Lynn and Leif Forevermore Ch. 41


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His biggest fantasy right now was to sex her, and for her to be carrying his freshly fucked scent all around with her, so that everyone would know that his beautiful woman was being satisfied by him, and nobody was doing it better than him.

Lynne returned to the room, to kiss him goodbye, got her book bag, put on some cute strappy little sandals that she loved, and she was off to her voice lesson.

Nobody would ever love her, kiss her, or fuck her but him now that she would be his wife, and he was going to make damn sure she never even had a passing craving for another man, because he satisfied her carnal needs so thoroughly.

For now, Leif drifted off to sleep peacefully with the smell of Lynne above his lip, and on his fingers.


After Leif awakened, he quickly realized that in her haste to make it to her voice lesson, and clean herself up after his oral loving, Lynne had left her black lycra bikini cut panties behind on the floor.

Leif picked them up of the floor lovingly, and inhaled them. He couldn't help smelling the panties, something sweet, delicate, and private that his woman left behind. Something that rested close to her intimate bits daily, in ways that he wished that he could. Sure, he could touch her, taste her as often as he wanted, but there were times when he lusted for that little Lynney so much he wished he was her panties, covering up juicy, sexy pussy lips, that plump little butt, and capturing those delectable juices. Yum!

The panties were lucky in ways he wished that he were. He inhaled the panties again, and he was rock hard. His nipples tingled. Damn, he should have taken Lynne up on her tender offer of intimacy before she'd gotten on the subway. And she was such an unselfish little lover, didn't even mind if she didn't come, just wanted to please him. But, he enjoyed knowing how thoroughly he could pleasure that sexy little thing, and he hadn't wanted to bust a nut in her belly without giving Lynney the chance to have her own orgasm with his cock buried in her. Hell, a lot of his pleasure was pleasing her!

He bet she was mortified by now that she'd left her panties. Lynne was sexual, wore cute, nasty little panties, and she was freaky, but she'd never gone completely without panties that he knew of, not on purpose. His already firm erection started to ache when he thought about how shy she probably felt with that long skirt on, and those cute little sandals, and no panties.

She probably wondered if anyone else could notice. Lynne was so shy, if any stores were open, he'd bet she'd go and try to grab herself a pair in a department store before her lesson. He chuckled to himself under his breath at her sweetness. He bet she was in Conway right now, looking for some underwear.

He imagined himself finding her on the subway, fondling her, telling her she'd left her panties, and he wasn't giving them back to her today, that was what happened to cute little wives who left their panties. If she wanted those panties back she'd need to work for them. What a fun ass game for the honeymoon. He filed it away in his memory.

He sniffed her panties more, and he groaned. Part of the pleasure was feeling that sniffing her underwear was a little bit wrong. Sure, Lynne was his woman and would be his wife soon, but smelling Lynne, when she was not there, and completely unaware of what he was doing, and probably mortified with her lack of panties on her way to the voice lesson thrilled him all the more.

Leif's cock twitched and leaked more pre-cum. He didn't want to spoil himself for Lynne, but he still picked up the panties, and took a stiff before tossing them back in the floor. The panties in the floor that she'd left by mistake reminded him that there was laundry that needed to be done. He would do the laundry today. Where possible, Leif had been helping with more, and more chores. Although Lynne did not believe in the male superiority ideology taught by her backwards parents and their asinine religion, she had taken some of the values away that the woman should do the Lion's share of the housework.

While Leif loved Lynne's cooking, and her freshly scrubbed floors shined and smelled like no other, and the bathroom was generally spotless, he didn't want Lynne doing everything. He'd slowly taken on more chores, at first small chores, like washing the dishes after she fixed those great meals she was always making, making the bed, and other duties, so that things were more equal, and fair.

Lynne expressed thanks for him helping, and he could tell she loved not feeling like she had to do everything around the house, and he was capable of taking care of some things. He told her, simply and sincerely they were equal partners, and he was happy to help with the chores, after all, she worked just like he did, gigging in nightclubs, recording jingles, and so forth. But even though there were just two of them, because of their performing, especially Lynne's stage show, there was a lot of laundry.

So, Leif insisted on trying to take on and tackle this chore of the Laundry. Slowly he was making inroads so that the chores were evenly distributed. He didn't want her doing everything! He didn't mind washing the clothes. He found it quite fulfilling, and it was a chore that he could begin to approach in the early morning which would turn some of his attention away from wanting to play with himself and dream of fucking Lynne after smelling her sweet smell. He didn't like to play with himself before they were intimate. In fact, he didn't play with his own dick much at all these days, he much preferred Lynne's touch unless Lynne was already spent, and he wanted to relieve a particularly pleasurable and passionate encounter with her. Those times he would jizz, but only after he had sex with Lynne, and she came, and was satisfied, and he felt that she wouldn't come sniffing around for any more loving for the rest of the day. He waited long enough to know that she wouldn't be climbing in his arms for a repeat or a recap, because sometimes she wanted to have sex again if they had a good session! But once he figured she was tapped out, occasionally he'd pull it. He used those practice sessions to help himself last longer for her, and made sure his touch was light, so he came better with her caresses. He also tried to space it fairly soon after sex if he could, because one of the things that thrilled he and Lynne was when he was able to produce a lot of ejaculate.

He felt that men and women were different, and when men masturbated, they were using energy that would be much better spent coupling with their women. Men were different than women in some ways, after a few good nuts, they weren't as interested, and were useless to their women sexually, whereas women like his Lynney, were like cute little rabbits the more they came, the more they wanted to come. She hadn't been playing in her toybox since they were involved, but he knew if the little creature did start playing in her toybox again, she'd be climbing all over him for the human stimulation his dick would provide, after feeling the buzz from her little toys.

The more Lynne came, the more she wanted to come. Men were the opposite.

So he felt like he didn't want to waste the longing to come. By not wasting his good nuts constantly pulling his own dick, longing to come became a longing for his sweet Lynney, his sexual needs for her tied up into the deep love he felt for her.

So doing the laundry was a healthy way to use his energy. Besides, he loved to smell her things, the smell of the lovely oils she wore as perfume on her sweater, the smell of the scarves she wrapped around her head at nights, and the smell of her pantyhose, both the feet, and the crotch, and especially the scent of all her panties on the crotch! Smelling her scent was a private enjoyment, and it was the hippie in him, that equated her unique scents with bonding with her. It wasn't something that anyone else had to know, and it made it enjoyable to tackle load after load of laundry, enjoying his woman's unique scent.

After he'd started a small load, he decided to get productive on a surprise he'd been thinking of cooking up for Lynne for a while, in the small window of time where he had the house to himself.


Leif started getting an idea a few days after Lynne's conversation with her charismatic granny. He wanted Lynne to have someone at their wedding who represented her side of the family. And, he wanted it to be a surprise for Lynne. Something special.

He didn't believe in snooping through Lynne's things, but they had each other's phone passwords, atm passwords, computer passwords, just basically all the keys to each other's lives. They just trusted each other intensely, and gave each other all passwords for emergencies or other things that would come up.

The trust and the closeness was beautiful to Leif, and wasn't something he would have conceived when he was single. Sharing ATM passwords? Giving someone his email password? Checking Lynne's phone for voicemail if Lynne was in a bind and couldn't check it? Lynne answering a text on Leif's phone to help out one of his friends texting for information about his whereabouts? But, in the context of their loving relationship, with the trust there, these things were not odd at all.

Still he didn't want to violate their trust. He hated to do something so sneaky, but a few days ago he'd unlocked Lynne's phone, and got her Grandmother's number from her list of recently received calls.

Once he found her grandmother's number he started plotting and planning to put his surprise in action for his Lynney.

He waited until Lynne went off to her final voice lesson before their wedding in California.

That afternoon he carefully retrieved Lynne's grandmother's telephone number which he'd scribbled on a sticky note, and dialed her Granny on the cellphone.

Granny LaReaux was happy to hear from Leif. She wanted to know how Lynne was doing, how the wedding planning was coming along, and whether they were practicing to give her some great grands she could meet before she met her maker, as her time left was running out. Leif answered her respectfully, laughing at her hilarious quips, taking his time. No need to rush to the point, Lynne wouldn't be back for a little while, and he also knew that when talking to the elderly, it was best to let them get what was on their mind, off their mind, before introducing a new topic.

Finally he was able to make an inroad to steer the conversation back toward Lynney.

He explained that he loved Lynney with all his heart, and he was really sorry that her parents were being so hard on Lynne, and she'd have no family there to represent her side for the wedding. Her grandmother agreed that this was terrible, and explained how she wished she could see her pretty granddaughter get married to her Prince Charming, but she was older, didn't see too well, and was terrified of airplanes.

Leif told her not to worry about being older, and not seeing too well, and that he thought he could work something out so that the plane ride would not be so horrible, and so that her failing eyesight wouldn't matter. But, no matter what, he made her grandmother promise that she wouldn't tell Lynne about the call. Her Granny promised that she wouldn't tell, but she also said that she didn't have any money to play for a flight from Louisiana to LA.

Leif told her grandmother not to worry about that at all. He'd be glad to pay for round trip tickets to get her to, and from LA. Her grandmother now sounded excited, and she promised not to tell Lynne that she would be coming to the wedding.

Now, for the next part in his surprise plot. Calling his mother in California to get her in on the surprise, and getting his to keep Lynne from finding out the secret.

"Hey Linda, guess what, I'm so excited...I made contact with Lynne's granny, that creole Granny that she has. Lynne sent her an invitation, and I called her on the phone this morning," said Leif now breathless and stuttering with his excitement.

"Leif, you are doing that same thing you used to do when you were a little kid and got excited about something. Same thing you did when you first called me to tell me about your sick girlfriend, who I now know as my beloved Lynne. Calm down and go slowly, and remember to breathe," coached his mother.

"I...she...I said I talked to Lynne's granny this morning. Lynne sent her Granny a wedding invitation, and she called Lynney a few days ago...well...I just invited her to the wedding. But, but it's a surprise. So Lynney can't know. Not yet, I want her to be surprised. I just feel so bad, that no one from her family is coming to the wedding, and now I feel happy that she'll have someone from her family at our wedding. It'll make the day even happier for her," said Leif finally calming down.

"Oh Leif, that's beautiful! So beautiful! I'm glad she does have at least one sane family member, and it's lovely and romantic to surprise her like that. You don't have to worry about me, mum's the word as far as I'm concerned. Now how is she going to pay for the tickets? I'm sure your father would be really glad to help if it's needed," said his mother.

Leif's parents were always willing to help him, and supportive, but sometimes he felt they were too supportive, and he'd never would have learned to grow up and be a man unless he'd moved clear across the country, away from their material safety net, and out of their guest cottage.

"No Linda, it's cool. You all have done so much already, and really, since we live together now, things are a lot less tight in the money department for Lynney and I. Plus you know she's the cheap one in our relationship and has a great budget," said Leif.

"I know, and I don't want to see you burst your budget. And, if she's as good of an accountant of your family finances as she seems, she will eventually notice that some of your money is missing," said his mom with a chuckle.

"We have a slush pile. I'll just say I had to pay some back parking tickets or something. Lynney knows I used to be irresponsible about that type of shit before I meant her, and her meticulous ass," said Leif.

"Okay, sounds like you've got it figured out. So how can I help then Leif, besides keeping it a secret," said his mother.

"Oh yeah, we've got to include her in the wedding. Get her name on the programs and stuff. But Lynne can't know. Oh, and...she's old, scared of planes, doesn't see well, so I'm going to have to blow the surprise to Lynney before the wedding...but I'm going to keep it from her clear up until we get to the airport, and are on our way to fly back to Cali for the wedding. I've got it all planned out and she'll never guess. I love to surprise her! But, because her grandma is old, and doesn't see well, I'm going to need your help getting her back to Louisiana after the wedding, and at least be sure that she gets to and from LAX, and the Louisiana airports safely. I'd do it myself, but I'm going to be busy honeymooning with Mrs. Leif Peterson," said Leif.

"Well listen at you, sounding like a rooster with your tail all stuck out, going, Mrs. Leif Peterson. Is this the same young man who thought that having a woman with his last name sounded archaic and patriarchal, just like marriages were?" said his mother.

Leif laughed. His mother was a sarcastic tease. That was probably why that quality in his Lynne made his heart light up.

"Okay, so I changed my mind, and now giving her my last name is thrilling. You got me. Look at you, you're happy for the wedding too, and you told me that marriages were just a piece of paper, and you only did it to save on taxes. And you've got wedding fever. You send Lynne a million emails and text messages a day about the wedding, and sometimes I can't tell which of you is the most excited one," teased Leif.

"I'm the wedding planner, along with her friend Janelle. So I have to give her updates on what we are doing, or when she asks for an idea. And I happen to love the girl. If you were going to marry someone, and I had a choice in a daughter in law, she's what I'd ask for, she's very sweet, she has a spunky side, she's artistic like we all are, and she loves nature! You should be glad this side of the family is happy for the wedding, with all the shit her family is putting you two through," quipped his mother.

"Oh Mom, I am. You know I'm only teasing. Just help me figure out how to get granny LaReux too and from the LAX airport, get her in the program, and involved in the wedding, and make sure my little fiancé stays in the dark. Oh, and it would be great if, at the reception, she could say a few words about Lynne as a little one. Oh and get Lynney to get you some baby pictures of herself. She has some great ones on her iPhone, and she was such a damn cute little girl, I hope our babies look just like her, maybe with a little me mixed in there someplace. Also we have to find her granny someone to walk with, down the aisle. Maybe one of my uncles or something. Ms. LaReux should march in the aisle just like my granny. And a dress! Will there be enough time to get a dress for Granny LaReux in the same color as my granny will be wearing," said Leif.

"Calm down Leif! Slow down! I can only write but so fast. You are hilarious to me. I thought you didn't care about this wedding, and said for Lynne to do whatever she wanted you were just happy to be her husband and couldn't wait for the honeymoon. And little by little, your involvement in this wedding is continuing to increase, which is fine, but we need to make sure that we keep in communication with Lynne and Janelle so they know what's going on too, except discussing Granny LaReux. Now in terms of a dress to match with your granny, we'll have to see what we can do, because it's getting very close to the wedding, but surely she can march in the wedding, even without a perfectly matching dress. You need to communicate with Granny LaReux and tell her about the color scheme Lynne has chosen. With the baby pictures, Lynne has emailed me a ton of them already, and there is a whole mess of them on her facebook page, that I've gathered. The speech is fine too, but what if Ms. LaReux is shy? Like you are shy about public speaking? Lot's of things to be considered. I know you are excited, and can't wait, but just calm down a little bit Leif. We'll get her here, and Lynne will be so happy, and surprised, and in love with you, and you'll be so happy you were able to make Lynne smile. Remember to breathe. All three of you are getting into that forgetting to breathe phase, you, Lynne, and Janelle. There's all this panic, all this gulping, all of you kids stringing your words together and forgetting to speak in complete sentences. When Lynne gets in from her voice lesson, be sure to tell her that I said hello, and tell her to look at those cute little flower girl dress examples on the bridal party pintrest board, we've got to get those girls their little dresses, and get Lynne fitted when she gets here, and Janelle. I should be the one forgetting to breathe," said his mother.

"Hey mom...thanks. Thanks for everything that you are doing to help us with our wedding, we owe you a lot," said Leif.

"Leif, I would not have it any other way. I love you, and Lynne like she was my own daughter, I'm glad to help. I just wish you all were coming out to California to stay, I miss you two, especially Lynne," teased his mother.

Leif was smiling when he hung up the phone.

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beautifulreaderbeautifulreaderabout 10 years ago
Please finish!

I have been rocking with this story from the beginning and I have loved every second of it. Please continue as you have written a lovely story :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Where you at?

Please don't not finish now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
C'mon ch.42!

Don't leave us hanging, continue! Please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

omfg! fuckin hot! Moar!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I'm the harsh critic from your last post and let me just say that this chapter is the best you've written since the earlier chapters. The stylistic shift in this chapter sooooooooo much more enjoyable! I can't wait to see the next post! Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Keep it goin'

Don' end it yet, more passion, fuck the rest. keep it goin'

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I been looking for this next chapter for days and days I LOVE IT!! I hope you keep going til they have babies, DONT LISTEN TO THE HATERS don't end it so fast just yet. But I wanna see them have babies and lil Leifs and Lynnes running around KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Yay ur back!

Thank u!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

All good things come to an end.


ariesgirlariesgirlabout 10 years ago

I love this story so much better when the focus isn't on their neverending thoughts of sex and their constant acts of sex.

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