Loving With Friends Pt. 08

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The last morning. Dee plays dare with cum, in public...
6.9k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 03/10/2024
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The next morning I woke and realised it was our last full day. I spooned Dee and listened to her breathing. There was a faint smell of honey in the room. I smiled. How would we go back to normal after all this? Matt and Rachel would, they had to, the kids would be back soon. Shame that we'd only got to see them briefly. I'd liked seeing Rachel and Matt as Mum and Dad. They were in their element. So happy.

But what about us? I hoped all of this liberation, this experimenting, this new hunger for sex, wouldn't change anything between us. It would add something, hopefully, but not more than we could handle.

Dee turned over and cuddled up to me. She had a warm contented glow. "What are you thinking?" Her voice was a lovely whisper.

"About being home. Will it still be like this? I'll miss them."

She nodded. "I think part of the reason it's so hot is because we're leaving. If we knew we'd be seeing each other every day it wouldn't be the same."

"Maybe. Would be fun though."

She smiled. "We'd all devour each other."

I laughed. "Couples die in sex swap orgycide. Page three."

Dee giggled. "Orgycide? Isn't that good enough for page one?"

"Nah. Too naughty." I stroked her arm. "What are you thinking about?"

She looked uncertain. "Would you want to play with other people, back home? Is that something you've thought about?"

I couldn't tell by her tone how that made her feel. I guess honesty was the only answer. "No. I've loved playing with Matt and Rachel, because I love them. Back home I really just want you. Is that okay?"

She looked up at me and smiled. "Yes. I wasn't sure if all this had given you a shedload of kinks. Then we'd go home and be joining some swinging group or something."

I gave her nose a playful tweak. "Me? What about the things you've been doing? You've changed jam forever."

"Oh God the jam again." She hid under the sheets. I might have mentioned it a couple of times. I found her under the sheets and tickled her, until she threw them off laughing.

We lay there smiling. I stroked her face again. "I've probably picked up a couple of kinks," I admitted. "I'd be astonished if we all haven't. But nothing that would ever make me look past you. Or need more than you. You mean everything to me."

She kissed me. Long and slow. "Has anything really shocked you?" she asked curiously, when she pulled away.

I thought for a moment. "Rachel wanked me into her cereal."

Dee smiled. "That's gross. Did you love it?"

I nodded. "She loved it, I certainly did. Watching her want me to do that. Wow. So I might be wanking in your cereal in the future."

She laughed and gave me a playful shove. "Don't you dare!"

"You haven't even tried it!"

She sat up in the bed and giggled. "That's so... Rachel."

I rubbed her leg. "I thought you like the taste now?"

"In bed, Jim, not at breakfast!"

She glared at me, then we both broke out laughing.

That morning Matt drove us to a great little cafe to get breakfast. I put the menu aside with a disappointed face. "No jam."

Matt kicked me under the table, then Dee did.

"Ow. OW!"

Matt and Dee looked at each other and laughed. Rachel was next to me in our little booth. She scowled. "Leave the boy alone. He just knows what he likes."

"His likes have changed a little," Dee said, smirking.

I smiled. "A fortnight with the Greens will do that."

Matt and Rachel exchanged a look. "We wanted to ask, it's been such a crazy fortnight. Are you both okay? Do you need to talk about anything?"

"Like what?"

Rachel spread her hands. "I don't know. Anything. We've all done some wild stuff." She lowered her voice. "You've done things I'm sure you never even thought about doing before. We just want to know that you're okay."

I nodded and smiled. "You've kicked down a couple of kink doors, Rachel, you know that?"

Rachel blushed. "Oh?"

"But that's okay. You didn't put those doors there, you didn't stick them in our heads. You just helped us see them, helped us open them. For my part, anyway."

I looked at Dee, she nodded. "I've always been a bit shy with sex," she said. "Sure you think about things, but that doesn't mean you'll ever do them. I'm happy I got to play, to do a bunch of wild things. It's not like I'm going to do them all the time. It's been a lot of fun. I've felt things- crazy things- I would never have experienced otherwise."

I smiled. I had loved seeing Dee become sexier. Bolder. Happier.

"But you wouldn't mind visiting again?" Rachel sounded a little nervous.

"Do you think you might have overwhelmed us?" I asked.

She looked awkward, then. "We care about you. And I was thinking about all the games we've played; well, we might have pushed a bit. We've just been so desperate to have people to play with. I did sort of wonder if we weren't just using you."

I shrugged. "Being your playthings was fucking fun. Heaven. Ticked off every fantasy I have."

Dee smiled. "What he said."

I gave Dee a loving look. "We would love to come back. We love you both. You've made our lives- our relationship- richer."

Rachel looked away. I think she might have been tearing up a little. I knew how empathetic she was. She was always trying to work out if everyone was happy. I rubbed her hand and smiled. "Has this been worrying you? That you've been using us?"

She rubbed her eyes. "No. I don't know. I just got it in my head that you might not have got so much out of this as we have. But if you have, that makes me very happy. Very."

I gave her a peck on the cheek and rubbed her back. "Thanks for looking after us. Obviously you two are more experienced than us, but you're still new to taking the lead. You haven't had to look after another couple and guide them. You've both done a great job. I've felt pushed, I've felt like I was out of my comfort zone, but never scared, never anything but safe."

Dee nodded. "Absolutely."

Rachel hugged my arm and kissed my shoulder. "Okay. Thank you. I just wanted to hear that."

I kissed her forehead. "Such a mum."

We went to the high street and did a little shopping. I was holding Dee's hand, and Rachel had Matt's. It struck me I could have taken Rachel's hand, maybe even Matt's, and none of us would have minded. Everything felt natural. Good. Bright. I thought about Rachel's words, and Dee's from earlier. All we had done, and could yet do. Rachel had opened doors that I was yet to go through. Matt had made a door for Dee, and she had considered it carefully. She had not walked through it yet, but was curious. New submissions and new sensations were what these doors led to. The fact these doors were there, were wide open, and there was no pressure whatsoever to step through them, was a wonderful feeling. I was at peace with my body, my sexuality and my desires, in a way that I had probably never been. I felt lighter.

We went clothes shopping next. Dee tried on a few dresses for us, she swished her skirts, beaming. She was laughing all the time. The big wide grin of hers was an almost permanent fixture now. Rachel muttered about being too short, and never looking good in a dress and we wouldn't stand for it. "I love your body," I said, "curves on curves. A pear with a peach." I gave her ample bottom a squeeze and she giggled. Matt looked around with an amused glance. For a moment I had forgotten the rest of the world existed. I gave a worried look, but no one in the store had noticed. No one was looking. We were in the corner, by the changing rooms.

Rachel glanced around, then rubbed my crotch. "Thanks, Jim. I think you're pretty hot too."

I leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. I ran my hands down her lovely shapely body, and felt her sigh. Matt was helping Dee with a zip. She looked over at us and grinned. He discretely squeezed her breast, and her eyes closed. I didn't even notice it happen, but when we left the store, I was holding Rachel's hand, and Matt held Dee's. These moments were as tender as they were spontaneous.

We were walking back to the car when I stopped abruptly. "Wait! Did anyone buy jam?"

Dee looked around. "Quick, find something to throw at him."

I tried to duck behind Rachel and everyone laughed.

We were walking past a park that bordered some thick woodland, and Rachel stopped to look at the trees. "I still can't believe what we did the other day," she said, giggling and giving my hand a squeeze.

I squeezed back. "I'll never get that image out of my head. You down on all fours. The sun and sweat on your back, wind in your hair."

She smiled. "It felt so nice, being naked outside for so long. I dont even know how long it was. It was just so lovely."

I remembered how reluctant she had been to try it. Yet she had got down on all fours twice. I had penetrated her sweet tight anus twice. All in that wonderful field. It was crazy to think of. "Any other fantasies of Matt's you've never tried?"

Matt and Dee had stopped as well. Matt looked at Rachel and she blushed. "I guess there is one that stands out. I don't think I could go through with it."

"Oh?" I was curious, and a little excited.

We were all standing on the path by the park. Rachel looked around as if someone might be listening. "It's a bit much. A bit dirty."

I laughed. After everything we'd done? "So?"

Matt frowned. "Is it the walk?"

Rachel darted him a shy look and nodded.

He smiled at her. "I wanted her to give me a blowjob somewhere public. Changing room. Public toilet. Maybe in some bushes, like in this park. But then she wouldn't be allowed to swallow, she would have to carry my cum in her mouth all the way back to the car. Like a good girl."

Rachel nodded as he spelled it out. "He wanted to park quite far away as well."

Matt laughed. "Just the thought of you, walking around like that and no one knowing. My God. Such a turn on. I always thought it would be sexy to see."

"Would you ever do it?" I asked, I gave Rachel's hand a light comforting stroke.

"It's..." She struggled, clearly turned on by the idea. "It's hot, but what if we met someone we knew?"

"We could go out of town," Matt said, quickly.

Rachel shot him an annoyed look. She was squirming. "I know. Maybe. I just... Playing outside, I always think that something will go wrong." She turned to me. "I don't want to embarrass the kids, you know? It's all fun and games indoors- it's safe- but once we're outside anything can happen. I get worried and then it's not sexy anymore."

I rubbed her hand. "I get that. You don't have to justify it. It's just a bit of fun."

"I'll do it," Dee said, suddenly.

We all turned to look at her.

Matt was still holding her hand. "You're joking?"

"No. I'll try. If you want."

A change came over Matt. Humour submitted to hunger. "What? Right now?"

Dee nodded. She looked incredibly nervous, but her eyes were bright. "I mean I'll try. If we can find a quiet spot. I can be naughty." She smiled at Rachel. "I can only embarrass myself!"

The way Matt was staring at her gave me shivers. He peeled his eyes from her and looked around. He nodded over at the line of trees at the other end of the park. This time of day there were a few dog walkers about, a couple of people sitting on benches here and there, but not many people. "Over there, behind the trees," he said. There was a stiffness, a sudden thick anticipation in his voice.

"Okay," she smiled at him. I marvelled at her. She looked so cute, so happy and willing to help give him his fantasy.

He was about to lead her off by the hand when he hesitated. "I cum a lot."

She giggled. "I know. I noticed. I'll do what I can."

Dee turned to Rachel and I and gave an adorable shrug. "Is it okay if we...?"

I smiled. "You are a very naughty girl, Dee Hudson. I love it."

Rachel beamed at her. "Be a darling, milk my husband for me would you? He really needs a release. Just promise not to spill any."

Now Dee blushed. The reality of what she was about to do made her look down and avoid our eyes in embarrassment. "We won't be long," Matt said, "to be on the safe side."

Dee's head lifted briefly to shoot me a flirty smile, and then she let Matt lead her across the green field to the trees.

We watched them go. "Remember when the dare game had her worried?" I said, smiling.

Rachel laughed. "She's come a long way."

"Thanks to you." I gave Rachel a kiss on the cheek, then I led her over to a nearby tree. We got under its shade and cuddled. "Remember our last tree?"

She nodded, her head lay against my chest as we hugged. I kissed her hair. "I imagine they've found a small clearing. Probably behind some trees."

She wriggled in my arms. "Or gone into some bushes. Really deep and far, where no one's gone in years. Smells all musky and dark."

I pulled her close to me. "She's on her knees. They'll be covered in dirt and leaves. I love how she just drops, just gets into position. She knows what her lover wants. Selfless lips."

"He'll already be hard. He gets so hard so quickly, it's obscene."

"He won't want to last too long, but her mouth just tastes so soft and wet. He'll have to take a moment to enjoy it. Tapping his cock on her tongue."

Rachel purred. "Mmm yes, and she'll be waiting for him to get on with it. The anticipation will make her wet. Will she finger herself?"

I nodded. "Unless she's scared, which I don't think she will be. Just one finger maybe, rubbing her clit through her panties."

Rachel closed her eyes, as if she was picturing it. "He'll fuck her mouth a little. Just grab her hair and enjoy her. Does she lick balls?"

"Sometimes. I don't really ask her to."

"Mmm, Matt likes that. Likes to see you work for all that cum. She'll get him sloppy, run her tongue up and down him. Up and down."

I clutched her arm. I was hard now, just imagining them. Rachel's hand brushed my cock, but just a passing touch. My sweet Dee was out there, somewhere, on her knees for another man. God I wanted to touch myself. "He'll be talking to her. Telling her she's going to hold his cum. She has to be a good girl."

Rachel looked up at me. "Oh yes. God yes. They'll both like that wont they?"

I looked down at her eyes. "He'll make her say what she has to do."

Rachel gave me a wicked smile. "Please sir," she whispered, "flood my mouth."

"Let me carry your cum," I suggested.

She nodded. "Yes, that's it. Something submissive. Like: let me do the secret walk of shame, no one knows but you."

"Think he'll make her beg?"

"Think he'll need to?"

We grinned at each other. I could have played this game with her forever. "He'll look down at her while she's sucking him. Then he'll just explode. He'll fight to stay silent, but it will be so fucking intense."

Rachel rubbed my chest. "And she mustn't spill a drop. All that cream. Thick and heavy and hot. Just pulsing into her mouth."

"And it tastes so good," I moaned, "but she wants to obey."

"Obedience tastes even better." Rachel's eyes were gleaming with delight. With desire.

I tried to imagine what Dee would look like when she came back. I imagined it escaping, running down her lips, her chin, her neck. Would it pool at her breasts or keep going....? "God. These games," I muttered, "I fucking love these games."

"What if she can't take it?" Rachel looked up at me and licked her lips. "What if she's covered in cum, her whole sweet pretty face? He's just spunked over all her lovely freckles?"

"That would be even hotter."

At that, Rachel gave my cock another glancing brush. "Think she'd walk to the car like that or clean herself up?"

I shook my head. "No idea. I'm too hard to think straight."

We were laughing, teasing each other like this, when we saw two familiar figures coming back through the trees, still hand in hand. I wondered if they couldn't find a quiet enough spot? Or if they'd had second thoughts? I wouldn't blame them. We left our shade and met them about halfway.

"Hi," Matt said, he grinned at us. He looked a little sweaty.

I looked at Dee. Her cheeks were bulging, she was also blushing fiercely. There was a small dab of something white on her chin. Her eyes were looking at us with wild excitement. This was humiliating, but only in the most invigorating of ways.

For a moment neither Rachel or I spoke, we just looked at Dee in stunned delight. I noticed some dirt on her knees, and her top button was undone. Had he grabbed her breasts, or just wanted to see them?

"Okay, honey?" I asked. I smiled, knowing she couldn't answer.

She nodded, and her eyes conveyed a hot flush of excitement. God. How much cum was she holding? "Looks like a good load," I said quietly. "Being a good girl? Not wasted any?"

Dee gave another curt nod. Now she looked around, wondering if anyone else was looking, or had noticed anything odd about her. "You're being so rude," Rachel said, smirking, "tell us all about your lovely walk."

Matt smiled at her. "I'd love to walk you round this park like a dog. Just show you off to everyone. That's how proud of you I am."

Dee looked pleadingly at him. He laughed, then took her by the hand, and led us out of the park. "We'll go the long way, I think," he said. Dee shot him a look, but couldn't argue. We all walked back up the way we'd come, then crossed the road and looped back. Dee was walking with her head down, blushing fiercely. I don't think anyone walking past spared her much of a look, or would have really noticed anything if they had.

I was walking behind Dee when an elderly woman walked past us. "Oh, she noticed," I said. "Your pretty mouth is clearly full of cum. The look she just gave you!"

Rachel joined in. "Everyone can smell it, you know? Raw cum. They all think it's going to dribble down your dress at any moment."

Dee turned and gave us each a glare. I smiled. "Seriously. Lift your head up. You are pure sex. You are Godly. Beautiful."

Her eyes softened, she turned back and walked a little slower. I heard Matt whisper to her. "Next man that walks past, look him in the eyes. Let's see if he knows." She shot him an uncertain look. "Do it for me," he said.

I watched to see what would happen. She turned to look at the next man that passed her. He was young, probably early twenties, and I saw him do a double take. I chuckled as we walked on and left him behind. "He's going to be thinking about you for a long long time," I said.

Matt laughed.

Rachel rubbed Dee's back. "You are so much braver than I am, I fucking love you. You are stunning. Fearless!" Dee glanced back at her, and I caught the appreciation in her eyes. This was a push, but she was enjoying it. She knew she was safe. Loved.

We made our way back to the park, and kept going past it to the car park. Matt slowly took out his keys and unlocked the doors, and Dee was quick to get in the backseat. I sat next to her. Rachel sat up front next to Matt. Dee was quickly typing something on her phone. The four of us had a group chat. We'd set it up before the visit, it was called friends at first, but Rachel turned it to lovers early on. She'd changed it to perverts! after last night. Dee posted a message and I read it out. "She wants to know if she can swallow?"

Matt turned in his seat to look at her. He took his time before answering. "I mean, if you have to, of course."

Rachel turned to study her as well, then looked at her husband. "But you'd rather she didn't?"

His eyes were locked onto Dee. "I'd like her to keep me in her mouth for as long as she can. To savour it. To show me how much she savours it."

Her head tilted in an almost pleading way, but then she nodded. She looked like she was turned on and embarrassed in equal measure. The conflicting feelings must have felt exquisitely unreal. I reached over and gave her leg a stroke. I caressed her bulging cheek tenderly. "Look at you, baby. I always get hard looking at you, but not like this. How do you keep getting sexier? It's too much."