Lustrum Academy for Troubled Youth Pt. 03


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"That's it. I'm out of this mad porn house." Jason walked to his bags and started to pack them back in the bus. "I'm not dealing with some kinda, crazy porn school. That's just two steps away from reality for me, two steps farther than I ever wanted to go."

Katie rushed over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Wait, just wait. Please, stay."

The VP just shook her head, "Katie, let the wet blanket go."

Katie glanced at Tula then back to Jason who paused, struggling over her plea. He'd known her for less than a day. They'd had sex sure, but he had no idea what to classify their relationship as. But her plea still hit him hard. He had more in common with this sex-crazed girl than any person he'd ever met in his entire life, and whether he liked it or not, her words meant something to him.

Tula called out to the pair. "Let him go, nothing is keeping anyone from leaving. If he wants to return back to his life under the stairs in the cupboard at Dursley's house, let him. Just remember, there are only two results to that path. Here, this school works. Everyone who has graduated is able to live a normal life."

That got Jason's attention and he turned around. Tula smiled as she continued. "Hiding and pretending the problem isn't there isn't going to work. That's only going to make it worse. Here you can learn to live with your craving, control it rather than let it control you. You can be with people with the same needs as you, hell, most end up marrying someone they know from here after they leave because they'll understand you better than anyone else outside this campus. So stay, and keep your deal the way you promised, or go, back to misery. Your choice."

Jason turned toward Katie, who continued her pleading gaze, before wheeling back to the bus facing his luggage. He stared, clenching his fists. He did the most violent thing he'd ever done in his life; he punched the side of the bus. Ignoring his pain, he grabbed his bags and walked back toward the small woman, angrier than he had ever been before. He wasn't angry at her, he was angry at his decision, at his indecision, at having to make a decision. He was angry at the world, angry at the bus, and most importantly angry at himself.

Tula stood there unfazed while Jason strode up and stared unswervingly into her. "Fine, I'll stay, but if this place doesn't do as you say, or there's more creepy or fishy shit about, I reserve my right to leave."

Tula held out her hand, a wide smug grin on her face. "Fine, but only if you fuck my ass before you leave."

Jason gripped her hand into a violent handshake, "Fine" not really paying attention to the tacked on addendum to the agreement.

"Good." Jason's anger only seemed to make her more delighted. "Then you better get your things. Tonight I suggest you rest up because your classes start tomorrow. You can pick up your assigned schedule at the student help desk in the morning."

Reaching into her business dress coat, brushing against her breast, she pulled out two large metal nameplates, handing them to the appropriate owners. "The blue building is for boys, the pink is for girls. You can take any room as long as it doesn't already have a nameplate on it or ask the owner if they want to shack up if you get lonely at night. Just hang yours over a door and the room is yours."

Katie, looking back up from the plate spoke, "Umm... if sex is okay anytime and anywhere, with anyone, why are there separate dormitories?"

Tula gave her a mischievous smile, "So the girls know where the cock is, of course."

"...Oh, ok."

"Now run along, run along. Go find yourselves a room. I have to go thank our school's wonderful bus driver. I would love to follow you in and help you settle yourselves, inside me of course, but that will have to wait, shoo, shoo." The tiny woman urged them to gather their things and head out, pushing them from behind, grabbing their asses equally making both uncomfortable as they left.

Glancing behind as they walked toward the campus, they glimpsed Tula enter the bus then turned to each other. Jason was the first to speak, "...I'm glad she shooed us away, I don't want to hear any creepy sex moans from that bus driver."

Katie laughed nodding her head; the two continued on their way.


Tula made sure the two were out of sight before taking a full breath, breathing in the smell of sex that permeated the bus. The young pupae of an incubus had set her off considerably, his pheromones while he was mad almost made her jump his bones right then and suck him dry before he was ready.

She let her form relax as her smooth summer tanned skin was suddenly a-wash with blood red. Black archaic markings of sensuality appeared on the left side of her form, swirling on her arm, on her cheek, on her left breast, on her ass and thigh, and just above her sex. A thin black tail emerged right above her ass and below her spine, a large black tuff of fur marked the end of it almost like a flame. Her eyes turned blood red and became sharp as a cat's, signaling her as a predator. Her hair turned stark white as she flushed it and moaned in her transformation.

Her chest expanded an inch outward as well as her ass, her cunt dripped with need as it soaked through her stockings with no panties in the way. Red wings spread from her back, her clothes undamaged as if they had been tailor made for her wings. Transformation into her true form was always pleasurable, and she fingered herself slightly through the fabric.

Yes, the boy was potent, smelling his seed in the bus made that clear. The mess impressed the succubus further, a virgin pupae could usually barely come twice the amount of a normal human, and the bulge in his pants put him on the bigger end for size as well, though admittedly not the biggest she seen with a new pupae.

Still, it was going to be a big one, when all was said and done, and Tula's motto was the bigger the better. While her sister Pallaca was all about cum quality and quantity, Tula was a size queen, even for a succubus. The thought of the finished product sent shivers down her spine. She needed to feed, right now.

She turned to the bus driver, who continued to stare forward with a blank expression, black nails rubbing against his cheek. "Come on out, my pet, momma's got a reward for being such a good boy and not fucking the guppies."

The bus driver turned its head, eyes blank, and opened its mouth. A mass of green tentacles spilled forth onto the bus floor, leaving slime and cum where each landed as each tentacle end was a green cock, the tentacle cocks swirling and binding around each other, constantly spewing precum everywhere. What had been a bus driver now sat in a pile of fake realistic skin and clothes on its seat, while a single large eye appeared in the mass and looked at the succubus.

Tula looked at it, lovingly patting a tentacle, speaking to it like a baby. "Good boy, mommy can see you're all pent up. Little succubus pupae made you all horny and it's such a long trip. Don't worry, mommy will take care of it."

The succubus took a few steps back and turned around, holding onto a seat with one hand, spreading her ass with the other and her tail. Her scent overpowered the odor of sex already in the bus, the writhing mass going into a furious frenzy at the sight and smell. "Mommy's feeling pent up too. Fuck mommy, make me feel good."

The mass exploded with movement, leaping upon her, the succubus laughing with joy.


As Jason and Katie walked through the campus, he noticed one thing about all the other students upon the campus. Well, he noticed two things, technically, 4 things if you count both cheeks. Almost every student had either large tits, a large ass or both. The girls came in all shapes and sizes each equally beautiful, their skin smooth and beautiful as if teen acne was not allowed here, faces equally so. It seemed though small tits were rare, in fact, Katie's size was the most common. At his old school, girls would have killed to have the size Katie had, here it was the norm. Asses were fantastic and well flaunted. Jason's cock drooled slightly in his pants at the sight. It was a walking wet dream.

Jason noticed something concerning breast sizes; generally people that looked his age or younger had the smaller but still impressive busts and/or asses. The ones slightly older than the two of them had around or just under Katie's expansion. Older than that and looking to be in their last year at school had bigger chest pillows. Katie, catching Jason checking out her own chest and all the rest of the girls, teased, "Found something interesting and significant in the breasts around here?"

Jason smiled, feeling his newfound confidence again, stemming not just from the sex, but his display earlier, "Interesting, yes, seems you're ahead of the curve." He made a small hand wave motion to indicate the curves he was talking about, though he kept it small, he wasn't THAT confident yet.

She looked surprised and smiled, giving a small fist tap to his arm. "You told a joke! See, this place is better for you already. Though, you need to work on your jokes. That was terrible," she grinned excitedly.

The other thing Jason didn't expect, people were... normal. They weren't just fucking each other left and right. They were hanging out, talking, studying, having a laugh, having a good time. For as much as he'd worried, this made him feel at ease. Normalcy was comforting in an odd way.

They reached the boys' dorm, finding an empty room rather quickly. He did note guys were few on campus, at least from what he'd seen outside, easily 10 to 1, if not more. He opened the door to check inside, walking in. Katie joined him as he placed his bags on an empty table, noting the huge size of the 'room' he was given. It was more like a full apartment. He turned around as Katie grabbed his nameplate from him, and placed his alongside hers above the door.

"Ummm... what are you doing?"

Katie smiled, "Moving in with you, at least for the night. The Vice Principle didn't say any rules against boys and girls rooming together and honestly I don't think she'll mind. Why, do you have a problem?"

Jason stammered, "N-no I don't have a problem with it..."

"That's good; I need to thank you for staying. It's better knowing someone on the first day of school then no-one, right? And you look real hot when you're mad. So I can't think of a better way to thank you than at least staying the night and help you christen your room."

Jason waved his hand, "There's no need to thank me, and honestly I didn't do much... Wait, christen?"

Katie rolled her eyes, pulling her shirt over her head, throwing it to the floor, shutting the door and locking it. "My god, you're a dork. Fuck me. Fuck me hard," she demanded sternly.

Jason took two seconds to comprehend, "...Oh. Ok." And that was it. He leapt on her like lightning, surprising himself with how fast he had his mouth attached to hers as he crushed her against the door. Eyes went wide as his ferocity overpowered her, and she melted in his arms.

He was a beast and she loved it. She nearly ripped his pants to get his dick out, the key to her delight drooling obscenely in its desire to fuck her senseless. His kiss sent waves of desire through her as it set her senses on fire. She knew it wasn't natural; she had kissed plenty of guys before. Whatever was in his mouth, whether it was his addictive-tasting saliva, or just the feel of his lips against hers, she couldn't get enough of the gratification it produced. Miss Pallaca's kiss had had far stronger effects, and she would have daydreams about it, but Miss Pallaca wasn't ferocious, and wasn't trying to claim her. There was something slightly different about the pleasure he produced, like the texture difference between vegetables and meat, but what really set her off was how forceful he was.

With his cock free, it rubbed against her stomach and shorts as he pressed against her, ripping her bra off and placing his mouth on her nipples, the sensations now flowing from her chest making her cry out in joy as she orgasmed. Her soaking shorts stimulated his cock till Jason had had enough and he lowered her to the ground, pinning her down. Katie didn't fight him one bit, urging him on once her mouth was free, "That's it! Take me! Fuck me till I'm yours! Paint my insides white!

With her trapped beneath him, Jason drew her shorts and panties off as quickly as he could, bending her legs against her breasts with her pussy and asshole laid bare, pointed up into the air. Expecting to be penetrated then and there, Katie happily spread her puffed up pussy wide for him, her sex dripping nearly a stream down her body as she spread its aroused lips. Instead though, he went down on her, his mouth taking her lower lips as he licked, lightly bit, and sucked upon her sex. "Nooo! Cock! I need Cock!" she half-heartedly whimpered as pleasure from his mouth flowed into her most sensitive region, making her squirm with bliss, quickly building her to yet another satisfying orgasm.

Jason found the taste of her pussy even more addicting and inviting than her spit, its tang had an odd flavor but delicious nevertheless. He could smell her desire directly from the source and it only served to make his dick harder and more demanding. Pleasure coursed from her pussy as he stuck his tongue inside, penetrating something deeper inside himself, beyond his body. It made it hard to think, but he aimed to be a quick learner and watched her every reaction while he ate her out.

Sensing her impending orgasm, he stopped, moving his body up, making Katie whimper as she teetered on the edge. He slid his cock to her entrance and began rubbing her labia, tormenting her.

"Don't tease me! Please, just ram your huge cock into my pussy!" she begged.

Jason grunted in reply, "As you wish." He plunged his cock into her wet folds. Again the two felt complete though Jason resisted coming himself while Katie's insides began to spasm with a powerful orgasm as he inserted himself quickly to the hilt. The biggest cock Katie had ever had began deeply plowing her as each thrust sent shockwaves through her body as her sensitive cunt took the force of his blows. She screamed with pleasure, "Oh God, soooo thick, so deep!" She could feel him pound her cervix against her womb, demanding entry. And she knew the best was yet to come, as he brought her to still another orgasm.

Jason grunted as her tight walls squeezed him, the slickness and heat clamping like a vice against him whenever Katie climaxed, threatening his own ability to keep on. His body burned with the pleasure her cunt could provide, the taste of her fluid still upon his tongue. Finally he couldn't hold out any longer, his cum blasting into the deepest parts of her womb.

Katie came harder than she believed possible as soon as the first spurt entered her womb, each spurt afterward extending the high. Her mind went completely and utterly blank as her eyes rolled back; she lost all ability to speak, or even scream. His cum was better, and even more powerful than his and Miss Pallaca's kisses combined. It burned deeper in her, not just coursing through her body, but through her being. It felt like life exploding inside her, as if a universe was being born just for her to eat. She drank in that pleasure with drunken glee. It seemed, no, she knew at this point, every time he came inside her, that joy, that euphoria got stronger, and so did her threshold to handle it, just barely keeping up.

Jason took note as the pleasure he received while attached increased as well, as he began to feel what exactly it was like. It demanded he give more and more of himself, and the more he gave, the better he felt. Once more he didn't feel empty or depleted when he gave more to the desire, it felt like he had plenty to give, in fact more than he could give at one time. He wanted, he needed to give more, otherwise he was going to explode as he had too much to give and it was the only way to relieve the tension.

Jason spurted and spurted, filling her sex with plenty to spare as the surplus squished out of their union. Once he was done, he paused only a moment before he was pounding again, the mix of his own fluids in her sex doing nothing to deter him. He felt still hard as iron, and his balls still overwhelmingly full. Once wasn't enough, once was never enough.

Katie couldn't agree more as she tried to coax more and more out of him, wiggling her hips and pounding back to increase both of their pleasures, quickly bringing the two to another show stopping climax as the puddle of fluid grew beneath them. Even on her skin his cum induced euphoria, and she did her best to muffle her screams with his lips.

Once he came a second time, he picked her up with a surprising strength coming from such a skinny kid and fucked her while standing, holding her up under her arms. She held on tightly to his neck wrapping her legs around his waist to help, impeding their fucking movement, but far from deterring them from trying as their combined fluids dripped down, soaking Jason's legs. As awkward and clumsy as it was, he slowly but surely walked toward what he hoped was the bedroom, failing twice, growling with frustration as he found first a bathroom then a closet before finally reaching the bed. He laid her on the mattress, allowing an easier route to plow her at full force, soaking the corner of the rather new looking bed in cum and vaginal juices.

Exhausted from his feat, he rolled off of her with a pop, almost falling off the bed, breathing heavily, his large hard cock pointing straight in the air, glistening with cum. Katie almost without thinking pounced on it with her mouth, desperately sucking on it to gain more cum from his organ. Jason groaned under the assault and weakly pumped her head as she gobbled up his cock. It wasn't long before he creamed inside her lips, his flavor was enough to set her off again, the effects of it enhancing her own climax to new heights.

After another minute long orgasm, Jason finally started to fall flaccid; he thanked whatever gods were out there that Katie seemed satisfied as well, content to clean his cock off before crawling up next to him and falling asleep, himself not far behind.


Tula exited the bus, the cum on her body starting to smoke as she absorbed it into her skin. She rubbed her now full bloated belly affectionately, not caring in the least bit her attire was trashed as she transformed back into her human form, her round belly staying with her, but soon it would return to normal after being fully absorbed by her body.

She looked at the now shriveled mass of tentacles, barely moving weakly inside the bus. "Oops, I guess I took too much," she giggled. Her sister would love the amount of cum, but not the quality, and tentacle beast cum was no substitute for human cum, especially incubus cum. Her thoughts returned to the boy as she licked her lips tasting some remaining cum. She was better at holding back than her sister, especially now that she had something to fill her belly.

Tomorrow, it wouldn't hurt to have a taste, she grinned wickedly.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Yer an Incubus, Harry!

george41george41over 8 years ago
great series

When can we expect to see some more chapters for this amazing series? I fucking love it so far!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
GrEat STorY

I love your energy, but hate the errors. The least you could do is read what you have written...

"She gave a pouted and placed a finger on her mouth, her chest pointed out slightly as she spoke in a disappointed sad tone." What the does "She gave a pouted" Even mean? You write with great energy. Your story is fun to read, but please, please, get an editor. Also the ThInGy wItH ThE CaPs. NEVER, EVER DO THAT! it makes the text hard to read and that should never be the case.

If you want to convey a certain tone, use words instead. "GiVE mE MoRe PLeAsE" could also be: "give me more please" she said, her voice quivering with plesure.

I'm curious to find out where this is going, and I hope you will improve.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Great story. I'm looking for more

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Next chapter please

That was amazing, more please

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Great story, and I love all the sex scenes.

MadJustinMadJustinover 8 years ago

Loving it. Interesting plot and great sex. I love a main character I can relate to.

ZanthurusZanthurusover 8 years ago

MORE!!!!!, Please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Great story

Hot sex and an interesting plot. I love it.

Thor99Thor99over 8 years ago
Great stuff!

I'm loving this story. A bit darker than my usual fare but still thoroughly hot and sexy.

Keep it up!

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