Love Language Live

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An in-studio guest on a sex advice show gets hands-on.
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"This will stay in place for the duration of the show, even if you need to move around."

Trixee leaned in close, her breath and perfume caressing my neck as she pressed the adhesive pad of the compact microphone next to my jugular.

"Why not just use a clip-on mic?"

The producer leaned away, robbing me of her closeness. "It's a sex advice show, Noah. Sometimes it gets a bit steamy in here." Then, satisfied with her work, Trixee patted my thigh and returned to the control room.

"Have you been on air before?" This question came from the studio's other occupant, Leanna.

"No," I confessed.

"You'll be fine," she assured me. "Once we go live it'll just be you and me, with Trixee screening the callers and their questions. It'll feel more like a small gathering of friends than a radio broadcast."

I wasn't likely to forget that tens of thousands of people listened to Leanna's Love Language, but the studio itself was indeed designed to be inviting. Leanna and I were seated on oversized loungers facing each other across a thick rug. The walls featured sound-deadening foam and shelves loaded with books on sex therapy and erotic literature. Here and there a framed photo or nicknack gave the studio a lived-in feel.

Trixee made a sign from fifteen feet away in the control room.

Leanna acknowledged her producer. "We're almost live. I'll introduce the show, you, and then you and I will chat. We'll take callers only after we've shared your situation." She smiled.

I smiled back. Leanna looked little like her avatar used on the station's web page and social media. There, she's shown with red hair spilling in waves past her neck and over generous cleavage. And like a naughty librarian, she's depicted wearing heavy glasses over which she gazes at the viewer with more than a hint of mischief in her smile.

In real life, she was a brunette, wasn't wearing glasses, and her expression was more serious than naughty. But her cleavage wasn't exaggerated.

The light goes green.

"Good afternoon, Lovers," Leanna purred. "You're listening to Leanna's Love Language, your source for sex advice, stories, and support. As always I'm joined by my faithful producer Trixee. Remind us, Trix, you getting any lately?"

"I. Am. Not," Trixee said airily. "No lack of offers, though."

"No one who sees you in that cute pink top would doubt that, Trix."

Trixee grinned, her dimples making an appearance. She stood briefly, turning to showcase her petite body for Leanna and me.

"And we're joined by a special guest today," Leanna continued. "I have in the studio with me Noah, a regular listener to the show and, as it turns out, someone with an interesting problem that I bet more than a few of our listeners can relate to. Welcome to the show, Noah."

"Thank you."

"Trix," Leanna said, looking toward her producer, "how often do we have in-studio guests?"

"Not often. Four times a year? Five?"

"So, Noah should feel special?"

"He is special!" Trixee insisted, giving me a wink. "Why him, though? Why bring him in?"

"That's a fair question, Trix," Leanna said. "When Noah wrote to us about his situation I was intrigued. When I followed up the mystery only deepened, so I thought he'd be perfect for an in-studio visit."

"Or you just wanted to chat up a cute guy."

It was Leanna's turn to wink. "Mmmaybe, Trix. Maybe." She turned her attention back to me. "You've been listening to our show for a while, right?"

"At least three years."

"I'm flattered," Leanna says, pressing a hand against her bosom. "What keeps you coming back?"

"The vibe that you and Trixee share. It's fun. The advice seems authentic, too. Like, you aren't just quoting from someone's book. It's from personal experience."

"I'm not shy that I love sex," Leanna admitted with a laugh. "What about you, Noah?"

"Ha. Yeah, of course. I mean, I'm a man, right?"

"You certainly are," Leanna said with a hint of her trademark sultriness. "So tell me, tell our listeners, what issue brings you to us today?"

I knew the question was coming, but it was still a gut check to vocalize it. "Well, I've been getting dates lately. Second and third dates, too. But after the first intimate date, I've been getting ghosted."

Leanna nodded solemnly. One of the things I liked about her show was the unconditional support and acceptance. She never judges her guests or callers. "Do you have any idea why that might be, Noah?"

"No! It's frustrating. We seem to have good chemistry. We laugh, talk, find common ground, all good signs, right? Text afterward and set up another date for the next weekend. All good, but once we sleep together I either get ghosted or I'll get some vague response back like we don't have chemistry."

From the control room, Trixee makes a sign and Leanna responds. "Let's take the first caller."

A woman's voice popped from the studio's speaker. "Dude's bad in bed," the caller said. "I mean, sorry, but a girl has a third date it's because she's into you. If she ghosts after that it's because you didn't get it done in the bedroom."

Leanna made eye contact. "Do you think there might be some truth to that, Noah?"

"How would I know? Like I said, it's frustrating. If you're into me, but I'm less than one hundred percent between the sheets, why not work with me? Why not give me some pointers instead of just ditching?"

"That certainly seems fair, Noah, but all in love and war is not fair, right? Tell me," she said, her bold eyes sweeping over me once more, "you're in your late twenties?"


"Right, so you must have had at least one successful relationship."

"I have. My college girlfriend. Started dating sophomore year. We almost got married a couple of years out of school but eventually split up. Six years together."

"So you can make a relationship last," Leanna said. "What do our listeners have to say about that?"

Immediately Trixee makes the sign and Leanna nods.

This time a man's voice greets them. "Hey, like, I get this because I was in the same situation. I dated my high school girlfriend through college. Neither of us knew any better. Like Noah here, we split up after graduation and it was like starting over."

"Like starting over how?" Leanna asked.

"Like, when I got with another girl the things that my girlfriend liked didn't seem to work for her. I had to skill up."

"Skill up," Leanna chuckled, "I like that." But she didn't linger on the idea because Trixee was waving energetically from the control room.

"Next caller. You're live on Leanna's Love Language."

"Nah, he just lazy!" the female caller said. "Probably don't do nothin', just sticks it in."

Leanna looked at me, waiting for a response.

"No, I swear. I like foreplay. I always want my partners to feel good."

Leanna maintained eye contact. Her fine black hair was pulled back and held in place with a clip, but some had slipped free and she was playing with it, curling the stray locks around her finger. "So tell us, Noah, what's your go-to? How does foreplay start for you?"

"A kiss."

"But if you're on a second or third date you've already kissed. What makes this one special?"

"Oh, I see. Well, I kiss her on the neck, too. And the ear if she likes it."

"How do you know if she likes it?"

"If they don't like it they'll kind of twist away from you. Maybe say it tickles. If they dig it you get a moan."

Leanna nodded. "Do most women like it?"

"Their ears kissed? Maybe fifty-fifty."

After considering my response for a moment Leanna went back to her audience. "What do you think, listeners?"

Trixee patched a caller through. "Hey," the female caller began, "I know it's easy to give this guy a hard time. This guy none of us have even met. But I want to give him a shout-out for knowing not all women are the same. It sounds like he listens and changes it up if he needs to."

"One point for Noah," Leanna conceded. "So tell us. Let's say your third-date conquest seems to like everything so far. She's melting into your arms. What's next?"

I'd listened to Leanna's show plenty, so I knew it could get as explicit as she and the callers wanted. "I'm going to start undressing her. If her top is buttoned I'll start unbuttoning it while I kiss down her neck."

"A buttoned top like what I'm wearing?"

I'd noticed Leanna's boobs straining against her sweater the moment I first saw her less than an hour ago. "Yes."

She leaned toward me. "Pretend I'm your date. Tell our listeners what you notice about my chest."

"Your breasts are really nice," I said, happy for the invitation to admire her body. "Full and high. Your sweater is thin enough to show your nipples, and you've unbuttoned one more button than you need to."

"And what does that usually mean, in your experience?"

"Means that you want me to notice your body."

"Or other men, or other women?"

The suggestive conversation coupled with a front-row view of Leanna's cleavage was getting me turned on. "Possibly, but you're on a date with me, remember?" I held Leanna's eye contact. "Others will look, but no one more than me."

"Oh, my," Leanna says, pretending to fan herself.

Trixee patched through another female caller. "How does he look, Leanna? I feel like you jumped past that part."

"I sometimes forget that my listeners aren't also viewers," Leanna admitted. She eyed me over once more. "About five-eleven, is that right?"


"Blond hair," Leanna continued, "a bit untidy, but more like on-purpose untidy, not just-got-out-of-bed untidy."

"So he's a white guy, right?" the caller asked.

"Yes. Blue eyes, slim build. Are you a runner, Noah?"

"Cyclist. Running is undignified."

That drew a laugh. "Okay, we'll just leave that one there," Leanna said. "And I would add that he's at least passably handsome. Not Brad Pitt at twenty-eight, but he's alright."

"Okay, well something is going on here, Leanna. If anyone can figure it out it's you," the caller added before hanging up.

Leanna winked at me. "So here's where we stand, listeners. Noah isn't ripped, but he's fit. Not quite six feet tall, so those ladies that have that as a criterion probably won't pass Go, but he certainly isn't short. And I've been called upon to penetrate, if you will, the mystery of why he's been getting ghosted."

Trixee made an exaggerated shrug from the control room.

"Let's get back to the subject of my tits," Leanna suggests. "Do you want them to come out?"

"Of course. Small, large... getting access to my date's breasts is on my short list when it comes to foreplay."

"No," Leanna said. "I mean mine, right now." The show host rose from her chair, crossed the space between our loungers, and straddled my thighs. "Show me what you'd do, Noah."

I was at a loss for words. Leanna is a few years older than me, but her physical presence is irresistible. She settled onto my lap, accompanied by her cleavage and a hint of perfume. When I just gaped, she giggled and gave me even more explicit directions.

"We're still pretending I'm your date, Noah. Think you can seduce me?"

"Uh, fuck yeah." I hooked an arm behind Leanna and drew her against me. "I said I'd kiss your neck, right?" I ask before planting my lips against her.

Leanna leaned away from me, offering the fullest possible expanse of her pale, smooth skin. While I took advantage, planting eager, wet kisses, Trixee fielded a call.

"Hey, what's going on?" a male caller wanted to know.

"Uhhh, I'm going to take this one," Trixee said. "It looks like Leanna has decided to give Noah an audition. He's kissing her neck while one hand pops the buttons on her sweater. He's... oh yeah, he knows his shit. While he was unbuttoning her sweater with one hand the other popped open her bra in the back."

"Oh yeah, that's nice," Leanna groaned. By now her sweater was more than halfway unbuttoned. As Trixee said, I had deftly unhooked her bra clasp, and as her sweater parted, Leanna's heavy breasts pushed forward, yearning for freedom. All the while I continued to kiss and nuzzle at her neck.

Trixee kept up her play-by-play. "Her sweater is open now, and Noah is kissing lower, to the tops of her breasts. He's pushed the sweater off of her shoulders, taking the bra straps with it. The sleeves are halfway down her arms now, and he's almost- Oh, wait, fuck."

"What is it?" the caller wanted to know.

"He didn't take the sweater all of the way off. He's holding her wrists behind her with one hand and with the other he's lifting one of her boobs to suck."

"Is it hot, or is he rough?" the next caller asked. "Sounds kinda rough to me."

Trixee was about to answer but Leanna managed a response first. "Mmm," she groaned, twisting against me. "He is being a little, ahhh fuck, demanding."

Leanna's tits, once liberated from her bra, were just as perfect as I had thought. I switched between them, circling the nipple with my tongue, tugging on them, then sucking hard. The latter drew a little gasp, but Leanna made no more than a token effort to free her arms.

Meanwhile, arousal and confusion fought for my attention. I was hot for Leanna, more than ready to fuck her right there in the studio if that was where we were headed. I was ragingly hard. But at the same time, I couldn't shake the near absurdity of the situation. Trixee was narrating while thousands of people listened to Leanna and me get it on, and I'm not an exhibitionist.

Or am I?

"He's all over my tits," Leanna gasped, pulling me back to the moment. "It's like his hand is everywhere, and his tongue everywhere else." She was grinding against me, her center pressed against my cock. "No," she panted, answering the caller's question, "he isn't rough, just knows what he wants."

That caller hung up and Trixee worked the lines looking for a good next question. Meanwhile, I got my fill of playing with Leanna's gorgeous tits, at least for now. I let go of her wrists and she let me play a bit more while she flicked away the bra and sweater. Finally, she flopped back into her chair, breasts glistening with my saliva and with a wild look in her eyes.

Trixee signaled that she had a caller, but Leanna shook her head. Still panting, she said, "Okay listeners." She drew in a heavy breath. "This is one of those days where it's great to be me because that was hot. "Assertive, but hot. What did you think, Trixee?"

"Can confirm," Trixee said. "Listeners, your host was absolutely enjoying herself. And," she added, staring at the outline of my swollen organ, "So was Noah."

At a sign from Leanna, Trixee patched through another female caller who asked, "Of course, a dude wanted to play with your boobies. I mean, I'm glad you enjoyed it, Leanna, but we all know what the real test is."

"We do," Leanna agreed. "Noah, we're trying to unravel the mystery of why you're getting ghosted. What I think our caller, and I'm sure plenty of other listeners, are curious about is how well you perform more intimate acts."

I knew what she wanted. "Then take those tight jeans off."

Leanna gave me a twist of a mischievous smile, fussed at her belt, then loosened it. "For those of you unsure what's going on, Noah has offered to eat my pussy. Is that right, Noah?"


She loosened the zipper halfway. "Do you always do that for your lady friends?"


Leanna arched her eyebrows. "Oh?"

"Not every woman wants it, or they're indifferent and want to get right to fucking."

"But if she gives you the sign?"

"Like taking her pants half off?"

"Or all of the way off," Leanna said, wriggling free of her jeans. The brunette reclined, throwing one leg over the arm of her chair with only a pair of black thong panties in the way.

While I stood, Trixee put through another caller. The man asked, "Hey, this question is for Noah. How does she look, bud? I mean Leanna. She as hot as she sounds?"

"She's leggy." I was told no photography even before I set foot inside the studio. Both Leanna and Trixee are cautious about their privacy and never give out their full names or allow anyone to take their photo in association with the show. But I don't think a general description will be frowned upon.

"So if you're a leg guy you'd dig her. Or a boob guy." I threw the cushion from my lounger onto the floor then took Leanna's offered leg in my hands. I kissed her ankle and then her calf.

"She cute?"

"No," I said, earning another set of raised eyebrows from Leanna. "She's too confident for cute to be the right word. When you see her you want her. It's in the way she looks at you as much as it is how attractive she is, and she's plenty attractive."

I kissed Leanna's calf again, knelt on the cushion, then kissed the back of her knee. When I pressed my tongue flat and firm in the same spot and then licked, she made a soft sound. I kissed at a leisurely pace along her leg, teased at the edge of her thong, then bypassed it to kiss the other thigh.

"You know," Leanna said, her breath once again becoming audible, "some guys are in more of a hurry to reach the pussy."

"Why, you going somewhere?" I said, but obediently began retracing my path. When I reached the edge of the thong I pulled it aside and gave a lick.

Leanna made a soft sigh. "I'm not going anywhere as long as you take care of me."

Another caller demanded an update, and this time Leanna was happy to oblige. "I'm naked, he's clothed," she explained, "which is in itself pretty hot. And he's kneeling in front of my chair, which is also hot."

"Tell her how wet you are," I suggested.

"I'm the host here, Noah," Leanna said, but not without a smile. "His tongue's in my box," she said for the benefit of the listeners, then added, "and here comes that first finger. Fuck!"

Leanna's slit was shaved bare, presenting me with an inviting target for my attention. I circled her clit, tongued her folds, then slowly eased in a finger. She was wet, but I still moved with care, advancing no more than half an inch at a time until my finger was buried.

"Yeahhh," Leanna groaned. "This is nice. This is really fucking nice. He's got his finger in me now, fucking me with it. And his tongue's all around my clit."

Trixee patched through another male caller. "Leanna, do you like to cum during oral? Seems like some women don't."

"Mmm." Leanna was running her fingers through my hair, not quite holding me in place, but not letting me go. "Not usually," she said with a sigh. "But for science, I'm going to see if, oooh fuck, Noah here can take me over the edge."

When another caller asked what was happening Trixee spoke up. "Leanna looks a little blissed out right now. She's got a leg draped over Noah's back and her hands in his hair. I can't quite see what he's doing but Leanna's eyes are closed and her lips are parted. She's diggin' it."

I curled my finger upward to press against the slick and soft flesh of Leanna's slit, just beneath where I'm tonguing her.

"Oh, right there," Leanna groaned. "Yeah, right there."

"I think he found her G-spot," Trixee said.

I had. With my tongue dancing around her clit and my finger probing her G-spot, Leanna began to tremble in my grasp. Her grip on my hair became more insistent and her other hand found and tugged at a breast, hard then harder.

"Yeh," she said, "yeh, yeh. Fuck."

With my face buried between Leanna's thighs, I couldn't see what Trixee was doing but she hadn't given up her role in the play-by-play. "She's more than diggin' it," Trixee said. "Her back is arched, biting on her lip and, oh, oh shit! I think she's... omigod!"

Leanna came with a shriek, snapping her legs shut and convulsing so hard she threatened to snap my neck. I held on, gripping her thigh while trying to stay on target as the brunette writhed against her chair shuddering and gasping. The orgasm swept over Leanna, robbing her of control, and only reluctantly fading. Finally, with a heavy sigh, she let go of my hair and sank back.