Love Will Lead You Back


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"I'll clean the waffle iron before I leave, but would you ladies, stack plates in the dishwasher and cleanup the kitchen after I leave, please?"

"Yes daddy. You cooked, we get to help clean. Those are the rules," Amber said.

Emily was astounded at the children's behavior. She did feel just a touch responsible for getting into cookies at 12:30 this morning, but not too guilty. They were homemade chocolate chip cookies.


Cam left about 10:30 and said he'd be back by noon. The girls were in the kitchen cleaning when he left. He kissed each of them goodbye, including the big princess, Emily. He had missed this so much when he and Stacy divorced. The shared experiences, were simple things, yet meant so much to him.

Cam parked his Porsche in the mall parking lot, not far from the jewelry store. He had no idea what type of ring Emily might like, or even her ring size, but the thought mattered most he decided.

The saleswoman, asked him question after question regarding ring type, size, budget, cut, color, to which Cam replied, "I don't know." She started to get nervous, when Cam asked to look at all the engagement rings in the display case. After they had gone through the first two trays, she knew she only had one more, and was hoping to start her month off with an early sale.

In the third tray, Cam found two rings that he felt were suitable. A marquis cut 1.75ct diamond and a pear shaped 1.5ct diamond. Selling either of these, carried a nice little bonus for the salesperson. She tried both of them on her empty ring finger and modeled them to give Cam an idea how they would look on his intended's hand. Cam seemed to like both.

When forced to choose, he went with the larger stone, thinking they could always exchange it for a different cut or ring if Emily didn't like it. The salesperson was mentally congratulating herself at her good fortune. Cam was relieved the decision was over.

After the financing, paperwork for the sale, certificate of authenticity, and the ring was boxed, Cam had been gone a little over an hour. He had one more stop to make at Claire's boutique at the other end of the mall. Once there, he picked out two identical cubic zirconia rings. He had them put into their own individual boxes wrapped with different colors. Rings bulging from his pockets, he made a hasty retreat home.


The girls had cleaned the kitchen to better standards than Cam ever had. He was impressed. This was probably the only domestic task, he'd seen Emily complete. He was in awe at how the kitchen sparkled.

He did want the girls' opinion about Emily, and needed a little alone time with them.

"Hi 'M', thanks for cleaning the kitchen. I can honestly say, it never looked that good even after we moved in. It's spotless."

"Emily blushed, "You're welcome. The girls pitched in to help. Did you get everything taken care of at the office?"

"I did. Since we all need to get showers before we head over to Deb's why don't you go first? I'll get the girls started once you've finished," Cam said.

"Great idea, I need a shower to get the 'stickies' off me from all that syrup. The waffles sure were good though. Thank you for breakfast. I won't be long," Emily said as she kissed Cam and trotted up the steps.

"'A's, can we talk?"

"Sure daddy," Amanda said.

"Good. You know I like Emily a lot, don't you?" The girls looked at each other and giggled. Cam was trying to find out what was so funny.

"We do daddy," Amber said trying but failing to hold in a full-fledged laugh.

"Okay. What's so funny ladies?"

"It's just, that Miss Emily told us last night, she likes you a lot too," Amber said.

"Well that's good. Do you like Miss Emily?"

Both girls responded together quickly, "We do, daddy."

"Are you going to ask her to marry you?" Amanda asked timidly.

"Yes, that's what I wanted to ask you. Would it be alright with you, if Miss Emily stayed with us forever?" Cam asked, holding his breath.

Both girls started laughing again. Cam wasn't annoyed, but curious. "What's so funny now?"

"Well, Miss Emily asked us the same thing last night. She said she wanted to, but you had to ask her to marry her," Amber got out in one breath.

"Oh she did huh?"

Both girls, shook their heads yes.

"I see, then it seems like you both think it's a pretty good idea. If that's the case, I'll ask her this afternoon, but you have to promise to keep it a secret until after we get to Aunt Deb's party and I ask her. Can you both do that?" Cam asked.

The girls both nodded again.

"Then let's all touch foreheads to seal our secret." Cam and the girls all put their foreheads together while he hooked his arms around them and hugged them. Emily finished her shower. He got the girls ready to take their showers. He had long since given up on picking out clothes for them to wear. They coordinated their own outfits with little guidance from him. He just supervised to ensure all the parts got washed, and no shortcuts were taken during the bathing process.


They arrived at Deb's house about 3:15. The weather was hot and sticky for Raleigh—pretty typical middle of the summer weather. Cam fidgeted on the ride over. It made Emily a little nervous, he was so uncomfortable. She had no idea, if Cam had informed Deb, he was bringing her. She started feeling uneasy.

When Cam knocked on the door, Dereck answered and shook Cam's hand. He noticed a strikingly attractive women next to Cam. Cam made brief introductions. He could see the light bulb go on in Dereck's head probably remembering the discussions Deb had about her and Cam.

Dereck ushered everyone out to the deck where the rest of the guests were congregated around the beer keg, and table full of food. Cam had thoughtfully prepared a large bowl of potato salad the previous day.

When Emily stepped out on the deck, Deb did a double take. "Emily is that you? What on earth..."

Deb stopped mid-sentence and turned to Cam, "...Is this who you texted me about this morning?"

"In the flesh," Cam replied with a large smile on his face.

"Well I'll be da...rned," Deb caught herself at the last minute looking down at the kids.

"It's so good to see you Emily. I'm so glad you came. Make yourself at home," Deb said warmly and hugged her.

"Thanks Deb. You've got a lovely home. I love the deck. It's perfect for entertaining a crowd like you have today," Emily responded seemingly totally at ease.

The crowd was a mix of some SE Box employees, but mostly friends of Deb and Dereck. Cam knew quite a few people at the party since he was a frequent visitor to other parties the couple hosted. As he introduced Emily to his friends, he winked at each of them. None of them picked up the significance of the wink until a little later.

Cam excused himself just before 5, and left Emily chatting with one of his best friends at SE Box, Steve Sanders. Steve and his wife Candace were two empty nesters with two grown children.

Cam was searching for Deb. He wanted to talk with her prior to popping the question to Emily. He hoped Emily wasn't too surprised or overwhelmed to say yes. He felt confident if Emily had flown 2500 miles on a redeye to say she loved him, and was staying for the rest of her life, she was serious. He found Deb and explained things to her. She was giddy with excitement, especially when Cam announced he wanted to propose to Emily in her backyard right now. She could barely contain herself.

A very proud Deb and Cam walked out to the deck. She had already informed Dereck what was going to happen, but none of the other guests had a clue, when Deb stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly to get everyone's attention. The shrill sound scared birds that were up in the trees in her backyard. They took off in a flourish of flapping wings. The party and music stopped temporarily as all attention focused on Deb, with Cam standing next to her.

Dereck retrieved a chair from the kitchen and placed it to Deb's right. "Emily, could you come up here for a minute? Oh, and bring the girls please," Deb spoke loudly as if she were an Emcee on a gameshow.

Emily was momentarily stunned her presence was requested on the make-shift stage, but acquiesced easily. She played along with whatever Deb had planned. When she and the girls made it up the steps to the deck, Deb motioned for her to sit in the chair. A confused Emily took her seat, looked at Deb, then Cam for any information as to why she was here. Maybe this was one of Deb's party rituals, to introduce the new person to everyone at the same time, she thought. The girls stood next to their daddy, laughing and giggling.

"Cam, I think the floor is all yours," Deb finished with a flair. Emily was very confused. Cam looked nervous, but at least he was smiling.

"Emily, when I got your text to pick you up at the airport yesterday, I couldn't believe you had come back to me. But when I saw your eyes, I knew you had made up your mind. I didn't really know until we talked last night how you really felt. I've felt the same way since our first date. I feel so lucky to have you in my life again. I love you so much." Emily had started quietly crying, but this time the tears were happiness, with a smile that touched her eyes.

Cam got down on one knee and continued, "Emily Marie Trent, I love you with all my heart. The girls and I want to share our love with you for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?" Cam finished as he opened the ring box to show Emily.

"Yes!" Emily screamed. "Yes, I will marry you Cam. I promise to always cherish our girls and take care of you for the rest of our lives. I love you sweetheart," Emily said as tears streamed down her cheeks. Cam slid the ring on her finger. Emily nearly bowled Cam over as she tackled him in a huge hug. Cam had one arm around Emily and the other around his girls. He motioned for the girls to take Emily's chair. He had one more announcement to make.

"Amber, Amanda, Emily only thought it fair since she received a ring from daddy which means they are going to get married, that she give you a ring too. It means she wants to share her love and friendship with both of you." Cam handed two ring boxes to Emily who could barely think at this point. She knelt down and opened the boxes. Inside were the two identical rings Cam had picked out earlier. She placed one on Amber's finger and the matching ring on Amanda's finger. While the true meaning of completing the circle was lost on the six year old twins, they were still touched that Emily had thought enough of them to include them in the hoopla this afternoon. They showed off their matching rings to everyone.

The girls thanked Emily with their own kiss on her cheek and promised to be friends for life.

The audience of party-goers had been quiet up to this point, but erupted in loud applause and whistles, along with very happy tears.

Emily whispered in Cam's ear, "I don't think anyone could top that proposal Mr. Trent. You are so getting lucky tonight. All night long if we can manage. I only hope for your sake, you don't get any emergency tech support calls tomorrow, because you won't be able to move," a very sexy Emily said to a surprised Cam, who had never seen this side of her before. Emily kissed his cheek. Many of his friends had their phones and were recording video and pictures of the loving couple and children.

Cam blushed. Emily beamed. Deb applauded, along with the other happy party-goers.


After the excitement of the evening, including the fireworks of Cam's proposal and the actual fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July, Cam dropped the twins at his parent's house as planned. Cam opened Emily's door and after helping her out of the Tahoe, whisked her off her feet and carried her over the threshold through the front door. Emily squealed like a school girl the entire time he carried her.

After showering off the day's activities together, the two made love until early the next morning. When they watched the sun start to peak through the blinds, their bond with each other was sealed. Cam with Emily intertwined in his arms, drifted off to Morpheus to rest their sated bodies.

Cam's parents dropped the kids off the next day. They met the woman that would be their daughter-in-law. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful afternoon. When Cam's parents left, Cam and Emily were standing at the door waving goodbye, arms wrapped around each other. "You know, I'm glad love led you back. I'm glad you're finally home. I love you 'M'."

"Your love led me back." She kissed Cam possessively.


(Okay, for those of you that can stand one more sappy love song, please read on. This is the last, I promise.)

Cam and Emily married the following year in May. The wedding reception was a gift from Southeastern Box. It was their way of saying thank you to Emily for the successful startup of the West Coast operation. The board gave her the job to hire her replacement. She did, then accepted the role of strategic development for SE Box. She was even happier with her new role.

Emily put her condo on the market after their engagement. She moved into Cam's house over the Labor Day weekend. The 3 girls frequently ganged up on Cam convincing him to do what they wanted. He never minded one bit. He had finally found the happiness that had eluded him since his divorce.

Not long after their honeymoon in Hawaii, Emily started feeling terribly nauseous at different times throughout the day. Cam was extremely attentive. He suggested seeing a doctor. She finally agreed. The doctor called her the next day with the news she was pregnant. She wasn't sure how Cam would feel about another baby. She found out that evening when she told him. He picked her up and carried her to the deck where they danced to the music Cam seemed to always having playing in his head. He twirled her around and kissed her as she spun into his arms. She liked his answer.

As the couple finished putting the twins to bed, Cam asked, "Would you like to call into the Delilah show one more time?"

"You really believe she's the guru of love don't you?" Emily asked, sincerely.

"Well it worked out pretty well for us. One more time, just to see what song she might play for us," Cam replied already reaching for his phone.

Not surprisingly, Delilah was delighted to talk with both of them.

"Hello callers, this is Delilah, you're on the air."

From Cam's speakerphone they said, "Hi Delilah it's Cam, and this is 'M'. We got married a couple of months ago, and now we're expecting a baby. We just found out today."

"That is so wonderful you two. I know I've talked to Cam before. 'M' I'm so happy for you both. What song can I play for you?"

Emily piped up, "Why don't you surprise us Delilah. And thank you for getting us back together. Maybe as my wonderful husband says, you really do have the touch."

"Thank you 'M'. Please enjoy your love for each other and celebrate the new love you'll share with your baby soon."

Delilah played, "I Celebrate My Love for You," by Peabo Bryson and Roberta Flack. The music moved Cam to ask Emily to dance. As they swayed in the family room, Emily couldn't believe how the distance that once seemed insurmountable, was closed as Cam's loving arms held her, for the rest of their lives.

I Celebrate My Love for You

Tonight I celebrate my love for you

It seems the natural thing to do...

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kaotic2kaotic25 months ago

This was a great story. Thanks for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Deb is the third wheel in their relationship....they assume that Deb would have told the other about them!! This bitch didn't even budge when HR was mentioned. Trailer park white trash

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The most annoying character in this story in the annoying interfering bitch, Deb!!

These skanks should be bitch slapped into next week!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Too much about the interfering bitch Deb!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A well received story from a master of Romance. I rate it a MUST READ.

On a sad note the story was published 5 years ago, the fourth from Spyauth.

We have not been blessed by another since.

The author's stories have been a real lift for me and I kind of wish Delilah was real so I could talk to her and be blessed with a song.

The Hoary Cleric

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

If Cam could like Delilah & Hallmark movies, why was it out of the question that Emily could like inspirational gospel music?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Very Nice

A very very nice story. I have no criticisms at all, I just wanted to say that I enjoyed the story very much. This one is 5 star worthy, without a doubt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I really liked it

But there were some areas that seemed to jump around and other areas where there seemed to be missing dialog. For example when she saw his ex-wife kissing him and she wanted to cancel their first date. That entire scene seemed to be missing.

Very good otherwise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Just... beautiful

We need more Romance like this!

teddybearclubteddybearclubover 6 years ago

Thank you for a wonderful Love story. Love does conquer all. Also Thank You for not mussing it up with a lot of unneeded descriptions of love making (read sex). A great story. Probably the easiest 5 Stars I've ever given.



Sidney43Sidney43over 6 years ago

A very good story, even for someone who has written a lot. You managed to capture the conflict and turmoil quite well.

Trainman2012Trainman2012over 6 years ago

You have a rare gift to see in the heart, Thank You. I have lived coast to coast, and family always came first, now in the sunset of life I am ditching my dream home for family, will said.

WindySwimmingWindySwimmingover 6 years ago
So Touching!

Just loved it. Mega kudos!!

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