Love Me, Please


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Where are you? Your phone is switched off and your landline isn't working.

Anna? Are you in there? Open up please. I want to talk to you.

Anna, I know you're in there. Allan said that he didn't see you leave the premises. Open up please!

If only to give you your birthday present Anakin...

The last one was a few seconds old. Hastily wearing on her slippers, she rushed to the exterior door of her staircase. There she saw a shivering Leila rubbing her hands together, hood over her head.


"Anna...I...ummm...could we...I mean..."

"I'm not in the mood for games Leila. What do you want?"

Leila looked up from within the recesses of her hoodie. Their eyes met; Anna could see that her eyes shone just like one's eyes glean when she's running a temperature. Anna's demeanor immediately softened. "Get inside you weirdo. You're going to catch your death standing outside like that. Here, let's get you all warmed up" said Anna and hugged her friend, rubbing her back vigorously.

Subzero temperatures where not all that common during the winter in England, but occasionally a cold front would sweep in from the north east and that could get really nasty. Leila's teeth were chattering; she had gone out in just her jeans and a hoodie and even now, in Anna's room she was shivering. Anna wrapped a blanket around her and fetched her a steaming cup of tea.

"What were you thinking? How long have you been standing outside there?"

Leila looked up with a curious expression on her face, as if appraising the situation, but she didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you. It's just that...I've had a terrible week..."

"Tell me about it..."

"Are you for real? Why did you come here Leila?"

Leila stared into the whirlpool of her teacup. "I told my parents...It didn't go very well."

Anna looked at her, confusion contorting her facial features. "What are you talking about? What do you mean you told them?"

Leila looked up. "You know for a wiz-kid, you can be incredibly thick at moments. I told them about us." Taking a deep breath, settling her tea cup down and standing eye to eye with Anna, Leila went on. "Anna, I love you. I'm in love with you and I'm not talking about we-are-best-of-friends kind of love here. I mean romantic love. I mean love as in, I want to do things to you, sexual things...things which, I won't know what I would be doing, but that I've fantasized and dreamt about.

After our little chat on Saturday, I knew that you were right. I couldn't keep on pretending that we were just best friends. So I asked myself some hard questions and sought some information. Let me tell you some little secret then. You'll probably hate me after I'm done goes...I've always harbored feelings for you...I just didn't know what they meant...when they wouldn't go away, I decided to flee. Coming here to study was my decision...I just thought...wished...prayed that getting away from you would make this thing I felt vanish.

I tried dating, long-term relationships, one night stands...we all know how well those worked. I thought it was me, that I was doing something wrong, that I was wrong in the head. And came told me your big secret that night...I was this close to kissing you...but I panicked.

Then...then you came over and I avoided you. I buried myself in work, tried to block you out of my mind. And then you had that thing with Nora...I was devastated, but there was no one to blame but me...Last week when you came to the office and I held you in my arms as you cried, I's indescribable...I felt so warm and so complete inside. Then in the cinema, when you did that cutesy thing...putting your head on my shoulder...

And then you drew your line in the sand. You made your pushed me out of my comfort zone...and that was a good thing because it forced me to think.

All my misgivings about being with you were in my head, about perceptions that others had about me, about what that meant. So, I decided to take care of that...Last Sunday I flew back to Canada and told my parents about us...well about me being gay...Ummmm...that didn't go very father called me various names...I ended up sleeping in a hotel...Oh can't win them all I guess..."

" flew back to Canada? told your parents?"

"Just took a lady's advice."

"I...and...does that meant all that?"

"No, I just concocted all this shit up and spent five thousand dollars on a red-eye flight just for the fun of it. Can I have a fucking kiss and a hug now please?" said Leila with a big grin on her face.


Anna's face lit up like the sun. She swooped in and hugged her so hard that she got the wind knocked out of her. Soon however, there were hands roaming and kisses being placed; there was an urgency in the air which propelled them forward. Anna kissed her hungrily on her mouth; Leila nearly melted away when she felt the underside of her tongue being flicked by Anna's snake-like counterpart. Breathing through her nose, she hissed and countered back.

She felt Anna's hands groping her butt, pushing her pelvis forward into her thigh. Her jean clad pussy humped with a tantalizingly slow burn against Anna's leg; Leila could feel everything down there swell up. She usually wasn't a torrential lubricator and with her previous boyfriends there had to be a considerable amount of foreplay for her to get warmed up, but this...this was a sexual experience from another planet! So this is how it's supposed to happen, as she felt her panties dampening from her excitement.

Meanwhile Anna's hands had shifted upwards and were busy fondling her breasts through the layers of clothing. Getting the hint, Leila tugged at her hoodie; soon clothing started flying in the room. Anna nearly ripped her pajamas as she frantically tried to get the things off. Both of them were very quickly stark naked; only the sounds of their heavy breathing could be heard.

Anna had stopped and was eyeing her from top to bottom. To Leila's look of amusement, she answered: "this is our first time, I want to burn this image to eternity." Leila was looking back at her. Anna was by all accords a true beauty. Dark brown hair fell straight to her shoulders. Almond colored eyes playfully hid behind black framed glasses. Wheat colored skin gave away her Mediterranean ancestry from her mother's side. Her breasts, although on the small side, stood up proud in a classic omega shape. What she may have lacked in volume she more than made up in the nipple department; her light pinkish-brown nipples stood out fully erect, framed by large, similarly colored areolas.

Her tummy was parallel to her body and showed the faint contours of a six-pack; testimony to her hard training. Her legs were long and nicely shaped out from all that running. And right were those long limbs ended her eyes lingered; a lush triangle of pubic hair beckoned at her. Signaling the object of her desire and hinting at the hidden treasure.

They didn't stand idle for long. Like the leap of a lion upon its pray, Anna was all over her pushing her down on her bed. Leila lay there helpless, legs half open, heart pounding madly out of control, breathing shot to pieces. Anna's torso rested between her legs, deliciously making contact with her throbbing pussy. Anna paid homage to her breasts, licking, sucking and sending her amazingly agile tongue to flick her nipples. "Oh God" was the only thing which croaked out of her mouth as she watched enthralled the silver trail of kisses that Anna left in her wake.

By now her pussy was leaking solidly and she could feel the stuff trickle past her bum and onto the bed covers. When Anna's hot breath blew over her craving pussy, she had to bite her lip down hard to keep from screaming. Anna was toying with her now; she kissed the inner part of her thighs, she kissed her outer lips but she would go nowhere near where she craved her to be.

"Hmmmmm...what do we have here? A warm...wet...little butterfly...spreading its wings just for me?" Said Anna with a coy voice. "I wonder what we should do about it..."

"Ohhh...come on Annaaaaaaa...Please..."

"Please what?"

"Oh for fuck's sake! Do you want me to beg? I...huuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh..."

Leila went delirious when Anna latched her lips on her clitoris. "Oh God...oh yes...fuck...oh yes...right there...don't...don't stop...right there..."

Leila arched her back as her legs lifted the lower part of her body of the bed. She could feel Anna's strong hands supporting her waist as they gripped her butt. She was inches away from a star-bursting orgasm and she had a bird eye's view of the whole thing.

Anna used her lips to create a suction-like effect whilst her tongue twirled around her exposed clitoris like mad. With muscles straining, legs standing on the tips of her toes and grunting heavily, Leila came like she had never done before. Her pulsating pussy send massive shock-waves of unfelt before pleasure. Anna's gentler ministrations kept her going on and on. Finally, with her body spent like a firecracker, she collapsed on the bed, incapable of any movement or thought. Her eyes stared blindly at the ceiling as Anna gingerly lapped up her juices, lightly sucking and running her tongue between the folds of her lips.

Leila completely lost track of time as Anna leisurely paraded her tongue up and then down, sucking her outer lips, French-kissing the entrance to her pussy but always avoiding her oversensitive clitoris. But after a while, this languid lapping started stirring things up again; she felt her body trembling with desire once more. Anna continued the strokes with her tongue, just like a cat laps up the milk from its bowl.

Then a finger found its way inside her, followed by a second one. She could feel them crook upwards, circularly massaging a certain area inside her again and again. She felt a wave hit her; this was not the sharp, high, cliff-like wave of her first orgasm. This was a gentler wave, with much more mass, which rumbled from deep within her and went on and on like forever. Leila shook like a rag doll.

"Oh fuck...fuck...fuck...what are you doing to me...what are you doing? Fuck Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkk" she screamed as Anna expertly coached out of her every last drop of orgasmic energy. She thought she was done, but when Anna slightly swiped her clit with her tongue, it started all over again. Leila had lost track of where her second orgasm had ended and where her third had started or whether this was just a giant roller-coaster one.

"Oh sweet Jesus! Oh my word...Fuck! Fuck!"

"And that must be a world record for you. I've never heard you use the f word so many times."

"Fuck! You let me go out with all those losers when we could have been having THIS together? Sheesh! Talk about selfish!"

"I can only lead you to the water sweetie. You have to drink on your own once there. You know...can't make any bricks without clay...yada yada yada..."

"I'm amazed that you have the wit to bring up eloquent replies at the moment. I might need some kind of tonic to become cerebral again."

"Oh? Shall I go at it again perhaps?"

"'m fine, thank you! But...I'm sure that we'll have time for more in the future..."

"Leila? Do you really mean that?" Asked Anna with a small voice.

"Sure I do! Of course I won't always be on the receiving end and I won't know what I'm doing, but I'm quite sure I'll catch up. We have a life ahead of us after all."


Winter 2015


"Would you please not trot ahead like a horse? I can't keep up with you with this dress and heels. Why did we have to wear these things again?"

"Because the dressing code requires it. Now stop whining and enjoy the view, that's why we're walking about a click in these, to enjoy the view over the bridge."

"Anakin, this had better be good. The only thing which they didn't do at the gate was a cavity search. I's the first time they ask for a printed confirmation of my restaurant reservation one mile before the restaurant!"

"Oh stop complaining! Besides, cavity search? Don't give me ideas. It's enough that I have to tolerate the swaying of your ass and the obvious lack of panties...don't make this any harder on me. I mean, it's already hard enough not being able to kiss you in public...Whose idea was it that we come to Dubai for our first year anniversary?"

"It was yours and this dinner reservation was your idea as well. So, keep calm and drool on. I'll sway my ass all I want."

Despite their playful banter, their quick pace made them traverse the bridge connecting the mainland with the artificial island quite quickly. Right before them stood the Burj-al-Arab, the famous sail-like signature architectural wonder of Dubai. Once inside they were politely asked to wait in the lounge and given a drink of water and a palm date, while their reservation was being confirmed. Dazzled, they looked around; everywhere the eye could see all items were covered with gold plating. The building inside gave the impression of being in a spire; there were internal balconies which overlooked the central lobby giving an air of vastness to the interior.

Soon enough, the maître asked them to follow him. Their reservation for the Junsui Far Eastern Buffet had been confirmed and they were ushered inside. Once there, another surprise awaited them; there were over a hundred and twenty oriental dishes including Japanese, Thai and Chinese cuisine among others. Just the wine list was pages long! Talk about overwhelming! Anna ordered a bottle of pink Moet champagne for them and once their Swarovski flutes where filled she proposed:

" your good health then my princess."


Leila looked at her with a raised eye-brow; "to your good health?" she thought but didn't say anything. "Oh would have been ideal for her to propose...perhaps a bit later when these damned waiters stop hovering over our heads."

They filled their plates once, twice, a third time and still there was no proposal. Then, the head waiter suggested that they try some Teriyaki-styled beef which had just been prepared.

"Oh, ummm...thank you. Hey Leia! Wanna try that?"

"No! I don't want any more food. If I have one more bite I think I might explode!"

"But...Teriyaki...your favorite? Should we ask for something else perhaps?"

"No Anna...come on..."

"You know, I was seven years old when my teacher told me that the most colorful insects were also the most venomous ones and I was sixteen years old when I looked into your blue eyes and realized that he had been right all along. And thus...I'd like to ask for your hand...Will you be mine for as long as you'll have me?"

A small diamond studded platinum ring appeared on the table.

"Oh GOD! YES! YES I do!" cried Leila, only this time, it were tears of happiness and joy.

Post Script

I would like to thank you, my reader for enduring this longwinded text. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. As always your feedback and comments are most welcome and much appreciated.

Music Soundtrack

"If music be the food of love, play on." - William Shakespeare

These are some of the pieces of music which I was listening to as I tried to conjure these images and capture the feelings as I put them to writing.

No Doubt - Don't Speak (When Nora and Anna break up)

James Desmond, Panauh Kalayeh, John Peter Eugenio, Jasmine Denise Scott - Miss VIP (When Leila and her friends are partying in the Tiger - Tiger Club)

Evanesence - My Immortal (When Anna tells Leila about her unrequited love)

Divinyls - I Touch Myself (Anna listens to this as she suns herself on a beach in lake Erie)

Daft Punk - Get Lucky (When Leila is dressing for her big night out with the girls)

Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe (When Anna approached Olivia during the barbeque)

Syrup & Hush - Raspberry Ratchet (When Leila makes out with the unknown guy in the club)

Melissa Ferrick - Drive (When Anna makes love to Leila)

Shania Twain - You're still the one (Epilogue)

t.A.T.u - All The Things She Said (When Anna announces to Leila that she's going over to the UK for graduate studies)

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VioletRose716VioletRose716about 3 hours ago

This was adorable!!! What a beautiful love story!!! I live for the “they love each other, but are afraid to tell each other” trope lol

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A lovely story of friends finding themselves and each other... until the epilogue in Dubai.... If you're going to write a story with international elements, you should really do some research... A lesbian proposal and kiss in Dubai? They're looking at 6 months in prison mininum for breaking "decency" laws. The story is damn near perfect, with incredible characters with amazing chemistry; their relationship and characterization is truly magnificent and I truly gey the sense of their love and struggles reading this, but it would have been so much better either without the epilogue, or with an epilogue where you'd taken the time to make sure they'd not end up in jail for loving each other. Is it right? No, but the sad truth of the mattet is that being gay is illegal in a number of countries, and if you're going to write "international" LGBT fiction, you should do your homework so that the happy ending you give your characters actually is a happy ending.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6437 months ago

Another good story! I liked the main characters and their eventual union but the one thing that I found hard to accept was their engagement in the UAE where homosexuality is illegal and sometimes severly punished, this took away from what had been a really good Story.

Good anyway, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Absolutely amazing story, with 2 characters I absolutely adore. In truth, this would totally be my favourite story on this site if not for one minor detail that unfortunately ruins it for me. The epilogue. As amazing and romantic as the proposal is, it breaks the story. Homosexuality is illegal in the UAE and is punishable by imprisonment. Leila and Anna getting engaged in Dubai is just stupidly naive of them. Chances are that following their engagement, they would be in a whole host of trouble and at the very least arrested and then fined under so called "public decency" laws. In my opinion the story would have been much better without the epilogue, or at the very least an epilogue that took place somewhere that didnt break the credibility of the entire story.

okami1061okami1061over 1 year ago

Odd. Again, 3 months between reading made a huge difference to me.

I now found this story to be uncomfortable that it wasn't the first time around.

The thing that first threw me off this time was the stylistic choice to write in 3rd person and yet still identify sections by PoV. The more I read, the more that bugged me. But I couldn't quite figure out why. And then it hit me: it explicitly identified who the only two important characters were; craft-wise I couldn't see a good reason to do that. But at that point, it was just a niggle bothering me.

Then I figured out why it bugged me so much. It explicitly marginalized every other character for no good reason. Writing in alternating 1st person does the same thing, of course, but it moves you *inside* the character, a position from which *everyone* else is marginalized. That's the point of 1st person: that (possibly distorted) egotistic viewpoint.

And in so doing, it marginalized Nora. It made her a non-character when there was no reason (craft-wise) to do that; it would happen at the appropriate place on its own. Worse, it also marginalized the Anna-Nora sex scenes; the details became irrelevant to the story. And in my eyes, that turned them pornographic. I didn't realize this at first, but when I felt myself skipping through them and not reading them carefully—something I'd done in certain other stories—and I got it. It was the maleness of gratuitous girl-girl sex. That, in itself, isn't "evil" or anything; girls write that stuff, too. But it felt "wrong" in the middle of a love story about Anna and Leila. (As an aside, the details of the Anna-Nora scenes were way too experienced for Anna to be having with so few previous lovers and no evidence of a lot of research. I also felt those scenes lacked emotion between Anna and Nora, but that's probably why they felt gratuitous. Or maybe the other way around.)

And I felt the Leila/male-asshole scene was beyond gratuitous. The point had already been made, repeatedly, that Leila didn't get much out of male sex, so what on earth would make her think that "stupid sex" was a solution to thinking about Anna? Did she think she could be "fucked out of being lesbian" by some random dick? In my opinion, a woman in her position would not have done that on purpose; she would know it wouldn't work. Again, that whole scene felt too male, violence without purpose. And the whole Anna-rescues-Leila thing was too male; and it felt "fake radical feminist" to throw a man under the asshole bus when it wasn't really germane to the story. It was well, gratuitous.

I've tried to make this point before: males writing is this space is HARD. You should not feel bad. You got good ratings from a lot of readers, many of which were females. But I believe in constructive criticism; I pray others will treat my writing in that way. It's much harder and slower to grow as a writer without it. And that best part: you can ignore it if you think I'm full of shit.

Humor: Leila kept "steeling" glances at Anna in the theatre. Pretty close to the opposite of what you meant 😄

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