet I always like that about you. So, you said you were off to work, where?"

"Oh, I'm the new English teacher here at the high school, so maybe we'll be working together."

She giggled, "Actually no, I moved to the elementary school this year, I'm teaching kindergarten."

I sighed, "Oh, why? You were a wonderful teacher."

She smiled and blushed a little, honestly I thought she looked sexy as hell with her face flushed red. "Well I needed a change of pace after my husband and I separated so a new job came up this year, and I said 'Se La vie'."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." No I wasn't, the main roadblock in my making an advance to Ms.Kulvert was here husband, a former football star in our local college, he was a huge guy ripped, and mean he never smiled and always looked like if someone came near him or his wife he'd tear them apart.

"So who is Allie's teacher?" She sense my feelings, and I guessed she wanted to get to a happier subject.

"Oh, Uh... Let me check." I pulled the paper I got at registration, scanned it quickly and found that Allie had the teacher I hoped for. "You!" My enthusiasm was obvious, and met with a bit a gleeful laughter.

"Well then we'll be seeing each other often then won't we?" Her smile was so warm and friendly, but her emerald eyes had a certain lustful look. "Since you're on your way to work I can take Allie to class."

I looked over at Allie who had come up from her hiding spot listening to my conversation with my former, her current, instructor. She had seemed to warm up to Ms.Kulvert. "Sweetie you wanna go on to class?" Allie nodded, and stretched her legs to be put down. I did and she took Ms.Kulvert's hand. "Thank you Ms.Kulvert."

She grinned, "Oh please, we're colleges now, call my Lyla." She smiled and looked down at Allie who had copied Ms.Kulvert's smile. "We'll meet you here when school is ended, how does that sound?"

"Fine by me M.Kul... I mean Lyla." Her name felt soft coming from my lips. She gave a final smile with those emerald eyes having a lusty gaze, as she and Allie walked into the building.

The smile on my face was prominent as the day went by, I kept glancing at the clock in my class wishing to day would come to a close. Wait, what am I thinking, this isn't a date or a hook up I'm just picking my daughter up after school, true by my teacher dream, but still I needed to get a hold of myself.

When the day came to an end I walked out of the High school and to my car, I waited for about twenty minutes before I started to worry. I wondered what was taking so long, as the schools seemed barren as all the students, and most of the faculty had left. I decided waiting was not working and went into the elementary school. After getting instructions from the secretary in the office, a nice red head with decent cleavage, I headed to Ms.Kulvert's classroom. When I found it I wasn't surprised, inspirational posters and children's books. The desks were decorated with paper leaves each with a kid's name. Ms.Kulvert and Allie were in the corner, she was reading Allie her favorite book, stopping when I entered the room.

"Hi Nathan, I thought you would be a bit so we decided to read, sorry if you were waiting on us."

"Oh no its fine, you're worth waiting for." Whoa, where did that come from, that's not something you tell your daughters teacher, is it? "I'm sorry, that...that didn't come out right."

She grinned and gave me another sensual stare, "Sounded right to me."

Allie ran to my side, "Daddy can we go home now?" She tugged me towards the door and I nodded.

Lyla giggled seeing a six year old pull me across her classroom. "I suppose I should get going as well, I've moved and I need to finish unpacking." I guess my unconscious saw an opportunity and took it.

"I can help you!" I caught myself, but too late. "Um... If you'd like."

A new light filled her eyes, "I'd love the help! I have so much left to do."

"Great," I said smiling, happy that she didn't comment on my enthusiasm. "I'll give Allie's babysitter a call and be over around 5, if that's alright with you."

"No complaints on my part."


I arrived at Lyla's place later that evening just before 5, I took a deep breath and said quietly, "you're helping her unpack, not get off. Stay in control." Taking a final breath I left the car and walked to the door.

After a quick knock the door opened to reveal Ms.Kulvert in a pink tank top and bike shorts, even in something so common she looked amazing. "Hi Nathan I was just getting started, come on in." She turned and I followed her in. The house was nice painted yellow it was a 70's type home with a large living room the front door opened into; I just focused on her swinging hips and shape-full ass as her loose shorts let them swing freely almost like I was supposed to paw at the like an erotic cat toy.

"Can I get you something to drink?" She startled me and I quickly glanced up thinking I was caught. She was still facing forward though so I guess not.

"Sure, a glass of water please."

"Oh, well I have a fresh bottle of wine I've been meaning to use, would that be better?" Smiling, with a hint of seduction.

"Uh...sure that sound nice." She turned the corner into the kitchen, a few minutes later returning with two glasses of dark red wine, she gave me one and raised her glass. Looking around and taking a deep breath she said, "To new beginnings." Our drinks chimed, we each sipped a bit of the sweet red nectar.

We set our glasses down and began moving boxes and furniture, we spoke catching up on all that we'd been up to our years apart. Apparently her marriage came to a crash when her husband started making comments saying she needed to be thinner or prettier. Even though she liked how she looked she tried to please him, but it was impossible. He eventually cheated on her with some woman from his football years.

"He was ungrateful for perfection." I heard myself say that, unable to believe that I had said it.

She smiled a bit and blushed, "No, trust me I'm not perfect."

"I think you are."

Her eyes looked up into mine, "You do?" The emeralds began to mist.

"I...I..." I choked on the words, but they found their way, "Of course I do, in school I begged time to go faster so I could be in your class, and then to stop just so I could be near you. I studied every poem I could find trying to impress you, not one day went by where you didn't come up in my mind."

She stood there with her mouth hung open, and tiny tears sliding down her cheeks. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but I thought I was in trouble.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I...uh...I should go."

"NO!" She blurted out. "I mean no, I'm fine, just uh... give...give me a moment. She turned the corner into the kitchen, I let my head drop into my hands and sank onto a box behind me.

"Crap, You Idiot! Why the hell did you do that?" I looked up and thought, Maybe I should go, this would be forgotten in a few days and maybe things would go back to normal.

I got up and started for the door, but a familiar sound stopped me. It was a coo of a feminine pleasure, the sound of moans as she was stimulated, even though I was almost to the door my instincts took over and I followed the sweet sounds.

I approached the kitchen as the moans grew louder and closer together. Turning the corner I found Lyla rested against the counter, one hand groping her own breast the other burying itself within her shorts, her moaning and cooing as she masturbated. It was incredibly hot watching the woman I idealized play with herself, she glanced up once, and her face flushed bright red as she abruptly stopped her pleasure.

"Ah!" Her expression was of shear embarrassment, " nice...and...when..."

I ran over and silenced her with a kiss, taking her in my arms and pulling her close tasting her sweet lips and holding her close to me. My passion was met by her own as she clenched my arms and pulled me even nearer to her warm, inviting body. Our lips soon parted and our tongues met with immense passion, wrapping and twirling in our embrace. It was magical, in those few moments every feeling I had ever felt towards this woman came pouring into my body as I held her.

Moments passed before we realized we were still human and required air, making a feeble attempt to make this moment last a bit longer. As I stepped back to regain oxygen she fell into my chest and wrapped me in her soft arms. When I was a mere student she was taller than I, but now the opposite was true as she rest on me, trembling, but unwilling to release me.

"Lyla," I had no words at first but then some came tumbling out, however not the excuse or apology I expected from my timid thoughts. The sounds fell off my tongue and into her ears, "I love you." I whispered as though saying it to loud would cause some foreign force to rip her from me.

"Oh, Nathan it's been so long since I've heard those sweet words. Please hold me close, I let you leave me once and I can't let that happen again." She grasped tighter as I too embraced her, not squeezing no I simply held her firm, yet softly so that I would not damage this goddess so near to me.

She looked up from my chest her dark hair stuck to her flawless skin, green emeralds peered up into my heart, no my soul warming it with a gaze of passion and love. "Lyla, I need you, any second I don't have you is torture as I'm gazing at you"

Breaking into a grand smile, "Then take me, I yours." Stretching up and kissing my neck as I reached behind he taking her soft butt in my hands, massaging it as she licked my neck and tugged at my shirt.

I backed a step away and removed my t-shirt, making a small show of it slowly taking away the fabric and listening to her purr as I did so. I stood shirtless in her kitchen, she stepped closer and traced my chest and torso, "Do you like what you see?" I asked hoping I had not disappointed her.

"My yes Nathan, you're perfectly sculpted, in more ways than one it seems." She moved her hands downward and rubbed my erection, I hadn't even noticed it. Passion masking the ache of my contained flesh. I don't believe myself to be small, but not huge either, at about 8 inches long and the thickness of a roll of quarters, I thought myself to be average. Now with her massaging me through my shorts I found the pain unbearable and reached down to release my detained cock, but was stopped by a soft hand.

"No, let me." She said as she unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall to the floor, I was so hard that my erect penis was protruding my boxers. I heard her gasp, "Nathan you're astonishing." I held her hips and kissed her again softly painting her lips with my tongue as I moved to untie her soaked shorts. I pulled the knot free and they fluttered to the ground and rested beside my own. She had no panties and her juices had smeared onto her thighs.

I had no words but lifted her up onto the counter, the new seat making us even in height, I lined myself to her and fed into her soft, wetness, easily sliding in due to her already drenched pussy.

"Ohhhhhh" she moaned as I entered her, or was that me, or both of us; each finally finding the pleasure we had been starved of. No matter who made the initial sound we were both cooing as we intertwined into one another. My pace steadily growing as she wrapped her soft silky legs around me. Moans became a symphony of vocal love.

"Nathan Yes! Keep going, I want you. I need you. Hold me closer Ohhh..., fuck me harder!" I returned the melodies of her pleasure with my own. "Lyla, Oh I...I've lo...loved you, Oh long I can't, oh can't believe I...uh...finally in my arms."

We held each other and continued the song of ecstasy, soon I felt her clench around me inside her, she dug into my back as orgasm enveloped her being and juices rushed from her. At the sight of the woman, this angel I worship, gaining the ultimate for of human pleasure, my own orgasm came into focus. Again passion had masked what my loins felt and only Lyla, her pleasure was the key of realizing my own.

As she collapsed into me in post orgasmic bliss, I pulled away, but again her delicate touch stopped me. "No don't, cum inside me, I was to feel what you do." She leaned up and I saw tears in her eyes, this woman was insulted and starved of ecstasy, of passion, and of the great pleasure that any human desired, love. Thrusting with immense purpose I filled her with myself and when my climax reached me I released into her with such a force that our arms strained to hold one another.

When we had finished and I pulled out of her, we seized our chance to kiss again, oh the lips of Juliet and Romeo, or of any one could never have with stood that kiss it radiated passion that only God himself could understand.

We pulled away from one another and let our separation be brief as we redressed. We soon found ourselves embracing again, she looked up at me with her emerald eyes tearing in fear that I might leave her. Kneeling to her ear I whispered,

"I will never leave you again."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Sounds like Lyla is going to have a loving husband that worships her, a daughter that she teaches and the baby bump for her daughters' baby brother or sister. Took her a few years, but she finally found the love of her life and a little person to call her MOMMY... Please, someone finish this story, that little girl needs a mommy and they need each other.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Couldn't you have figured out how to make this a love story

without a woman jacking off??????? idiot!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
So Many...

Of these stories in this section have the potential to be really good stories, and then

they turn into just short little jerk-off stories. And I hate that. I know this is an

"erotic story" site, but I really like the stories that go beyond just the sex and get

into the emotion of a relationship.

Maybe I'm in the wrong section, but I've read a lot of stories here in this section

that don't rely on just the sex scenes to sell the story. I wish more of them were

like that.

chytownchytownalmost 9 years ago
I Loved It*****

Great story I hope this is a series. Thanks for sharing. I know my comment need editing but who cares. I understand it and that is all the matters to me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

The story is OK, but the lack of editing is a serious drawback, especially when it is about two English teachers. Literotica is about literature, even if it is generally focused on the erotic. As such, it is wise to wait for submission until you have thoroughly checked you work. Good luck!

ReiDeBastosReiDeBastosalmost 9 years ago
Editing your comment

I'm going to join the chorus of commenters strongly suggesting that you have someone else edit your writing before you submit it to LitE - Or, at minimum, run your work through a spell-checker before you submit it.

As an example of how poor your spelling and grammar skills are, here is your earlier comment, followed by an edited version of it:

===== YOUR COMMENT =====

Sorry if you didnt like it, and theres more

Im making this in seperate stories instead of chapters. If you want to follow the story look for Lonely Teacher with me as the author .I like writing and no I didn't use the editors because I proof read it myself twice. Im sorry if you let a little grammer or spell kill the story. To those who like it thanks I hope I dont disappoint you with story2


(Note: Corrected words are in ALL CAPS)

Sorry if you DIDN'T like it, and THERE'S more

I'M making this in SEPARATE stories instead of chapters. If you want to follow the story look for "Lonely Teacher" with me as the author. I like writing and no, I didn't use the editors because I PROOFREAD it myself - twice. I'M sorry if you let a little [poor] GRAMMAR or SPELLING kill the story. To those who like it: Thanks, I hope I DON'T disappoint you with story2.


That's roughly ten misspelled or incorrectly-punctuated words out of roughly seventy, total!

Do you honestly think that one incorrect word out of every seven is acceptable? And yes, I understand that it was merely a comment and so, might not be subject to the same degree of scrutiny that a published story would be, but I'd wager that there are few sentences - let alone paragraphs - in your story which are free from such errors.

Please understand that I would not have taken the time and effort to key all of this in if I thought that your writing was bad beyond redemption. Actually, I think that your writing shows promise - But you need to work on some things, the first of which is to correct spelling and grammar errors BEFORE submitting your work,


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Gave you 3* but have a question do you and the other single page writers that have joined and posted over the last few weeks belong to a group or is it just a huge coincidence? Or just one writer who is a rabid commenter? Sorry that is two questions.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
if you insist

If you insist on doing your own editing and proofreading, then after setting it aside for a few days read it out loud it will help you catch missing and extra words.

Here is an example:

"vanished with a letter our daughter"

Does that make sense?

What or who vanished?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Use time as an editing tool

It is easy to keep missing things when self editing. Put the story aside for 2 or 3 weeks and then do an edit. Often that will let you see things you might have missed. (No comment on the story as I have not read it).


lustskrypt18lustskrypt18almost 9 years agoAuthor
Sorry if you didnt like it, and theres more

Im making this in seperate stories instead of chapters. If you want to follow the story look for Lonely Teacher with me as the author .I like writing and no I didn't use the editors because I proof read it myself twice. Im sorry if you let a little grammer or spell kill the story. To those who like it thanks I hope I dont disappoint you with story2

redlion75redlion75almost 9 years ago

you would think an english teacher would write better.ok enuff of that crap i suck at grammar and only passed english because of the lit segment.i wll say i liked it but wish it was drawn out for multiple pages or even chapters,as in where do they go from here if at all?

WindySwimmingWindySwimmingalmost 9 years ago
Fun Read

Unlike previous commentators I didn't let the errors in spelling or grammar prevent me from enjoying your short story. You may contact me for editing or proof reading if you wish. I'm on the Volunteer Editors List. Keep writing!

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago

This is sloppy to the point of disrespect to the readers.

Missing words, extra words, wrong words, punctuation mistakes, etc., errors abound.

There are plenty of volunteer editors and proofreaders available.

Use them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
I agree with ...

... previous commenters. Yours is a good short story with just enough introductory content to supply the historical context of the players and a [maybe too-] quick sexual climax. But you really do need to find a proof-reader, as many contributors to this forum have done. Your word choice, spelling, and grammatical errors are profound. "C'est la vie!"

trigudistrigudisalmost 9 years ago
Don't know where to begin...

I hate to be unkind, but your spelling and grammar are so deplorable, it would turn most readers off before they reached the third paragraph. You violate even the most rudimentary rules of the English language. My advice: Get you next piece edited by someone who knows their stuff. Sorry.

RasmatRasmatalmost 9 years ago
Very nice first offering,

even with the faults so kindly pointed out by the non-nazi. Would have liked a bit slower build-up and perhaps a softer,more intimate venue for their long awaited first joining. Overall, a very praise worthy effort. Keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Proof read your work!

I am not a spelling, punctuation nazi, but even I have limits. You need to proof read your work before you submit it, better yet find someone to edit. I couldn't finish the story.

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